THURSDAY. OCTOBER I, I» - 1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News » • < * FARM REMINDERS • • • • • • • • Local • R eporter* • • • • h • • COAST FORK LOCAL • . » * • • • • • • FRO M » T A T « M A R K I T A G K N T • * By C. K. 8penc* * • • • • • • • • O F F IC E R » OF L A N » C O U N T Y • F A R M E R *» U N IO N • • DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 • J. L. Sort hup • • Canary --------- • Mrs Ruth England M t Saturday Three condition* are necessary for •-Central ------- ____ Ray Bower • • Ralph Laird, C r«A v*ll. P r**ld *n t. • Mrs. U J. Oetchell At the regular session of the Coast 1 Clovendale rnr Monmouth to attend not mat sncceasfut wintering of bees in any • Will WhMl*r. Trent. Vl«*-Pr*sl- • Shortwsight Scale*. lo,.a | September 2« the final re-1 school this winter locality says H. A. Svullen of the •« • Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck • * Many interesting uud Ingenious tie • den«. Croswell . ---- Mrs M. A. Horn port of the dairy committee wua read periment station. The first is that Iter Starkey and family. Who have • Batty Kappauf, Cottage Orove. * ! rtcea to cheat the public are brought Dorena ......... Mrs. Ada Jennings and accepted. there be a liberal supply of young been Spending the summer at Med • aec.-Treaa ....... .... Mr*. B. Bak««r Prof. W h ites offer to conduct night to light in the alatc Sealer of W» Igbls Hecvta .—.... workers produced duriug late Aag'ut • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, Door • ford, m ine up Saturday lb look aft« r Mr*. M. Gllk'sple school was accepted and the first and Meaaurea. which department la • Ksspsr H sdl.yvlllel and September; second, that there * their Ihlugs Her They expect tu re- Tuesday night of each night of each no»- «inker State Market Agent Jasper ____ .... .. Mrs. Grace Jone* • H. C. Jackson, Waltervllle. Con- ♦ ¡m m to Medfotd In * few days for ___ Mrs. C. M. Foster month was set as the meeting ti ght Spence. In one case of platform scales during winter months, a n l early j Lorana ___ _ another month or two. Harry C. Jackson i it was found that one of the large • duotor. McKenile . i New President Elected. ■prlng; third, that auipH protection ( F O. L. Clam ant, Chaplain. Mr and Mrs. Perry Vanacholaek . Mrs. V. A. Reynold* we'ght* had been drilled out and Mt. Vernon fcr the colour is given against win­ • The resignation of Hugh Trunnell as flatted Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. Silk Ur« ek ..... ......... Bulah Smith • Coast Fork president was read and lead filled In. to make the weight ter cold and moisture. ______ E. B. Tinker ) register leas. It look the third In tiveat, Insuranoa and elevator chars A lan d here Trent e aceeptled. Illness In his family was The house and contents cf Mr and V 'd a ______ ......... Mrs. W. E. Post . _ u . m . i - „ , . i spectlon to dleeovcr the trick, as on e* were a little |«*s than half a cent, the reason gleeti Burt McDole w as, . .. . The sooner owners of apple and former Inspections the ow m r slipped and the total curt was allghtly uv ” Mrs Bill Krnshsw e-wre complrtely • « • ___ i ----- 1----- Î----- Î----* chosen to finish the term pear trees damaged by cankers ap- •__ out the false« weight and substitute! one cent p< i‘ bur hel. TlUa Is the lestn yed by fire Saturday and Mrs. The r, , tgnaLlon ,,f r r Powell. ply a spray of bonleaux the better, i SSI This machine »III treat Î0 to SO ErnshaW and baby were severely a correct one. kind of iiianagenient that makes c the Oregon experiment station finds, bushels an hour satisfactorily. I vice-president, was reconsidered and In eastern Oregon the deputies operative organlaatlons aucevssful burned Thiy were taken Io the hos T h a is the best method known of' —......... — — — accepted. E W. Powell ww* elected found a washer o f'h a lf Inch thick Too tuwuy are managid by Inexpert pits! at Eugene preventing Infection, of apple tree h|u M)-Ct,n< neIt yMll.-a pots- to fill the unexptred term. The meni Mi anti Mrs Emit Kirk attended ness applied to a g a so ln e pump at ! enceil uicn at the head Then’ musl anthracnose, and European ean canker on look her, local are sorry to- loose which Rhor(wl. <1 be capable, experienced men; there lb.’ dance s' fottage Grove Friday apple d » . and „ a « pear . « trees . . . . . . . . . . • — - X 1 T r V r uitlst be Inynl hacking anil there must and Saturday night of last week. The Farmers' school has been or­ 1 bn a larger per cenlage of the arr<- hare found August to be the bent time recommended by the experiment sta-j Tk„ new|y elected officers w ere' *n<>tht.r lna| gM g «calea used ganized In this local beginning the for this application, but It Is not too tlon for improvement In the Oregon d||ly ,nataMe(| entered upon their "receiving end were correct a g e under contract. Without the», as foundations co-operal ve undertak first Tuesday in October. Bverbody late yet for results. potato crop. The lea v e, should be nor llutte, ,mmed |at»ly. «rofchln« out had com*. Ings will fail. , -------- ; mal for the variety with no unusual Ask to Meet m Cottage Srove. p,.,.n drilled o u t Very often weights Mr ai.,4 Mr*. Ralph Hand nf Cot­ 8t*t* Loan* Will be Paid. Plenty of time still remains for wr nkltng c i mottling—indications of A special meeting was call'd on dr|lle«| out at the factory to hal Practically all of the loans made Io tage Grove visited Mr* Hand'* par- potato growers to go into the fields mosaisc. Mosaic leaves have small September 27 by President McDole ancr the scales, and only the deputy eastern Oregon farmers by the state eqls. Mr and Mr*. 4. II Mosby, here and select the best sections and best areas less green and more yellow for the purpose of discussing the ad strictly onto hts bualness would dl*. with which Io purchase seed In r Sunday ev>nlng plants in these sections from which than the healthy leaf. Sometime« vlsab'llty of changing the meeting g4)Ver such a trick. Many reports are seed the frosen out acreage, will be ’ The rain Tuesday put the grad« to get seed for the general crop next these leave, appear to have thin spots * , h(. ed on the sack Any person selling t'enaus Indicate that the total farm same time the average mortgage debt • Thursdays. Hadleyville School. • „ 7 per the succes that It Is. ' potatoes without these requirements mnrtagage encumbrance In the Unit. ( • Heceta— F irs t Sunday of each In lot* of UMire'than 60 pounds. I* cd States Increased from »3.320.470. the value of all plow land* In Ihi* Par-sonata. • month. H eceta School House. .. . . . u Mr. and Mrs. W J Thorne have re-1 "«»»le to arrest and prosecution, and 000 In l»10 to »7.R67.7OO.OOO In l»2f> United States . Is estimated Io h ay. • nJï8|P v s~ w ' o ' W 1 HaP Jasper ’• turnPfl from Pendleton and the round ’ th* ,BÄt legislature provides] severe There la reason to believe, says the . . __. . . . . . dropped nhout 30 per cent Farm land nesdays. W. O. W. Hall. Jasper , -------- j __ ----- -- ¡ for ■ department, that the total has In values rose only In two states from • Lorane—Second and Fourth 'up and are moving ' 1 reaseil since 1920. although then* Is D ally M arket R epo rta which was a recent from l!'2o to 1923 In all other states they • Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. Halt. Potato growers and dealers may 1 no ezact 'measure of the Increase. dropped from 3 to 47 per rent Thus Joe Abeene. • McKenzie local, second and A party of young people consisting have the federal dally market reports , While some of the Increase repre­ there was sn absolute as well as a • fourth Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. of I>ela Kelly. Ada Ollham. Kathleen Without charge by requesting same sents merely * refunding nf short- proportionate decline In the value of • F. hall. Waltervllle. Kappauf. Claude and Dwight Huff of thn State Market Agent. 714 Court term debt, a part Is attributed to tin the farmers' equity In their land. • Mt. Vernon—First and Third tendency to expand fanit operations. motored up the McKenzie river Sun- House. Portland. • Wednesday. Brasfleld 8 tore. Transfers of lands by purchase or In- Team W o rk Results. Silk Creek Meets First and Third • ’’»? an'1 b rk n y ttt the hom,‘ of NKWSPAUEIt BARGAIN KATE The Manitoba. Cana'ia. co-operative I herltance have also no doubt been W. E Post. Thursday at Cedar School House • ! responsible for some of the Increase The Eugene Guard every -week day wheat pool handled eight and one Anna Jepson and Mrs. Francis Spencer Creek—Third Friday. Rising land value* were a primary ' one year by mall, »2 98, cash In ad- half bushels of wheat last year at Smith spent Sunday at the George Pine Grove School House. an administrative cost of slightly over cause of the growth In mortgage debt vnnee Bend check or money order, Kebelbeck home • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- Mrs. George Knrnstif nttended a three-fifths nf a rent per bushel In- prior Io 1920, but since that year Costs less than one cent a day. Offer • nesdays. Pleasant Hill High mortgage debt hus continued to In closes Hutunlay, October It» -Atlv. committee* meet'ng Tuesday night at 1 • School Bldg. th° home of E. B Tinker at Pleusant • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- Stephen M. Crother ol Philadel­ Hill. • days at Minnsy Hall. RECORDS EDR ALL phia, shooting 200 rounds a nay, Mr. and Mrs J J Kebelbeck spent • Secretaries will please send In broke 400 pigeons without a miss, PHONOGRAPHS Sunday with the L O. Markhams. establishing a world record anil • time and place of m eeting and winning the national championship • changes of date as they may oc- At at Vandalia, Pa. The former • cur. . record was 256 without a miss. Mor>- cheap forage Is one of the t big problems confronting the Atnerl- p ictures won't let you forget thone vucntlon memories— ean fnrmer Including many In Oregon. Ivet your kodak save them for the years to come— 1 spOclallsts of the federal depar*Tent ._ j ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS J of agriculture report to the expert- EDISON / «. • m in t station. As pasture this forage COLUMBIA j gives good yields and costs little after I the pasture has been established-. 7 Let “Kodak” sT.;h" Marshall’s S i Ä . Phonographs aker-Button Kodak Shop QUALITY FOOD AT LOWEST PRICES IS THE BASIS WE DO BUSINESS ON IN OUR STORE. SERVICE ALSO. Our Quality and our Prices mean Economy with Satis­ faction. FULLY AS OVER THE COUNTER. r Have you tried our Baby Beef? For this week-end we have— PEARS, for canning, a bushel ................... $1.50 WATERMELONS, best jiome grown, per lb.......................1c DRY ONIONS, fine stock, per pound ............................ PHONE Q uality and Cleanliness PHONE 9 • WHITE FRONT GROCERY • 9 « A • W anted e Eggs and Poultry » f. »7 a t the 25c TRY A POUND OF OUR BULK COFFEE AT 40c A complete line of fresh fruits and vegetable« on hand a t all time. IMces right, too. r--. « WE GIVE PROMPT KILL PHONE ORDERS AS CHEER 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line INDEPENDENT MEAT CO:’ Cor 4th and Main '* ’' Springfield Phone .63 Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon