• age r ’—rr Ointment Made Here Has Made in Springfield Cough Wide Distribution and Sale Drops is Popular .1 Remedy Fined by Justice Sm ith—P. W. i u ___ _ A fter being o* the m arket only tkrec S tephens paid a fine of »2 for-’parktUK w tf*e ctftnlng of fall wcdiiti r TourlatJI who la s s through here and year«, Aiuber-o-latum, a chest oin t­ w ithout lights and Welton Mill, r end atten d an t cold a n i coughs, lu y tom » or ih» ut up* advertise them m ent m anufacture.! by the K etels la id a i ke sum for cutting corners C C. Kggiiu<|im is b sunning work Oh wol‘. Mr F w m ann s a y a and h ■ (low fU g li drops. ito rata pharm acies. O rders are now of Logan. I’tah reg ister a t the Spong ire now h au g lej by Jobber» ip )• rl- rott.ing ls from th e tn'ddle west, the hotel W ednesday. I lard. Kugene .Medford and K latrath Qoee to Portland— R, o . Sutton left fa rth e st one be n s hrojg New Albany. ■ Calls, and a re handiisi by drug stares S aturday fur Cortland w ith his two Indian«, is, never drink ice-cold fluids I sMtuaJIy. Never expose the breath' / organs to ex­ trem ely cold a ir fo r prolonged periods. Proper observance of these precautions may save a life. dp*™ ™ “ GOOD PLUMBING IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ntld Know - - x :, We appeal for your patronage for the Springfield merchant on this platform of M E R IT. EGGIMANN’S Cough Drops I We ask you to inspect their goods, and give them their opportunity of serving you. Your judgment and decision will of course be final. If they cannot please you on the merit of merchandise and in price, then they cannot consistently solicit your patronage. McMURRAY’S GROCERY Ladies Civic Club One of Springfield’s Good Stores Springfield Creamery of Springfield ROSEBUD BUTTER Phone 48 Wright & Son Hardware Furniture and Paints (( "The Store of Springfield" .h d p ro f« ,io n ,I people. know th.«“ ’f SpTn’g X " X ' i o ’ h o l d T m ,r d ’, n “ u About y o u r 7 • ,O M W ” * " • " - - « - l i o n , . ■l , e h “ Oh'r to h . commended. P' : e' ' ,ld and *r" de - • THE FARM ERS EXCHANGE Help Make this a Bigger, Better andMore Prosperous Town! HUNTLY DELICATESSEN HOME BAKED GOODS LUNCHEONETTE WHITE F R O N T GROCERY We Boost for Springfield Holverson Bros A Full U ne of Meats. ICE DELIVERY. HALL’S CASH STORE Men's W ear—Shoes Trade At Home HENDERER ELECTRIC SUPPLY SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Patronize Your Home Laundry Call 28J TRY SPRINGFIELD MERCHANTS FIRST” ASK FOR MADE IN S P R IN G F IE L D P R O D U C T S Lets Keep at Home the $600,000 Expended Yearly Out of Town