THURSDAY. S E IT lO. 1925 ttPRlNOFlKLt) NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O FFIC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANK WINTER WHEAT OUTLOOK FOR 1926 NOT BRIGHT O FFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • FARM ER'S UNION • CO UNTY U N IT n O. 14 JUDGES CHOSEN FOR FAIR COUNTY AGENT IS BUSY Local AT WALTERVILLE. SEPT. 18 AUGUST REPORT SHOWS • Canary ...... NEW DISCOVERY ON CONTROL APPLE DISEASE J. L Northup • Reporter« * Ilay Bower • _____ • • Central Why apple growers at t me» fourni Judaea for the Me Ken ale valley, Work In man» farm activities 1« W inter wheat production In the Mrs. L. J Oelchell • Cloverdale Ralph Laird. Creswell, President. • fair to he held at W alterville S e p j shown :u the monthly report for Au • Coast Fork Mu» (loo. Kebelherk • control of uiitrhai nose feasible and I'niltxl States next year will be con­ W ill W heeler, T ren t, Vlce-Presl- • nt other tim i« not uttu'nuhle has been ¡tvniber IS haa been selected by the gust of t'onntv Agent O. S Fletcher • Creswell siderably in excess of probable do­ Mrs M. A. Horn * dent. • detvrmineil by Inveallgiots for the I fair comm ttee. C. W. All«n Is chair- Following I n the alatlselal Nummary i • Porona m estic requirements If reported In­ Mra. Ada J- nuinga • B etty Kappauf, Cottage Grove. * 'man of the committee which has ar- for the month: Oregon experiment alai Ion There aro tentions of farmers to Increase acre­ Kira li li. • II,. < ta . sec.-Treaa I Il'Ceived 284 office rails and thirty I • lladleyvltlol I wo forms of the disease, the common ra n g ed th e e x h ib its a n d pro g ram age some 4.000.000 acre« above last Mrs M. Gillespie * N. A. Horn, Cottage Grovo. Door • . . ... . . ; , . . . iinthrutiiose liiat yields to spray _ Kaanar . Livestock will be Judged bv ll I, 1 seven telephone calls In regard t o ! • Jasper year are carried out and average Mrs. Grace Jones • Keeper i H eal,m m, nmt the kiitti lo wly doe- I'lank; sheep and goals by E A. Me 1 farm problems. Write 176 Individual • I e>ra ne . ... yields are secured, the Department ot (tr i G M Foster • H . C. Jackson, W a lterv ille , Con- • I crlbed by the Investigatori. which Cornack; poultry by Ben F. Kocitey; letters; mailed 3164 copies of thre- • McKentto Hurry C. Jachaos • Agriculture points out In its wheat ductor. * beef cattle by L, J, Allen of l). A C .,icircular letters; visited twelve farm s;' litoes not so yield • Ml Vernon Mrs V. A Reynolds • outlook report released today. O. L. Clem ent. Chaplain. * The n wer form, flral described (tutoli Smith • grain?« and grasses by O. 8. Fletcher, traveled 873 miles by automobile; j • 811k Creek This situation, the department says, E 11 Tlltker • ihts year hy l»r, 8. M Zeller of 111» fruits and vegetables by C K Stewart spoke ut five meetings with a total • Tretrt would place winter wheat on a world j rollege station, and Leroy Child« of Mrs w i i and domestic science and art by Mrs. attenduuce ot 176; specialista front • V id a ............ market basis. The fact that our mar­ I tl-e Hood River station, quii closely O. 8 Fletcher. JASPER LOCAL thè Oregon Agylculture college co- ket I« now on approximately a do­ I resembles the common form In Its opprated a total of three daya wlth mestic basis fs considered largely to 'cu iller stages Marked dlfOerencee thè county «geni. Number of daya de- nave brought about the present favor­ On account of the recent rain, work FARM REMINDERS | have beeii observad In Ila later dovei» • Ivoted to varlous Project« waa as fot able market position ot wheat pro­ on the roads around here has stopped CANARY LOCAL j opinent, among them the following: - - - - - - - « lews rural engineering (moetlv ,,n ducers. until next week. The new form Is perei nial In char, -------- pyrolol orders), 8; farm crops, 3; The winter wheat area sown this Dusting seed wheal with copper The Higgin's and Carr sawm ill Our regular meeting Sunday w a s, horticulture, dairying, und aetcraeter, developing year after year fall will be in the neighborhood of livestock, carbonate (or smut control has been closed down last week for the rest | wt>|| attended After an Interesting 2 day* each; rodent control, I; vara proved (he heal method under many by spread of the fungus to healthy 46.400.004 acres, it farmers carry out of this year, though they wtll be and profitable meeting the ladles tlon 7. llsaues surrounding Hie canker nf the Intended increase of 9.7 per cent. condition« In Oregon and grower» can loading lumber at the dock for sev­ served an excellent dinner that was | the previous season Antbrarnoae does Allowing for average abandonment make their own dusting machine after eral d ays'yet. enjoyed by all. i noi spread beyond (he Umita of Ilio the area to be harvested next sum­ the pattern described by (1 W Kable The attendance at Sunday schoo, The pear crop which Is egcellnt In first year's growth, ailhough the fun. mer would be about 40.424.000 acres , of (lie extcn^oii service In extension and church has been small this sum- yield and grade is being harvested gilt lives In the dealt ttosuen of lb» MT. VERNON LOCAL compared with 32,213.000 acres har­ i bulletin 381. An empty oil drum from mer, so far, but the members are look- now ■ anker through the second seaiton, vested this year. * a nearby garuge ami some Inch water Our union Is making arrangement. when the spores of the perfect alago Should the yield be the same as ing each Sunday for it to Increase. ' pipe, with a few pieces of lumber and There will be a rally day some time to , bip a car i^,,) Of eattl® in charge are formed and discharged. this year. 12.7 bushels per acre, the Mr. and Mra. Edward Reynolds some nuts and screw s are about all In October and all are working for of one of |oc>, men The perrennlal ranker la a wound lowest since 1004. the crop w oull that. Mr Jordan of the E. B. t . j Most of the shares In the coopers- have returned ftoiu their vacation that will be needed. The handy man parasite Infecting through wounds reach 5t3.eoo.000 or 23 per c s v mote spent on the beach at Bandon They j on the farm ran make It himself, as preaches fine sermons. I live store hare been told, and made by pruning or other agencie« wheat then was harvested thn **>. "r* n‘* ' day evening, September 2 for regular treat two bushels at a lime Merely sects and winter Injury. Anlhrarnose be produced should the yield per acre FOR 8 ALE—Caroon paper In large The Sunday .,-hool was well at ..............." equal the average of the past ten The d-k>ne club shoveling y>e grain over with dust to a much more virulent paratile able sh eets. 26x38 Inches. BUltablaJor tended and enjoyed by alj. An Invl business g>«pk>n. years, which was 14.5 bushels. und Commercial club of Springfield added Is not satisfactory, and some to Infect through uninjured bark. In making tracings. The N ews Office tatlon to everyone to attend Is ex which It usually starts. The spring wheat crop has avers f--d were represented by four member« to type of duster la necessary. tended. The perennial canker organisms 353.000.000 bushels In the past five s e e talk over the prospect* of a public Brother Sylvester and wife enter-, . . . „ , _. are generally ellipsoid, although vari, years, which aJfled to 586.000.000 ... _ _ market for Springfield. The union Fruit or v-getables for canning .. h o m . v » e i n . . n f a n TIM E AND PLACE OF • talned visitors from the vaUev th v ' I l. f favors bushels ot winter wheat would make • a v o r a f the movement and hopes other need to be thoroughly washed as for able in shape and site The anlhrar­ LOCAL MEETINGS • first of the week. a total of 838.000.000 bushels. This • unions will cooperate with the plans cooking. Those with soil clinging to nose organisms have the characteris­ Sister Houston has moved to Flor­ tic curve or hook. would produce an exportable surplaa • Canary— Float Sunday and Third • propose«,. them need to be washed with special * ence for the school year, where she The perennial ranker organiamo o f from 1(0.000.000 to 240.000.000 bush ■ Saturday. Farmers Union Hall. The men from Springfield were J care, since the soli may contain many reaot differently In culture nadln. e ls in the face of an upward trend • Cloverdale—Second and Fourth • t will have charge of a boarding house Fulop, F. B. Hamlin. H. M Stewart bacteria difficult to kill. Only fresh, • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. *' for high school pupils. The investigators are no wsearchtng In world production. and H. E. Maxey. clean sound materials are to be u»«>d Idas Aurllla Erhart has moved to for a good control treatment. European countries have been grad • Creawell—First and Third Tuee- • The Mt. Vernon Needle rlub met 'T w o hours from gard« u to can" to nally expanding wheat areas to the • daya. Creawell. M. W. of A. Hall. • j Portland to resume her high school with Mrs. Reynolds Thursday, Sep- a good slogan. point that the area in 18 European • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • , work. Dr 8 Ralph plppel. Dentist. Vitu» • • • The i.,_ k 'tim ber 3 for quilting and a social day • Thursdays. Farm Union Hall. • Tne Dutton lumber company . . countries Is now 82 per cent of the * * Is In f/vwAilbi.e A well-planted farm garden prop- building. 8prlngfi«ld. Oregon. • Danebo—First Tuesday. Danebe • stalling a aide track at Booth, where together. estimated prewar average The wheat Members present were Ethel Arml- erly cared for Invariably reduce« the • School House. • they expect to begin loading their areas In Australia. Argentina, and tage. Merta Scott. I>-na Pavia, Mary amount of fowl purchased and to this CALL AND HSE Dr N. W Emery Doreoa—Second and Fouth Tuee- • logs about November 1 Canada have also been Increased, so McPherson. Haxel Tryon, Jennie Try­ extent the cost of living. Proper «n pr* -a an n|at* and other work •( • days. Doreaa Churoh. • Blackberry harvest in this valley Is that the wheat acreage in these thre.* on. Edna Carpenter, Margaret Gorrle. management wtll keep the garden go­ • Hadleyville — First and Third • now at Its height The yield Is ex countries combined to now about 53 Sarah Francis and Virgie Reynolds ing In many districts of Oregon all • Thursdays, Hadleyville School. • 1 cellent. per cent above the prewar average. ('*rl * n,*'r •"vn to preserve their nutrition and 1922 Chev. Coupe soft red winter. 200,000.000 bushel« of • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • dance will b held at Thurston hall make them attractive and palatable, 1923 Oakland Sport. A hard red winter and about 50,000,000 • Wednesday. Braafleld Store. snap next Saturday night. • and teach the family the value of 1924 .Chev. Roadster. bushels of white wheat. In addition to • Silk Creek Meets First and Third • Prune picking has bgun at Inacken- vegetable« In the diet. Ford Tonring. Cheap. practically all the hard red spring • Thursday at Cedar School House • bush farm The crop Is light but of GANNETT MOTOR CO. wheat produced. The experience ot • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, ♦ excellent quality. Chevrolet Dealers the past few years Indicates that' • Pine Grove School House. • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laird left Tues- 9th and Olive, Eugene these quantities of these classes can • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • day morning for their annual vaca be disposed of within the United • aejday*. tlon. Pleasant Hill High • States without competing In foreign 1 • 8chool Bldg. • B L O N D E BESS O P IN E S . The Mt. Vernon ladle« are enjoying markets. . — • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • a three day hat school with Miss Cor­ ------------------------ • days at Minney Hall. • ley as instructor, “ Jim m y said he was aw fu lly glad • Secretaries will please send In • Like a Top. to know th a t he was the second man and place of meeting and • H e:—“Won't you take a little spin • . time . . . , « *e r to kiss me, a fte r | adm itted Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel, Dentist, Vitus changes of date a . they may oc- • th>t he , he f .pgt„ In my c a r * ’ building. Springfield. Oregon. S h e:—“My no— not if it sk ‘ds that badly." Marshall’s S « ™ Phonographs Only The Best Meat is served over the block at our market. Careful buying and a first class refrigeration plant, keeps our customers satisfied with the steaks, roftsts and other meats pun hasAl here. nca’r porcumi 676 DEPARTMENT STORES EUGENE, OREGON SANITARY M ARKET •■» V V HOLVERSON BROS. Fall Caps for Men! 505 Main Street Pilone 80 Colonial Ranges Made in Oregon for Oregon Homes p W antee 9 5 * ’ * * ’ Eggs and Poultry Come in any time and look over our stock of these Ranges. Priced from $58.50 to $114.00 Terms If desired, your old range taken in trade. z Featuring a large variety of the best patterns in fine wool cassimeres; silk and satin lined; soil-proof sweatbands; non-breakab!e visors— 98c $1.49 $1.98 Sher Khan 662 Oak’Street Eugene, Oregon Heater season will soon be here, a full selection to choose from. Wright & Son