PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. HKI’T. 17. 1925 THE 8PR1NGPUBLD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 HECETA LOCAL * Local Reporter« ;• Canary . ....... ......... J. L, Norlhup •..Central ... ............ „ Ray Bo««r Cloverdale .— Mrs. L. J. Qetchell Heceta local met for regular meet Ing September IS. t$U6. There was ! * Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelheck an attendance of about 35 member« * Creswell ... Mrs. M A. Horn and friend». Then1 was a very nice * n ° r*n* ...» — Mrs. Ada Jennings picnic dinner served out of door. ‘ -------- -- Mr* B H“ k*’r The meeting being public was h elp ; "««HeyvIUel ... Mr. M. Olllespie * • FROM STATE MARKET AGENT » c r o p . • By C. E. Spence Result« of Honest Pack«. • • • • » . . Slate Market Agent Spence cite» • — I that In the month of Auguel Iasi year • "Enlightened Prison Dealing' , gg carloads of potato«» were Shipped • The flax In.tuetry In Oregon s «tale | m(t> n„. slate, Io com p'te with Ore- • penitentiary ha« been given nation ; g„tt farmers. In August of this year * » I'l. publicity during the past year, j 30 car, W(in, r,¥„,, «, dt) * , ami periodical, of tbs east are a„ ribute a„ of , Ma to grading and 'STZT* « . „ r ' - ' o p rlntln * , Sun of ............. m ” r ----------- M r»_l. M. » outer McKensie .... Harry C, Jackson Mt. Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds Mulsh Smith “ Silk **“ Creek - K R Tinker Trent ..... .... Mr». W. E. Post VMa ... HADLEYVILLE LOCAL OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY FARMER'S UNION Ralph Laird, Crsswsll, Prssldsnt. Will W hstler, Trent. Vice Prssl danL Betty Kappauf. Cottage Orovs, sac.-Trass. N. A. Horn, Cottage Qrovs, Door K stpsr H. C. Jaokson, Waltarvllla, Con- doctor. O. L. Clsmont, Chaplain. • • • • • • • • • * Hadleyvllle local held 11« open meeting Thura lay evening. Septem­ ber 3 Thrre was not many out. I>ul the faithful few enjoyed at. old fash­ ion spelling bee. Mr Wllllard Richard«, from Thu Dalle* , la here vialllng Mr. and Mrs. W J Hi ales Mlsa M>la Henderson of Isirena lias returned home after spending a aroek wlih frlemla and relatives. Mr and Mrs Jessie Hooker and family. Mrs. Southerland »pent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. U J. Hen­ derson of l.orana. Mrs Frank Snyder has received the news that her daughter. Mrs El­ la Trusdale, has a new baby boy. II It Smith was In Eugene on bus­ iness the last of the week. Word was received that two of our members. Mr and Mrs A Rlmonsen have bought them a new home In Portland Tlio next meeting will be Thurs­ day. Repinmbvr 17. Would like to see as many out aa possible. Willard Henderson 1« spending ,i few days with hte alater, Mr« Vera Seales. Th>' Toronto. On «uadardlaatlon of our stock." says j • September 3. a isles that , he m, rke< .-yrl ml|ch of , hw • the prison has the Irgeat flax «rut-j decrease Is because buyers and re- • • > Ivlng mill tn the world. 34 machines, tellers do not now have to buy Yah I- • • • *** n*arv“* being In Ire- »|,x-k to get an honest pack. The! • when> ct” >ro '• * m ,,l ot 83 grading and Inspection law la making | chines. The Sun states that more frlenda of honest growers and deal • FARM REMINDERS son spoke. The meeting was very « « » « « » « » • than 50 convicts are given employ- era." • • • • • • • • • • much enjoyed. Owing to a school ex- Mr* Dowell's school near Ada. I ment on these machines and as an In­ Making Qreat Progress. Artificial support for branches over hibit of farm products at Big creek Mrs. Levage and daughter. Bernice, duceanent for faithful work they are Amaslng progress Is being mad« loaded with fruit becomes pressing thera was a number of our members visited a . few days with Mrs. Dahlia P*W 50 cents per day, also that this all over the country In farmer unity; unable to attend. and Mrs. Orlmshaw, I compensation la given to other coo- and It would seem that a more even Just before lb crop colors up. with Mrs. Dahlln returned Monday from J vieta In other departments of the flax footing I» certain to r.wult from the the starches largely turning Io sugai Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy left Wednee- day for their new station at War- a six-week stay tn Portland where industry. ‘‘Flax Is being received at work of the thousands of co-opera­ as the fruit mature». Moat Oregon rlor rock. ! »he went foe medicai treatment. the rate of 100 to loO tons dally." tives. Farming has long been oul ot trees that have been rightly pruned The tender Rose was in at the head Mrs. Kristina Dahlln Is reported to states the Sun. “and every avsllub!« balance with the rest of the business from (he alart get along all right without 1» - con- . Wednesday. j t*. improving slowly. .»mate who can be extended tm .ty of the country When farm er, are a . ™ T £ lying „ or . bracing, ~ as It X Is en - | strongly organised as other Industrie, i .. X «row er. and experiment Mr. and Mrs. Herman arlved FYI-1 Harry Levage and Mr. Miller of privileges In the penitentiary -------- r a , v i u r r lu u m ir it 'B _ ___ day to take up their position at the North Bend are at the home of Mrs. I. ” ' ” ~ ..........' """• now to allow the upright limbs to light house. Dahlln for a few days while getting headed. "Enligntened Dealing «I.U together as the corporations do. r>«- a » ■ ___, ! bt«d down with Ihelr fruit and thus Mr. and Mrs. Laird. Mr and Mrs cattle ready for shipment. Prison Problem." suits will be that returns from farm spread the tree Masts of 3 Inrh Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ren James Baker and Claude Rose were Gcing A h ir Law Violators. products will be Increased and coats ; m e have been spending the week-end visitors In Florence Wednesday on C. E Spence Slate Market A cent. of farm operations reduced Organ'xu I square pieces, one end on the ground, few with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Larson and business. „ _ . ; ** pbb,lc Sunday of last week. dealers are warned of the p en alties' Thousands of farmers' boys and girls The bride was attended by Misa The H eceta Head school opened — - of 3100 fine, 30 dav* in Jail, or both „ r e now leaving the farms to bitter Martha Fair and the groom by Mr. Tuesday. September 8 with Miss Mil- • • • • • • CALL AND SEE Dr N W Eraer» 1 Read H Achauer. a very warm clues-, The law provides that the potatoei i them selves In the factories and ahops dreti Pember as teacher. on pel >» on niete end otb«.- w»ra •> male of Mr Carle CRESWELL LOCAL ahal! be graded and both the grade ‘ of the cities. Mis.« Laura Larson, Miss Blanche and the grower's name shall be aten-1 - Larson. Miss Mildred Pember and The Crtswell local of the Farmers' riled on the sack. No stork of more • • • • • • e a s e Mr. Herman Larson and Miss Stilnah union met Tuesday evening. Mr. Hol- than 50 pounds can legally be sold • CANARY LOCAL * Stonefield. Miss Matha Bay. and Fred-J Baton reported his investigation of otherwise. • • • « • • • • • » erick Stonefield and Lawrence Bear« the cheese factory at Salem. Mr. Wheat Smut Greatly Reduoed. E E. Potter It awuy from home all attended a party at the bungalow.' White, a representative of the Smith- In the m onth of August. Iasi sum- tivmpnrur.1 ■. doing road work. Saturday. September 5. , Hugh«, organ!,atlon. was present and ' mer. 3421 cars of wheat were re ,ved The opening of the deer sea so n ! Miss Stilnah Sontefield and Fred- offered to organize night school f o r ,at , he Portland terminal« of which la bringing many hunter« to this Io -! | erick Stonefield. Lourance Beers and 'his community at which general ,434 ,.ar, KradwJ vario„M , „ callty. \e r n o n and Georgia Stonefield. Bob farm problems will be discussed ,.f gmut or E9 COBf Our Sunday school Sunday w n well by DeRoy and Mr. Robert Bay all at ! A short musical program was given 1 raonth aulnrael. l805 cars WHr„ r, . attended. You are cordially Invited i tended the Labor Day celebration at after which pies were auctioned o f f , celTWj „ „ car> to meet with us. Florence. ¡by Mr. Butler. The proceeds from . mn, _«- n4>r „ .... , All three of the Maple creek val­ Rufus Stonefield returned hom e: P<- social go towards an £ tu e .argLy «I .'he i . t ley schools are now In session. this week having finished work on that much wtnter wheat was winter Hay harvest la about over In thia! road up Big creek. killed and spring wheat sown In It» vicinity. Absolutely. FRESH APPLE C ID E R - M>. and Mrs. Baker and family. — — — ------------ — — — Jasper: "I want you to fig this Miss Frances Wallenburg and Mr. cuckoo clock." TOMATOES FOR CANNING Claude Ross attended the Labor Day Jeweler; “That Isn't a cuckoo celebration at Florence. Cheese, per 1 lb., full cream ... clock." Mrs. Overton Dowell and sons, Oval burdlnes, 2 for ............ Jasper: "Yes It Is. It Just struck Roderick and Gordon, left FrMay for thirteen.” Gold Medal m ayonnaise in hulk, bring your own Jan« and on the beach . We bad with us a number of visit-, • ors from outside locals. They were • • Mrs H. C- Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs ■ R O. Rennie. Mr. and Mrs. Laird both • gave a very nice talk, also Mr. Jack-! • / t A lw a y s P a y s to T rade a t G r a y ’s Canning Pears Now in SPECIAL We Carry a fu ll line of Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper. Come in and look over our 500 samples of Wall Paper VASBY BROS. Sale of Nifty New Dresses $14.48 - - $1.65 Box 30C — 2 5 c have them filled. Sauer Kraut, 2 c a n s ................... 25C 25c $ J 25 S3 9 0 ..................... I*ti111pkin. 2 < a n s 1 French Carrying Banket full of soap Crystal White Snap, case Pete's Snap deal still on, S 1 .4 0 worth soap and chlpH for 95c Bring us your eggs, we pay top prioe. We have grouped *for this gale, values ranging from 118.75 to $29.75, am t are offering you higrade m erchan­ dise at a very low price. Style, service and economy are Included In this offering. You can ill afford to miss this opportunity if you arfe in need anti a snappy, new, dress. No refunds, no alterations, no exohanges. C ASM 5CARR Y 312 Main Street BEARD’S WE HAVE JUST PUT IN EUGENE A FULL LINE OF BEACH NUT PRODUCTS W anted t h . ? ’S i Spagh,ett> noo(11*8' m acaroni and other items of shelves ° a Wlde iamoU9 Products can be found on our hii del,r;iorV8, Honey Oew Melons, Casabas, O-Sage and of Gold Cantaloupes. A wagon load to selerf from . They are dandies. Ry-Krisp bread In both Swedish and M innesota Rye. PHONB Jr J ■, * ' ■ ' , « 'f V Sher Khan • For These Chilly Nights ’ ‘ tv See our window display and prices of these heaters Trado in your Old heater on the new one. Term s If desired. PHONS 8 ■ WHITE FB88I GfiOCERY - 8 V .. Eggs and Poultry • A fresh shipm ent of peaches have just a r­ rived. Get yours before it Is too late. Colonial Heaters 662 Oak S treet. .^.1’ Eugene, Oregon Wright & Son t.