T IIV H S D A Y , Kfti*T. LM. 19215 T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S * * • • a> *e * Sallie Finds Wherein is Magic of Things Curtius and he had reetmed me from the heavy surf. I wondered vaguely | il I would ever be able to go any Place or do anything m at w.rnld not bring blm to m int, and wonlerlng. I heard his volca. ••il n. .1 , ... . . . . H illo , tliere! Mlnd If I tag «long?" , as r i u i i o , ’’ . f .M l I rl' I V h fn< 'No, I b-l'.vn there'» room," I re piled, nodding to the vaa» ocean, o. . . . . H e swam lu alli'ii. e I could have I go..» on ln.1. finitely with th.- rytbml* t„ the deep tint of wood violet». Over the «Utile »iene a fleeofooted and In. via ble numph of t ie sky bad drawn a misty cu rta te Her« ami there «ver« baby the. li. pale mauve. • 09I» of ptna anu ulue on the b- aeb , ,,,, , uad clug to tlia i-lace» atlll damp frotn the waves of the Implacable oceat. h rlzo n , a two-masted ' jt toward ow uis ha n n rizon, twcemaaled 1 * <"“ t0 *** wl'h U* *e'* T targo. The day »u» etili and the »trnke scurried In an unbroken line upward, and d.stam e with her flat , . . . 7 ' D* r’“ " ^ * ’’ T elO“'h' «* U' * hu«‘ hb,r" • wlft •* * « • must huv» known thnt fori pr>-i-cnip«t!<>n uml r«m«ln)«l wfl«-nt 110111,1 rvuHon I illu not want (o g-v. -ItirT.g ih« drive. I Invited hlrn l i cal »wing of his accompanying atrok- liliu .i ilunt'o. UUirrwtau I > until not Ko »win k J or with me hut ho di dint d •-a at my aide but we had been »wlm- tiling with th« current and found our- I «»» »"oil (ho <.xcu«r about the d l-, de, luring tliui (h ire was u hint of •elv es M y,1,1,1 the row of . g.,s and r,-< t.ir, ||e kite« Mtul ! > i.tilii h a v e utiliiriii In (he air, c v .n pas, I„„ Toward the shore. l>rn i lnnl him one of the later donees And ho I went In ulon - Il cnti«»-' m an w ith a purpose, 'lu r tw l In to th** man were r< aches of white »and and utt that I had glv, it to s.>u • of (ho of the brink day (ho «urf wan (li-M-rted ret an. ending palms s thouetted against chi­ yioit.aor crowd anil «ipla'uod later e»<;e|»t for ma Hut how pleasant II | A last faint rifting of gold-tike ash-1 na-blue aky. (hul Ilion hint been u mistake su.i tv at Io turn c u e face skyward allow- i ea ut ro»e» from a chiffon »carf A» If by common consent, we head­ how. I hail il tie (hul for Curd»» Irg lh>> wave* (u lift you with (hit which the lady of the evening would many times hi'fore lu fact, he re. j inovi ni»nt of a oradle, an m ini wax ed In and were w o n seated at the «•on draw clone. water’» edge. The wave» broke In minded no- that on one oceualon I the ocean today. (To lie Continued.) had HWtluhed half a duxt-n ilnnci a Cloud» a» bine and brilliant an the playful melody against our feet. It was good U > real a while and to f e-1 In a to w au It a) I hi l|lit be with u.|ti eye« of a pretty child m an ti h :1- the hl» presence at my aide. H. S. CLASSES ELECT Oh. pee, ho knew. j loaven« on hlxh anil the turtjuo'ee It wan what I call a gold day. Even And he inu»t have been hurt ¡or d im « of the water eeepnwt friendly OFFICERS FOR YEAR ehortly after | had chatted w'tb him. and aofl. (Ivorhead. «eagulla «alle.l tho edges of the water and the beach Class o'flcera for the four high : he and his brother left the dance by—harbingers of good fortune (Io Itself were bathed In a mellow glow cloud« had thrown ____________ them selves school clfise a were elected at meet ______________ With boa departure, It was the »»me the sailors, Mom Nellie hud taught, The _______ * aa the old day». The uiuglc waa gone and a» | re c a lle d the suporwtltlnn. In graceful abandon aero»« the skv Ings of the groups Friday. On the and the little glass lanterns w e r e . I wondered what lurk they would and the colors drifted from shell pink saime day 'ho student council met , not ao hrlglc ¡bring to me, Ah. God, the flights of fancy that I floated on and on. allowing the visit a woman'» heart! That night wave» to lift me in their ma)astlc wa» one of open-eyed reverie and In- arm» and then toward Mayport, a IF O U R ICC C R E A M explicable d o u b t And o h . the whim pelican winged Into s'ghl. Someone BE C H O S E N aleallty at feniln'he device. I had had (old me that the reason the pell- proved to Curtiss that It wa» not my ' ‘ »a la u»ed as a »»cred symbol 1» be- for the dessert your only (rou­ destre to g1 « li!*a l dance and the.t j cause the mother bird feed* h