T H U R S D A Y , B K I*T . 24, U>2S T H E S P R IN U F IR L l) N E W S PAG E FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L G O P H E R D E M O N S T R A T IO N S * ................................................... ....... T O B E H E L D N E A R H E R E ’ Canar, L* * ‘ " * * T ? North«» • P U B L IC A T IO N LA N K C O U N T Y U N IT n o . 14 McKenzie Valley Fair Has Excellent Product Display • O F F IC E R S O F LA N K C O U N T Y • • F A R M E R ’S U N IO N • Sd. Mr«. Barer 3d, Mrs Hniu Swaf- ford. Lunch clotba: Flrat. Mra Mary Mil­ lican. id. Mta Harold Robison; Ed, Mrs J J I'eptdl. Napkins: Flrat, Mra Hansen; 2d. Mrs. Harold Itoblaoa PUInw u«e«s: Firal, Mrs. G L. Smith, 2d, Verna jMUllcan; 3d, Mrs. Keys Nigtii gown- Flrat. a*eond and third, Mrs <1 N Jvaaeu, Bath towels First and second, Mrs t' N Jeoaen. Guest towels' Flrat. second and third. Mr» C N Jesaen. Breaser scarf: Flrat. Vetrna Milli­ can; Sd. Mra. C. N Jeaaea; >1, Mrs, Harold Rotktauig Woven rugs First. Mrs Page; 3d. Mra Kain Pulley; 3d Mrs A Harris, t'rueh’ ted rugs Flrat, Mrs M V. Main Beaded bag:: First. Mrs Mary Mil­ lican ll« l s|>r<'» Mary MlUIrnn. fr o .h e lc d yoke: First. Mrs Han- sen Bully: First, Mrs Jennings; 2d. Mr» J J l*eplot Center piece First. Mrs. Month; 3d. Mrs O L. S nltb Kutttxt sock; First, Mrs Jennin»». Pillow top Flrat. Mra, Archie Har­ ri»; 3d. Ervin Fountain Crocheted scarf: First, Mra. Page; 2d. Mrs Harold Koblana Table Runners; First, Mra. Hamid llublsun; 2d. Viola Peplo!. •..Central _________ Bay Bower • A series of seren gopher control . w .. Cloverdale Mrs. I» J. Gotehell • • Ralph Laird, Creswell, Presldsnl, • Eem oa.traUoas will be held la «tane . Fork Keb, ltwtfU . • W ill W heeler, Trent, Vlea-Preal- • county Monday TueMay and W edner-I. ........... Mra „ A Hl,ru . • dent. • • «lay. 8 , ptembvr M. « and 30 by O . Mr> AU. j ,.nnin|tJ, . The McKenate valley from Vida Io Keeney Jud Red the flower». • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grova, • 8 Fletcher, county agricultural agent. . H aw la _____ Mra „ . Hayden bridge waa represented at The following flower« are thn1 prise • atc.-Trtta. • cooperating with Roy Fugate, aoalat. . „ adlervin, , Mrs. M ow,e, ple . the community fair held at Walter-! of ,h " W allervllle fair: • N. A. Horn, Cottage Qrova, Door • ant state rodent control leader. At • Jasper Dahlia: Table diaptg>. First, M. • Keeper ____ Mrs. Grace Jones • 1 ville lust Friday. September 18 The a these démenai ration Mr. Fugate Will • Lorane Belle Millican. Mrs M. Foster • • H. C. Jaakaen, Waltarvllla* Con- • 1 h ,st of the varied agricultural «ai demonstrate the use of poisoned cloc- • McKentle Bouquets: First. Mrs. loiurence • duc^or.. Harry C. Jackson • • er tops for killing gopher» and w.U . M[ Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • hortllcultural produca and the live- Millican; Id. Mrs Lauran«« Millican • O, L. Clamant, Chaplain. • discuss otuer control methods and • Silk Creek Bulsh Smith • stock of the valley were shown and :!,l. Mrs. M Month. County Agent Fletcher will plan com . TreDt Pom Bona: Flrat. Belle Millican. K. B. Tinker • . all who attended the fair declare It munity campaigns against the goph- . VhJa Quinces: Flrat. A. W Frnaee I’hlax: Flrat, B. lie Millican. ®' *'°*t * to have been one of the" be»: conuuun Botile pluiue: Flrat, J. E Kenttner era. Peutatltimona: First,' M Belle Milli­ • I tty exhibits ever held In the state. f. Mr Fletcher and Mr Fugate vialted 1----1-----— can. Silver prunes: Flrat, J B. Kenamer- • • • • • . While the exhibits were varied and farma In different parts of the county , • • * Boltonia: First. M Belle Millican. last Saturday and selected heavily In- • C A N AR Y LOCAL • j excellent, the outstanding feature of Ital'an prune»: Flrat, Juhn Kick Marigold: First, Mrs Mary Milli­ buac h. tested places to hold the d em o n stra -................................. ........ the fair was the wonderful community can. Ilona Mr. FOgate la doing preliml- --------- ¡spirit shown In plnnntng and conduct-! Ground cherrlea: First, Mäti Km- Asters: First. Mr». L. II Millican; inerlrh; 2d. Jess Galea; 3d. John nary work at the various farm» thia! The regular meeting Saturday eve- tng the fair. The McKenue Rive | 2(• the Outona: Flrat. John Klckhuarh; Sd. Sheaf g»-«n alfalfa- F at. W m . Cooking. Mohawk road 2:00 p m . J L. R en-1 le creek valley. McKenate valley, delegations cam «, John Preschern: 3d. Wm. Huckà Hucka. 2d. J N. HUI; 3d. la-e Foun Bread: F'rst. Mrs W-arln; 2d. Table carrot a: Flrat, J B Mrs. Grant F » k Is still at the hoe- ; from E ugene. C ottage Grove. C rea-, ninger farm, one mile southwset of Knll- ¡ tain Mra Main Swafford; 3d. Mra Wm. W, Frasee well, Pleaaant Hill. Springfi-kl and *!d' A 3d. Ituasi Sheaf «lf«**U ha»: Flrat. John Pre« llueka. ^?oburg. 'I pital. fchvru; 2d. Wm Hock« Farmra who are having difficulty It | ------------------------ luiyer cake: Flr.t. Mrs. Ada Mllll- other place*» of ihe county. i Rutabagas: Flrat. Roaa Bros ; 2d. J. Bal« F rat, (' W Ruth; 2d and 3d, ca n ; jg, Mr» Carney Good Stock Shown. controlling gopher« are Invited and « • « • • • • • E. Kom/nerly; Sd. R T. Kooxhr. Malt ' ’'Ui*' , . — Angel fund cake; First, Mrs Ada L. R Mtlllcan. C W. Allen. Sant; Turnlpa: First. Ross Broa urged by the county agent to attend • M T . V E R N O N LOCAL Barb i tir s i, Frank Emmerich; 2d. Mlillcan * I. It Mtlllcan Swafford, A. W. Frnxee and others I Puranlps First, Chas Beadmond; one of these demonstrations. Fruit pie: Flrat. Mr» W Hucka ; 2d. Wheat: Flrat. O. W. Rulli showed a total of bei ween Cô a » I 3d Ur<* .' W- T Kitoaer Mrs Mall E'ninertck Radish ea Flrat. V\. C My^raz XI. ksu j • u j • < .. U.U.. . Miscellanea!!«. C 11 « Cualard pie; First. Mrs Esta l"ol ’ ' ' • The Mt. Vernon local met Wednea head of purebeed Jersey eatilgf un i Exhibit of honey: First; Wm Hue- )er; w Mril Ma(, Emmerick John Preschern » ¡d a y evening. September 14 for regu-; Oscar Millican showed font purvbre | H A D L E Y V IL L E L O C A L ka. r .n n a r f F r .ilf , V « n » t . h l « a and , n r f Pleklss Cannvd Fruita, Vegetable» lar business and social time. A dale-1 HerafOCda. Member« of the Mcttenrt«: . ’ 1’** * ***' American Chaaaa; Flrat, Mr«. Wkn Individual group First. Mrs. Wm. Hucka. aar«t n"<< u"°" llu ck s; Id. Mrs. Page; 3d. Mrs Matt The Hadleyville local met Thurs­ gstion of business men from Spring ealf club all exhibited their cdlvap. Filberts: First. Taylor Needham. Eiunier'ck. ' day evening. September 1? for re?- field were present and a few of them Other slock shown icladed one Quern galn ; waff„rd. -t),' Mr»**Jain”»* ’ Walnuts, First, Taylor Needham Jelly: First. Fanny Godard. row. a good lot of Duroc Jersey Cabbage: First and acond, Roaa ular business, several subjects were gave us Information that was much Wh'le i-gga: Flrat. Mr». W. K. Post; 3d, O. L. Clement. (bogs, purebred sheep, and Angora B ros; 3d. Page * Son discussed. There were only a few appreciated by the local Dr H. Ralph Dippel, Dentist. Vltua Sawing. Celery: First. Rosa Bros ; id. H T members out but the ones that camo* The men present from SprlngNekl *°at*- The livestock was shown In a Quills: First. Mrs* Francis James building. Springfield, Oregon Kcoaer. enjoyed a good Interesting m eeting.' were H M Stewart. J F Ketels. H E »Bove on the Matt Momb farm. E. A. String beans F rst, Chas Neal; 2d. It la hoped to see more out at our Maxey. Al Perkins. F B. Haanlln, W ., McCornaek and H L. Plank aiwlste£ John IVeErbera; >1. Chas. Neal Green peppers: First. H N. Hill; Id. N. Long and J. Fulop. I Arno>d Collier, county club lender, to next meeting. Myron W allace of Jasper was also ‘ “fductlng a slock Judging d«mon John Preschern. The Derrick sale was well attended. Sw eet peppers; First, Lee l> v ls . ! »tratlon and contest for club ^pivni Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Seals and sons, a welcome visitor. Cucumbers: Flrkt. John Presahetn; After the business m eeting refresh 2d. W. C. Myers a. . and Mias Lola Henderson returned A good exhibit of poultry «nil als« Pie pamnkln: First, Hasel Rusael; home from Portland Sunday They re­ ment» were served. Sd. Ross Bros During the last three months th^ show at the grove. This exhibit was port a good time while In the city Table squash First, J. J. Pepolt; Mr. Richards, who has been visiting rrowda at the Union have been smalt, Judged by Ben Keenay, county asee- 3 c- c-i . > ' , R T. K oxer. 3d. Itoss Bros and O. S. Fletcher, county nf-lcultur- Potato»« eon of Orecnn City and Mr. Martin ' i,R’’ Dri,‘‘W al ageot. julged these p r o llr is an I Burbank: First. J J. Prplnt; 21. T. of Salem vialted M. Gillespie Mon I T iy Springfield mer.-hiii*.« first. both state that the quality a n Varie­ W Carney; 3«l. J B Endicott. day. Netted Gems; First, John Kick ! ty of the exhibits were «»«<-■! a-i Sues for Car Recovery. huxeb • could be found In any co n n u n 'ty . Early Oh'os: First. Wm. Hurka. j Grand Jury to Meet. W * C. ThlentiS, McKentle farmer. The Lane County Grand Jury will tias filed sait In circuit court against ■ product», cannrd g o a ^ cooked a . ___ Plain and hcrae fancy sew ing. Earliest of nil: First. Ross Bros. ! Early six weeks: First, Mrs. Fred convene ai the county court bouse,; Sheriff Frank Taylor for the recov. Gowers were also displ«ve