THVltHDAY. KEPT. 17, 1425 THE 8PRINÇPX5LD NBW8 Ads PAGE SEVEN Wilbur Burgels, 41. one of the own­ June« snauin»d when hla horse fell with him and a fracture waa aaataln- ed at the base of the skull. OREGON NEWS ITEMS ers of tbe Hurgels-Evans sawmill near Noth 20 miles west of Eugene, was when be fell upon tbe main OF SPECIAL INTEREST - I killed drive belt and was thrown against a Brief Resume of Happenings ol GET RESULTS) the Week Collected for Our Readers. L _. FOR K EN T Priva«* (tante» at »60 FOR HALE Good kltchou tane* fur IXIH T— A It i y ring with »e ye m l key« O str»i-( Io n i« and wall bulli M ri m i*. l-ru e »I .00. 633 N. 4lh 8;. LeuVe «• New« Office. M Klotdahl 8 10 17 8I'K ( IA L Ph .CE un plat« wot t ui N W. Emery. rlugft»ld, Oregon, to EUG ENE NO TIC E op- HALE. NO TIC E IS H L IIL IIY G IVEN thnt by virtue of im order of ails made and entered by the County Judge for Lum-1 County. Oregon, on the 4th day of •>-.»• .*o ,r. iv.u. I will, on after the | S P E C IA L IS T 10th dav of October. 1926, o ff-r ftn »ale. and «ell, at private »ale. th»| In In u m a i M adiein« fo r the •"> 1ow are the names of a few of September 2nd. I »26 Dated and flrat Coburg. Oregon; Howard Gordon. E. J. Relyea. both of Motor Route "B." his many satisfied palíenla In Ore­ pnbllnhed September 3rd. 1938 Eugene, Ore. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. gon: Ham ill A Canaday. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence J. L. Chambers, Rose berg, head­ Register. and post office address. Eugene. non-coal. aches. Oregon. A >7. 8 24. John Wo-ltli, Waterloo, bladder and 8 310 24 O. 1-8-16 prostrate trouble. Mrs E. E. Ildlman, Richland. Kid­ ney trouble. W. 8. Bennett, Oregon City, ulcer of the stomaca. R. W. Meyer. Shaniko, heart trou- Telephone«; Office 613 Res. 2075 j ble. Cbaa. II. lloak, La Grande, gall j stones. Osteopathy stands for the Mrs. M. I. Oleen, J’ortland, appendl- truth wherever It is scienti­ ettts. 16 in. Maple at $7.50 per Money to loan oti daulrabl« c'ly property. Monthly payment«. 3# to »0 month«, i EM ERY INSU R A N C E AGENCY 37 »th Ave W. phon« 687 Eugene. Cre. tf Í B VS I N E S S Dr. Mellenthin D IR E C T O R Y Dry Hard Wood Dr.John Simons fically proven. Osteopathic Phyelclan and Sur­ geon Cord. Orders at News Office Phone 125-M Phone 146 W B R IG G S Office 404 M. A. W. Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon Osteopathy stands for the truth whoreve» R is scientifically proven? A DOTY C E M E N T C O NTRACTO RS Springfield. Ora. Sidewalk« Call SUTTON TRANSFER Basement Walla Phone 57 LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter at Anderson’s Barber shop. . A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP GEO.. N, McLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life . IN S U R A N C E Surety Bond«,. Phone 8J7 My buslnsre Is vto protect y®ur buelnete »63 W illamette 8t. Eugene Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY ' D EN TIST VASBY BROS. Rhone 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Button Bldg. Painting & Decorating in all its branches S p rin g fie ld . O rego n 312 Main Street “T h e Loop II Your Home When In Springfield CLEANING AND PRESSING Altering and Dressmaking Now Shop, 240 Main Street Next to Spong Hotel J. E. Lindsey, Prop. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore.' WM. G. HUGHES F IR E AND AUTO NOTARY . D. W . R o o f JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon Cbntracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springfield, Oregon Plans and Estimata« Furnished Free. W ill Help You Finance Your Building. ------------------------------- --------------------- - IN S U R A N C E P U B L IC O ffice at * FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Button Buldlbig Springfield Oregon Oregon brought the total of Its sur­ faced roads under state highway eupervlslon up to 301« miles at the | pile of timber. end of 1924. having surfaced or built An Indictment charging murder In . the flret degree waa returned by tbe up to grade 339 miles during the year, Polk county grand Jury against W. R. the bureau of roads baa announced, Lloyd, who is alleged to have shet Aa the total mileage of the state high­ way system la 4339 7, there remain to and killed Clinton 1. Baun of Independ­ be completed by surfacing 1325 miles. ence September 1. The North Morrow county fair w«i held F rid a , and Saturday at | The public service commission has Under u. supervision of Tom Craig, as- M att Ryekman. octteg guper- rescinded an order Issued recently sus­ , Intendent of hatcheries, 1,817,090 trout pending Indefinitely the new tariff fil­ Two first prises were won by were planted last week In the Mc- ed by tbe Amity Mutual Telephone dahllaa entered by Dan P. Bmythe ol Kensle river, creeks flowing into It company. Aa a result of the order Issued by the commission the new Pendleton at the Spokane fair. and nearby lobes. rates adopted by tbe telephone com­ There are now 936 miles of Im Frank Way, wealthy central Oregon pany will become effective Immediate­ proved highway In Marlon county, ac sheep owner, was found guilty of man- ly. cording to J. T. Hunt, county Judge. slaughter by a Jury at Klamath Falls Persona affected by a law enacted Moehnke Bros.’ sawmill at Beavei »ollowlng bis trial on an Indictment at a recent session of the legisla­ creek, near Oregon City, was destroy cbanUog him with the murder of ture providing that penalties, interest ed by fire with a loss of about »12,000 Timothy Murphy, Klamath sheepman. and costs accruing on taxes levied for The hardware store owned b , C. V Wheth* r the so-called loopvent the years 1921, 1922 and 1923, shall Carmichael at Monitor. 12 miles south 9|uD‘ blD« W « permitted b , the be remitted, may recover such penal­ of Canby, was destroyed b , fire with Portl“ d Plumbing code la of auffl- ty, Interest and costs provided they a loss of »10.000. elently high standard to comply with were paid through error after the act tbe state plumbing code la to be de- became effective. An Increase of at least 20 per cent termlned b , a committee of three com- In the entering class Is Indicated b, p<,t4,nt plumber», records at the registrar's office of Ore Evidence of what Is thought to have gon Agricultural college. been a murder, perhaps committed The Portland community chest cam within the past year, was unearthed palgn this will open Monday, by road laborers on the McKenzie pass November 16. and Is scheduled tc highway near Lost lake, when the close Tuesday, November 24. skull of a man and a pair of overalls Threshing was delayed In Oregon by were dug up by the workers. rain, but In many localities Is practl- Business of mills of the West Coast rally complete, says the weekly crop Lumbermen's association was not so summary of the weather bureau. active In the week ending September One thousand ninety-six new stu­ 5 aa for the preceding week. 107 mills dents have applied for admission tc reporting soles amounting to 100.491,- the University of Oregon for the fall 914 feet, manufacture of 103.134.746 term, 144 more than applied a year reet and shipment of 97.659.026 feet. ago. Roger D. Plnneo. traffic manager for tbe port of Astoria tor the last five years, has written to the port commission expressing hts desire to resign. Tbe largest salmon hatchery In tbe south western part of tbe state la tc be established on a tributary of South Coquille river, about 3 4 miles from Power«. F. 8. Hinkle of Corvallis was shot and killed on tbe Yachats river. It was stated that Hinkle was moving In the brush and was shot when mis­ taken for a deer. Forest fire danger Is not yet over In western Oregon notwithstanding the recent heavy rainfall, according to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the Cascade forest I The Eugene Farmers' creamery o f' Butene has been awarded first prise, in the creamery butter competition 0» A total of 3605 persona visited tbe battleship Oregon In Portland harbor In July, according to a report riled with tbe state treasurer. Accompany­ ing the report was a remittance of »901.26. which bos been credited to tbe battleship Oregon commission. Un­ der tbe law money received from per­ sons who visit the battleship is ap­ plied toward maintenance of the croft. ’ ’o th of M n ’ eoln O re g o n : I ’ e r t 'e r ’ Dnwn’np of W endPnr Oregon- Abra­ ham L. Kelt'-, o f D o n e e r>-e g o n . H A M H .L A. C A N 'O 'v R»glrt-er, non-coal S 17 24 o l-S-1 A N O TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N Department of the Inter or U. S -Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon Au-1 gust 20. 1925. | Notice Is hereby given thnt Albert C. Rtkhoff, of Eugene, Oregon, who on May 24. 1920, made Homestead En ■ try, No. 012867, for E 4 N E M , section 3«, township 188, Rung 4 West. W ll liunette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to tnnke three year proof, to establish claim to the bind above described, before E. O. Immel. 11. 8. Comm'snloner, nt Eugene. Oregon, on llm 38th day of September, 1926. Claimant names ns witnesses: Henry A. Schnorenoerg, David B A - Rp|d. Reason Wayne Willoughby, all of Eugene. Oregon. Ham ill A, Canada”, non-coal. A 27, 8 24. ............. u. .. On verification of reports that tbe Klamath Indians have experienced three bad crop years. Secretary of In­ terior Work has authorised a gene-al payment to them of »200 each out of the tribal reserve receipts from tim­ ber sales. The aggregate payment to the tribe members will amount to »245,200 and 122» Indians w ill partici­ pate In it. The total registration In the Port­ land public schools will reach the highest peak In tbe history of the system In thia school year, in the opinion of C. A. Rice, acting city superintendent ol schools. On the basis of present attendance records, 3. M. Myers, superintendent of con­ Mr. Rice believes 48.000 students w ill struction of tbe North Umpqua road, be enrolled In the schools of the city has received orders to complete the ns compared with 46.139 lost year. forest development road Into tbe Steamboat ranger station, a distance of two miles from W illiams creek, to Butter wrappers printed according which the road has now been built. to regulations with name, weight The city of Gresham has filed with and addreas. »1.25 a hundred at the _ the state engineer application cover­ News office. ing the appropriation of water from HlneX Spring and seepage from a ‘ U,ch , tributary W illamette ‘ The the propo8ed U Remember above date, that consul- ' > lo ,0 u 0 . . lotion on this trip will be free and the California state fair at Sacramen­ All surveys of the Oregon Trunk to, according to word received. I (hat hl» tratment Is different. railway between Bend and Klamath Offers of 23 cents have been made Married women must be occompan- ..a a . limit- I . FalIs have ror new crop Oregon hops, and . , been . . completed, according j led by (heir husbands. to officials of the northern lmeg. The ed amount of business has been done Addrea«: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los In clusters at that price, but growers surveying crews have been withdrawn and the blueprints are ready for sub­ Angeles, California. as a rule are holding out for 25 cents. mission to the interstate commerce Railroads operating between Salem commission. NOTICE FOR I’URL1UATÍ o S l ' ' ~ n»««i»»rr. D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R ­ and PcrNand filed with the public W. R. “Jinks” Taylor, Pendleton IOR. U. 8 LAND O FFICE at Rose­ service cotntnls&V-m 6ew tariffs re­ chief of police, colorful figure of the burg. Oregon. September 10. 1925. ducing materially the rates on canned NO TIC E Is hereby given that Nel­ old west and ex-sherlff of Um atilla son Bush, of Marcóla, Oregon, who, goods in carload lota between the two county, died In the St. Anthony's hos­ points. on January 7. 1921. mode Homestead pital at Pendleton as a result of in- Entiy. No. 013602. for Lots 3 and 4. Section 17, Township 16 8.. Range l West. W illamette Meridian, has flleJ notice of intention to make three- Get the Red Crown year Proof, to establish claim to the Mileage Card at any land above described, before E. O. “RedCrown“pump. Immel, U. S. Commissioner, at Eu- g ne Cregon, on the 19(h day of Oc- U se it and se e your I tobei*. 1925. mileage increase I Claimant nan ?s as witnesses:* Ellsworth W , Dial. Jasper W. Dial, both r.f Marcela. Oregon: Herbert , Downing, of Wendllr-g. Oregon; Abra- ham L. Kwllv of Donna, Oregon H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. I non-coal. S 17-24 O 1-8-15. NO TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN TER 1OR, u. 8. L A N D O FFIC E nt Rose burg. Oregon. Snnlnmber 10, 1925. NO TIC E I f heribv given thnt Al­ bert Hu«h. of Marcóla, Oregon who ~n M a r c h 1. 1921 tn»<1» tten'1 Entry No. 013716. for W 4 S W ti, Sec. 7: nn:l on April 6, 192t. made Add. H E. 013»’ " ">r Lo»f> 4 nnd 5. Sec 7 Towt h l- ’ 6 f R»nge I West Wtl. I«mct, r M er’d’en. he« fle d notice of 'nlen’ lo- to mnke thrcc-v ar Proof, •o e « ‘ e h ' | - s e|n'-r- to th" l« n l above described, b^for" O. In’— cl. IT. S C "m m '■’ lo«»r. a> Foecnc. Orceen, on the 1PC' ’ev of October. HP» C le lfc n t cameo «« wttn**"’ -”'«; Ellswe-tb W Dial .1, -re r i ” n t - ’ Plans for the proposed new guard tower at the Oregon state penitentiary were approved by the state board of control. The tower will he of brick and cement construction and w ill be located near tbe main gate and out­ side of the prison enclosure. The cost of the tower waa estimated at ap­ proximately »500. • YOUR SHOES W IL L L IV E much longer and give you better serv* ce if you bting them to us to have them resoled or repaired. W e uso only the best and most durable of leather, while the quality of our work­ manship is the highest. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & 4th ' I “The Red Crown Mileage Card sure saves money!” The Hed "ro w n Mileage Card is more then a care for recording mileage—it’s a help to yo .: to get the e x tr a 15 to 30 miies that are alw ays in a tankful of Red . Crown gas; ’ine. H ere’s w hat one m otor­ ist found out: “The Red Crown Mileage Card sure save9 m oney’ My bu9 consumes only 10 gallons of ’Reel Crown’ now on a 200 mile run that used to take 13 gallons of gas and even more. I figure I’ll save enough in a year on Red Crown gas­ oline to pay for o:ie tire at least.” Red Crown Mileage Card records prove daily the extra mileage in Red Crown gasoline. Use “Red Crow n” al­ w ays and profit by its estra mileage. Time Deposit Certificates P yon have a sunt of mofl'- ey for which you have no immediate need, place it in a Time Deposit Account here at the First National. This is a splendid way of keeping your money work­ ing where It is absolutely safe and available to you in either s ix or t w e l v e months. Call and we’ll tell you more about this type of account. T h e First miles (California) .r mas=a4. National Bank OF E U G E N I t