P A G E SIX T U E R P R J N G P IE I.n N E W S TOWN AND VICINITY Thurston Man In— Charles T ay lo r a •* of Thurston was In town Saturday. III— The two children of L. C. Kastman are ill at Marcola. C hildren »tati T H U R S D A Y , S E P T . 10, 1925 Where Education la Oons. V isitor:—"Do you feel that the er fort end sacrifice In send'ug your son through college was worth WT" Fon I Wife. "Oh yea Indeed li for no other reason, the wonderful education It hna given hla father.“ III at Homs— Mrs. C. O. Wilson Is 111 at her homo on Kmerald Heights. tie at If they had long ago grown ................. .....- — ■ A few days passed. Then came the night of the open ired of trying to make gossip aboui sprcjal prick On plate work. Di Here from Jasper— Mrs. Jesse WaK ng of Jack son vile'a most beautiful anyone who had been as uninterest N W. Emery, d ntiat. 8atton »Ida lace was In town from Jasper Fri­ country club In Oretga on the' St ngly orthodox In their b. havlor as 1 day. Johns. It had been decided that a had been during the last few months. costume ball would celebrate the Besides, as far as scandal went, to j Here from Wendling— Mrs. Claude event and because father was presi­ night Anne occupied the center of Nystrom of Wendling visited In , " dent of the club, he and I had been the stage. Springfield Friday. She seemed to be everywhere and ' asked to bad. Costumes had been In from Fall Creek—J B Pullman planned weeks ahead and the mem- tor the first time in her life was was in town from Fall Creek Satur­ bets were on tip toe of expectation wearing black With Anne's clever ’ tor more than one reason. It was said ness tor effet. one would have thought j day. that Anne and Curtiss would both be that tonight of all times, she would - Down from Wendling—John Down­ there. have chosen a sweet and simple cos ing of Wendling waa a business vial- W th flutters of pteasureable ex ­ tume. like her frocks, which always tor here Friday. citement. I dressed for the dance. gave one the Impression that she was In from Camp Creek—Ray Smith Days before they had bent my coa the fresh and innocent type But. no; of Camp Creek waa in town Satur­ tume from an Importer In New York. It was * new Anne who came to this 1 It was Oriental In feeling and very dance—a daring Anne who wore ths q - vrwrwv i p n day. lovely. The Mandarin Jacket was soft­ most sportive costume of all the gals j U 1 I I - I Visiting from Portland— Mias Ma ly pink like the first ahy clouds of throng. I heard someone ask her j bala May is visiting her father. K. dawn and the rich satin trousers what she was supposed to represent j " *’,'n ***** rings for school E. Msv. Her home is in Portland. were copies of those worn by the " A good time, (or a change.," sh e to °P,,n- be sure your children are said and threw back her head. (ready to leautne the class work. Visits Parent»—Russell Olson of royal Chinese family. Blssare and viv­ Indeed she might have been de H*’r* >°>» «“» buy pencils, fountain Portland is visiting with hla parents. id jew els for my body and h a r made scribed as Vice. A brief frock of b«na, *t»'el pens. mem. books, eras- the tout ensemble one of unusual Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson. brilliance ad the many gems flashed black satin came Just above her knees , r*' rulers, Ink. paste, albums, pen- From her waist line were innumer- j s h a r p e n e r s and school tablets, From Up McKangle— George Platt jfitfully as I moved about. of Thurston visited Springfield Sat­ "De Lord have niuccy on ma' soul." able ribbons of red that fell m inis Kv**r>r Item Is of good quality and at urday. exclaimed Mom Nellie when I passed ture cards, cigarettes and tiny bottles “ blg saving 1 h,> ‘‘blldren nre our friends and in review, « if dat lam’ ain't sackly of liquor that had probably been used Have Tonsils Out—Three small sons j lak a boy chile in dem I»' pants, as sam ples In th«f days of saloons know that school supplies purchased of C. L. House had their tonsils re-| i You'll sho be knockin' de eyes plum On her head, poised at a rakish angle. ^ro,n here will give them service, moved Saturday morning. was a "put and take" top with each ,<>n’ In and see our assortment outer dry heads dis night." Visits from Portland — Eugene "Thank you. Mom Nellie, but re- of Its sides cleverly marked. Her ' n*“*d» for school. It will make you -vou w"re a kid again Hecker of Portland spent the week- member what l‘ve told you before. It crowning achievement, however, was <>ur 1 **• ®* Conklin ami end at the C. 1. Gorrie, Sr., home. : makes a difference when you see a pair of square earrings made ol people through eyes of love. Your enormous dice. In some way. they ' ar'w fountain pens. Hand Infected— Mrs. Clarence Cox had been made electrical and twink­ (little SalPe's not so great!" of Walton was in town Saturday fo r , ' Fater was 'almost boisterous In his led Intermittently with light. S lip -, medical treatment for an infected ¡approval and so after turning me pers of black satin with heels of br!l-l hand. • around several times for a final in ilai-t red, and chiffon hose completeo J her conspicuous attire. Move to New Residence— Mr. and . spection. we were off. More than ever, i had the present­ Mrs. G. H. Turner moved Monday from Cpon arriving, we found the spa their former residence on A street clous club had been transformed Into iment that within the next few hours | between 7th and 8th to an apartment a Chinese palace suggesting the mag many siartling things would come! nificence of the dynasty of Ming. about. over their Novelty store. (To be Silks and rare tapestr'es. haudsomelv '” 7 em’.c -s e d in gold dragons and heav sou. operator of the Bell theatre will ily-padded chrysanfhimum s, covered leave next Monday for New Jersey, the walls. From the celling were where he will visit his father. swung myriad lanterns of colored Visit Mortensen Home— Mr. and ’’»«s. «*ow of which danced to Mrs. R. L. Dundas visited at the Dr. |thn far corners of the room, bathing R. P. Mortensen home Friday before all In an atmosphere of mystery and going to Lake Creek, where they will romance. r ° M ,Ct you forget tho8e vacatlon memories— Suddenly, the m u it'cl soand of an make their future home. Their former Let jo u r kodak save them for the year» to come— cri hestra placed a 6t nny refineries for tho refining of Zerolene;— the Zerolene high-vacuum process, the Zero­ lene process of filtration through 40 tons of Florida F u l­ ler's Earth, tho refineriea* 13 positive checks for quality I W h a t Zerolena W ill D o For Your C a r Zerolene w ill give your car better lu b r ic a tio n : It increases the gasoline mileage, reduces carbon removal and maintenance costs and lengthens the life of any engine in which it is used. W h y pay tribute to a aupe»- atition? Insist on Zerolene. A lw ays aak for Zerolene by n a m e . Qrf the Foctil A aeries cf Independent and impartial report« afx>w- * tng the experience of large users w ith Zerolene motor ofl has been collected in our booklet. “W h y Pay Tribute to a Superstition P* Aak any Standard Oil Company rep­ resentative or Zerolene dealer for a copy. Insist on Zerolene*—even if it does cost less Good assortment of dress and apron checks and plaids— up to 20c values, now per yard................... 10c One lot dress ginghams. Buy now at this low reducted price, per yard ......................................... For fa m . mauatmnt and full information. tu t agm t I P you drop a dish cloth, company w o n ’ f come, save A n E x c iu iiie Process— W h a t it Does COTTON PLAIDS and CHECKS. Very desirable for school wear, per yard ................................... 25c to Summer Excursion Fares NO. COMPANY'S NOT COMING 14c Sheeting Specials 8-4 Heavy Page Sheeting, regular 69c value, per *ard .......................................-...55c OUTING FLANNEL, 36-lnch, striped and plain white. Good grade, per yard ................... ............... 25c STANDARDCin^COMPANY J