’ 'ACF F — ’ T? t :» f s ^ rtnofth d news - Baby Girt Born— A baby girl was 4L HEAD ANNOUNCES Undergo«« Opratlon— Myron Craig Painting Hoi»«t— N. A. Row, ' Is CONVENTION DATES bom to Mr and Mrs. Paul Q. Edwards underwent a major operation at the painting his house In Iktuglaa Gar- of Jasper Wednesday morning Pacific Christian hospital Weditb.--' ilstis. • day. PORTLAND.. Sept. 17 — (Special' | - — Announc .: < nt of dales for the »a- ! Breaks Arm—A tutIkv Ford, willed A ,rV cAVtignM- . ‘ • We ■wb.li ’ W rypB-Ä om hi-.-irtfi-A rlous fall contondons and distrfet eventually 'kicked.' broke the right Breaks Leg—Joe Polk, nn Indian board mert'i gs of the «1. organiM “riu “* ,h* s"° "I K>1 Vaughn Monday from the Warm Springs reservat, n that ks to the many friends for their tlon was made here today by W C .! ' — — - . ... . broke hrt leg Siin,1st evening «h en kind ytatresalqu* uf sj-upaitiy and fur Ruegnitt. 4L president who also stat Twin Boya Bom— Twin boys, enth he fell from a fr u llo . at the John the beaut fui filtrai offeringa ed that the fourteenth semf-anniMl 'n’lghlns Sc» pounds, were born to Sravey hop yard. E. I>. Conley an i Children. meeting of the hoard of directors of Nr. and Mrs. A. I. Clark o f Marcola Mr met Mi» 'N, II. Signor ami the organisation would be heW Niii " edneeday, »'aiuRy >» yrnber 16 In Portland. 5 L . a " Injurea Lsg— ITnnk C asleel rup- G r » » F i r e V e s te r d tfy . The representatives o f the Willam­ inred a b lo o l teaael ln bis leg Weil- ■ • .• ette Talley. Tillamook anti Columbia neaday when a pile of tuniber feil L u st -Guhl kis I u * r m watch on A grass fire near the northeast ribbon, between Baptist parsonage river districts will convene October ’ agalnst bim. Mr. C asteol an em- city lim its called the flit* department ploye,. at the Booth Kelly mlll, will and Mlll and A streets. Leave at S i in the new 41. hall at Westport, News office. S 17 Oregon. The delegates of the Willapa cut yesterday afternoon \<> deinuge he unablu tc Work für aevvral iktya done hy the hlaae which was put harbor. Grays harbor, Tacoma. Seat- cut :n a few minutes. FOR SALE -Brown reisi cart, fa tin and northern Puget south} ill*-1 Bullds Garage— Frank Sharman Is good con Hilun. J4. f a ll at Frank I tricts will meet October 2S in Tacoma. ■ bullding a garage at hla hause on Cttglll's, Seventh.'betw een II and |! Come in and get our prices on 7th and F. A s far as possible district meetings streets. are being combined for convention*. Glass We repair brofcon windows In order that delegates from one dis­ First ria4s painters and decorators. Hers from Thurston— William Rm WANTED Otri for general house trict may have the benefit of contact All work guaranteed. Vasby Bros. S12 nie of Thurston was In town W,fara­ Main. work Phone 144 R or call 707 E with members from other localities. day. street. S 17J4 Ruegnits stated. East of the Cascades there will be three conventions. The locals of the Inland Empire districts will meet Oc­ tober 16 at Kootenai. Idiho, The eastern Oregon districts will meet October 19 at Baker, and the central Oregon will meet October 21 at Bend. Lumber employes and employers m eet together at the annual tL con­ ventions to consider problems of mu­ tual interest, as well as those of the lumber industry In general. The tw elve 4L districts also elect employ­ er and employe members to repre­ sent them at the district board and board of directors m eetings where policies are formulated for the en­ suing six months and matters of wages and working conditions acted upon. . B A P T IS T C H U R C H . Bible school m eets at 10 o'clock and morning service at 11. At 1 p. n t the pastor preaches at the Dexter church. Young people's services at 6:30. Gospel service will be under t h e : direction of the men. and It b ein g 1 their last night in the contest they have arranged a special song service thai you will want to hear. The service will bgln at 7:15 In­ stead of 7:30. # 1. Male quartet. 2. Song by Congregation. 3 Duet. 4. Prayer. 5. Male Chorus. 1 «.»»•’ j 6. Scripture reading. 7. Song by Congregation. 8. Male quartet. 9 Announcement. 10. Solo. 11. Sermon by pastor on the “Rich Young Ruler. 12. Male quartet. Closing. Prayer service and Bible atudy each Thursday at 7:30. We welcome you to all of these services. Not Dumb But Dumber. “Aha!" chortled the poor nut. "I have a good scheme to get rich quick. I ll open up a floral shop.’1 "But where are you gong to get your capital to buy the flowers V askfd the wise guy. ‘‘Don't need any; that's the beauty of it all. I'll cater only to funerals where flowers are omitted." Has Major Opertaion—Charles Mc­ Bee of Lowell is at the Pacific Chris­ tian hospital recovering from a major 11 operation performed Wednesday. Of the Nineteen Twenty Pour Taxes are due and payable prior to October 5, 1925 Taxpayers will find It con. venlent to pay their taxes at this bank as it will save them time and expense. We hold the tax s t a t e - ments of those who paid the first half with us. Let us attend to this for you. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon. “7 QfMmeiit n èrvi o«* Each wish, «■«< h detail perforinoti w ith quiet d ig n ity um l it n u tu m l courtesy. Î PHONE W F WALKER, 228 & 6 2 -J F U N E R A L SERVICE "*AN S PR.I NG FIELD,ORE 0 ' ’ Performance Counts! These Business Men and Citizens Subscribe to the Civic Clubs ideal of a bigger and better Springfield These Business Men and Citizens subscribe to the Civic Club's ideal of a bigger and better Springfield LH« NOVELTY STORE 9 G. H. TURNER. Prop. Novelties of Note THE FARMERS EXCHANGE ' Perfection B read SPRINGFIELD BAKERY F. G. Frese Phone Us Your Orders for Cakes and Pastry GOOD PLUMBING IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST LONG & CROSS S w arts & W a s h b u rn e Honey Dew Hams and Bacon Wholesale and Retail E G G IM A N N ’S Cough Drops T h e L ast H alf 4 THURSDAY, SEPT. IT. 1025 M cM U R R A Y ’S GROCERY One of Springfield’s Good Stores “The Store of Springfield" ,VT »•»•a It is the run. «sored that win the game. Training camp indication., promise., past record., etc., etc., mean but little once the schedule sea­ son is under way. Constantly good performance oay in and d«y out individually and collectively, is what count«, and always, it is the deciding element which bring, home "the bacon"_the pennant, or CHAMPION- SHI P. The advent of the baseball season offers an opportunity to point out to the citizens of Springfield how in civic affairs— as well as on the sports fields, performance is what counts. It applies to Springfield and to all of us as players, if this town is to be bigger, more prosperous, and a winner. We say we are going to patronize home industries, and boost otfr town but—do we? Performance counts. We buy one pair of shoes, a new bonnet, or a suit of clothes from home merchants— but do we buy all of our merchandise and amusement hers? Performance counts. A three-base hit in April may win one game— but what is needed is plenty of three-base hits in April, May, June and every day, every month up to October to win a baseball pennant. And every member of the team has to come through with his share of hits. So it is in this Trade-at-Home game. Every citizen has to do his bit. Day in and day out he must be standing up to the plate "batting them out' for Springfield. If we all remember this and start now to play in o r t h o rv o rru . k a r A ..— ...Ill ..l_ r a t. < •> < . . J ing the game hard for Springfield . we will . win We will have a bigger, better, and more prosperous Springfield. HUNTLY DELICATESSEN HOME BAKED GOODS LUNCHEONETTE WHITE F R O N T GROCERY We Boost for Springfield H olverson Bros A Full Une of Meats. ICE DEI J VERY. H A L L ’S C A S H STO R E Ladies Civic Club S pringfield C re am e ry Men’s Wear—Shoes Trade At Home HENDERER ELECTRIC SUPPLY o f S pringfield ROSEBUD BUTTER Phone 48 » W rig h t & Son Hardware Furniture and Paints << Help Make this a Bigger, Better andMore Prosperous Town! SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Patronize Your Home laundry Call 28J TR Y SPRINGFIELD MERCHANTS FIRST” ASK F O R MADE IN S P R IN G F IE L D PRODUCTS it Home the $600,000 Expended Yearly Ou r