The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 01, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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By • Flo
• •
Lear Ml«« Kin:—I am » woman p«x
thirty For thn l««i »lavnu» I
httv» !»»■«• n giving nil of my tlww to
u man whom I expected to marry
Now ha tall* ma that b« d»«-»t»’’ w ’ah
to be tied up In marriage-— that a
man ta a (not to burden himself with
a wife
I’laas» ti II mr. how I can regain
hl» Inv». I know that ha cart'd for
inc at one time If I «•> out «Th any
on» else be 1» terribly Jeal-nt». For
that reason, | think ba must »till
care for me a lit*)» Do you think I
can w t> bltn back? Jane.
I think. Jane, that y >u are very
ft »lit b to want to regain Itl« low«.
I don’t think It would be wiifth haw­
Above, three stunning American designed model«, two of felt
ing. The man to whom v ru have giv­
ami the third of velvet amt ribbon. Below, the. Pari* designed
en the beat part of y o j- yM th. and |
chapeaux, showing the utlempt to bring hack the picturesque multi.
ull of your love, la »cry anlflah In
deed He doean't want ' ou badly
enough h fm a e lf to make the aat r lfl- „ n o (h „ r w ho „ ,a j,
more worthy
tee marriage demand», and h. doe.n t
avary w>y Lov„
want anybody elae to have you If.
Anda you a congenial ro.npgt.nn tma, Nol n,any n,en ar#
whom ht* doesn’t have to •♦xsrt him deliberately win a girl's lore and
s ilf to rnterta'n. who will pel around then throw It away, finding Joy In
with him as a wife wv>u!d *
the fact that they are capable of
It Is the tragedy of women that not
breaking a woman's heart There are
even neglect. Inaalt, faithlessness <>» not many husbands who would not
brutality can kill their affection for rvgnaln their wlve'a wternal lovers
the man they love Thev Invisi «noti
If they could.
going on. clinging with desperate
Look at the matter squarely and
hands to the msn who may be trying
see what an unfair deal this man Is
to break away They go cn and on.
i giving you. Qo you think he la worth
honing .««Inst hop. that something
’ may
b, love“»
will h.ppen that will give them hack
>w b<i |g
<>f oar
But th e ir p r s v e r . a re
Wood Preserving Plant
Fast Growing ¡industry
Your Fall Hat-W hich. W ill You Have!
Eleven Years and
He Wont Marry
th e ir lo s j love
P age T h r «
1#< fn(. an y <wa_ b u , (h ,.r „
Fined for Cutting Corner»—I Bod-
A fs t growing Industry of Spring- prescut plant. Cne of them la 2x22
«li-l l 1» the catboUaa urn Wood pie feel and 12 f fct deep. The other, way was fined 12 by Justice R. W.
serving company, wh eh will erect, slightly «Ballar, 1» «xl# ami 11 feet Smith Monday on a chrg« of cutting
w thin the nt xj f.w x o n h-. a new (J**«tp.
plant on th- railroad truck north c
toan From ten to twelve ur-a will
be t-Tployed at th« now plant.
Cnu b u r'ted poles can he treated
n an average day’s work at the pre
«•nt plant, Hunches varying In num
Sept. 27th—Oct. 3rd
J her according to the slss of the poles
If your birthday la this week, you are fascinating in personality,
tiro placed with one end in a big vat.
enthusiastic, impulsive and utterly unselfish, always showing the great­
I Into this vat them Is then pumped
est kindnees and oonsidaration In both manner and speech. Your happy,
j --noush er<-o«ote to treat the poles
amiable dlssooMon wins for you many warm friends, and your suc­
cess and advancement in life Is likely to be all that could be desired.
I tty the desired height. Steam lines
Your Intellectual and spiritual qualities are highly developed,
I • -iti-d about the aides of the vat
and you are broadminded and liberal In your views. You love order
I bent the crio ote to the boiling point,
and harmony above all things, and if your surroundings are inhar­
and the poles ace boiled there from
monious you suffer most acutely. Love of the beautiful In all things
six to forty two hours, according to
Is very highly developed in your nature.
When you have faults they are pronounced. You are impatient,
th« condition of the p<de and the spe­
impulsive, and, apt to form your opinions too quickly. You are ego­
cifications of the purchaser.
tistical. vain, proud, and place undue value upon the applause and ap­
When th- poles are, prepared, th-
probation o f the multitude. You cannot stand personal criticism, even
! creosote Is lum ped back tnto r<
when you know it is Just.
• Men born during these dates make excellent mathematicians, sales-
' serve tanks until the next batch Is
b u vers. and orator«, and can e— ''
• - -thor-
j read y.
Th««re are two of these vats at the
never an tw n -*1 The miracle never
hope of happiness In such a one-sid­
happen. For of all dead thing«, noth­ ed love affair, and the sooner you
ing can he so dead as dead l o v e - break It off—shut your door In hla
nothing iiu i he ao Incap­ face and forget him —the butter It
able of becoming once more the vital
will be for you.
thing It was
That will save your self respect, and
We do not know why we love We It will leave you young enough to
do not know why this person has
make other ties.
some particular appeal for ue—why i If anything In the world will bring
we have a »en«e of comradeship with
! him Io the point of proposing mar
certain Indlvldusla— whv some per-
rlagn that will If he can no longer
son fascin ate, us or why we desire
w „ hout m » r r la < e ,
one msn or one woman more lban^ bj> n, ay marry you to get It.
Now Playing
Springfield Lumber Company
Is Hustling Local Industry
A milling In transit plant, which
planes and kiln dry. lumber, la the
Bprlngfl-Id Lumber company. Two
shifts of ten men each are now em ­
ployed at the plant.
The average work of the kiln Is
about eight carloads of lumber a
month, altough the capacity Is 250.
000 feet per month. The planer av­
erages fifty cars of lumber a mesth.
The acid that gives tom atoes their
appelltlng flavor also makes them
the eas'eat of all vegetables lo can
at home. Like fruits, they can be pro­
cessed at the temperature of boiling
water, whereas corn, beans, and the
other nonadd vegetables must be
proceasell under pressure at temper­
atures higher lhan 212 degrees F.
Even tomatoes, however, can not be
put up ’’any old way." The Vnlted
States Department of Agriculture
gives the following directions for
home canning tomatoes, and cautions
the housewife to watch every step
an that the product will be fine-flav­
ored and w holesom e:
Select firm, ripe tomatoes of me­
dium slse and unlfn.m nhape Do nol
use tomatoes which are overripe or
parts of which are »poled or decayid
Tut Into trays or shallow Inyers In
wire baskets and dip In boiling water
for about a minute, according lo ripe-
ni-ss. Remove and plunge quleklv Into
cold water for aa Instant. Drain at
once and core and peel promptly.
Pack Into Jara or cans ns closely as
possible. For home use fill with n
thick tomato sauce or with the Juice
of other tom atoes; but If the toma­
toes are to be sold under federnl reg­
ulations add only the Juice which
drains from them during peeling nnd
trimming. Season with 1 teaspoon of
salt per quart. Process quart and pint
glnss Jars for <5 minutes In boiling
water nnd No. 2 nnd No. 3 tin cans
for 35 minutes.
Brief dlrectlon'g and tlme-tnbles for
the home canning of nil fruits nnd
vegetable« are given In miscellaneous
Circular 24. wh'eh can bp obtained
free from the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture. W ashington, D.
n short business trip to Salem Tues­
Hundreds of Mammoth Dinosaurs!
Flying Monsters the size of aeroplanes!
Machinery at the plant Is run by
■leclrlclty. The large, high speed
-laner Is cspabls of handling 50.000!
feet In eight hours. A small ’sticker'
machine finishes moldings A rip "awl
trip saws and resaw make up the
other equipment..
This plant has been established
here for many years, but was pur j
chased January 1 from the Ixiud
M a n u fa c tu rin g com pany.
Marriage Licenses Granted.
During the past week marriage li­
censes have been grunted to the fol­
lowing by the county clerk: Herbert
Karl Stcmler. Portland, and Bertha
Larson, Marshfield; W. A. Hender­
son and Orace Oldham, both of Eu
gene; Dean F. W oolsey and Phyllis
Kester, both of Springfield; Virgil
Lee Rlchsrdwon and Rose WUIIs, both
of Cotage drove; Albert James Mark­
ey. Marcola. and Cora Hlleman. Mab­
el;- Paul Newton Montgomery. Glens
FVrry. and Dorothy Dodds. B> nd; Ar­
thur H. Clough. Eugene, and Veda
F. Drury. L ow ell; Earl Hutchenson
and Bernlece Ix»ward. both of Eu­
gene; Charles W. Bennett, Noll, «nd
Dorothy Simpson. Elmira.
The Missing Link— half man, half ape!
In a Prehistoris Forest at
the Base of the Amazon
s p e c ia l M c D o n a l d
The strangest story of romance and adventure since
the world began!
and Evenings
For this great
Imagine a group of explorers discovering a spot
where the foot of man never before had trod!
Where ape-men roam— where animals the size of
15 elephants, and flying reptiles the size of an
aeroplane; monsters of 10,000.000 years ago still
live, battling each other and thia group of ex­
—It’s Amazing!
The first of the big
specials all coming to
’•Keep your feet dry" says every
doctor In laying down health rules.
This Is hte season o', the year when
sudden changes In the weather suh
JoctB one to unusual exposures. At
tentlon to yopr shoes now Is a pre­
caution for health's sake.
Let me put on half solee and rub­
ber heels. I can make your old shoei
H om s for Week-end—Miss Isolene
look and wear like new. I guarantee
Koster spent the week-end at hrr
my work and my prices are low.
home in Albany.
Goea to Salem— W. F. W alker made
Main St. Betw een 3rd & 4th
Portland — Cecil
Schaefer of Portland arrived hero
Tuesday for a short visit with M.-l-
ford A9en.