THURSDAY. SEPT. 10. 1S26 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN tha eti Simple Mixture Beet port with dredging» froni tha Umpqua For Constipation and Schofield river« la under way. A fine brown «and la being obtained Simple buckthorn bark, magnesium from tha Umpqua river channel for the sulph. e. p.. glycerine, etc., aa m lxet 1 fill, which drlea off a« ««on aa pntnp- In Adlerlka, la excellent for constipa­ Brlef Resume of Happenings of |D< •top" Thl’ project win co«t near tion It often works in one hour or 1 ly » lees and never gripes. The pleasant the Week Collected for Representatives of the Housewives’ and Q UICK action of thl» efficient In­ ! council of Portland, the state grange, testinal eVkcuant will surprise you. Our Readers. i Umatilla Rapids association and a Adlerlka belf-s any case gas on the ' number of other organizations held a stomach, unless due to deep-seated Formal dedication of the new home meat lag In Salem to discuss proposed causes. Often remejita matter you for the Salem lodge of Elks has been leglblatlon authorizing the develop- never thought was In your system. let for sometime In November. • merit of hydro-electric power in Ore­ Flanery’s Drug store. Receipt» at the Eugene postufflce gon under state supervision. In Augu»t thia year were 13 per cent Of the ,390.131 lent wheat farmer» Move to Junction— Mr. and Mrs. El- greater than those In August of last In the frost-devastated areas of Ore- vla Taylor moved the first part of the year. I gon under an act of the 1925 leglsla- week to tbelr new home four mile« Six hundred and etghty-elz cars of i ture ,193.152 has been paid back to­ this aide of Junction City from Doug­ frulta and vegetables were unloaded In gether with Interest at the rate o r 8 las Gardens. Portland during Auguat, the greatest per cent. W ith the exception of those 3t any month In Its history. i In Morrow ccunty all loans returned to The new telegraph line to serve the the state have been paid in full. Western Union and Southern Pacific A rich gold strike, thought to be »ver the route of the new Natron cut­ the famous Beaver creek mine of the off la expected to be In operation In early days of Crook county, was re­ I few weeks. ported 17 miles from Paulina on the OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST ( buying oasBJW GET results ; Mutiny to loan on il«alrablu city FOR SALE Good kitchen rung** for properly. Monthly puj in out«, :itl to «ale t rice ,16.00. 8.13 N. 1th bi. 96 muntha. 8 1017 EM ERY INSUR ANC E AGENCY FOH HU NT— Nie« aloeping room In 37 9th Avu. W. i honu 867 pr'vale home wlt'i u»<- of ddtehen Engi ne, Ore. ,( If desired Cull Naw« office. O ld man stone n e i D S * I s , L c k T - Mii'tlmn Rise whit« cat. Phon«' - trat if i T don ' t R ain 3U0N 13S R Reward. Mr«, c liff' Abram«. N O TIC E Gy HALE. NC TIC K 18 HFHEH Y G IVEN that n e u . NevER. vote T u e ( 8. a. by virtue of un order of Rale made and "P G P O au C A N T IC K E T A £ ‘ N , Sea our line of vlalttng carda, entered by the County Judge for Lane C< unty, Oregon, on the u h day of pum,led or plain, at the New« office H» ptember, ¡MR. I will, on after lb« B u tter wrapper« printed according 10th day of October, 1925, o ffir fot Rale. an>l «eli. at prlvule rale, the to regulation« with name, wvayht dower Interest of Harriet Nye, In- and «d'ire«», 3125 a hundred nt thij competent. In and to Iota one, three, four and five, block eight, amended1 New« office. plat of Fairmont. Lane Countv. Ore-1 A northern Morrow county fair will SUMMONS « >n. Raid » ale to be at the office of be held at Boardman Friday and Sat­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Donald Youn». 880 W illamette 8t„ STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Eugene. Oregon urday. The fair will exhibit crops and t OUNTY. M SVARVBIIUD. livestock produced with Irrigation In Zola Itlegnr, I'lulnttff, G uardian of Harriet Nye. incompe­ that district. ve tent. Because he slept while his camp­ E F. IlkRgrr, Defendant: 8. 10 17-21. O 18 fire grew from a small blase Into a To E F. RIEGER. Defendant: IN T H E N A M E OF T H E »T A T E forest fire. D. J. Sullivan was fined N O TIC E FOR PUBLICATIO N. E n llg h tm e n t O F OREGONON You «re hereby ,50 und costs by Justice of the Peace Department of tne Interior, U. 8. required to appear and answer com­ Llcenae Clerk: — (Pausing at street Turner at Madras plaint filed ag«ln«t you herein on or Land Office at Roaeburg. Oregon, corner) "'Look here stranger, you Budget estimates that total 97.156,- before * l i week» from date of ftnit August 22. 1926. Notice la hereby given that Victor can’t »ell anything In this town with­ 138.60, or , more than the publication hereof, or for want there­ of the plaintiff will take Judgment It Stratton, of Eugene, Oregon, who. out a peddler’« llcenae. tax levying power of the city, have atralnat you and apply to the court on July 20. 1830. mad» adjoining Farm Peddlar: — »Man - you certainly ; Mked by aI, deparlm M „ o( the for the relief prayed for In the com­ Homeatead Entry, No. 018038, for W ( j N W H , Section 11. Township i 7 >"P‘‘ak truth I know I can't sell any- C|ty of Portland for 1926. plaint and for a decree of ahaotute divorce from you. and aa anown by 8 , Range 3 Weet, W illamette Merl- thing In this town -but 1 didn’t know The United States forest service dlan, has filed notice of Intention to the reason, aald complaint. , has Just published a map and log T h ’a «unions la publlahed once each make three year proof, to establish of the Oregon Skyline trail from week for «1« coniecutlve week« In the claim to the land above described, be­ T hat'« D ifféran t. Mount Hood to Crater lake and will Hprlngftetd, (Oregon* N ew t, by order fore E. O. ltumel. U. s. Commissioner, Fat Motorist:— "Uve driven {hese furnish them upon application. of the Hon. C. I*. Barnard. Judge of at Eugene, Oregon, on the 2nd. day tha County Court of Igine County, of October. 1925 O re. 18.000 m ile, and never yet have Reeelpt. at the Portland poetofflce Oregon, made In the abaence of the Claimant names as wttneaaea: I taken one of them off to fix a punc- for the month of Auguat amounted to Judge of the above Circuit Court on Carl Hopkins. Jay Hopkins, both of ture, > ,230.666.01. aa compared with ,217c September 2nd. 1926. Dated and first 1 Coburg, Oregon; Howard Gordon. E The Goat:— ''W hat not one punc- 720.06 for the same month a year ago. published September 3rd, 1925 J Itetyea. both of Motor Route ”B,'' Hire?" Eugene, Ore. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. ’ or a gain of ,12.836.96 for the current Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence Ham:|| A Canaday, Fat Motorist:— "Oh. I've had sev­ year. and post office address. Eugepe. Register. eral punctures—but I always hire Throe machines were placed In oper­ Oregon. non-coal. them fixed." ation at the Miles linen mills, which S. 3-10 26 0 .1 -8 1 5 A 27. 8 26. were established at Salem recently at Mayb« He'» Right. a cost of more than ,150.000. Other W lfS:— "Wouldn't you think these machines probably w ill get into opera­ present day girls would show Just a tion thia week. little bit of moaeiity." The 66-mlle section of the Pacific Hubby:—“Give ’em time m'dear, Telephone A Telegraph company's Telephones: Office 613 Res. 2076 «oon they won t nave anything to long distance lines between Arling­ show.” ton and Um atilla In eastern Oregon la to be reconstructed at a cost of ap­ proximately ,30,000. Osteopathy stands for the Obliging. ¡B U S IN E S S Dry Hard Wood 16 in. Maple at $7.50 per Cord. Orders at News Office Phone 168 W B R IG G S Phone 1 2 IM DOTY A C E M E N T C O NTRACTO RS Springfield, Ora. Sidewalks Basement Walls LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter at Anderson's Barber shop. A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phons 163 M Springfield. Oregon II Th e Loop ,, Your Home When In Springfiald CLEANING AND PRESSING Altering and Dressmaking New Shop, 240 Main Streot Next to Spong Hotel J. E. Lindsoy, Prop. D. W , Roof JEWELER Repaying a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springfield, Oregon Plane and Eatlm ataa Furnished Fre». W ill Help You Finance Your Building. D IR E C T O R Y line between Crook county and Grant county. Already more than a dozen claims have been staked. The find was made by G. P. Lee. veteran aheep NOTE— Vaudeville h a s been changed from Wednesday to Thursday of each week. Major Coiner of the army engineer's ifflce of Portland has designated 3eptember 10 for a hearing In Marsh- field on the proposal to bridge Coos hay between Marshfield and East Side with a bascule bridge costing 1300,- )00. The people of Coos county voted bonds for the bridge at a special elec­ tion July 13. Edward Ostrander, member of the public service commission. Is In Chi­ cago to attend a conference Involving ¡he westorn railroads’ application for xn Increase In rates. It originally was proposed to request an Increase In rates of approximately "11 per cent, but this figure recently was reduced to 5 per cent. W ith election of officers for the new year and the unanimous Indorsement of a resolution opposing construction of the Skyline trail along the Cascade range In Oregon aa a menace to health through the contamination of the water supply, the 61st annual con­ vention of the Oregon State Medical society came to an end at Medford. More gasoline was sold in Oregon ' during July, 1925, than In any other similar period since the motor vehicle fuels tax law became effective, ac­ cording to a report prepared by the I secretary of state. The July distribu­ truth wherever It la scienti­ Applicant:— "Please say a word for A grass fire near the farm home of tion of gasoline aggregated 11.277,703 ! fically proven. • C. W. M iller In Flournoy valley, Doug- gallons. Taxes received by the state Ostsopathie Physician and Sur­ Boas:— ‘’Sure.---------'Skldoo!'-’ Ina county, set Are to the farm bulld- as a result of the July sales aggregat-1 geon ■ Ings and the home, together with Its ed 3366.696.60. Office k606 M. & W. Bldg., Rather Cynical. ^contents, the barn and other outbuild- The largest individual orchard d e a l, Eugene, Oregon C ako-aater:— “ Brown su ts «re be- lDgs were destroyed. In months In the Rogue river valley Osteopathy stand« for the truth Inx worn again.” The state board of control has au- was announced at Medfora in the sa'e I whereve? It la aclontlflcally Marrled man»—"Mine is—again lh°^»cd a reorganisation of its forces of the Bruce Wilson ranch of 150 i proven. and again.” at Ihe state tuberculosis hospital to si res. 50 of which are in pears. A lb e rt! -----------------------------—— — _ _ _ _ _ care for the many new patients that Anderson. Its owner, sold It for 932,000 : M riTtPir P tiii p i - hi r c iT t o w .w ill receive accommodations In the to A. C. Chew, Oklahoma City, Okla., i merchant, who will make extensive lm-1 « 8. »«’ Call Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Au-: The trials of Tom Murray. Ellsworth provements including the building of gust 20. 1925. i Kelley and James Willos, convicts, two country homes. SUTTON TRANSFER „ A* hr r !-bV g,V” " ,hBt Albf r, «ho on August 12 shot their way out There were a total of 2556 traffic C. Rlkhoff. of Etixene. Oregon, who,' . on Mav 26. 1920. mode Homesteid E m , , f ,he Ore* <’n 3tate !» » “ • « « « * were accidents in the state of Oregon dur­ Phone 57 try. No. 012867, for E<4 NEV«. section 5et for October 5 by Judge Percy ing July, according to a report pre­ S3, township IS » , Rang 6 West. W il-j Kelly of the Marion county circuit pared by T. A. Raffety, chief Inspector lamette Meridian, has filed notice of court. for the state motor vehicle depart­ Intention to make three year proof, I _ , .. „ to establish ,-lalm to the land above ' Gu# Nonjuli,t' 55. a native of Swed- ment. Of these accidents, 1960 occur­ GEO,. N, M cL E A N descrlhed. before E. O Immel, U. 8. en- committed suicide In the county red in the city of Portland. The re­ Autom obile, Fire and Lifo Con in »»loner, nt Eugene, Oregon, on Ja il at Albany by cutting two gashes port showed that four persons were IN S U R A N C E the 38th day of September, 1925. : In his throat and then tearing his killed as a result ot the accidents Surety Bonds,. Phone 6J7 Claimant names as witnesses: throat opvn wlth htg hands Hlg act while 669 persons were Injured. Henry A. 8chnorpnoerc. pavld B . . . . My business I» ^to protect your Kid Gilstrap, who in November, Sm ith. Alfred A. Reid. Reason Wayne waa caU9ed by despondency as a re- business