THURSDAY. SEPT. 17. 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FA O T T W O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY, Editor. Batered aa eecond clase matter. February 14. 1903 at tbe Boetoirtca, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E the individual and cannot be delegated. In the face of the growing prevalence of law­ lessness and indifference, no clear minded citlaen can have any doubt as to where his duty lies. Either the constitution, the federal and state laws and ntunlci|>al ordinances must be observed and enforced or America must face the prospect of being a nation of law-breakers and criminals. There is no twilight «one. • • • YOUTH COMMITTS THE CRIME. 5c Threu-fourths of the «rime in the last few — i years has been committed by youths under 25 THVRSDAY SEPTEMBER 17. 1925 __ years of age. We can no longer lay crime to • the war and now we should face conditions as • they art'. This age that has allowed boys and E ditorial Program • girls to run wild with automobiles and bootleg- gers has also been productive of all the other I. Make Springflald the Industrial Center of W es­ crimes on the calendar. Either some more re­ tern Oregon. straint must be placed on youth or our criminals II. Develop a Strong T ra d in g Point: Build a City will be getting younger and more numerous ever of Contented Homes. IIL Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­ year. mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and .1 Not a few people expressed the wish that tha Crow ing of F ru it: W o rk fo r Bettor M arkets IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon's Scenic W onder­ ’ ¡Kelly. Murray and Willos would escape land. ’ the offeers In their wild flight a few weeks ago. * I Their sympathy seemed to be with the criminals. , Likely as not there will be some protest before UNDERHANDED METHODS. these murderers hang. Sneaking about in an attempt to manufacture How does the normal human mind become so sentiment to influence the interstate commercejd^orted over a situation of thia kind that It sym donunission against granting a permit to the Ore- pathife8 with the murder« rather than the men gon Trunk railroad to build from Bend to Klain-|who were kined in coid blood and their families ath Falls. Portland agent of the Southern Pacific in mourning? have been in Lane and coast counties during the • • • • last few weeks. Wherever they have some in­ Professor Charles Henry, one of the leading fluence, legitimate or otherwise, a resolution against the granting of the permit for the exten­ mathematicians of France declares he has had proof of the scientific ma/heniatical certainty sion is secured. In secret session the directors of the Eugene that “nobody dies entirely.” Interesting enough, Chamber of Commerce passed one of these phony but what is making part of the world quake Is resolutions purporting to express the opinion of the question of carrying on of conscious Identity. the people of this section. In reality it expresses There are 10.000 Oregon farm with radio sets nobody's opinion and the people who passed it knew it would not stand the light if it were de­ or one out of every five. There is no excuse now bated before the chamber as a body. In their for the farmer not knowing the market every day. • • • characteristic meddle some way the Eugene chamber directors are seeking to Intervene in a E d ito r ia l C om m ent matter where they have no business. What is • • • more they are very careful not to give publicity Several Oregon cities are thrilled by the prospect of to their secret official act. One can’t blame them for being ashamed of this sort of business, how­ becoming “a teem ing metropolis, palpitating with Indus- trlal energy." by the advent of new railroad«. To Deem and ever. The S. P. has tried this stuff in Klamath Falls. palpitate would be grand, but the first thing to do la «ub Salem, Marshfield and other towns. Each time stltute «team shovels for lead pencil sharpeners.—Med­ it has sought to tie up local chamber officials on ford Mail-Tribune. the quiet, if possible. One Tear tn Advance----- »1.15 Blx M o n th s T5c Three Months Single Copy SOc Peint Settled. H e:—"What du you think of Ute I world a* a whole?" Hint:—'Tilg enough f r me.“ Chiropratic Is the Science of Restoring Health through the nerves. If you feel all down and out, can’t eat, j sleep or do your work, take Chiro­ practic Treatments. They are safe, sane and sure. Young men and women, you have today fur greater op­ portunities than your father» ever hud. .Bui you must, however, get ihe uecetntnry huslneaa training anti II tan be had at the Eugene Business College, Monday Is enrollment day and this Is your Invitation EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE It's a good school A. E. Roberta, President »92 Willamette St.. Eugene. Ore. Dr. Go. A. Simon PHONE 355 J (OVER PENNEY STORE) The Secret It Isn't the money- nor yet exactly personalty that at- tractb capitalists, bankers and business men to hustling youngsters. The thing that attracts almost always is the fact that "there" is a thinking man a man who does things- and u young man who mun achieve even greater things. Official Goodyear Tire Repair Service Station, Expert Balloon Tire Repairing A reent news Itotn In the Eugene Register slated that "two Lane County view s 'taken on the Rogue river In LAW’ OBSERVANCE NEEDED Southern Oregon' will be sent by the Eugene Chamber If a few of the people who kick about lax law- of Commerce to the Pacific Coast Travel Magaxine. ’ enforcement would turn a little attention to bet­ Since Eugene has gotten the car shops, the terminal, the ter law observance conditions might be improved. tie plant and a few other thing«. Catlfronla would better Law enforcement rests with the officials and is take care lest Lane County views taken In Ix>s Angeles something the individual has little oontrol of. eastern m agaitnes.—Cottage <5rove Sentinel. But law enforcement is something that rests with app««« >n Golden Opportunities Eugene Vulcanizing Works 957 Oak St. 1020 The moment a young man shows energy Initiative, thrift and trustworthiness- then older successful men are attracted to him. They are ever looking for younger shoul­ ders onto which to pass their responsibilities, young men who will carry on. They are willing and anxious Io back him in any worthy effort. It has always been so, The young man who is always broke- - spending faster than he can earn it—should heed these words. Be Thrifty, be Energetic, Study, Plan...and get things done. Then you will be popular and sought out. A saving account has started many a young man on the hlghwuy to success. Commercial State Bank A ll Lane County on Display FOR FOUR BIG DAYS LANE COUNTY F A IR EUGENE, OREGON SEPTEM B ER 22, 23, 24, 25 Fast, Exciting Races Rodeo Every Day Big Night Shows SPLENDID EXHIBITS-AUTO SHOW KENNEL CLUB BENCH SHOW—FREE ACTS This Is Lane County ’s Greatest Event Plan To Attend Every Day and Night Springfield Day, W|E D^ 2D3AY Listen Ladies! It’s considered bad taste! in advertising food products to appeal to loyality, or in a sense, beg you to use the product advertised. So please do not misconstrue us, for we want our products to sell on their very own merits, which they are doing at an ever increasing rate. Quality is building our business. The super-quality of our FEATHERFLAKE Flour Is increasing the demand In all parts of 'Oregon and California to such an extent that alt times we are taxed to the limit to get the orders out. We are telling you this, ladies, to help convince yon that flour made in Springfield is Just as good and In many caws befter than flour made In Portland, Seattle and other distant points. Hundreds of good housewives in all parts of (he country have written to us personally telling us how well they liked FEATIIERFLAKE Flour. FEATHERFLAKE Flour Is made In a thoroughly modern mill, with new machinery, out of the best hard wheats grown in Montana, Washing­ ton and eastern Oregon. Every run is tested and baked and so we know how good It Is and therefore absolutely guarantee It equal to any flour made anywhere -Springfield can and is manufacturing a high grade Flour. Demand FEATHERFLAKE. SOLD BY----- TAYLOR’S WHITE FRONT GROCERY. A. II. SNEED’S GROCERY, MeMURRAY’S GROCERY, Springfield Mill & Grain COMPANY