THURSDAY. SEPT Í4, 192R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Ihe U. of O. thia year. OBITUARY. James Haatlnga Is having hla bouse' I’eriy II Kdmlaton was born at Mar- In Kugene remodeled. M. J. McKJIn I lea In Rmith county, Virginia on from Hprlngfleld le superintending' Apr Ik 22. 1843, he bad two brotbera th»' wortet' Joed tei‘" »later who have precede.! Kay N ’-eer «pent Bunday in Cottage him 1i death. Ills father owned a UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSTON NOTES Grove. "**V, large plantation. ICa father paaae-1 Hural Krtiutaten, who la' teaching away' *b»-n ba was a small boy after varal of thu fur i <-ra livin’! n»at ! Mia loiwrem » Go»al>r a fid Mrs. III» tinten Ugh »ih. il warn t a il’d Vvruon llunaon drove to Malvnv laat at Nerten. returned home Friday to which b« made hla home with hla out early .Tueaday nmru.aa to a » »*«k ai.J look their naRhow, L»«u atiynd giu^runtral 6f iigr grand father grandparents. At the age of alzteew ! yapra he enlisted In the •'Mlttiern ar- Ungulata a f r>* In • tte-ahart. Du» ard lleattiau. ilowu to attend achool whe tasecd » » III b u t Friday. Mlaaea Pearl and Minnie McMahon my of Iba Civil war and served aa to the uiolaiura on the ground and biil lta«. tk« (Upa wa» readlly t v | Mr » ftrv la nnknofcp aa , lirio« |„ , t WMk BB(, .uuudad U le back aud forth to Kugene where a b ejed their 60th wedding anniversary diere liad hOen no tira» naar th<> «hml rouud-up. la employed in the cannery. last month. To this union seven chil­ thia (all. .1, Harold tlaughman refit»nod home Mra l-ola Biggie Is attending bust- dren were born—three daughters and Work on «raveling th» road from I Thur—ay evonlng from MeKenale neaa college In Eugene. four eon»—one son having paaae 1 the highway to the high achool bind­ bridge where he hae been employed John Kdmlaton and daughter. away several year« ago. Mr. and Mra. ing» began Monday. ‘ K road aud a aa fire warden during the summer. Maude, motored to WaJtrrvllte Mon­ Kdmlaton came to Oregon In Septem­ park'ng apace will be gravelled thta The grade achool at Thuratoo will day evanng on bualnesa. ber, 1871, nettled on their farm at (•II John Kdmlaton and hla mother and Thurston where they have resided Heveral new aiudania enrolled In alari negl Mrttiday. a Beptember 28. Many from bere attended the tel» daughter, Maude, Irft Thursday morn­ ever rlnce excepting one year which -tba Union high achool N o.’ I thia ing to spend autne time on the coast, was -»nt In Idaho. Mr. Edmlaton week bringing the enroUmmt Into at Waltervllle laati Friday. Oaorgo Torn paon. who baa be» a III Horn to Mr and Mra. Archie Bhough has been In falling health for sever- Ihe alillea. Keveral. morn hr« ax- for »m ia lime, la confined to hla bed at the Pacflc Christian hospital Fri al m-mtha but waa confined to hla pactgd In a few daya. Mildred Mornlngatar o f KnlerprUe. f). A. McMahon had a light stroke day morning. Beptember 18, 1926 a bed only four daya. He paaee-1 out of plena IO leave f„r Monmouth Bunday » • * Pr',,M’' Ibis life very peacefully at hla home daughter, weighed 7H pounds at mam on Friday. "September 18, with liorna Manning of Hpr ngflcld | i apeerlf but la aomewbat Improved now. • 1926 at the age of 82 years and 6 T h e C la r k S hot H im . to attend unrein I tbla year. Mr antf Mr» Fell» Roarks from C ollegiate:—"How much are your month«. He leaves te mourn hla loss Mlaa Mabel Olson of RMenwale, a' •McKenzie bridge »pent laat week-end rooms?" his wife, Mrs.Jennie Kdmlaton, six liirarr Union high achool gradual 11 | In Thuretoa. Hotel Clerk:—"Two dollars up t í children, 17 grandchildren, one great and aludvni of normnl. la teaching I gran khlld, which waa born only 2 Mlaa Mildred Price, who has been aim" M al Wlllakenale thta year. Coltaglate:—H don't ueually g e l up hours before hla death. The relative« Mr» Murnlugalar of Enterprise baa telephone girl at MeKenale brldgi* begt**r last Wednesday. The llv a sa n t HUI Woman'« c lu b , met at the home of Mr. M E Haya Wednesday, Beptember lb. Only a few were present so no busluera was transacted. Mra. Bagaberd of Trent was an outside guest. Mra. Andy Olaon and Mr* K It. Tinker were on the refreshment romcnltloe The nextj meeting will be al the liuoif .of Mrs i Andy Olson. The board of directors of Ihe Pleas- aln Hill public school met Monday, and completed arrangements for lh" opening of achool Hepiember 28. Naw ’ awing ropes and borlsontal bars are to be Installed In (he playahed and Hie black boards In th" upper grades realated. Mrs M E. Ilaya anil Mrs. Jenae lTmlps, leaders of tbe Pleasant Hui Bowing and Cooking clubs went to the county fair with Ihe exhibit» of (he ' clubs Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C F. Hyde and son. Emery. are making ttlaJr home In Engine thia winter. Kmery Bchren »lure will attend the Eugene high achool. Mr». Myrtle Fleming and (Taughter,1 Louise, an- In Eugene where Louise will enter the Eugene tchools Mr. and Mrs Hobart J English and daughter, Marggret, who have sold their 00 acre ranch at Pleasant i Hill to C. II. Young and Mary It, Young taking as ja r t payment soma residence property In Lebanon, ex­ pect to leave In about u month for Lebanon. Mr. and Mm. English have ' lived al Pleasant HUI the past five years and have made many friends through their activity In church, com­ munity and social affairs aud will be greatly mlaaed. Mr. and Mrs. it. H. Moon have rent­ ed the lunch recently vacated by Mr and Mrs. A. Emery and famllv. Mr. and Mra. John Faust and son. Glenn, have moved to the Talufsnn houst near the Pleasant HUI stn.e. I Mrs. S. Overholxer of Albany an I