Springfield Mill & Grain Has Large Hrade in Western Oregon Such la Litw F. »I II» Look lUr-UXbi sires- Tile 1.«dies' Clvle blub wit) hold a » Bad Hot Mama. »<**'* conked food sale S aturday a t the Second lie —"Yot| rt- -and Long and Crpas building op Main -he i!i«t‘nl**,.| th at way «Ver a wash street. tub e ith e r.“, . . FOURTH STREET PLANINC J MILL MAKE WOOD PRODUCT DRUGSTORE CARA NOME FACE POWDER You should know that nine times out of ten you can buy needeo merchandise in Springfield cheaper than in the larger cities. SPRINGFIELD BAKERY F. G. Frese Phone Us Your Orders for Cakes and Pastry same merchandise too, and you get the same service as you get in the larger places. <• 1 There is a reason for this. Springfield merchants pay lower rents, THE FARMERS EXCHANGE spend less for advertising and have lower overhead costs. Springfield "The Store of BpriiiKfleld" merchants are all prosperous because they enjoy a good trade. They are able to take cash discounts on stocks purchased from the manufacturers ly they can sell their products for less money. Springfield people make it a rule to "T ry Springfield Merchants F irs t” They find that they can do just as well and many times better by trading at home. HUNTLY DELICATESSEN IlW.MB BAKED GOODS LUNCHEON«? TK Farmers of this community will find it to their advantage to buy Swarts & W ashburne Honey Dew Hams and Bacon Wholesale and Retail in Springfield. They will usually get the same products for less money and will never pay more. The building of a strong business center in Springfield will mean a better market for farm produce. The Springfield mill buys hundreds of WHITE F R O N T GROCERY We Boost for Springfield thousands of dollars worth of your grains. The butchers buy your meats and the creamery your cream and other produce. The grocer stands Holverson Bros ready to take your fruits and vegetables. The more you trade in Springfield the more Springfield merchants will be able to buy of your produce. . The building of a larger city and A Fin! Line of Meats. ICE DELIVERY. larger market here makes your land in this community more valuable. McMURRAY’S We all profit by "Trying Springfield Merchants F irs t” IT S ECONOMY TO TRADE IN SPRINGFIELD. GROCERY Springfield Creamery ROSEBUD BUTTER Phone 48 Taxpayers w ill find it con­ venient to pay their taxes at this bank as it will save them time and expense. Wright & Son Hardware Furniture and Paints << HALL’S CASH STORE Ladies Civic Club One of Springfield’s Good Stores October 5, 1925 Springfield, Oregon. It’s the and buy with the same advantage as larger $ity merchants. Consequent- Drug S tart FIRST NATIONAL BANK Where Ever D ay is Bargain Day'* MR. and MRS. FARMER G. H. TURNER. Prop. Novelties of Note Cough Drops Let us attend to this for you. S1- These Business Men and Citizens subscribe to the Civic Club's ideal of a bigger and better Springfield Drug Store We hold the tax s t a t e ­ ments of those who paid the first half with us. springfiexd ' ore . Plivi.e SO These Business Men and Citizens Subscribe to the Civic Clubs ideal of a bigger and better Springfield EGGI MANN’S Of the Nineteen Twenty Four Taxes are d e and payable prior to W.FWALKER 228 ij Ä62-J FUNERAL SERVICE "A'N^ PHONE tl FLANERY’S The’Last Half A servirti of t Hirte­ tty aliti' consider»» I tun. J I “ It is preferred by the most par­ ticular women. 77U gbiniHhtfui y«f beautiful manner. in a , i LONG & CROSS I More and more each day wom­ en are discovering the secret of youthful, fresh appearance. The answer is Cara Nome Face Powder. rangement taking tare of every detail SANITARY MARKET HOLVERSON BROS. *c » Xi kr .'ïh d service Is ,i O'*" 'xympui lieth a r­ Make it a dully" habit to call So for / o u r «Meats. We knbw you will be satis­ fied uhh the qitallty oi the Meals we deliver, and (lie ext ellence of our service will please yon. ¿05 Main Street \ T “V a- I 3 GOOD PLUMBING IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST The master odor of Cara Nome is blended into this wonderful, I soft complexion powder. The Meat M arket Is PHONE 80 * * > Perfection B read P— ------ ui.-Á .V, if NOVELTY STÖRE ___ 1 ^atyour. le M É ^ ^ k fT B Come io Springfield II •with w Cooked Food Saia. , tr . y which fc, . , is con — up * equipm ent A 8prtn day» . Mr. H its hna operated hts present ru n o f flour Is tested *n a « ¿oratory shop for six years, and for t w eirs a t th« mill, an d once each m onth a y ears previous to this tim e he ran a j sam ple of the flour is sen t to the