T H F RUTtTA-m PA C F RIX TH URSDAY. SEPT. 17. 1825 WESTERN MAN PRESIDENT - stores ( about GROCERS* ASSOCIATION in this counp-y and represents ment to fifteen hundred thirty thousat^ store«. progreaalve young people. energetic, CANVAS MOHAWK VALLEY FOR SPRINGFIELD M ARKET Wlth'n the last ten year« chain Marked recognition of the progree- Mill Worker Injured. •tores have tnkm an unusual poa'tlon To n ect wlih other member« of the In from Mohawk—Tony Saxer ot Drive to Roeeburg— Mr. and Mrw I slve methods of western chain store in the huslnesa of the nation, and to­ committees n charge of promoting a Moi^wk was in town Saturday. Frank Sidewell drove to Roseburg peratora Is shown In the election of Joe Trlrk. employed ns monorail day are recognized as a great econom Sunday. M. B. Skaggs to be presidm t of the ehaavr at tile Booth Kelly mill here pubic market In HprlngflHd. A lai Ic factor In helping humanity solve H e r e fro m T h u rs to n — H A. Oray of was Injured Haturdny when he »irii-’h le w is of Mohawk was In lown Hat the problem of the ever rtslnr cost ini Thurston was in town Monday. Hers for Funeral—8. A. Gay of hla head on u protruding hull, , ut Urdu) Mr, l ewis has been canvas­ the distribution of necessities, Woodburn was in town to attend the ling a large gash In h lrsr.ilp . After Goes to Portland— Dr W. H. Pol­ funeral of Mrs, Lulo Conley, sing tin neigliboi isi to gather opin­ Mr 8kaggs has rare business abll gelling medical treutmtnt Mr. Tritìi« lard drove to Portland Saturday aft­ tty licginttlug with one small «tore returned to his work. ions ns to the market ami stsire that ernoon for a short business visit. Returns from Visit— Mrs, Hen 11 at American Falls. Idaho. In IBIS, ho' evintone he has met has been In fav­ Brlcco returned the latter part of In Canada—8. C. Wright is apt ml- haa hnllded day hv day until now th» last week from a month spent visiting 4C»ra M -et Hera. or of the market W hile no lortlon a month n Ssakaehewan looking in Klamath Falla. Skaggs stores have food dlatrlhutlng Members of the Lane count* <0 has yet b-er ietettilned on. the work after his farming interests there. stations In the prlncipei cities In th- and 8 society ef the American Legion will I, , ii bed as rapidly as possible. Inspect Boiler*—State boiler In­ stales of Idaho. Utah. Oregon. Wash Visit at Comstock—Mr. and Mrs. G. nu t here a> the Chamber of (’ in Mi Lewis «ays. since many stockmen spector* were here the latter part of Ington, Colorado. Wyoming. Nevada H. Turner spent Sunday at Comstock mere« rooms Friday evening. About In the neighborhood wlso Io sell their last week to inspect the school boll- and California, wh ch furnish miptoy visiting relatives. fifty men attend,d the meeting, after meat h> ra, and other farmers wish era. which they enjoyed a banquet nt to sell their fall produces suoli as pos­ Renta Flowers House— Frank Smith Stop at Hotel— Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Huntly's Del'catessen «hop sible. has rented the Dale Flowers house at Mills of Oakville, Washington and Sth and K. RECORDS FOR ALL Ray Cannon of Noli stopped at the Guest at Lcpley Home— Mrs. Elsie Spong hotel Sunday. . , PHONOGRAPHS Pollard was a dinner guest Friday Fin ish es P a in tin g — IV W McKinnon At evening at the Wilbur L epl.y home. finished palntiug his house on Wil­ Will Attend Round-up— Mr. and lam ette Heights Monday. He is now Mrs. W. W. Clover will attend the pa nting another of his houses there Pendleton Round-up next week. Has Major Operation— Mrs. John National Chain Store Grocers' asso- 6 76 D E P A R T M E N T STORES EDISON Richter underwent a major operation catlon at its annual convention in i To Newport— Mrs. C CL Wilson left cago. COLUMBIA Friday for Newport, where she spent at the Pacific Christian hospital EUGENE. OREGON This association |» composed o' the several days. i Tuesday. larger operators of chain grocery Here from Baker—J. D. Neet of Fined fo r T u rn in g — A . H . Myer pa d a fine of $2 to Jflstice of the Baker, and a fromer Springfield resi­ Peace R. W. Smith Friday for turning dent. visited here Tuesday. Marshall's Ä Ä . Phonographs his car in the middle of a block. 1 Goes to Round-up— Miss Clara Renta House— H. T. Mitchell of the AVvse. nurse in the office o f Drs. Reh- Cash and Carry has rented a house han and Dip pel. Is attending the Pen on gth and A streets belonging to dleton Round-up. Mrs William Leonard. Buys Bicycle— George McMahon purchased the b'cycie sold at the city Leave on H u n tin g T r ip — Bill Rouse. hall Saturday fqr »13. The wheel was Pete Chase, and Perry Richardson found about a month ago by a mem­ left Saturday for Simpson Creek, ber of the police force, and was never above Cakr dge, for n hunting trip. called for. They will be gone a weak. Receives Grain Shipment—A car­ Viait from Washington— Mr. and load of corn from the middle west Mrs. Albert Jacobs of Bremerton, and a car of grain from Harrisburg Washington, arrived Friday for a vis­ was received by the Springfield Mill it of sever! days t the P. G. Woods and Grain company Monday. home. Inspector Hire— N. Anderson. In­ Out of Town Visiter»—Mrs. J. S. spector for the Nicolai Door Manu- Arrandale of Wendling. H. F. Erie of factoring company of Portland was Portland and S. Mundy of Bandon here Monday to Inspect some Booth- registered at the Spong Friday Mr. Kelly lumber. He returned to Port­ Mundy returned to his home Monday. land Tuesday. Dcwn from Portland— A. E. Har­ rington of Portland arrived here Sun day tor visit with his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Mr. Harrington spent several days during the first part If the week hunting near Roseburg. He expects to Here from Out of Town—Guests return to Portland Sunday. registered at the Spong hotel Satur­ Go to Portland— Mrs. Maude Bryan, day Included Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Parks and her daughter. Miss Crystal Bry- of San Francisco, W. T. GoJward of. 'an left Wednesday morning for Port­ Sweetwater. Nevada. Ross Ray and land. They expect to return Saturday W. A. Brock of Scio and C. S. McHen­ or Sunday. Miss Bryan will leave next ry. Bud Powers and Fred McCornack week for Monmouth, where she will of WendLng. attend the Oregon Normal school next 1 D riv e to Albany— Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Albert j Jacobs spent Sunday in Albany. Mr.' Miss Mildred Ward dislocated her and Mrs. Jacobs, who were house­ shoulder Friday evening when she guests at the Woods home last week, fell on the board walk in front of her continued from Albany to their home home on south D street. Miss Ward In Charlestown. Washington. I is employed at the McMorran and Washburne store. —— R e tu rn fr o m W a s h in g to n T r ip — M r. and Mrs. R. F. Sidweli have returned from an extensive trip through Wash­ ington, after visiting in Seattle, Long­ view . Tacom«, W enatchee and Mt. Rainier. year- __________ -w S IG N IN G FO R The Only Difference Is Important: P U R iT Y AND EXCELLENCE. A tub full of It. The cream with an irresistible flavor made from the best product the market af­ fords. Our Ice cream Is known by all as most excellent and nourishing. Supplied in any amount for public and* private functions The best value. 4 “W h a t a store loses in a sale," this merchant says, “ is paid for by the excessive prices charged regular patrons. W c simply don’t do business that way." EGGIMANN’S Let “K odak” Sa£eaythe Pictures won’t let you forget those vacation memories Let your kodak save them for the years to come_ ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS Baker-Button Kodak Shop 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line C. J. Breier Co. School season is near! low prices— Buy your dry goods now at these For Men ONLY! (Women please TURN this page) Once in a while MAN, emulting the WORM, will TURN! Wimmen have swiped our hair cuts, razors, pants, votes and jobs and there’s very, very little left for us, but THIS week we are going to TRY and make our list of sales items as nearly HE as possible. There’s a COUPLE of items I ’M SURE as strictly HE, but I ’m not going to bring them in on this page cause I don’t want .to get the wimmen folks too turrible peeved. Shaving Brush Male Powder! Got some bargains In these, but if you are accustomed to use Barbasol or Molle, why na- turally there's no need at ail of you getting excited about /-rushes. Am I right? No, It's not GL'Npowder. It’s certain kind of TALCUM pow­ der that removes the shine nice­ ly and is so modest It disap­ pears Immediately AFTER. Teeth! Have some life size tooth brushes which are tuff, ruff and mean! No fem'nine set of teeth would stand up under the sort of treatment these brushes hand out, so men step up and do your stuff! Rum! Bay Rum is for OUT8IDB use« ONLY. AFTER shaving is when this ahould be Indulged In and ONLY on the OUTSIDE of the face. Sorry about it, too. a Strops! If you don't know the knack of using one of these, you’d bet­ ter pass over tbbs ad. They do give you an edge on your razor, however that results In a REAL HEAD BARBER shave. Therapeutic Shaving Cream Don’t let the title kid you even a little bit. All that means Is that In case you cut your throat shaving with this cream, you will die from loss of blood instead of blood poisoning. That's all it means. KETELS DRUG STORE "Corner 6th & Main" A merchant in N e w Y ork, who, like our­ selves, dues not believe that so-called “sales’* safeguard the interests of the public, says that “ the only difference, in our opinion, between an ordinary every-day hold-up and a reduc­ tion sale is, that in the first you pull a gun on a stranger whereas in the second you pull it on a friend." Now—The New Fall Blankets —At Wetherbee-Powers For Less DRESS FLANNELS. S t r i p e s a n d plaids. Blue, brown, black, white, tan, green and henna. At lowest prices, per yard, $1.95 to $3 85 SERGES in assorted plain colors. A good value at per yard ...................................... 85c to $ 2 . 2 5 WOOL PLAIDS. Good range of colors, at per yard ............................................ 89c to $ 1 .2 5 COTTON PLAIDS and CHECKS. Very desirable for schpol wear, per yard ............................... 25c to SILKS— Plain, ^tripes and figured. All good values, at per y a rd ............................... $1.25 to 69c $3 25 MERCERIZED CHARMEUSE— Striped and plain colors, at per yard ........................... 39c to 43 c MERCERIZED NAINSOOK in plaid and plain colors, per yard ........ .............................. 32c to 45 c PONGEE—Silk and cotton mixed. Assorted colors, per yard ............................................ 49c to 65c ENGLISH BROADCLOTH—Plain colors. Everfast, 65c values, per yard.............................. t 43 c Gingham Specials Good assortment of dress and apron checks and plaids— up to 20c values, now per y a rd ................. 10c One lot dress ginghams. Buy now at this low reduced price, per yard ........................................... 14c Sheeting Specials Now—with the coming of chilly night»—comes the thought of warm, downy und attractive winter blankets Never ha» VVetherbee-Powers been better fitted to supply the needs of all who desire good blankets- at prices that prove the economy of buying them here. Come in und see what we have to offer. 66x80 Double Mixed Blankets Good weight, fluffy blankets, 35 to 40% virgin wool mixed with cotton. New block plaid designs In grey and white, black and white, red and black, etc. Heavily whipped edges, double style, each 5 8 .0 0 64x76 Heavy Cotton Blankets Heavy double cotton blankets In plain gray or tan with bloc and pink fig u r-d b o rd e rs, w hipped edges, each ... 25 "Nashua" Novelty Robe Blankets Single “ Nashuu" Novelty Blankets In the new Indian Robe patterns- good assortment of colors—wool and cotton mixed—double edge» ......................................... 66x80 Virgin Wool Blankets Fine, pure Virgin Wool Blankets In the new Fall block plaid patterns In gold, blue, pink, lavender, rose and gray—deep whipped edges-.................. 511 50 Mixed Wool and Cotton Blankets Double blankets of mixed cotton and wool block plaid patterns In blue, pink, tan and gray, wide sateen binding to matth ................ <7 66x80 Double Cotton Blankets Double block plaids In a large assortment of colors. Every one beautifully finished with sateen bound edKes ....*............... -............ $5.75 ^ /E T H E R B E E 8-4 Heavy Page Sheeting, regular 69cz value, per y *rd ............................................................. 5 5 c OUTING FLANNEL, 36-lnch, striped and plain white. Good grade, per yard ................................ 2 5 C CAST N IN T H A N D O AN _ _ USE YOUR CREDIT—WE CHARGE NO INTEREST *