TH E BPRlNOFlribP NEWS THURSDAY. 8KPT 10. 192K 11 1 --------- f Washington. Mr, and Mr» Win Thompson and suit. Clifford, 1,1 •' moving from I’lfa»- an' H ill to Ihwlr ranch weal of Ku- gone. Th« young poopl« of tha Chrlallan Kiulngvur aoolvly guv » »urprl»» party • hi c liff i t Thoropaon Wednesday night, B»pt«-nili«r S Th« young folk« nu t nt Whonlora nnd want In a body to th" Thump»on homo, Those pr»a- agt worn M r mid Mr». M K liny», Mr. mnl Mr» Jod U'lmdor. Im w rrnra Cindy» mid In’ lu W hoalrr, Tnylnr t'tr, 1», Flovd and Cora John, lb Ila mid Alvin Olaon, Lyman Tinker, Bart nnd Iteaaia F««Kl«a. («Indy» and Violet Innmn. Gerald nnd Donald Kabler mid Clifford Thompson. Mr«. Ib lle Wimmer nnd «on, Kilo rt. iind her grandmother, Mr». Hi'hoap, returned from Kit«on aprlnga Ut«t week. Mr«. Morton Itln»tow w»> ralbnl to Hprlnafleld Tuesday to be at the bed- aide of her father J W Mnrkahiun. who wa» stricken with paralyaU Mon day, Augunt 31. and wa» critically III. Ml«« Marion ltrl»tow «layel with her grandmother, Mr». W L Bristow, C. F. Hyde motored to Marshfield with Frank Kinney and family to »pend Labor day wee« end. Her David Eugene Gluon of Eu gene rave a aermon on Evolution at the Chrlallan i (lurch at Pleaannt H ill Sunday. September 5. Several out­ siders attended the serviced. The Curt» family have the whoop­ ing cough. A very heavy rain »form accom­ panied with lighting and thunder turned the afreets, barnyards and lanea into river» and pools Monday afternoon. After an hour and a half of downpour the storm Battled down to a steady rain that sank Into the ground and did much good. After looking quite brown during the summer the trial patchea of a l­ falfa at Ideaaant lllll are looking very green and showing < o < m I growth. Old Resident Paaaaa. L. J. Cornelius, aged 7*. died at the Goshen hospital Monday. Septem­ ber 7 at 3 p m. Mr. Cornelius has been a resident of Pleasant H ill for more than 3f> years He la survived by two daughter« and three sons. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 11. Mr. J. W Markham, who had two atrokea of apoleiy Monday, August 31, was stricken again Monday. Sep­ tember 7. He la In a -very critical condition Mr. Markham was forraei- ly a resident of Pleasant H ill but haa been In the real estate bualneea In Springfield the last few years. He la the father of Mrs Frank Smith and Mrs. Morton Brlatow. Qo to glatara— Mr and Mrs J«-»«» I,or ah drove to Sister» Sunday. Hera fronj Jasper— Harry Jone» waa 1n town from J«»p«r Tuesday. In from Maroola— Mrs. Uuy lied ding, with her children waa In town Wednesday. Visit Portland— Mr, and Mrs. Ted Karan spent tho week-end in Port- l«n ite r cut hla band severely, and wa» badly bruised when a motorcycle V ielt, from Longvlaw - Douglas „ „ w!llch „„ w#s rl(M#g w Wew, „ n, W lCttler wa» a wck-end guest of i Monday turned over when It struck Dele Flowers from Longlvew, Wash- the railroad track three miles north-! ington. east of here. TOWN AND VICINITY UPPER WILLAMETTE page te c the Columbia river highway Tuea- day, They left last Friday pealed by their daughter, Orace, who is a. teacher In the Portland schools. Ml»» Male remained In Portland for the opening of school. SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. N W. Emery, dentist. Button Bldg. SCHOOL OPENING Bicycle Sale Eugene Man Movaa Hera— W. H. Stop at Hotel— Sunday visitor« a t ' Visiting from Lakeview—G. C, F it­ Wilson of Eugene haa rented the i the Spong included Mr. and Mra. J. J zgerald of Lukovlew la here vtslUng house of Mr». Pritchard, located on ! Norton, O. A. Black and A. 8. Black, i hla brother, John Fltaergi raid. M ill street, and plana to move here ¡all of Bend and Eugene, Gale of Port­ Visiting from Medford— F. C, Dll BOOB. land Monday L ,D. I^elghton and Bol- | lard of Medford visited from 8alur- Leave for Vacation Trip— Mr. and ton Btennett of Della» and J. L. Jack-1 day till Monday with E N. Dillard. Mra. Mdton Cyr, with their two sons.'aon and A. P. Robertson of Newport Hara from Mareóla— W H. Clark of Marcóla visited Springfield Tues­ day. , nva left Saturday for a motor trip through registered there. Vlalt Nawpant— Charlea Girard and family spent the weekend at New­ port. | Guest at Pollard Home— Ml»» Ella tiooren of Medford win a dinner guest Monday at the W. H. Pollard hom«. Go to Massachusetts— Mr. and Mrs. Henry fasten and family will b-uve soon for Massachusetts, where they will apend the winter. Drive to Junction— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas and Mr and Mrs. J. II W ill drove to Junction City 8un- School Starts Sept. 17 Special Bicycle Offer l| You have no tim e to waste In A 52.50 c re d it allowance w ill ba Leg Infected— C L. Howe» Is suf­ fering from an Infected leg. result­ ing from a bud brulae when a piece of lumber fell upon him. jrd e r to gat your bicycle ready given on any new Bicycle p u r­ chased from S e p t 5 to OcL 5, 1925. Pick out tha wheal you want, then present this adver­ tisem ent, and you w ill be given a 52.50 dlacount on any Bicycle. .1 M «■* Orive to The Dalle»— Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Woods and family drove to The Dalles Sunday, returning to Springfield Monday evening. Vlalt at Richardson Homs— J. Hoff- man of Marshfield, and hla mother. Mis. Anna Hoffman, visited at the Emery Richardson home Monday. V la'tlrg In Town— Mr and Mrs S 0 . M '» ',.ir are visiting th lt wees with l.ttlr son and daughter In-la-v. Mr nnd * re. Roland Moahler. Make Week-end Trip— Mr. and Mrs. M M Mule motored to Portland and over the Mt. Hood loop over the week­ end. 'or school tima. You w ill w ant to rids it ovar tha firs t day. Come In and esa about It now. PARENTS: Think of the many advantages secured by having your thlld "Ride a Bicycle” to school. Gives them real healthful exercise in the open air. Records will show that students who ride bicycles secure higher grade* and progress faeter than those who do not. It also allows more time for work around the home. We Invite you to call and let us show you how easy It la to buy a bicycle on our "Pay as you ride plan.” Our very low prices together with our special offer gives you an opportunity that you cannot afford to pase. If you should have an old bicycle of any kind we will be glad to have you trade it In on any new Bicycle. The mere knowledge that your chancelled and returned checks are all the receipt you ever need on bills paid Is a satisfaction hard to describe. However, there often cornea a time when actual presentation of such evidence is nec­ essary—then you truly do appreciate the convience of a checking account. Our checking service Is open to you. A nominal deposit la all th a t Is nscaaaary. Open a checking account and learn by axperl- anca Its many advantages. HARRY GARRETT First National Bank “T H E BICYCLE MAN" Springfield, Oregon Phone EUGENE 120 W. 8th St. 1519-R ¡ectíve—, £ COBURG NEWS 2 Rev. Shroude, of the Coburg M eth­ odist church, haa reahlngled hla resi­ dence. Threahlng In thia vicinity haa been finished and the farm eri are now bal­ ing their hay. The depot, yards nnd buildings of the Southern Pacific In Coburg are being Improved. ., O ’" '. . - ¿ ( « P Subscribe Now for The SPRINGFIELD NEWS Save 50c O BITU ARY O rville B. Kestey. I. Death has "wrapped In the dream­ less drapery of sleep'’ tile founder of our institution and its president, Or vllle It. Kesscy and we the officers and directors as business unsocial*-» nnd friends for more than a decade ' wish to pay this as our brief tribute of respect nnd esteem. It has been our good fortune In a bunlniss and social way to know Mr. Keisey Intimately and to appreciate those rare qualities that made him particularly fitted, ns few men are, for the business of his choice. He was a man with a strong person­ ality, generous, fair, honcat and Im ­ partial with the courage always t> .voice his conviction», lie was a twin gifted with that rare Intuition who knew men a few men do, always ready with worth while advice, aid or encouragement for those who sought Ills counsel. Mr. Keaaejt. wns truly loyal to the best Interest» of the community and a directing force In Its advancement. In his death wo have lost a worth while frbnd, co-worker nnd advisor. Pence to hls memory, peace sw. - t pence. By the Directors and Officers of the Commercial State Bank, Spring- field, Ore. Ona Black Marl». prof:— ’’To have and to hold Is a good motto.'' Btude:— "How about a plato of hot gravy 7” • * ED PUR DY’S PHILOS. "A lm oet every man Is a loud dress­ er— whan ha Is looking fo r h it collar button." UR object is to be ional activities that all shall know ours is of p a r a m o u n t public service. To so a Service of Sincerity. conduct our profess­ O ¡PHONE- 62- j W.FWALKER 228 fTpNERAL S ervice S PR.I N G F IE L D .O R E - ; • Regular Subscription Price after October 1, 1925 will be $1.75 a year An Increase of 50c The Springfield News is conceded to be one of the best weekly paper» in Oregon, it's subscription price has been the lowest of any. Usually weekly newspapers subscrip­ tion rates are $2.00 or $2.B0 a year. If we are to maintain the high standard the people of thia community expects us to we must have a greater return from our subscrintlons. After October 1st all subscriptions will be advanced 50 cents ONE MONTH TO SUBSCRIBE OR RENEW AT THE OLD RATE A Sign of A Quality Store CO-OPERATION —— BMP— M — M— M— 5— 311 III II IB— — EflPIM Cooperation means mutual help. It always ’results in benefit. It constitutes a power for good. It means profit and accomplishment. Our own welfare and growth depend upon cooperation. We have established ourselves and invested our money here and constitute a powerful factor for the growth and betterment of the town. When yousend your money away it cannot be spent by the merchants to help build the community. NOT A SATURDAY SPECIAL BUT an every day special, 10 Bars Playmate Soap, 39c or $3.50 case 5 Bars Playmate Snowhite Bath 25c Yes we have winter banana apples. Jonathan and Orenco’s Juicy and Good. PHONE *3 i PHONE 8 - WHIÎE FRONT GROCER! - 9