r -.cF six tuf TOWN AND V ICIN ITY In from T ro aten— Han Baugh T h u rsto n was In town Monday. In from T hurstci----Lee Pavla T h u rsto n waa in town S aturday, Eugen* Pecpl« V isit— Mi and I'-H. B .yutt n ta n a tn a d Mr, and H arvey H osttoton of Rugei e at nvr Sunday. H is M ajor O peration— k.na nt t \ i.stiwk u n d rrw t operati» n a t the Pacific In from W altervilla— P. C, T rrd ter ho pi ta I Moi .day morning. of W alter ville was in to m i Sunday. Orive to M sn rie — Mr Salam Man Her«— I G. M arlin Salt ni ils l'e d h ere Friday. In from J ia p e r— Mrs. W. R Wal­ E. S w arts. Mrs. O B. K. lace of Ja s p e r ara» in town S aturday, Elate Pollard drove to Vialta in Salem— ¡.arson W right drove to Salem and back Sunday. day. Vlalta in Junction City— Mrs. It W ushburne visited Sunday at Ji Go to P ortland—Mr. and Mrs. AV. lion City with her son and liaugh F . W alker left Sunday to a tten d the in law . Mr and Mrs Claude Wi Oddfellows G rand lodge In Portland. burne. R enta House— II Ray h as ren ted Cn V acation— D W McK th e D. R. B ryant house at 7th and th e Booth-Kelly office staff I vacation. Mr MvKKlnnon Is V isiting from The O llie«—Mrs. Le­ a now house on W illam ette ona W ithers of The Dalles is h ere near big presen t residence. visiting relatives. R eturns to W ork—J. c. Pari Atend Grand Lodge— Mr. and Mrs. m illright at th e Booth-Kelly mill, H arry B rum e,te a re in P ortland a t­ turned to his work Mouday a fter ing laid off several days because tending the I O. O. F. convection. a w renched back. Go Up McKenzie— Mr. and Mrs. R eturn from Trip— Mr and Mrs. C. W right sp en t Sunday m otoring Milton Cyr and two sons retu rn ed the McKenzie. S aturday from a vacation trip spent Viait P aren t» —Mr and Mrs Claude in W ashington and Vancouver. B. C. W ashburne of Junction City were din: They visited several days with rela­ n e r guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. tives a t B ellingham and Kelso. W ashburne Friday. Return» from Round-up— Miss Clara Has TcnsHs Removed—Mrs Stella W ise retu rn ed to h er position in the P erkins of P ortland had her tonsils office of Dr. W. C. Rebhan 'Monday rem oved by a local physician ta tu r- a fte r si ending last week at the Pen­ nd. W arm r Zum w alt, third, Raymond WUlJiun-. fourth, Dnat liii S a u n d e t .» fifth. France» 1-1» ■ ng iHl; »ixib, llnrol I AViUlnmn; s»v •n th Edm und Wulla, • -ightbf Lom r Wllaon. 3h«op Win Pi Iraa. * tfbv»p project. divlnl n I - F!r»t. Or» LIVESTOCK. CLUB WINNERS Dayton; ’Miron • ;f!fih, «••vtiu’h nml AT LANE FAIR «.»N'OUNCLD In i t i h i , t'haa, M lchalbrnott; tonrth. Ttie opening day of the la n e Conn Mar, Idle»; aixt!'. J.m rphlne M n'iw . ty f.-ir. TueSil.-tv. fe.iim --I buys* am! ••igltih. G lrn H arwood; ninth, Roy Harwood, g irls’, d u b w .'tk An unusually wi DlvlaUn 3— Flrat. R obert Zum w alt; ie i resen'aDAn froiu the boys' ami 'g ir ls ' rlu h hae titan en hand a t thia aoconl. Marl M ir '; th ltd . Kuhin annua! display. W nnew of prizes In the livestock division were as follows; Injurad by Lumbar, Clay la m ie ra of M arróla la roco»- »ini», ir o n Injur ra ranqivi'd Friday’ iiio r n liig wh n it huid of luiubrr ally I n i f r e n a Irin k and fetl upon hie nark A tlboiii'l Mr lainilria wae '» i lfiualy b r ill .ul f i.m In» houjili ra to h a hl; . hr* »»» t.i f Injur tl nt t n illy. < F I» T "I !«*■».•» w ill h« ln ni . t t i w ill In' I'eileW 'I h i» H. A. I l l n t iirit, a u p i i u li'u d III o f Hila il t r li I w ill a 'liA u l l i n o i'l'n a « P ittsb u rg h Glas»-P n in t 'V tirjiiw h B r,ishe« The w inners of prises in the live- •lock division of the county idub work who have th eir Mock on ex­ hibition here i r e ; a s C attle Award» Announced. H olstiln a, division I—Firdt Äid sen G etehell; second, C harlie Swan go; third, Harold Funk«; fourth Chari e Sw ango; fifth, Roy •Swan V isits at Blue River— Misses Mar- R eturn to O akridge— Mr. and Mrs. g ar?t and Anne G orrie v'sited Sun- Ennis R ennie retu rn ed to th eir home day a t Blue R iver with Mrs. A. Aus- ia O o k rd g e S aturday a fte r visiting 'se v e ra l d ry s up the McKenzie. I Mrs. | Dinner G uests Sunday— Dr R T. i ting M ortensen, with his two d a u g h te rs .’ Mur- M isses Alice and M argaret M ortensen. Mur- were Sunday d inner guests at the O. W. Hobson home. i Never mind the marks of little grimy hands 676 DEPARTMENT EUGENE. OREGON STORES Ask for “4 H ose for M en! Big Value! Low Price! M en who look for value and women who buy for men appreciate this famous, old-tim e Let “Kodak Pictures won’t let you forget those vacation memories— Let your kodak save them for the years to come— quality at the trem ely low price. ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS ex­ E x tra good q uality mercerized l i s l e , j„ . eluding heel, toe and top; w ell-m ade w ith no loose threads. A t o u r famous N ation- W ide low price— B aker-B utton Kodak Shoo 7 West 7th Develdping and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line — or any other dirt, grime or blemishes on your walla. Sponge and w ater w ill take them aw ay as they appear. And when dug, has settled and given the whole room a look that makes you think of re-decorattng, easy washing w ill make your walls hko new again if finished w ith our 4 \felumina Paint W a sh a b te ^ U L e t us show you the wide selection of sot, a ft- "'Wi beautiful tones, both for homes arid busi- noss buildings. W o a lp -U ) can promise you there w i l l be no la p s o r brush marks. It coats your walls w ith a porcless coating that gnm « cannot pene­ trate. W ashing takes the place of re-deco­ rating. W o apectultxe in quality paints and varnishes — can fill your every need. 9/ y VASBY BROS « 312 Main Street THE STRANGEST STCRV OF ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN SIR CONAN DOYLE’S STUPE NDOUS STORY « CREAMING, SNARLING, FIGHTING, A MIGHTY PREH STORIC MONSTER FROM THE JUNGLES GF SOUTH AMERICA RUNNING RIOT IN THE STREETS GF LONDON THE BIGGEST THRILL EVER SHOWN IN PICTURES! Ü VT 1 4 Mk 1 COMING