THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1 t»2R BSSl THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Tbs Man*« Right. Shti-Utnla were 1 I per cent, and order» received 10 per Krlend:—"Why don't your huaband cent smaller during August than during July. 1935. Ac­ tivity In the Industry continued at higher levels than a consult a a pedal I at, |b>«|fueaa can Published Every Thursday at year ago Reported dally average production of petroleum •otuellniea be cured, you know." Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by W ife:—"That a what I've told hltn In Callfronla during August was 2 9 per cent gr ateP than THE WILLAMETTE PRESS during July. 1925, and 9 9 per cent greater than during —but he aays not now- not In thia H. E M A X E Y , Editor. Indicated consumption of petroleum In day of a radio set In every.home. August, 193« red a . second Casa matter February 3«. 1903 at the > reused Id 1« r vent dur ng Augnai. 1925. but »a» ,et - — -• ~ ■ M t o i n e a Orrin. flHid D i m m i 'ih a n production, and stored In cesse. »arriso u i» . . than aton'd «lock» »locks continued to Inert a a e ., gostom ee, springrieM. l regi n . ... . ___ ... W ife:—(wearily, putting a plate of reaching a new high point of 117.670.336 barrii» al the biscuits on the table) "A womau'a M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E end of the month, a figure SO per ceni greater tian that One Year In Advance....... 11.75 Three Months ^ ' f o r July SI. 1925. and 35 3 per cent greater than that for work la never done.'' Hubby:— (pushing plate of biscuits 5c I August 31. 192«. Flour production In the district Increased Six M o n th s »1.00 Single Copy . by more than the usual seasonal amount during Angus* ¡ a * * yl "Right you are." THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1925. bust was sltll approximately SO per cent below both t Hla Last Call. VOTE FOR THE SPRINGFIELD BRIDGE NEXT, year ago and the ftvb average of production for Au It will take an election to vote the money su f-1 gust.. Reporting mills in this district prwluctrit 34.» per Dramat'c Uaroael:—“He plays the fleient to build a new bridge over the Willamette cent more flour during August. 1935. than during July river on the old street car piers. Agreement can 1925. which compares with a five-year average ‘ncreasa of likely be made with the state highway comini i- 25.« per cent between these two months. Millers* stock» aion whereby the state will stand half the cost. of flour Increased 4 0 per cent during August, but si 33«.- Money is not available from any other sources 213 barrels on September 1st were 20 5 per cent less than than from the county at large to meet the other one year ago and. with the exception of July. 1925. leas than in any month since Augu»t. 1921 At 1.441,377 bu’ hels half of the expense of building the bridge. A new bridge is a necessity at this ¿point as on September 1st. stocks of wheat were 14.1 per cent be well as a relief to the present hazardous condi­ !ow the five-year average for that date, but 90.6 per cent tion. The old bridge is too lkrht for heavy motor greater than one month ato. traffic and is likely to collapse any day. The new The peak of the fruit canning season has passed Com route will take traffic away from a dangerous mero'al factors estim ate that the 1925 canned fruit pack railroad crossing and affords a more feasible en­ In Callfronla will he a» large as. or sl'ghtly larger than the 192« pack In that state (10.36299S cases!. In the Pa­ trance to the city. With the completion of the McKenzie highway cific northwest It Is estimated that a comparatively heavy there is greatly Increased traffic over the Sprine- late season pack of pears, apples, and prunes will offset field bridge. The new Structure is a county and a short early season pack of brrT'aa and cherries, the total State problem as well as one for this city to get 1925 pack being approximately as large as that of 1924 busy on. At the next county election this propo­ (4,248.9«1 cases). Both domestic and foreign markets for canned fruit have continue! active, and packers' stocks sition should be on the ballot. Eugene business men have promised to sup­ are reported to be small er In volume than one year ago port the building of a bridge here Northern Lane Drying of fruit Is nearing completion 'n Calt-ronta end , county received all the support they asked for Oregon The dried fruit tn'ustrv Is entering the new from this section in voting for the Harrisburg marketing season with relatively smaller carryover than bridge. It is now up to them to help us get a need- have been held dnr'rg recent years, and demand 1» re- 1 PHONE 355 J ported to h« seasonally acllve. ed bridge. (OVER PENNEY STORE) s e e T ra d e at retail. aceord«tig to ’h ’a hank's Indexes of sale» | THE LUMBERMEN'S CREED. of 33 department store.-wln «even principal c’t’es. was 14.4 j The lumbermen—or rather fourteeh lumber- per cent larger in value during «u»u«t. than durirg men—of the Klamath district have issued an “I July, 1935. The nnr,r » | «ea.onsi 'eerensn from July to believe” statement, carrying the earmarks of August H estlmsJed »o be about 14 par cent, however “sign here” that characterized the initital pro­ and an Index, sdlustsd f~r s-asoual variations, stood at 1 «S nouncement, when they surprised the people Of I (1919 monthly average—1M1 In August. 1925. compared the county in coming out in favor of the exclu-, with iso in July. 1925. and i«2 in August. 192« Value of sion of the Northern lines. The most surprising .ate. of 192 wholesale firms in eleven lines of business thing about this latest effusion is that any man g» pPr cent larger *n August. 192R. than in August, of ordinary intelligence would sign it. or permit j > j 4 i n j« iy 1935. sales were 159 per cent larger In his name to be appended to it. It purport» to give value than In July. 1934. and In each month of 1925 «Ince /acts and figures to prove that it is better for yphruary »imilar. though smaller, increases as r o c p a r c l i^ Klamath county to have only one railroad than with » year Ago k»’ e h*en noted. During August. 1925. I It is to have two. seven of eleven reporting llnese showed Increases, a n d ,® If Jhe lumbermen were frank enough to come tour showed alight dcreases. at compared with August, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS part of a dumb bell pgrtectly " ' « "M ” " prlntad Urnen rresh l.: "I musi get one Io regulation» wtth uatua. «raggili too- I haven't anything hut a ukule-¡amt addre... »136 a bundigd at III. le." NEWSPAPER BARGAIN RATE The Eugene Guard every week day Soma fallerà believe everylhlnB one year by mall. »2 9M. caah In ad read. » T ira ta n e. Ed Bi««er. »«nee Bend eheck or money order they drank a b o to . 0» Shellac. Me gel a C osi. les« Ihan one ceni a day otter smooth finish.** I closes HahinlaV. October Hl—Ade Ed Purdy'» Philo». nice »lieh Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College Chiropratic It's A Good School A. K. Robert». President Eugene. Oregon 992 Willamette 8t. Phone «»«'»« Enroll Tuduy Is the Science of Restoring Health through the nerves. If you feel all down and out, can’t eat, sleep or do your work, take Chiro­ practic Treatments. They are safe, sane and sure. D r. Geo. A . Simon ¡ to the people of Klamath county and tell them 192«. . • • that if the Oregon Trunk is extended into Kla- ( t h . moderate advance in the general price Wv«l. which math Falls, it will mean the entrance of the Wev- had pr(Mn.M!, »ince May. was checked, at lea st, '«rhaeuser Timber company, Shevlin-Hixon com-1 temporarily, during August The nrlee Index of h- Unit * nany and other large operator*, that their com-i»,. n„-P»u of Labor statistic«, based on pr'ces ot ing will so increase the production of Klamath 404 commodities at wholesale, was unchanged during the pine that it will bring about a lowering of prices month, standing at iso (1913—100). the same figure as and either force them to adopt modern methods of reported for July. In August. 1924. the index figure manntact”re or eo out of the lumbering busine«" waa 1M a nd In May. 1925. the low point of the present and for that reason, together with the fact that year> it stood at 155. The ratio of the farm index of so they are afraid to antagonize the Southern Pa- farm product» compiled by the United state« Department dfic at this time, they have Issued the two state- of Agriculture 1190» i9is—iooi to the wholesale price mens that have been published, it woul at least mdex of non agricultural commodities, an Indication of the have the virtue Of honesty on its face. 1 puri'has'ng power of farm products, advanced from 91 Ire Instead they have signed a statement that has vised figure) in July to 93 In August. The latter figure been prepared b y the Southern Pacific, in which was 6 9 per cent above the August. 192«. level and the It is sought to convince the people Of the nounty highest reached by the ratio since June. 1920. that it will be of greater advantage to this dis- Total loans of 67 reporting member banks lo 9 principal trict to have the Southern Pacific exclusively. J cit es of the d!-tr*.ct increasct 2.2 per cent or 125,000,000 Such a sa*ement is an insult to the intelligence during the five weeks ending September 9. 1925. »nd. at 1 of the citizenry of Klamath county and it ill be- ti.i30.000.000 on the latter date, were at the highest point comes the local lumbermen to presume upon the 1 tvar recorded, investm ent holdings of these banks also confidence and friendship of the communltv to increased during »hi» period and on September 2nd total be a nartv to such deception.—Klamath Falls ioans and lnw stm »ots reached reeo’ 1 levels ( Herald. fOO). • • • BUSINESS CONDITIONS OF PACIFIC COAST. By John Perrin. Federal Reserve Bank Agent. Lum trr production of approximately 175 m'lls In four associations In this district exceeded shipment» and new orders received by 5. 8 per cent and « 2 per cent, res- pectfully, during August, and was 5.3 per cent larger than during July. The volume of n»w orders received dur ng August exceeded shipments, and unfilled orders at tfca close o- the month were largers than at Its beginning. The Language During the f’ve werks ending Septeoiher 14. 1925. In- crcaSe . at the Federal Reserve bank of San Francisco of , R2 cent (to.000,000) In discounts. 9.7 per cent (82.- p0O) in holdings of acceptanc e purchased in the open r. 3rkPt an^ 4.7 per cent (810.000 000) In the volume of fp,.oral r(.s,.rve note circulation reflected seasonal Increas- pj( )n ¿ praan(j for rp ,prve bank accommodation. Total as Rplg of thf. rMPrve bank, at »113.000.000 on September 16th WPr(, J8,000,000 or 7.1 per cent larger than on August 12, 7925. I - n A P R GAJCk I of ju b o e Ì M G/’T&ALL. Grandfather’s Uncle Ben In 1812 Grandfather's Uncle Ben made a will, lo the best of hl» Judgement be divided hU fortune amongst the family In 10 year» after hl» death hl» widow was penni­ less living on the charity of her relative». ITeyed u|»,n by unscrupulous promoter», her Investments were of no cash value. ’ . , , -i» ., jem » • How different today—with truHt fund service available In the modern and up-to-date bank. No matter how often the directorship of a bank may change, your trust fund bundling 1» Insured and guaranteed Indefinitely. If you have worked hard and long for the future protection of those you love, then attend to your will at once—naming this bank the guardian of your trust fund. Let us explain in detail how we can serve you. Official Goodyear Tire Repair Service Station, Expert Balloon Tire Repairing Eugene Vulcanizing Works 957 Oak St. Commercial State Bank 1020 $g 0 0 FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS • Wetherbee-Power»’ big mattress sale continues all this week. Select any mattress priced at over $20.00 and you will be allowed $5.00 for your old mattress regardless of its condition. That Motorcycle 3upr Understand MANY GOOD MATTRESSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE, FROM $10.75 TO $55.00 5v “Rub-." Goldberg THIS MAW IS CAUGHT Gc-IMG SO M ILES AAJ H o u r , a m o » g e t 3 OFF - -THIS f llR L X U O C K 5 bOuJAU FOUR. peOPLQ AMC> A LO O AbJt* GETS O FF - Yov Owe Yourself and Family a Good Bed to Sleep On ATTEND THE WINDOW OPENING BE SURE TO ATTEND THE FALL WINDOW OPENING ON FRIDAY EVENING. ^/ETH ER B EE -T H IS M A a U i s c a u g h t C.RIUIMG w it h o u t a L ta e /U œ A fO C a o e v j o r F - T H IS MAM IGWORÇ3 ALL TRAFFIC SlGW ALi AMU O6TJS OFT-- e ir r T H IS Pool®. BOOB CAM'T "THlAlK OP A AJT- THIA1O T O SAX' 3 0 H e 1 G E T S IO L A V S B l:X A U ^6 Ht-S t3EAR LKBMT I « OUT . 'rbu w etse. « A K lb lG ■SIXTY r o t e s A m H o u r THAT'S „ À lo tta t DOLObieY ! -THIS CAFA USE YOUR CREDIT WE CHARGE NO INTEREST