The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 17, 1925, Image 1

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    Si ve 50 Cents By Subscribing to T& Springfield News During September. The News Has Four Thousand Local Readers
"The Psople’a Paper"
Of o
I Patriotic
A h iiu a I t nil® Exhibit it in Rend-
E V E N IN G ,
H lg h |
C ouncil R ep ea ls
J^UtO L i g h t L u ll)
School; Rev. Moors Will Oiva
After Protest* Ordinance is An­
Add rasa.
(^nimtltutlofiAl (lay program whl
nulled; Old Building Asked
F o r m e r R a ilro a d L a n d 600 STUDENTS WILL
L eased to S p rin g fie ld REGISTER IN SCHOOL
City of Eugene Gives Land for prograrn of industrial development Is
a step in the direction of con*olida-i ' ^ r e e Schools Open Today with
Industrial and Park Purposes tion. Hut consolidation I* a question
G o o d Attendance; H i g h
to This City for Future De- for the people of both cities to de-
School has 157, Junior High
velopment; Eugene Promises 'hie. and it win depend on how Eu-
I church, will be the speaker of (he
repealed at the regular meeting
over 100 and Grades about
Aid in Securing Industry.
| «"n‘ make* amends as to whether
17.— »venlug and there will be a mttalcal oi <b,‘ **prtagfleld tnancll Monday
inesa; Will bs Bigger and Bet-, ba given fra« to the public thia ave-j
ter, Than Ever This Season; “ '« »< •*>» Hprinafieid high arhoolJ ThM «rdinance compelling lights on
Fast Racing Program.
“ *'*• r - b Moora. of the M athodlst! *'-ara parked on the street* at night
EUGENE, Ore.. September
Is ...
1» . readiness
(»vvtiul Everything .w
| Springfield votes for It. Is the opinion
Pr,,« ru'c »1»»
The commute.. In •»«»'»«• There ha* been consider-
For Induhtr al and park site pur- expressed by the local railroad com­
chart*« Invlt»« all the town»p<Mjple to ab’*’ opp< altlon to the ordinance by
fur bane c o u n ty . g r e a t..! even«, the . „ MoJ
people Who claimed that it was drlv- pose* the City of Eugene has leased j mlttee.
of Springfield the 2to
Condition* of ______
annual Lane County Fair. September
A flflg «nd n Htbte will also be pre ,n< farmer* nod tottrUU out of town , . lo the City
S3, S3. 24 and 26. according to Kelly wrntod to the new Hrattaln school Aft,*r ,h<* ,M*t proteat Monday nightj **rou of lan ‘ acquired here last week
The terma of «the lease require
t Hr* n»i teller, secretary. The ground« during (he evening program.
from the Civic club the ordinance!
*** *
M 1
the Southern j Springfield to establish a park of at
has. been put ... « .c li e n t shape, and, T'"’ *'<’«"•«•
the .».-..In«
.. —
repeal.4 by unanimous vote of
‘ ^ X t l o n ^ ’p a ' X ' M o X v ’ ^
° D * * 1“ Dd
*he council.
,n a r solution pass' d M onday. rest may be leased to Industrial
..Id ltlo n a l exhibition for the au-,
n lfh , by the Eugene council. I. for . p,ant, of aDy natur, whlc„
More than 600 student* la expected
to be reglatered in the Springfield
schools before the end of the week,
figures on the first days registrations
at noon today wtre 561 in the three
schools. Of this number the high
school had 157. Lincoln school 114
and aboutg 300 in the grade schools.
tumoblle show, the first annual Eu-. mer H.lataad
<"« »< 106-1S1 Main street near the ,erm 04 49 yo,r8 ,or 3,0 » year-
tribute to the welfare of the com-
Thirty or 40 new pupils are expect­
K-ti" Ki-mii-l i tub dog show, and other Prayer
Rev. E. V. Stivers ,aundry he condemntd as a nuisance
To Locate Industrie*.
munlty. The land com es to Spring- ed to register before the end of the
features which will be new thia year.
O n b eslra
and ,orn do«m. was received and re-j The
comes as a result of nc field without other conditions except week. On account of many eight
ferret! to the fire and water commit- «»nations between citizens of both those required by law a* a result of grade studtnt* falling to pass the ex-
T h « fn .ie s t racing curd ever seen A,,dr’*** ” n Constitution
Rev. F L Moore **'•- El« hl °r 10 property holder* In l» « n». working with sanction of the the methods used by Eugene In Its aminations last year the Incoming
<>n the local track will be on« o l the
Loraine S tiver, »iclnlty of th e building )a«k»l its railroad committee« of each, to bring acquirement.
j freshman class Is sm aller than ex-
principal feature*. Nearly every bora« • Bolo ....
about a basis of future understanding
The following statem ent has been PecU'd- Only <7 freshmen registered
Presentation of Bible and Flag to removal.
Rev. Stivers
A pet tlon for changing a street and P*«n for development in Spring by Mayor E. B Parks of Eugene in this morning while there wer 57 soph-
ihe coast Is entered, according to llraltaln Reboot _
light at Eighteenth and Main was sl-j7***d- Al1 « result of th e 'le a se and ' regard to the lease:
oiores, 31 Juniors and 22 seniors, ac­
Chet Daniela. In charge of thia event.
so received and referred to the fire “ promise by the Eugene railroad
Mayor Parks authorized a state, cording to Principal V. D. Bain.
(T n ro flrld , who recently broke Ihe
and water committee.
j committee to put forth Its best ef- ment on the situation as follows-
The Lincoln school shows an in­
cours« record at Ellensburg. Washing- C I V I C C L U B W I L L S T U D Y
ton. and a p p ro zlm .le ly 75 other ,n -
i " . Ord‘>S" <:e * “ — '» « ' bl‘
°< ' ° r U *
' ndU* t r l" on
U n '1
“« • P“ bHc 1« respectfully Invited crease of 25 or 30 over last year. The
t r i « , will c o m p .,., for , he p u r s e ag-
U O C A L J N D U S T R I E S Kra, « . . v e l l n g
K e lly houle- 1
«b. Rprlngf.eW committee has ,o . carPful peru„ , of , he r„golu. grade schools had a registration at
d ' 1,11,0
being pre- t,on
lion passed ” by
g re s a tm , »moo Tb. tru .k I. now In
The first of . serie, of ntudles
studies of *>nl • ,n nd
? * on,! for
f”r 8 8r¥e01h
‘,'"'01h "tree! »«reed to drop the suit .bel”B
y the common council noon as follows: first grade 66, sec-
m ade * * ’
b\ ,hH t ,,y «*»«** Both l«red to test the Eugene bond Issue with reference to leasing the Spring- ° nd M* lh,rd 4T- fourth- 48 and «««»
perfect shape for the races which are Springfield Industries w
streets have been Improved during
Suit Woultf Be Empty Victory.
Held property to the city of Spring 5 l'
expected to break tours*, records.
**y lhe Civic club at the meeting Frl.
the last few weeks.
The comlttee felt even though there f,eld. jt ia the bt-J'-ef of the city of !
Many and varied are the attraction* day night. The Springfield Bakery
A petition for light* at Tenth and were very reasonable grounds to de- B clah that this is a matter first cf GIRL TELLS KIDNAPPING
booked for the fair this year. A big * 1'1 *•* reported on by Mr». W. J.
B and C streets at the new Brattain feat the bond Issue the result would a ® orjl obligation that roust be dis- PLOT; TWO MEN ARRESTED
night «now. a* well a* a complete pro- Scott and sample* of Ike bakery prod
was received and referred to be an empty victory because those char«ed- and »econd that It Is based i
gram In addition lo the race* In the u<’,a w,,l be presented Io th« meeting,
ihe fire and water committee.
Eugene persons who had subscribed ”n tbe »oundest possible business pol-1 Aa a y*’ “*1 of a ’ fory of kidnapping
afternoons, I* planned by Reeretary
Tl”’ Clvfo club campaign to MTrv
Property holder» on K street near term inal bond« would he called up on ; lcy'
This property at this time *told by Mies Leota Purcell, 16, of
Brunat.sier, The Kent ltod«o. with •‘»prlngfleld Merchans F irst" haa re-
city water
and _ a ,o buy !*»• l«nd and It would make no couW »<« »«H for its value or any- .W est Springfield, two Eugene men.
. ..
23 burking horse*, riding champions
"> «really Increased buslne.«*
and trick rider* will be a main fen- ,or lhB »«kery and «Iso for all other ,
hydr“nt lhe f ° “ ncll were to ld .. (|iff-r e noe |„ the a p ahop locatlon where near Its raSu-. The very act by Leroy Smith, 21. and Walter Walker,
lure of the entertainment. Kent has ,nd'l«, ri*”‘ The Civic club proposes 1
n'*p’,"!,"ry to build three blocks
“ " " l i e ' e study of the In ° r w“l,r m*ln ,0 ,"'rTe. •hom The
gon. snd his rodeo ba* been the prln dua‘rR>* lo determine how best to water committee will take th e mat­
ter up with the Mountain States Pow-
clpsl stlracllon at several lair* this ,o ,’P’'rate with the proprietor* In or
eeaaon. The f.m o u . McClevr string ,|er 40 bu,W a
b’ " ar « P y '«
Th„ (^ unrlI
of s score of fancy horsea will also fl*,d' A «»Wereot Industry will be u The council was Informed by mem-
. y horse«. Will also
merlin« ««„rrtlne
"f thn C,y,c c,ub thal mln°y
be here. The champion high jumper
81 eacn tneeting according
were attending dances In Spring-
of the world, fancy and trick b u r ...'" * ,h - » » » • o « P'aaa
field without being accompanied by
and riders will be Included In thl*
their parents The council wa* aaked
May Play at Fair.
lo conalder an ordinance similar to
T he Odd Fellow s hand of Eugen*.
Springfield's baseball team
» . d „b .
feature« will be «taxed on each day. I county fair on Wednesday, Septem ber
r wou W amount to saving the people wblch H became ours made it ta
20' were “t e s t e d by Sheriff Taylor
Eugeao 6175.000 when from the j
to dispose of It at this time J &nd dePnty Vai1 Svaverud Wednesday.
results of the election they did not Any lmPro»ement* that we may place
According to Miss Purcell's account
desire to be so saved, sin ce the ter- thereon became 3prlngf.<.ld asset* P“11 of wbitb
doubted by police of-
mlnal company was not anxious to y^hev than Eugene assets.
j fleers she was returning to her home
put up the money, grounds for a com
“Turning to the other aspect? of T'uw,da> evening from a visit with
promise were presented them selves ,h e c««e. we make reparation and frle nds bere. As she neared the
promise presented them selves and ye»tore good wlH; the property will Glenwood «chool, Mlae Purcell say*
greatly enhance In value, and can­ a taxi stopped beside her and two
resulte’4 in the present agreemenL
not possibly become a lows to us; men forced her Into the car.
Eugeoe M ust Maks Am end*.
that —
are - put « on « , . . . The taxi then drove to Eugene.
While Eugene is anxious for con- any
- Improvements
— -------------- -----
u , . . . . . . ► «, - ,
, . ......
on the par[
conaol,. tax free until we see fit to use It.
-Anchorage on Franklin boule-
date. Springfield feels, |n tbe belief lt »»
belief of everyone In touch 7.rd' Whe" “ One man got ont- Afte>
Cortello's comedy clrctM will have a 23. Springfield day. If present n ego-'
Will Give Picture.
of the railroad committee, that It will w*tb the situation that the lease will
1 routrh‘ the H iy- the c*«1
prominent place on the program, and Ballons are carried out. The Spring-
be necessary for Eugene to restore, i » w cun It* course. The very mak- R“ me. , k to’rard Springfield past
this feature I* expected to repeat tbe field team has agreed to play in the! A 'ar«p- framed picture of Abraham
In the form of new Industries, a * 'I n g of the lease will work Its term ina-! a An‘,.er8On h°P yard- according to
popularity of last year.
j uflernoon If the game can be ached-. Lincoln will be given to the Brattain
set* equal to those she
took away ‘ion by the promotion of a singleness 1 ‘ “ K r 8 8t°ry. where she was able
The Eugene Kennel club Is staging ,llpd
1 "rho<’1 by 8 Py'“«,,pld »em ber* of the
bought the feeling and purpose, and a gradual ° e8^ape riKn 1 e car wbpn the m as
; la d les' of the O A. R. A plate bear- from thl* city when she
a penih show that will have over 300.
----- —
was busy putting up a window in the
! Ing a suitable Inscription will be at- railroad shops and terminale. The merging into a greater community,
ol the finest dog* on the coast on ex-
Library Opsn Another Day.
sedan, at her request.
Francis X lluahman. noted! Beginning October 5. the city libra
' n
. , r,| ln e i
.5 p tlu r e leasing of the land to Springfield and We have done what is right, and also
Miss PurceU says she ran to a tent
the promise to go forward with the what is profitable.”
nwivle star, ha* entered his champion ry W'H bp °P*n each Monday, a* well
n •< » t a s ort cere- -• --L .
nearby where som e hop picker* were
■— g » a g ^ l
. u
!!_ !_ . ■
______ L ________ _______ . . ____ t _____________ ;
rnony at an early date.
great Dan«. *nd practically every ken-
<>n Wednesday and Saturday, the
staying, and that they took her to
Future m eetings of the I-adlcs' of KESSEY ESTATE VALUED
FORMER SPRINGFIELD MAN Eugene. She returned to her home
nel on Hie eoast I* sending up dog* library board bus announced
Ihe G A. R. will be held on pie sec­
that have won chainplnnshtpa In v a -! *n °cder to g el money for new
KILLED AT NOTI MILL I on the street car.
AT $20,000 IN COURT
ond Friday of each month Instead of
riou* »hows. The champion dogs In books. Ihe hoard I* planning to give
Police officers are continuing an
tbe first, the former meeting time.
B. K esse y, president of the
Funeral srevlces for Wilbur Bur- investigation of the case.
Oregon will be determined at Ihe a P,ay at Ihe Bell theater sometime
i ommercial S tate bank who died gele, formerly of Springfield, who was
event, which will be judged by John early ,n October.
En tertain a fo r V ialtor.
September 3. lgft an estate valued killed at a Not! sawmill last Thurs- RAILROAD KEEPS OVER
A, M'wdowa, o f OakvIUf} Ontario.
“ — ------------------------ -
Officers of the Eugene Kennel club In '
3 New Member».
Mrs. W. C. Rebhan entertained at 20.000 according to the petition to day, were held from the Walker chap-
charge are Frank HUI. president; J.
Don Ollllsple, manager of the Farm­ Tuesday afternoon at a bridge party probate the will filed Tuesday !□ el Sunday at 2:00. Rev. F. L. Moore
T. Hnelson. vice-president; Kelly C. ers' Union store. R. H. Parsons, n.sna- for her sister-in-law and house guest.
That the Southern Pacific Railroad
Dwight Kessey. the son. is left 50 ( Mr. Burgels was killed Instantly
N. ger of the Springfield Lumber com -!Mr"- Francis Ferris, of Spokane,
company did not deed all the land it
Johnston*, treasurer; and Ueorge H. pany and Paul Scalefe were el« teed J Guests for the afternoon were Mr*, shares of the Commercial State bank when a belt flew from a wheel, hitting owns in this city to Eugene le reveal-
Godfrey publicity director.
to membership In the Springfield 'Harry Whitney, Mrs. Levi Neet, Mrs. stock, and the widow the remainder him on the head and breaking his <*i in the negotiations completed ler
The livestock exhibit will be the Lions culb at a meeting of that organ- j ( arl Olson. Mrs. Ralph Dlppel, Mrs. of the estate. The appraisers are neck.
the shop site trade this week. More
most extensive ever seen on the local ! ’“ Hon Friday at the Woodmen hall. J A- Seavey. Mrs. 1. D. Larimer, Mrs. Welby Stevens. M. M. Peery and B. ( The decased is survived by his wife, than 5o acres In the city com prising
A. Washburne.
Mrs. Ora Burgels, a daughter, Wilma, the depot grounds has been retained
Ferri» and Mr*. Rebhan.
grounds. The McCteve string will be
' son, Gordon, and an Infant daughter. by the company.
displayed, and Ihe noted Clyewlale
Leave* on Buying Trip,
Sues Oil Promoter.
Other survivors are his father. Joe
E n tsrtaln m en t at Church.
horse* of Wni Lilly will also be pres-' E. E. Morrison, of Springfield, man-
The Pengra estate property extend­
Three .lamage suits have been Burgels, also a former resident of ing from Third to past Tenth street
ent. A score of milking Shorthorn, nger of the Farmers' Union ware-
The Stiver's entertainers will ap-
cattle, from Ihe famous North wood ! house, left today for the middle west P’““!' Friday evening at the Christian filed In circuit court against David Springfield, a sister Rva. and two has been retained. It is said that rip
dairy farm, will be a big feature,
on a buying trip for the warehouse ! church, with a program consisting of Eugene Olson, of the Guarantee Oil brothers, Ed and Don Burgeis.
tracks and car repair work will be
-......... - ■ - --------
Every automobile dealer In Eugene He expects to be gone for more than yocal, piano and saw soloe. anti sev- company, as a result of a collision of j
done on part of this land and while
will display new models of cars in a month.
eral readings. A silver offering will his automobile at Twelfth avenue and
Guests In Springfield— M. T. Starr other portions will be used as yards.
Mill street In Eugene last November.
Ihe automobile show. An additional
be taken.
Junction City. F. Starr of Monroe The large amount of land retained
Verna H. Todd asks 61500 damages,
space for thia event has been pro­
Returns from Vlalt— Mrs. M. J.
Professor J. B. Starr of Pasa­ here, railroaders say, make* it look
Susie H. Todd. 61000 and George L.
vided. and auto men promise some­ Huntly, accompanied by her sister,
Hop Picking Finished *
Califronia, all brothers and like there will be sort of a suh-ter
and David Todd 6175. The women
thing new and original In the presen­ Mrs. R. H. Rowland of Massillon, i
M> M&le Were minal on this side of the river for
Hop picking In nearly all the yards also seek sp ecia l’ dam ages' óf" ¿ ¡7 6 C° U’ lDS ° f
tation of thl* department.
Ohio, returned to her home Raturoay !
In Springfield the east side line.
near Springfield was finished this and 6H«
The agricultural exhlblta, the wo- after vialtlng several day* In Port­
week. Good weather made this sea­
men's textile department, and all land and Astoria. Mrs. Rowland re­
son an especially convenient one.
other departments will be In readi­ turned to Astoria Wednesday to
Brother III— Mrs. George Watson of
Goes to Round-up— Mr. and Mrs. F.
ness on opening day with complete spend a few days there before re­
Bring* in Flrat Dear—C. E. Archer Portland Is In Springfield, called her# R. Wing are spending the week at
exceptional fine exhibit has
displays, II I* stated
turning to her home.
! of Springfield had the honor of bring­ by the tllne«s of her brother, J. A. the Pendleton Round-up. They will been prepared for the W alterville fair
The boys' and girls' club work, un­
i n g In the first deer killed In the coun- McHenry. Mr. McHenry la very low spend two days In Portland before to be held tomorrow according to
der the direction of Arnold Collier,
R«|Tun from Tri
Mr. and Mr*, j ty this season. Mr. Archer's deer was at the home of Mrs. R. R. Herbert.
return'ng home.
the Chairman C. W. Allen, who was
county leader, will have a special sec­ W. M Oderklrk returned Sunday killed near the Sluslaw district.
In the city today. Several buslnew?
tion this year, and will be one of the from Bandon and Coquille where they
Returns to Portland— Mrs. Pearl men from here as well as other towns­
Bsby Dlaa—One of the twin sons
main attractions of the fair.
spent their vacation. They reported
Goes Hunting—Claude Lansberry born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clark of Jordan will return to her home in people plan to attend the fair.
Special rates on all railroad points a fine trip with the exception of the
left Wednesday evening for a hunt­ Marcela, Wednesday died late last Portland tomorrow, after spending
The best of the W alterville exhibit,
have been granted for the fair thl* loss of a suit case holding many per­
ing trip up the south fork of the Mo- evening.
several days her with her mother, prepared by McKensie valley farm­
year. The event la expected to draw sonal belongings.
Mrs. Jack Richte^ who recently un­ ers, will be taken to the Lane County
the largest attendance In the history
fclr next week. A program of speak­
Attend Round-up—Jim Harper and derwent a major operation.
o f the event.
Go to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hunt Nsar Bend— I^eonard Lepley, B. O. Smith are attending the Pendle­
ing has also been prepared for the
Idtrson drove to Portland and back Nyle Bankey. John Bankey and Har­
Twin Boys Boo*—Mr. and Mrs. E. day.
ton Round-up^
ry Jones left here Friday to hunt
O. Stratton of this city are the par­
N*«t Funeral Friday.
mule deer near Bend.
Bsby Boy Born—A son was born ents of twin boys bom Wednesday
Women Want Dlvoree.
Goes to Jasper—A. F. Flowers mo­
Each baby weighed six
Claiming that her husband beat her
to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lowry of Gosh­ evening.
Funeral services for Berniecs Nest.
tored to Jasper Wednesday on busi­
■ r and Mrs. John Wlnsenreld re­ en this morning, at the Pacific Chris­ pounds.
black and blue, Minnie Potter has
U-yearxkld Wendllng girl, who d l« l of ness.
Marshfield tian hospital.
filed an answ er to Anson Potter's
heart trouble Friday afternoon, were
where they spent a week.
Leaves for Spokane—Mrs. Francis suit for divorce. She asks that the
held from the Walker chapel Hnnday.
Mavlng to Sprlngfl«|*_C . E. Chand
Buys Truok— B. R. Peat of Vid*' Ferris left today for har hotne In decree be granted to her Instead of
Rev. F. L. M.xire had charge of the
1er la moving here from Eugene to­
Mr. and Mr* E. E E lb e rt o f Con­ bought a Ford truck from the Ander­ Spokane after visiting her with Mrs. her husband.
aervlce, and burial was at the Pl«**, day.
don, Oregon, e ra visiting John Wln- son Motor company this week.
W. C. Rebhan.
Clara C. Toile has filed suit tor
ant Hill cemetery.
sanreld home this week.
divorce from Chester A. Toile. Tliey
Mis* Neot I* survived by her father,
Go to Round-up—Bugen* Walker
Hsrs from
W altsrvllts — Henry
Returns from Navy—Errol Parker wore, married In Seattle, Jnly 6. 1916.
B. H. N*et, and tw o brothers, Ver and E. O. Black left Wednesday for
Down from Vida— Fred E. Mysrs Holmes of W altervllls visited Spring haa returned to Springfield after. The wife alleges she haa been tfo-
non and Elnrld.
Peadleton to attend tb* Boandap.
I serving an anllatmant In the navy. J serted.
o l Vida wa* m tow* Tneaday.
•e ld Monday.
lb«- wildest «(rin g of hors. - In lire- *“