THURSDAY. HEI’T. 17, 1925 y TH E ¿jUHNOFlELD NEW8 " UPPtH WILLAMETTE Barnett ranch. Mr. Zlegllsr and fam­ ily expect to move to the Taylor ranch this week. * I' It Ednil»ion. «.I k , .......... hi for aom* time, 1» In a very critical condition^ THURSTON NOTES Mr.. and Mr» Ray Baugh and fam ■ lop picking at the J. W Heavey lly motored in Junction City lust Sun­ yard i oiled laat Sunday and several day. Ml»» Edmleton ha« gone to faiulltea from here who picked there Norton'» where »he la employed to have returned Io tbelr home«. I’erry F r e e motored down from teach the «chool there. Our neighborhood wue greaily McKeagie bridge lael Friday. lie went to Corvallle Saturday to make «hocked to learn of the dentil of Mr« plane to attend the 0 . A. C. thia win. Erneet Conley, who pueeed away at ter. Mr. Price, Herbert Taylor and the Pacific Christian hnapllal In Eu­ Mr Conley w»j Jay Grunt are contemplating tu balch gene last week raised and «pent moat of hl» life together. Lawrence B aiter gnd Jack Herbert here und has the heart felt sympathy who have «pent the »uni me.- *n the, of th,, entire neighborhood In bla ountalnt a» fire warden«, ep io l the , *orrow' K e k uud with home folk«. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Howard Baughman has gone to Eu­ NOTICE i s HEREBY GIVEN that gene to «lay with bl» mother and at­ tin- under»lgn, Tai m o« In one day Thu I'leaaatrt Hill Ulrl»' Cooking club, under Mr». Jeaae I'helpa. and the Hewing d u b under Mr». M K Haya, gave demunalrallon and dis­ play at (ha I'leaaanl lllll publ'c ■ekool huuau Friday, Mepleniber II. Several of (he lies here w a n preeent. The (wo duba gava a «hurt program con»leilng of th« Community Pledge In unison. »Inglng th« dub aong» and giving tb« dub motto. Roberta Law- aon. Emma Olaon and Hath Emory gave (he »»wing demonstra! tona ■bowing th« turning of a hum, mak­ ing a French seam and dlffrant kind» of atitdioa. Th« rooking rlub d«m- «nitration learn ronalallng of Roblr.a l a m i a . Lurlll« Jordan and Luoetta Ibiugbman gave tba rul»« and waya of measuring Thu display of horn» mad» broad and th« »«wing received much pralae Mr» Jo»«» i*he|pa and two children Robert and Evelyn, are »ponding th» week In Roseburg vlaltlng Mr« I I'hulp'a alater. Dr nn'l Mr» D. J Hahn hav» gone) to Tota» for a a ll week» v o lt with i Mr». Hahn« aon. Mr. Thompson Mora« )• lending to Hahn'» choro« In I bla abaunr«. Mr. and Mra. C. I. William« have] gone on ih d r annual variation to ■ Eastern Oregon .Mr and Mra A Emery and al». rhlldrrd ard Mr».! Bone Beavey. Mr. Wlndenrled la a brother of Mr». Beaver, Ml»» Hallie Beaver I» leaching 'n , the Monroe high »rived again thl» year. She teaches nial h en a l Ir» and language». Enterprise public »chool open« October 5. Mr. and Mr». Daniel« and daugh- tern. (Rial and Nellie, are vlnltlng at the home of Mr. and Mr«. Bert John. COBURG NEWS The Coburg »awmlll la loading car» with ties for th« Southern Pclflc com­ pany. m , c »„• * « r .i* I, • , Jhft Southern Paiifte company has «hipped In a car load of tie» for road building at Coburg. •» . Tho Mountain Stale« Pnwet torn- pany la putting |n u knnd hihny nille» of new pole« bn lh« naw line. Mrs. Vandlne I* reahlngllng her house which »h« hu« rented, on Muln »treat. GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL I'ROI'ERTY NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue and order of the County Court of Lam County. Oregon, duly made anil entered on the 14-th day of Beptomher, l»2fi, the undersigned,| guard Ian of tho person anil estates of Vernlla Luther and Juanita Luther,] minora, will, on and ufter the 19th day of October. 1925, offer for »ale nml «ell at prlvnte »ale to tbe highest bidder for rti»h the following des­ cribed real properly. to-w,t: All of Lota Ona (D , Two (2). Three (3) and Four <«) and the East one- liMlf of Lot Five (6), in Block 110, In Waahhurne'a Subdivision of the Hprlngfleld Investment and Power company'» Addition to Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. Said sale will take place at the law office« of Potter A Foster, at 981 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. FLORENCE LUTHER. Guardian of tbe person and estate of Vernlla Luther and Juanita Luther, Minora. 8 17-24 0 1-8-1« BABY BEEF Tender - Juicy - Delicious PAGE FIVE Features For Friday and Saturday Big K Hard Wheat Flour Bbl, 4-49 lb. Bags, $8.99 49 lb. Bag, $2.29 Rlbwrlnt Cotton Gloves, 3 pairs 25c 12 pa»™ ................................................... 95 c SWEET POTATOES— 4 pounds..................... . 28c HEINZ CATSUP— SUGAR—(pure cane) 100 lbs 55.23 lowest price In years on this delicious $1.73 catsup, large bottle 28c 25 ............-.......... (AT THE STORE) SUNMAID RAISINS— 4-pound package ........ 39c PEANUT BUTTER— 1 pound ..................... 19c PINEAPPLE— Broken slices—new summer pack In COFFEE—SKAGGS BEST BLEND — No. 2% tins. 3 tins .................. 69c Ground as you wish It, 1 lb. 50c 12 tins S2.69 3 pounds ___ ____ ________ $1.47 SKAGGS TEA—Drinkers of Green Tea will find a new delight in their favorite beverage by using Skaggs Tea. First pickings of this season's crop—only the tender tip leaves—delightful flavor and bouquet—the best tea you ever tasted The kind you gee at tbe Fair. Tills meat has that delicate flavor that in no necessary to make a perfect roast or nteak. Both kinds Green or Black...................... 1/2 ,b................................................. 35c 1 lb. .................... 65c We give particular attention to our phone orders. It Is our earnest desire to Bend you exactly the cut of meat that you order. SKAGGS GNITED STORES PHONE 75 No. 213 321 Main Street Springfield, Ore. MEAT CO. QUALITY ANI) CLEANLINESS and Main Springfield It's your Fair next week— Everybody boost Let’s make it a record! “Springfield Merchants First”. A New Heart In Your Kitchen —That’s n hplendld Idea. The Standard Furniture Com­ pany fully appreciates the fine "Trade-at-Home spirit.” that prompted that slogan. We're for you—we hope, and know that you people of tho Springfield community will remember that when you can’t supply your furniture needs at home—WE CAN and we'll give you fine quality furni­ ture at moderate prices -and deliver it for you. 9 We invite Springfield people to make our store their headquarters in Eugene—just make yourself at home—whether you want to buy or not. Courteous, intelligent, helpful service always. Standard Furniture One burner cooks ceveral vessels or keeps the whole dinner hot. Faster cooking, aim m ering w arm ing tem peratures alw ays able. and aval'- Smooth, level top hot all over, easy to clean. Top Heat Control where 80 per cent of the cook­ ing is done. Oven H eat Control Cooking Chart. and Standard Come in and see the New Smoothtop cooking advantages shown above. The greatest Improvement ever made in a domestlo gas range. See how one burner keeps four ves­ sels steaming—see the new cooking delights made possible by top heat control—see the oven heating regulator—see how three full meals can be prepared in less time than now required to cook two. Then compare the new Smoothtop’s cooking advantages with any other range you know about and will quickly see why it's to your advan­ tage to install this remarkable new range in your kitchen now. SOLD ON EASY TERMS— ALLOWANCE MADE FOR YOUR OLD RANCE COMPANY Heilig Theatre Bldg. , ■ < -, Eugene A. S. BRAUER—JNO. L. MAMT1N— ERIC W. MERELL acr Mountain States Power Co.