The Last Call to Subscribe to the Springfield News at the O ld Rate. October 1st the Subscription Rate W ill Increase 5 0 c rerere^re O C V O Y IO TO IN YC R C C 1 O F » P R IN Q F ItL D A N O T H I F A R M IN » O F Y H C W I L L A M I T T I V A L L IT _ _ _ _____ THE SPRINGFIELD TWKNTY-SKCQND year HI’RINGEIKLI), LANK COUNTY, OKKOON. Springfield Day At Fair Record Breaker * J. Vv. MARKHAM PASSES AT HIS HOME IN SPRINGFIELD Premium» Awarded for Many Exhibit» from This Section; Many Entertainment Fea­ ture»; Pioneers Elect. Spr i gfleld bu-lnesa house» a n l hr li'»oth Kelly sawmill rloxril Wednvr-t <1«y In nt>««rvanie of Hprli xfl«|d Florida Ire “T h e People's Paper” ~ NEWSPAPER X -'V I TOWN THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1925 SPRINGFIELD FLOWERS FAIR PREMIUM WINNER3 Air Defense W Markham died Wednesday Fred C. Montgomery Taken First t an illneaa of three week», at bfa Place with Glsdiollas; Exhibit l home inn on Main »treet. Funeral eerv- Thia Year Beautiful. Ice« will he held tonwrow at th e , Pb-asact Hill church, with burial at „ , „ ,, . the Pleasant HUI «-m elery ! »* r'’d M'">i L r ed off ribbon«. The fiorisi dlaplay Temora < arier. They (hen lived *u thia year was exceptionally good. ! North Dakota for twm ty-two year-. Following are the winner»: ■ moving to Pleuxant lllll In 1920. They have lived In Springfield «Ince 192J C olhctiv« group. Begonia, fibrous Mr«. Markham and five children root«—flret, Mr». George I). Heita- t survive the deceased. Mr». Frank L. inaa; second, Mr». J. A. Banfleld; | Smith of Pleasant It'll. Mrs. Morton third, Mr». J. Lockerbe. Tuberous ! Hrl-low of Dexter, and Morton, root«— First, Mr«. Beo. Heltzman- , v w u , Wal TV n p ton a n l Parmalee Markham of Spring ■"•««nd, Mrs J. Lockerbie; third, Mr« , Jleld are the < hildrea. Three broth K M Luf* r i • re, George W ( Markham of Huff. Fuchsia» Frist, Mr«. J. A. Ban- North Dakota. Janie« F. Markham of field; second. Margaret Da vid »on. Kogeravllle. Tenne*««,je. and Marlon F ern -F Irst. Mrs. Oeorge HeRzmin. Markham of Ireton , Mlaw.uri; and) Foliage p la n ts-F irst. Mra. J. A . one «later, Mr. Mary Peel of th l, Banfleld : .econd, Mrs. Jaa. Lockerbie.' p it y alao survive. G eranium »-First, Margaret David-, MAIN ST. BUILDING SOLO TO EOGENEAN East Half Building Mikesell, vestment to Move. of Stevens-Perkins Bought by M. W. of Eugene, for In­ Purposes; Tenants T he east half of the Stevens-Perk- j ins two-story building on Main street ba» been sold to W. B. Mikesell, o f Eugene. The consideration 1» not an­ field nnd «urrnuntllug Neighborhood« nounced. The building, which houses entered won rr‘x»». i the Hall Cash, »tore on the ground Boa Id re the Judging nnd regular eg. , floor, aurl has apartments" upstairs, hlblta, feature* of the fair Include I »a» purchased from Mr. C. R. Don­ n good racing pro»rn-n. Kent*» wild nelly of the U niversity of Oregon T. went rodeo, McCleve's troupe of train M a j. Gen. James C. H arbord, U . I M. C. A., who has owned It only a • • D R-Hxman. ’ dustrlal program a report of thei A dozen divorces were r r .n f« , , h i. Ntd». Ida Walker, first W .^ m T ’”n ' three heats waa 2:20, 2 114*. M d , a iS ? " '1 £ ? !!!!? •.H* br,” h'*r«- Archie and Carson Hanxlng baskets—First and second. of the ’.Try Springfield Mer, h an t, | L First” campaign. Fred Frese. pro- ‘‘gal”’ t Barre“t " • M * •“ i I " Mra. '- third, Mrs. prletor of the bakery, sent the w o ” ' *“ ‘“ hUman trerthy ot I,o.“ r u,1^c_r siz month«. ~ „ „ „ p . ments at the meeting. Mrs. W. J I » . r- .. . . Thelma Orace Gey, five months fir st Scott renedered the report of the “ aS* “St 6 Cr*ft’ cruel the running races Utretla w»n first two V-««*. L. D. Griggs end >j(,n., old ilaughter of Mr. ami Mrs. John Ostrich plume fern—Fern. Margnr- bakery d inbuman fe e tm e n t and tailor« place. I»rlnreae was second, and Bhem-1 M Haytoo, second. Bow. six | ° * y ot 9S# Ml)l »treet. waa found et David secoari. Mrs. Joe. Lock- to support. She was granted |3 0 a rock third. Hetty ^ „ e « „ j Oregon Or’« « S«"- « r» t., dead at the home of her parent. Tues- crble. month alimony. D-n were the other horses entere-, «“ m î'tc o n ,? ’0 ° r"‘ ‘Uy » ' * ' > — .re» w... be ’ . ---- --------- ----- Plante from amateurs. General as- MEDALS TO BE AWARDED C. 8 Plaster against Lillie L. Plaa. ^ "^r** »f ’bis afternoon «va» an <’»ttl«e- Junior bull. Mra Scott, held this afternoon at 1:30 from the »ortraent of potted house plartt»— i BY LEGION TO ATHLETES ler- crue< and inhuman treatm ent Iddre»» Of Onvernog Walter Pierre. o ,,v # Keepey, second; H. L.’ Walker chapel, with burial at the Pirat. Mrs. J. A. Banfleld; second, — — a ( Cora Brlckler against Leslie L. wh.. will «peak at 2:10, I .Plank, ì ’.,8nk- •b'rd; th rd; hull, two years. year«. M. la u rel Hill cemetery. Rev. Charles Margaret Davidson. j Three medals ....... will ..........................______________ _ v. —. a™ „ be awarded an- Brickler, cruel and Inhuman treat- A Hat of prises which have already ond':%nd"' Fill» “deoHr“ 'h»it' “J**“ O< lh* cburih w1H h*»e Cu‘ lo w ers. Display of A s te r » - nnaily by the American Legion ~ to ' m ew. The mo'the7was' v ^ T u ie T lr e been awarded Include the following: calf ' llarnld w illiam s fire"- H, i , , hJr“'' of ,ho »’ ''vice. First. Mrs. J«s. Hayo; second. Mrs. the three best all-round alheletea of and custody of the children .............. “ * *"• "■ mm ri. ■ h . s . f o o t b a ll c a l l I „ ^ 1’ " ' * l , '3 1' ” . j 1- p « ^ * ' "c'iS i‘s,fcTiiT *“'T - • £ ^ '" ' * * - n,Mn “ " '" f ‘ 1 —------ ¡ onrt Mr» O. B Qualf; third. Mrs. G. scholarship, training and »portsman-l Orace Peterson against Joseph tt. veare G Baunder«. third Junior heifer calf, W. . McLain. TF«r». k A M« f orn«ck. flrM. w H. L. Plank. flr»t, Helfer, two year» -------. ou, — for . the¡ . - ,W .sh ip will be some of the qualities con-' Peterson, cruel and inhuman treat« Twenty-four men . turned Gladioli— First. Fred C. Montgom-' »biered In making the award Pawning, »econd; C. • P. • i Barnard. »nd under, H »«• L. • Plank. and first a football ,« i i i « n i , ■ » » « •» . i f ‘rst i « i m i* » w w tu « « i p i u t L iv e o m e i high i'f & n m ent pracGce o i f the »WM; Ram lamb— The three m edals »-,11 be of gold. - w. Downing. 'l ™ “ i ' T ? nd, S,.,n’ J*!1"1 «' hool player. Monday evening, V. ery; second, Alfred Bayne. Alice M. Rix against Gus John Rix« first U .1.« ,h rd H L I’lank. first; L. I). Grige« n . k u J •o<1' BArond • • Larkspur—Second. Mrs K M L uph.'silver and bronze and are mode by cruel and inhuman treatment. The M. Ullen. augi ^ in second m^ond Bain. tJi« roach, has announced, fin won. ......... .. '••• " «nuumnmi. third Ewe, 2 y e a i r r a n — - t V V IS rv a » . la .e .w 11 V -ia _ I « 0 *1 1 f ’ h n P jH llw n a a x I t _a « Ih>wn- er, not worthy of first; honorable tbe Amerk-an Legion for this purpose, mother was given the care and cus­ Jersey Senior _______ yearling helfer.l L eit<■ mien w who returned are r Cowart nlng. first nnd ‘bird; E A. M"- Mrs 8. Scot,, first; J H. Douglas, | ,tnd C. Thompson, end»; McPherson, mention. Fred C. Montgomery. They will be given out each spring tody of the ch ’ldren. t’ornack iern«d Phlox—Ftrgt, Mrs K, M. Lupher. at the conclusion of the school year. l«eeon i. Cow. H. L. Plunk, first; 0 . ju«.i.m halfback; Yenrllng «« ca; Moon « e o n , tacklt ; and Lewis, Dena Archambeau against Agrhle L. Downing. First and »econd W Godiove. second: L. D Griggs' Pansies— Flra,, Mrs. K M Lupher; and will become the permanent prop Archambeau. cruel and Inhuman Ewe Ä - b‘ b'y «* Basile««« Kell»« I rUaM- W’«t«on. third arty of the winners. j treatment The wife was given »25 a second. Mrs. Fred Jacobson. to the backfield. Wat rea. firs, W Itownlng --------Scott, H. L. L- Plank, 8c0“ ’ fir»,; rlr,,; ’,|"nk- aec-i c m d . K . , . ............ ..... H . . . . . ---------_ ..i ,.ollar(1 of ,agt year>i guba lg out A comm ittee of three, M. a. B. Huntly, i month alimony. — c ir s i, « r s. Henrietta St, lt - c w luree, m. Rosea—Firs,. Mrs. S Grin Hartón, third: en«-«_ Hoch w s e Down ................ <’nd; Allen, third. Senior helf- ------ — ----- . . M«« ■« »«. " * McCornack. .econd £ c ,lf u"der T ' year* I ,or center, and Joe Thompson will John; second. Agne» Lockerbie; third.I Trubert Henderson and Walter Scott. Stella V. Fouts against Charles C. Mrs. K M. Lupher. . was - — appointed r r ------- ¿ r a t s iio to l u make ; I U P plana for the Fouts. cruel and Inhuman treatment. ns Wn " P,’ n)p|ong U l . » , lng» will probably play end. V ________ a «« __ __ frv v vi n o ln k .n lt^ - _ l ll »__ • * new players also turned out. M. Lupher; second, Mrs. Geo. HelU- form of celebration will be decided name. Stella Davidson. Rambroilette- W Downing won all were: Bull, three years, L. D. G rig g s'“ Many on by this committee riret and second nlsces except two and 8on; "senior yearling bull. C. W. While no, giving his definite opin­ man. Della Kllnk against Lem KHnk. which were won hv M-s Dllve Keen, Allen; junior yearling heifer, Mrs. ion o f the caliber of thia year's team Dahlia Display. cruel and inhuman treatm ent Thy ey. Mrs Keenev won Pre, In the egret Scott; heifer, two years. H. L. Plank. ____ Peony varieties— First. Alfred Bay- CITY MAIL DELIVERY mother ___ was . ghren the care and cus- Milk Shorthorns — Northwood Ctweb Bain said. -Football prospect» rem and ram lamb dlvt-lona Cham- , for this year are considerably better n e; second, Mr«. Ralph Stone; third, won» were: Ram and awe. w Down- Farms won all prises WILL START TOMORROW tody of tbe «bildren »•< Holetelns Judged. than last year.” Mr». W P. Haas. Holstelne— Two-year-old bull, first, ( hevlots nnd Dorse, hom e_W Cactus varieties— Fire,. Mrs. R alph1 Beginning tomorrow. Springfield Only three games are now ached Naw» Stand to Open. A. Benton and Son; second, eenlor . , . ” ----- -------- H ow ’l»» took all firsts Stoen; «econd, Alfred Bayne; third. W H 1 have a new city delivery mail yearling bull, first, A. Benton and j uled’ ftnd ab<>u‘ ‘bree more will be In all division« system Elmer O. Sankey has been I . , . * Par‘° r raagai,ne Son, selnor yearling bull, first, A. 1 dated soon. The first tilt will be Mrs. W. P. Haro "* . — Hampshire! Shown, V ? “ ** ° P"P y*“r' n r ,t' *' ’’c***0" wU| p l,y b’ re Thanksgiving, erate the shop. Stone; second. Alfred Bayne; third, nnd thtc-t. Grand chaT-nion»ht-,. ! and Son; aecond, Judaon Oetchell; The mall collection boxes have A stand with four shoe-shining Ram F, 8. Jnckson; ewe, Chaa. Mick- b,rd- A. Benton and Bon. Cow, first, Mrs. Fred Jacobson Legion Auxllllary to Moot. ----------------— been erected about a week, and a elhook WlldroM* Stock Farm.; aecond and chairs . will occupy the -------— front part of Pompon varieties — First, Alfred sufficient number of people have put . Lincoln -Paul Paul Lnnrmv rir.t fonlv /.— i.. third. A. Benton and Son. Senior Longcoy. firs, the ' 9 shop, which will be separated Bayne; second. Mrs. Ralph Stone; , up mall boxes to warant the service. , / >P* w b b wil1 There will be a meeting of the V enlrv.1 yearling heifer, first. A. Benton and I ----------------------------- - " 0,8 r88r . by parU>l°U- A . 8 _ *la" .» partition. Cntt-wcM .—Twnvenr ram, O»or»e Son; aecond, Tom Winn; third, Roy American Legion auxllllary Thursday third, Mrs, Fred Jacobsen. barber shop may be opened behind W dmer. f'ret „nd «econd; |t c. Kwang. Junior yearling heifer, first, evening, September 24. at the home Collarette varieties— First, Alfred' Go to Callfronia— Mr. and Mrs. L. Wheeler, third Yearling rntn— ft r A. Benton and Son; second. Tom of Mrs. Jack Laraon over the Bell B^yue. j N. Myers and Mrs. I. D. Myers of the partition In the near future. Wh»elcr, Fieg, „nd «„rnnd ,, am |an)f( Winn. Senior heifer calf, first, A. Work on the partition was started theatre. All members are requested Collective bouquets— First, M rs., Salem, who have been visiting at the —H C Wheeler. Neat, «econd nnd Benton and Son; second,C has. Hwang Ralph Stone; second. Alfred Bayne; . Henry Adrian home for the last 10 today, and the shop will be open for third Flock—H. P Wheeler, first and third, A. Ben toil and Son. Junior heif­ to be there. j business In about a week, Mr. Sween- »»coed• Genr-e Widmer th'rd Grand er calf, first, A. Button and Son; third. Mrs. W. P. Ham. days, left for California where th e y ;! 17°«tales champions, ewo nnd lamb, H. C second, A. Benton And Son; third, Scpclal, best display— First, V Al.jWlll stay for « Mr. Myers' HL health. Mrs.' * Program at Baptist Church. » . ■ « . a v a lv e * (n o n , Wildrose Stock Farm, Bull, three Whseler fred Bayne, second; Mrs. Ralph Hand; ¡Myers Is a sister of Mrs. Adrian. years and over, fir»,, Wildrose Stock So-thdown«—’’•wo-vesr mm and 4 1« 4 r e d « I «re Y gy V» V t ____ ■ ' • Marriage Licenses Issued. Farm. Helfer, two year«, first. Wild­ A special musical program will be third, Mr«. W. P. Hand. ram tsmh. Wm Down'ng f|>B, rose Work Farm. Herd, Wildrose Special, dried flowers— Honorable given by the ladles of the Baptist Orfords Dow«» Twn venr ram. R During the past week marriage li­ Here from Marshfield—Mrs. Al Mrs. D. Hewitt. P llerwood Y'nrttnv mm. 1. M Frsn- Stock Farm. church at the regular «ervloo hour mention, _ , , Perkins, of Marshfield, has arrived censes have been Issued by the coun­ Guernsey— R. B. Thompson won c*a. first Ram Inroh. p. a Johnson, Special largest specimen of dahlia in Springfield for a slay. She re- ty clerk to the following: Farmer C. Sunday everting. Last Sunday a sim­ first nod second- Harwood nrelhom firsts In the only entries on exhibit, Il t»-. - Alfred A 1 Pre , , . I Bayne. II re__ _ — . Firtl, Ayrshlroa— Echo Hollow Dairy won ilar progTHin was given by the men turned with Mr. Perkins who spent Hale. Notl, and Brabham. Eu­ third Fwe. 2 vonm C A. .Thorson throe firsts, only entries. of the church. flreF «nd second- I, M F-«nrl». tfilrd gene; Audrey C. Joslyn and Cecel a the week-end at Coos Bay. Yearling ewe C. A Johnson, fir», ler. Steer— First and »econd, C.C. Mil M. Bertelsen, both of Eugene; LeRoy- Visitor» from Out of Town— Regis nnd second: R. O Harwood third. Child Chops Finger, Smith. Dexter, and Loleta Purcell, Horses Exhibited. tered nt the Spong hotel Tuesday' Return from Round-up—Mr. and Rwo Innib P A Johnson fir«,, sec­ Standard bred trotting—First, A. ond nnd third Flock, C. A. Johnson, Svurverud. were John Anderson of Fresno, T. L. Mrs. Eugene Wing, and Mrs. Stella Springfield; Herbert Smith, Lorane While playing with a hatchet which first end second: R. O. Harwood, Rosenkrans of Seattle, E. E. and Don O'Brien of Vida returned Monday and Ann Mitchell, Eugene; Jdhn J. Clydesdale »talllons — First, Wm he had succeeded fl, pulling from a third. Chamnlnn ram. I. M. Francis. Lille. Gregory and Dorothea Hewitt, both Nelson of Myrtle Point and Mr, and Anrora gna'«--Bucks. 2 rears. H. chopping block Monday, the three- Mrs. T. H. Jordan of Pendleton, i from the Pendleton round-up and a of Cushman; Roy 9. Davis and Alvina Mare over four yoan»— First, Mar­ P. Wheeler, flret. Buck, onp vear. short visit In Portland. They drove Kelso; second. Warner Zumwalt; year-old eon of W. J. Culver of east George W stson. first, Doc, two vear«. lon Wednesday'» guests Included Harry from Portland tn a new Ford touring Bowers, bo h of Wendllng; Fred C. third, Marlon Kelko. Majn street chopped his finger seri­ Harris, Vida, an«4 Ida Richardson, Oeorro Watson first and second: H. Mare over three yeare—First, sec­ ously. Several stitches were required Swager of Chicago, F. J. Leary of car wljlch Is on display at the An­ G *Whce1or, third. Pair of buck k|d». Leahurg; Frederick Hurd and Iola D. Portland and D. Converse of Mar- derson garage. Georeo W stson. firs, and second- H. ond and third, Wm. Lille. to close the wound. Fisher, both of Eugene; and Walter Mare over two yeare— First, Wm. cola. 0. Wheeler, third. Yearling doe. Lille. William Latin. Cottage Grove, and Oeor»o Weiron first: H G. Wheett-r. Marc over one year—First, Wm. Traffic Accident— The fender nf Will Present Play—The library Ethel M. Florer, Eugene. second so d third. Pair of doe k*ds. second and third, Warner Zum­ the O. W. Lewie ear was bent Wed­ Oeorge Watson first; H. G Wheeler, Lille; Chamber _______ to „ ____ Meet _____ Friday— , ____ Mem- board will present the play "Down walt. aecond and third. Goes to Oakridge__Eugene Wing Colt, * either aex—First, Raymond nesday when T. V. Rice of Eugene bers of the Chamber of Commerce - East" at the Bell theater October 8 Milk Qoata Win Frlzee. , Johnson; second and thirds Win. LU hacked into the first car. The dam­ will meet Friday evening for the reg-. In order to raise funds tor purchasing i drove to Oakrfdge this morning or Milk OoBts— buck, two years, Ida) lie. age was settled by the owners. ular session. new bocks. I business. z it t i i