A New Bridge Over The Willamette River at Springfield is Next Step in Highway Improvement Needed in Lane C ounty HE SPRINGFIELD "The People's Paper» BPHINOFIBLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURBDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1925 T W K N T Y -B K C O N U Y E A R The O rder W h ich Started Great Coal Strike N U M B E R 37 ¡165 ARE E N R O L L E D A T O P E N IN G C O BURG SCHOOL Miss America fo r 1 9 2 9 P rises BE BUILT IT ONCE j LE G IO N W IL L O B S E R V E RED LETŒ R DAYS D ele g ate. Night School to Open. October ,1 has been aet aa the open­ ing night of the night achool ‘to h,J conducted by I). W. McKinnon at the city library. Courses In penmanship and bookkeeping will be taught, and other*aubjerts may be added if there Is sufficient call for them. W ill C on du ct Art Classes. W. A. Elkins of the Elkins GIB shop in Eugene will qtart Ills art classes In Kprtngfield In the near fu­ ture, nnd conduct them as he did last year. It la hoped that the town people will show an interest thia year and make up a class ot their own. Visits at Emery H o m e-W . E Klos- ter ot Portland la visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Emery during the Methodist conference being held In Eugene this week. at C ou nty T hs P A Y YO UR IMA& V4OAI T H f *F R C E -F O » -A L L "4 t THE CbV*JTV FAiO. NEW G lfflfit WILL RISE AT 5TH AND A Perkins and Laxton Will Build Large Fireproof Structure. 60x120 Feet, on Lot Owned by Them. A large fireproof garage, <50x120 feet square, will be built at the cor­ ner of Fifth and A streets by George Perkins and James Laxton, owners of the propet ty, Mr. Perkins announ- «cd today. They purchased the lot i several montna ago and now are mak- i lr,g plans for the building which will be concrete and one story. Hprfngfitld needs a large fireproof 1,-1 age and we consider this the tdeal ; cation for it,” said Mr. Perkins. We ai.eady have garage men who are willing to sign a tease before the »'tuctnre Is erected.” Mr. Perkin.*:. • ho has Just completed the new Brat lain school and the A i Perkins a t J ' Welby Stevens build lng_at the corntr of Fourth and Main, will superintend the erection of tbe building him self. He plans a handsome and subs.-n- tlal structute. * oases for Sale. j There ate three residences on tb« | {¡r, petty now, one a double hou’s. These are for sale and the build; n will prob-bly be started as soon ge they are moved off. The following prizes were awarded to the children of the Coburg school at the Lane county fair In county club work F. J Planer?, II ik. ” u i / s | DEA N W O O LSE Y AND C a rlto n School The C oburg schools opened on Monday, 8< pn-mbor 21, with an en- roll meat of forty-five In the high school and one hundred and twenty i In the grades. Plans are being or­ ganised tor all forma of athletics and a splendid year Is being looked for- i ward to. the Coin.nerclal Hints ba Cash «tore, tbs First National bank,, M IS S K E S TE R M A R R IE D A R M IS T IC E DAY E V E N T Jollf’e audScnlrfe, the Farmers* Un­ -• ion store, Newland ami company, W, Com'ng na a surprise to tbolr' Further plans for 4- Arm'*-tlce Lay cb- IL Adrian, the Springfield creamery, fritade Is th< announcement of ih -¡serration w< re dtacuased at ihe'*m er- I»r W »1 Pollard and (fray's Cash marriage of Dean W ooliey ¿in I Mlaa' can Legion meeting ls.it Thursday and Carry store. Phyllis Kester, which took pluce'Sat- evening The legion decided to a' tirday evening at ten o'clock at the tend the Oakland Springfield - high home of Mr and Mrs. E F Kester at »< bool football game, which will be BAD P IE C E OF ROAD IS 719 G street. I flayed on the local gridiron Novem W O RSE T H A N E V E R NOW . j Only lutnadtatf members of the 1 ber 11. In a body. The county road official« have foA *wo fnkt,n.'e., Wirt- prevent at the car- • A party of some klrd Is being plan gotten the short stretch of road be- «®ony. which was performed by Itev. ned for the even irli, but defin ite ar- tween the Pacific highway and th e , F. L. Moore. The young coupe left rang,—rent» have not yet been an. river bridge for the lust several Immediately f o r a short trip to Char-! 0<>unc*1* w e e k s an d the result Is that It Is lestnh. W ash R ig to n . T h e y are ex ---------------------- — — w o rse than ever. Many people a re peeled hack to m o rro w A U X IL L IA R Y PLA N S P A R T Y . , u|,l,lining of It and the editor was Mr„ Wno, „ T „ the , h„ daughlre d, ugh|r; of Mr ON H O L L O W E 'E N E V E N IN G Mr W ...Lev ’EN g iv e , a fre e ride this morning when >|ld tiF nf ,_ , city, i --------- and Mrs R K R E Ki Kester of lh th'e --------- ’ h was really too busy to take It '»y , g y ,-a lien del high school here and lat A Hall‘”»' "t* Par‘y to r the towns- en.- angry motorist who desired to , hr untveralty of Oregon T1*0’'1*- P W « ! " from which w'tt prove llUs was the worst piece of road Mr w|)(lr w!u Bnno,Inee road is like an old pair of shoes with Friday evening, were appointed at an ,Btpr whe„ Rnd wb, rp (,,«?rartv will ti now suit nov s s -im ih ly Monday. T heltnaf Iatyson b„ boM Oth„r n.,.mhpr, th„ Pnm. I was made chairman of the en'ertaln mitlee are ,Mrs M L. Roewev, Mrs. Juniors S elect P in s . ¡meut committee, and George M oon, W alter O u ster, Mrs. Jack Larson Varying slightly from the usual Shirley Mason are other mem- y j, Huntly and Miss Pearl form, tbe Junior* class pine at the hers of the committee. Snook. Sprlngfluid high school will be a map- Myrtle Harvey Is chairman of th ej ----- - ■■ ■ - lu leaf set In onyx. The name de- ,-otntndttee In charge of refreshments, W o r k in g on 3rd S tre e t. s'gn will be used for tbe rings. The Other students who will work with -------- m ai le l»>af Is always used for ths her nre laine Morse, Grace Morse, . . . ,, . . .. . . ... South 3rd street between D and E ! * , Vil.""" " 'K ' ' ,ir ' * ' <>r.? arg*r* t Halsey (s opened this week, and city rlathms to the design nn,I Gladys ( olllns. — „ ' ------— workers — are ----- aow ,-------- busy grading IL A plain maple leaf with the letters I It |s at this party that each sucres- This work is being rushed In order 8 If 8. wil be used by the seniors slve freshman ?lasa Is Initiated Into that the Btreet may be graveled and for their pins. Small guard pins, fas­ tha school. surfaced before tbe winter rains. tened to the class pin by a small chain, will he the numerals ’2«. On the rings, the numerals 192,5 will he set on each side of the leaf. 11. I,. Charlton wus elected a dele­ gate to represent the local 41.’s at the convention at Wealport October 28. at a meeting of the organization Monday evening at the Woodman hall. Ilefreshtmenta of Ice cream and cookies were served after the meet- Ing. , by H ave A th s ltlc e . Work on the new nubile mark"! I will start next week, John Keteia, a in * i n b e r i t the luurkei roun: Iter, bus I ennounred. It will to»- located on «It- I atn-et. Jual sou h of Mali* and will be built directly In the street. Abou ten uiy booth» »ill )>» built, ami there will piobably he two market days a week, Mr Keteia says. No i.iark t n asiet has yet been chosen. Htmlnesa men of the rtty ar* b"lnx ! solicited, ami many of them have do j tiatml money for the market. Those j who base already plot'.«" money to- I want lb« eonstrtiillon of the booths ere: Julius Fulop, J F. Kei ls, the* Hprlngt i'UI Mill amt Grain company tJiuis ,-lub. J C. McMurray, Wright I Sister Dies. Mr. nnd Mrs H. A. Washhurnc and Mrs Nat lltircb left here Saturday for Indep, ndrnce to attend the funen al of Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkland, who died there Friday Mrs. Kirkland wa a s'ster of Mrs. Washhurne ami Mrs. Burch. Taken P a ir L is te d ; W ill Money Subscribed Among Mer­ chant* for Undertaking; Pro­ pose to C, set Gtnioture on End of Sixth Street Near Mt. States Office. am i Hona. ' 'V t NEW SPAPER j L IV E T O W N WZ Calf. Fret and 4th, Harold Funk; showmanship. 4th; corn, let Judging. i free trip to state fair. Calf— First, two. 2nd, Thomas Winn; Dairy h erd ,1 ; record project, Thomas W inn; 2 first prices on Lincoln sheep, Paul Long, ¡coy; 2nd Hampshire sheep. Josephine* McCcy; T «o firsts on turkeys, Jose- ¡th in e McCoy; 2nd on turkeys, Lor- i'nda Stone berg; 3rd Shropshire sheep | Bobbin Stuneberg; 3rd Shropshire rhoep, Kngene Gravllle; 1st on w hite, bread, Helen Watson; 5th on prune bread, Molly Cochran; 3rd on corn. Howard'utrunk^ Molly Cochran and Helen Watson * are winners of the trip to Portland j livestock exposition. Out of six teams. Coburg gives the best display on Oregon products. The dip: rent teams were from Cohort. Riverview, two from Cres-1 well. Kt. Mary’s school Eugene. LEB A N O N ON S P R IN G F IE L D H. S. FO O T B A L L S C E D U L E H U S B A N D S G E T D IV O R C E S An additional football game has | been scheduled by the high school for the coming season. Lebanon Carl McMahon was granted a di-1 will play the locals here for the first vorce Tuesday In circuit court fromi game now scheduled on October 30 Bernl* « ‘ L grounds ot of '• McMahon ’»-manon on grnunos c -------------- ---------- ----- A wlth Junctlon Clty bat. bee„ cruel Inches, weighs 138 and Is a stenog- team will meet Cottage Grove on M rs D ors B os m ar has be-n grant-' raph‘,r- She h tlP* support her mother Thanksgiving day. ed a d ecree fro m John H . Bowman on I “nd iive lounger brothers. She stud- grounds of cruelly. They were mar- “ d art and wants to be a cartoonist. , N E V E R B EE N O U T OF L A N E ; "Too busy for love," she says. rled in July, 1924. FR O M T H E IR E R R IN G W IV E S H A S NO D E S IR E T O T R A V E L Bdward Leura has filed suit against I Dorothy I-eum for divorce. They were j THE DETAILS, Arthur Eastman, a Springfield vlait- married In April. 1924. The husband “Lordy” — Miss Lamphler smiled or from W alterville Monday, has nev- alleges the wife struck him and has widely—“i feel as though I were in a ' er traveled to a more easterly point visited other men. .dream"—although, she admitted, med- than Belknap springs, has never been -------------- ---------- estly blushing. ‘‘I did have a "hunch" j farther south than Cottage Grove, r.or W ill E n te rta in . ‘hat 1 might win." ' north and west beyond Junction * tty. ------------ Miss Lamph'er. like last year's Miss Mr. Eastman has never been on a Mrs. \V. IL Dawson and Mrs. W. H. J America, neither drinks nor smokes, t.-ain and never slept a night in his Adrian will entertain members of the i “I don't approve of it. I have always liie away from W alterville. Despite this lack of trave1, Mr East­ Needlecraft ciub this afternoon at been taught that a woman’s chief their first meeting since the summer charm lies in her femininity—and cer- man declares him self to be perfectl? bo| idttys Tbe entertainment will be taluly. smoking and drinking are not '•ouiented, and to have t o wish to at Mrs. Dawson's home, and sewing womanly. Not only do 1 object to trave* more. will be the diversion for. the after- j smoking and drink ng because it is not womanly, but I also object to It C IT Y D E L IV E R Y M A IL from the viewpoint of health.” S H O U L D BE A D D R E S S E D She was asked If she approved of make-up and bobed hair. , . 1 L eiey in the delivery, and extr*» I don t object to cosm etics when . , _.. __ . By A. B. CHAPIN . . , . . . „ ' work for the post o ffe r forct has they are used in moderation. Per- been caused by.the n h glev of Spring sonally, I have never used anything iic-id patrons of the free d"livery s, rv. but powder. Tbe skin is healthier and ice to have their mail ad o usted to prettier when it has its own natural their street and house n -rcb T s, glow, as it will have if it is given Pei pie enjoying the del very ser­ half a chance. As for bobbed hair— vlet are asked by Poser, » s '- t F. B. I approve of it for those to whom H- rnlln to see that their m ail is so it Is becoming addressed. “Do you like dancing?” Her eyes sparkled—‘‘I adore it. When not overdone. I think it is a New BunBal<>w Rising, healthy exercise. “No. she replied to a modern bungalow with a com- the next question, "I don't like the piete bath, and a fireplace is being Charleston, it Is tiring erected by D. W. McKinnon on Wil- "I have no{ beauty rules, only.” she Um ette Heights. Mr. McKIKnnon la added. ‘‘I don't keep late hebrs, I j building the house himself, and now try to get nine hours sleep every ‘ has the roof completed. He expects night. I get plenty of exerctse. I e a t , to have it ready for occupancy by heartily, hut not between meals. I December 1. work hard, and try to entertain only If the demand for houses in Spring- the highest thoughts. To ail girls I field persists, Mr. McKinnon states I would say; "Keep your' thoughts that he will build another house on I clean, for clean thoughts radiate hap- the Heights next spring. j plness in the face.” W ill R e fin ls h S to re. R o ll Room s Assigned. Walls and woodwork of the lower i floor of the I O. O. F. building will Roll rooms for the coming ' be finished in French gray for the were assigned at the high schoool occupation of Hall's Cash store, which Monday. There will be seven rooms will move there as soon as the Spring- again this year. Although they have field News is moved to its new loca­ not yet choseen their individual tion across from the postoffice. names. Aa last year, the pennants for The partition which now separates scholarship and attendance will he the Nadvornik tailor shop from the awarded every six weeks to the win­ print shop will be torn out, and the ning rooms. show windows re-arranged. B urns H a n d and Foot. Buys House Htre. Severe burns on one hand and one foot W^re received Monday evening by the five-year-old son of Frank Bartholomew when he fell on a burn­ ing stump. The Bartholomew home ‘s four miles north of town. W. H. Hughes of Wendling has pur­ chased the house on 9th and L be- Portland. The new owner will move from Wendling today. The Flowers Realty company handled the sale.