FACE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TUP QPPIWPFIFI Pl MTWC 1 I l I L □ » 1X111 V>V lIL l_ L y l i L W O ■stared along and charge It to my account." “Not on your life," replied the dealer. "No Published Every Thursday at charge accounts. You can't do business with tin mail order house (hat way. Fork over the cash, Springfield, Lane Oaunty, Oregon, by “ Now 2 cents »or postage and 5 cents for m on­ THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ey order.” H. E MAXEY. (Mitor. ________ ’1 he custom er, inwardly raving, kept to his a t aecond class matter. February 14. 180 j at the agreement ami paid tile 7 cents. “Now So cents expressage.” Ihistolfue. Springfield. Oregon ------------ ! "Well. I ll be ," In said, but paid i(. -.i . MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE ¡¡ng: “ Now hand me it and I'll take It home fo THURSDAY, SfclT. 24. 1Ô2R Huiler wrapper* printed accordi ng to refutation» with name, weight and udire«», II.S5 a tm u,I red at the k Chircpratic s the Science of Restoring Health "H and it to you? Where do you think y .u arc You're not in Chicago and you’ll have to wait i , hrough the nerves. THCKSPAY, SEPTKMBKK IT. 1915 ■ ----- - ■ i week." If you feel all down THE H ALTEKVILI.E FAIR, j W hereupcn he placed the a rtk le on the shell and out, can’t eat, The W altenille fair was a splendid manifest«- auU put luon^ ' his ca?h dn,w vr- tion of comm unity spirit, as well as an exhibit , 1 hai n,nk'‘s f 3 “?'• he SUK* **as c" st •v” n your of what can be produced in the McKennsle villev '' te n ts ,u;’n> and tak c " you a wvck ,ong,‘' g“‘ sleep or do , One Tear tn Advance----- »1 IS 8tx Months ________ T5c Three Month. Single Copy Kte a |ld b e rb, o f 1; w),c r v ,» Golden Opportunities Young men uud women, you liuve today fur greater op­ portunities (him your fathers ever had, Hut you mu i. however, get the necessary business tm ltihtg and It run be had at the Eugene Itimlne».« Colit re. Monday Is enrollment day ami this Is your Invitation EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE II’s a good school A. E. Koheris. President l>92 W llluimtte St., i;u;•. ore. « * WSftW ftMBM |>J|e Too many o f ¿ h a v e thought little If had priw in the flrot place. Kenzie valley except as a place to fish W e su e d •• - t - up the fine state highway little thinking of the; WHKN * ' " ° OL ,UiG,NS farm er in th at section. T ie McKenzie can raise s.p t-rob er is an anxious m ne not only for ih - «rui T h p V a r # * a s good yeg< aides as anywhere in Oregon and -n ts but also for the l e s .h ,- In addition to her regular j . c°Jujn£ to the front in dairying. The u ric the latter i> worried t»\ the u ri u» epihm - o a t i n ¡lie tair will gerve to make more people t children's d M s e * which make the b«*Ktnnin< of «rhooij appreciate the McKenzie valley and the value of ¡exciting Rach fall •**» a new lot of children who have lift iftTOlft I practlC Treatment«, and Sure* • • never had these ,1 sease» coming to school. ao that a for- O|e K ey | , offered. * i • COTTON STOCKING CLUB Anything which keeps children In school saves their lime and the taxpayer's money. A goo I deal can be done to hold down the spread of catching dlseaat*. If cor I tain precautions are observed. First of all. It does no The high school girls of Marshfield have formed a cotton stocking club. No Marshfield girl will w ear silk hose to school this winter. Marshfield girls have shown more sense than *o”'! ,n M ,b,w ,o r‘' ’ "ln in •ch“01 unt" «* ,,i* anyw here else in the world. It vrould be a w ise'*“ * *“ w*'!l '*’‘'*'»<'1*'’ Almost all of the common con- move for other high school girls to take heed. I i,M*’"** »"* « ,e**1 ratotUBg m th early Fashion review are all right in their place hut befor,‘ they are recognlx..«, a» they are later on not in a high school building. H therefore 1» necessary to keep ou guard, and pick up • • • enno ’ Dr. Go. A . Simon PHONE 355 J (OVER PENNEY STORE) l air H eck Is but man « par, |„ n a tu re ’! „.„„„ung up it, H-s annual lesson on Thrift N ature „hows man that all m onths cannot be productive m on.hs N ature produce« enough in warm mom h« to «uply mat. . hen mid .luring the cold m ouths us well. • suspicious symptom*. There are over two million more automobiles ' Whenever m a»ie* ex ists in a community, children than telephones in daily use In the United States, i mu'it **•' w“ lh*''1 for signs of - o l d in the hea.i Any There are 17.7-10,236 cars in operation, while th e i<'h',<* appearing with a rot«', un is.» it ha« ah-. ^dj had num ber of telephones is 15.369.454. This means should be sent home at once, before it ha« a th a t there are 100 m otor cars for every 86 tele- j chance to spread the disease. This mean» that th.. chn- p h o n es. " • • • • The paper necessary for use in a 24-page paper comes from the pulp of a block of wood two Inch- es high, three inches thick and four inches long, Therefore, to supply 3600 people with a newspa- per this size it.is necessary th a t a oord of wood be converted into pulp from which news print paper is made. • • • E d ito r ia l C om m ent MAIL ORDER ECONOMICS. (The Optimist) Down in a cetain town a man went into a store to buy an article and asked the price, k was S3.20, the dealer said. "Good gracious,” said the man. “I can get the •ante thing from a mail order house for $2.82. •Til sell it on the sam e term s as the mail order house,” the dealer said. “All right,” said the custom er. “You can send it dren should be quickly looked over at the beginning of (the day. Similarly. If scarlet fever or diphtheria are prevalent, every child »hich has a sore throat should be j Immediately excused from school, u a less.lt h ss had thes­ diseases. if the trouble is simply a cold hr sore throat. the condition will clear up in a day or two. and the child CIin return, if it should develop into something more » r lous. many additional cases will have been stopped by quick action. It whooping cough is suspected, sit chll-| dren with a bad cough should b e excluded. At any time, a child with a suspicious skin rash should at once be sent , to a doctor. It Is better to keep one or two children out of school unnecessarily for a day or two than to have Waif tile school away for weeks white they go thru a siege of measles or whooping cough fsu a lty , by employing prompt measures, closing a school will be made unneces­ sary. Keeping children with suspicious symptoms out of school will do more to prevent the spread of disease than j all fumigation and quarantining of children who have al­ ready developed the disease.—State Board of Health. | k la a lesson th a t man should learn well. During the younger years of life man should ov. r-produce. enough to care for himself In th« less productive gear« of later life Those who Ignore this law are but setting the stage for an unfair handicap on oviteib In years t > tome. No m atter what your Income may be yon should adopt the hnhit of saving u part of it each week m onth or year. We cun help you In this program if you will permit us. We pay 3 ', on all »livings and can assist you to many profitable Investments, onue a saving account Is accum u­ lated. Official Goodyear Tire Repair Service Station, Expert Bulloon Tire Repairing W e Pay 3% Eugene Vulcanizing On Savings Accounts Works 957 Oak St. Commercial State Bank 1020 Quackenbush’s 160 Ninth Ave. East, Eugene, Oregon Listen Ladies! Bread and Cake Box Clean, white enamel, tight-fit­ ting lid, well ventilated, roll tep Price $1.35 J BLUE BELL MOP These are round instead of triangular. A polish­ ing mop with long han­ dle. For Friday and S at­ urday special price .... 49c BAMBOO LAWN RAKES The handiest too! you can have for cleaning lawns, price ........ Four-wheel,' roller-bearing Hollow track-foot 26c STILL TIME TO SAVE THE SURFACE T rack brackets, each 20c 45c W affle Irons Price - - $1.75 Glass Syrup Pitchers, JC and 45c Chimnee Sweep. To d e a n chlm- npy«...................... 25c Liquid Sunshine. For cleainfng m etals, enameled woodwork, glass ware, porcelain. Perform s over 200 household dut’e» ................ 75c hangers, price pair 52.25 F ¿, mat if. Requires but little a tte n ­ tion, 300 gallons per hour capa­ unit complete ready tp It is best to paint before install- the old paint is gone. Sherwin-W illiams pain« is recognized to he of highest, quality One gal­ lon covers approx’mitte- ly 360 square feet. You We can supply you with a w at­ save money by buying er system of any size with a gas' the best, price engine or electric m otor to op­ gallon erate it. Lots of five or more .... $ 1 3 5 .0 0 S4.15 $4.00 Try Quakenbush’s Second So please do not m isconstrue us, for we want our products to sell on their very own m erits, which they are doing at an ever Increasing rate Quality Is building our business. The super-quality of our FEATHERFLAKE Flour is Increasing the demand In all parts of Oregon and California to such an extent that at tim es we are taxed to the limit to get the orders out. Hundreds of good housewives In all parts of the country have written to us personally telling us how well they liked FEATHERFLAKE Flour. E lectrl:, i-df-oillng and auto- " city, It'S considered bad ta ste in advertising food products to appeal to oyality, or in a sense, beg you to use the product advertised. We are telling you this, ladles, to help convince you that flour made n . pringfleld is just as good and In many eases better than flour made in Portland, Seattle and other distant points. M yer’s W ater Systems Some Good Cleaners Albatross Pipe Cleanser. Will clear stoppages in kitchen sinks and drains ...... ................... 35 C Barn and Garage Door Hangers FEATHERFLAKE Flour is made in a thoroughly modern mill, with new machinery, out of the best hard wheats grown In M ontana W ashing­ ton and eastern Oregon. Every run is tested and baked and so we know­ how good it is and therefore absolutely guarantee It equal to nny flour made anywhere - Springfield can and is m anufacturing a high crude Flour. Ddmand FEATHERFLAKE. SOLD BY------ TAYLOR'S WHITE FRONT GROCERY. A. R. SNEED’S GROCERY, ' MCMURRAY’S GROCERY. Springfield Mill & Grain COMPANY