T IIU K K D A Y . M B IT . 24, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Classified Ads ( BUYING OIL SELLING' OREGON NEWS ITEMS CF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Hapoenings o< the Week Collected for Our Readers Oregon’s hop crop for the year 1925 probably will exceed 80.0W. bales, or 10,000 above last year, according to figures compiled. The prevailing price for hops Is 25 cents per pound, but In Io n « Instances the growers have re­ ceived as much a« 27 cents l>ir their product. Facia on fresh cherries, raspb* rrl and slra-.-berries havn Just bo lu... clo«ed by the Eugene Fruit Orowc: association, according to announce- I «!i( I! .NY «'rival- e » ra |a ni 86tl Tie- annual Hood R lv r ronnty m*-at at the office of the association, Experienced. school fair wa» hold at the Hood River C »( ««I l.n rm i u m l w e ll h a lli M r. and exceptionally good prices are re­ "Won’t you «’J In rhliF*a high school Saturday. M K lotdihl ported to have been received for these •'After you." Moat of the lookout» nml patrolmen products. 111 t H il; h Happe! H l’Kt IA I. P in I- on p lu li w o rk Mi In the SI Us law national forest have YOUR SHOES WILL LIVE The Dalles cannery of the Libby, latsn la (I off for the season. N W liiin iy . d- »Hat. Billion Bid« buildGig. Hprinaf Id. McNeil A Libby company Is now send Albert Blggerataff*. fa), was killed In« out 10.90(1 cases of fruit weekly umcii longer a: 1 give yc-u better serr- Money in In,m on (It-orstilt i ty 'NOTICE GF r a l e . when hi« body was cut In two by the with the expectation that this total ce if you bring them to us to have N O T H K 18 H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t prtipttiy. ib m I lily payment,». .16 Io »aw |i (he Herman Bros.' sawmill at , will be Increased to 15,000 or 25.000 hv »luu, in i order of sale mad ■ a let 9(1 n>< nth». Dryden. , nii n-,: J.y ip. County Ju mi Hi, . (.-ages In the near future. The cannery them resoled or repaired. We use I MEKV «NHUHANt E AGENCY County, ur his chest, Orval Davis, 20. ! with a payroll of «10.000 weekly. Eugen». llr*. tl lOtli la' of October, 1926, offer foi was found dead about six miles south' Ten sheepkilling bears, 2» bobcats leather, while the quality of our work­ »ale, and »ell. at pi Ivat" «aio, the S P E C IA L IS T . ti, «. r in ei, »I u( Harriet Nye, In of “ • snd 63» coyotes were killed last month 8»# our linn of, v ta lteg cnriln e,*:i prienl, in and to Flfa one. three, In In te rn a l M e d ic'n « fo r th« manship is the highest. Th<- Oregon Pure bred Livestock as- the 21 hunters of the bureau of blo- paneled. or tilaili, Mt the Now* oRtce four ami five, block eight lunenleil p^at tw e lv e ye a rs SOclatiou will hold Its annual meeting j logical survey operating In Oregon. It lint of Fairmont. Lao Countv, (Ire «>n th<- state fair grounds at Salem, Is announced In th« monthly report ■ ri. „1,1 . llle to he at til-' ,, i I DOES NOT OPERATE E LEC TR IC SHOE SHOP Septi ruber 3<). Nt MM nitier 3rd, 1926 Biiow are the names of a few of Eugene, Ore A contract for purchase of an In­ WHITTEN KWAFF IRD. George Hamlin, 27. of Portland. U Ham II A Cana,lay. i bis many satisfied palloni» In Ore- terest In Warm Springs reservoir at dead and his father. Frank E. Hamlin, Attorney for lla ln ttff Rie Idenre NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Register. gon a id poal office add re«». Eugene. non-coal. a part of the Vale irrigation project NOTICE i s HEREBY GIVEN that ; j L. Chambers, Roseberg, also of Portland,*was seriously wound­ Oregon > the undersignfd has b“*n appointed head- has bpen approved by Secretary of In A 27. 8 34. aches. ed as a result of buckshot wounds In­ Adminhitrstr x wfth-tho Will-Annexed 8 3-10 2« O I K 15 ! terlor Work. flicted by J. g. Trent, a farmer resid­ of «he estate of O. B. Kessey. whose John W ojtli, Waterloo, bladder and, Bids for the construction of approxl- ing one mile west of McMinnville, who full natr-a Is Orville B Kessey. de­ prostrate trouble. . mately 15 miles of road will be con believed the two men and their com­ ceased, by the County Court of Lane .Mrs / K I . P Holm“n- W.ilmon D«_» I ( sldered by the state highway comm la R|ch l*nd. Kid- panions, Earl Hamlin and William County. Oregon. All persons having uey trouble. slon at a meeting to be held In Port- Hamlin, neither of whom was injured, claim« against the »aid estate are re­ quired to present the same, with the w 8 Bennett, Oregon City, ulcer' land September 29. had stopped at his place to steal mel­ prooer vouchers, to the unders gned. of the atomacn. I . . . . Telephones: Office «13 Res. 2076 ons. The shooting occurred at night. 1 «t ¡he law offices of Pot‘er & Foster, » ,, ... „ „u .. I A cou«ar- measuring 8 4 feet and eyer. Shaniko, heart trou- weighing 156 pounds, was killed by E T hom as B K a y sta te tre a s u re r hn. at No’ 961 W11'»m e«e Street In Eu- ble . . Î ™ Kene- ® W > n within six months from M Condlt, Tillamook garageman, . » n n Z » t t .., announced that approximately 32.000.- the date of this n ofee. Chas. Ft Hoak, lai Grande, gall while hunting In the southern part 000 would be withdrawn from the Osteopathy stands fo r the DATED at Eugene. Oregon, this 17 stones. of Tillamook county. state's inactive bank accounts within day of September. 1925. tru th wherever It is scienti­ Mr». M. I. Olsen, Portland, appendi­ 16 in. Maple at $7.50 per MARY M KESSEY, As a result of the short prune crop the next week fo care for bond prlncl-1 fic a lly proven. citis. Adminlstratrix-with-the-Will-Xn- Ostsopsthle Phyelctan snd Bur- , tn the W illamette valley this season pal and interest which tails due on . , ‘i Cord. > nexed of the Estate of O. B. Kes­ teUH-inbcr above date, that consul- a number of Marlon and Polk county: October 1. Of the total withdrawals peon sey. Deceased. S 17-24 O 1-8-15 fatlon on this trip will be free and growers have been offered as much as «411,000 will be used In retiring hlgh- Office 404 M * W. Bldg., Order« a t New« O ffic« «hnt bla I raiment |g different. j 10 cents a pound for their yields. ; wa7 bonds. »805,414 win go to pay In- Eugene, Oregon GUARDIANS SALE OF REAL Osteopathy stands for the truth W ' ’ '“’P’P“ river by Charles Tilton, a cttro v ur Proof Pass on October 5. 6 and 7. Coast railroad, had abandoned opera nenr ,,,e Sou heast corner cf Eugene,. •o M-,b n .i, r-iq --. to the land above C LEAN IN G AND PRESSING Acceptance of the prepoacl of the tlons nnd had proceeded to dismantle ,a n e Coun,>- Oregon, for the purpose dneo-lbod before o |ln->-«l IT, s A lte rin g and Dressm aking «’ ’nil’ll'- o""r. »t Eugene, prev-cn, on PortL nd Union StcStyards < u n p in , the line. The roud extends from. Med of raying the ccst Bnd exfen ses of ad- «Ii- iqp, 'rv of October. I9"r, tor a lease of the pr. sent No "h Port- ford to Jacksonville and originally was ; n ’ nlstratton and the Indebedness New Shop, 240 Main Street , Clalrrn- • »"me» »» wltne»-- «: land postoffice quarters in the live- constructed with the financial assist- again ,t i,M estate and for dutrlbu' WM. G. HUGHES Next to Spong Hotel Fltaw-e -h W Trial J n « re r W Tlt-il i tion. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE •’''III o f M ore n ’ a, c r(.c o n . Her>n May 24. 1920, made Homestead En­ sold a 300.01'tt box block ol export np General Sargent has advised Seers- j sale alt of the Interest of mv said rock and rock sand. B u n k­ try, No. 012857, for E ’a NE« * ueepou pies, the Hood River Apple Growers tary Work. Responding to a request ward, being an undivided on- third, Justice o f the peace anti ers at fo o t of Main on M ill ■;;t, tnwnriilp )8 S , Rg«ig 4 W est. Wll- association has soltl a large propor by the secretary of the interior for an in awl ,0 ,he I’ot3 or Tracts Number- n o ta ry public, Insurance iiciiette Meridian, bus filed notice of street. iitciulin to make three your proof, tlon of- this season’s tonnage. The opinion on whether he was required 0,1 A2, 13 nnd 14 In Washburn- s Ad­ H EN R V W. CHASE, Prop. I by law to construct the project re d itio n to Springfield, Lane County, to es’sbllsh claim to the land aboyp fruit will go largely to export, C ity H all Springfield. Oregon I will, on and after Saturday, described, before E. O. Immel. U. 8. The mother and two sisters of Ed gardless of hik view as to its feaslbil (Oregon; the 241.*» day of Octobtr, 1926, upon Con in «sloner, hi Eugene, Orrgon, on I.oulslgnot, who was shot by State ity the attorney general held that not sold premises, offer for sale and sell ’he 29th dky of Sontember, 1925. Traffic Officer C. P. Talent near Jef only was the secretary not compelled to the party paying the most there- Clalnmnt name» a« w ltne-ses: FR'ANK A. D E P U E C o n tra c tin g and B uilding u » ,„ . B ,, Corson when Louistgnot was fleeing ir 4° K° forward with work he did not f«’rP 1” cash, nil of the undivided one- 1 Henry A. 8chnorenoorg. David ATTORNEY AT LAW GEO. W. PERKINS Smltli. Alfred A. Reid, Reason Wayne » »tolen motor car, have sent word consider feasible but that in the case ( ,,lln l Interest of the said John F. Wil- C ornor 5th and D Streets ^Willnughby, all of Engei-.->, Oregon, to the Linn county coroner that hn ear of the Baker project, he did not have C, X ’n 10 th,> ahnT'' NOTARY PUBLIC i u . . . . . , real estate, subject to the arproval S p rin g lie ld , Ojrogon Hamill A. Canada" i do as ho pleases with the body rf tb* authority to proceed without further Of said County Court Eetlmntee Sutton Sprlngfleld tetlmntee Furnlehed Plan» end non-coal. man. - action b , congress, | SARAH C. McBee, buidllnq Oregon. Free. Will H e lp You F inance A 27, 8 24. Guardian. Y o u r B u ild in g . Register. 8. 24 O 1-8-15-22 C o m in g to Or. M o b ” ih in [ b u s in e s s Dry Hard Wood d ir e c t o r y ! O r,Jo h n Simons << T h e Loop D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.