THURSDAY. SEPT. 10. 192R TH » SPRINGFIELD NEWS FA O » TWO A MUCH NEEDED TEXT BOOK. The standard of living In our home county is possibly as high as in aay county in the state; PubliktxM Kxery Thursday at certainly It is higher than the standard obtaining Springfield, laine County. Orw«on, by anywhere abroad. There is not an American T H E W IL L A M E T T E FRCS3 alive who does not feel proud of the superior liv­ H. K M AXEY. Editor. ing condition* of Americans. If the standard is ■ n ta re j aa second class matter. February St. l»03 at the to be maintained however, the time has arrived for the nation generally to give serious thought »»etonica. Springfield. Oregon to the curbing of waste in living, and to the In­ M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE auguration of a period of sensible saving. Even Year tn Advance___ II.SS Three M o n th a ____SOc more important is the necessity to press for some M o n th s TSc Single C o p y Sc reform in our school system which will bring to the youth of the country a deeper understanding T H V R S I U Y . S B P T E M B K R 10. 1 9 Ï5 of economics and a more sensible idea of the per­ sonal budget. There are forty-four millions of the American E d ito ria l Program people now gainfully employed who earn more L Make SpOngfield the Industrial Center of Wee- than $60,000.000.000 yearly. The business of man­ tern Oregon. aging such an Income is a staggering problem, be­ II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City wildering. when one considers that every worker of Contented Homes. is a member of the board of directors. .Fully $10.- III. Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro­ 000.000,000 is wasted every year because the di­ mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and rectors know nothing of economics. the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets New York City, for example, spends $65.000.000 IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder­ every year In charity, but for practical instruc­ land. tion in economics, which, if properly applied, would largely do away with the necessity for charity, It spends not one penny piece. This same A NEW BRIDGE IS A NEED. condition prevails, in proportionate degree, right We welcome the interest in building of a new here at home. Our school children are not taught bridge across the Willaniete river because it is how to manage their personal afafirs with pru­ needed and not because Springfield needs to be dence; they are not taught the value and use of closer to Eugene. We are too close now without money or the basis of economic living; they gath­ she changes her ways. Eugene has had her er a smattering of botany, a little geology, pos­ chance at consolidation and turned it down be­ sibly interspersed with a modicum of plain sew­ cause as some of her citizens have said. “Eu­ ing and kindergarten chemical experiments, but gene wanted bigger things.” nothing at all of the science that lies at the very The state highway commission have measured root of personal prosperity and national develop­ the piers and approved the route by which the ment. The teachers are not to blame, but unless old street car line Crossed the river. The S. P. there be a change the day of reckoning will be at one time offered to give these piers to the a very black Friday. state but as Lane county showed no desire to • • • build a new bridge the offer was not accepted. Sloyvly but surely the Three Sisters region is The building of a bridge across the Willamette becoming the foremost summer playground of river will likely cost over $150.000. This money Oregon. With the surfacing of the McKenzie must be raised by a vote of the people. At the highway over the mountains people large num­ present time the old structure is the most widely bers have begun to penetrate this in region used bridge in Lane county. It should be to the the Skyline trail. Once It Is visited, they along keep county's best interest to have a safe and con­ coming back because there is no place that offers s e n t bridge to replace the old one which is too wider variety of scenic attractions and vamed light and old for modern traffic and a menace so plant life. During the last week-end nearly 100 to life and property. people visited the region. Soon we may expect • • • hotels and lodges to be erected in this section. THIS COMMUNITY’S LOSS. • • • The death of Mr. O. B. Kessey, president of the New Jersey's Supreme Court holds that a hus­ Commercial State bank, is both a sad blow and an inestimable loss to Springfield. A friend of band is liable for slander uttered by his wife even everybody and a shrewd business man Mr. Kes- though he be not present. Evidently Jerseymen of their fortunes. sey’s counsel was sought by many in this com­ can’t bank much on • the • safety • munity. It will be a long time before his place can ever be filled in Springfield for even if anoth­ , The Floridian days seem to be proving as inter­ er should come forward with the same ability esting as the Arabian • Nights. • • and qualifications of Mr. Kessey he must stand the test of a dozen years to hold as closely the I After the modem Hamlet we may hope for Othello with a banjo and bones. people’s confidence. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Feint Settled. H e:— "Whet do you think of the world m • whole f" Him: — ''Big vnnugh f r me." Chiropratic Is the Science of Restoring Health through the nerves. If you feel all down and out, can’t eat, sleep or do your work, take Chiro­ practic Treatments. They are safe, sane and sure. Golden Opportunities Young men and women, you have today far greater op­ portunities than your fathers ever had Ibit you must, iiowever, get the necessary business training and it can he had at the Eugene Business College. Monday Is enrollment day and this Is your invitation EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE it's a good school A. E. Roberta. President 9»2 Willamette St., Eugene. Orc. - • <11 ■ - - — * Dr. Go. A. Simon PHONE 355 J (OVER PENNEY STORE) 7ire . . . re p y rin g Our Dream Come True Official Goodyear Tire Repair Service Station. Expert Balloon Tire Repairing Eugene Vulcanizing Works 957 Oak St. ’’Well, here It Is Woof. Woof. Our dreaniB come true. Money tn the bank and at last we are in position to make an investment that will bring in some EXTRA dollars. Aren't you now glad that we had sense enough to tnuke a family budget and courage enough to carry It through?” The "Budget” way Is the only way. It means to regu- Inte your uffairs that you always spend less than you make. The difference goes Into the hank every pay-day. It draws Interest and soon you have enough to Invest In good bonds or property. We can help you all along the road. We pay 8% Interest on deposits and when you are ready to Invest we can find Just the high Interest paying bond or property you want. Come in and ask us to explain in detail. 1020 Commercial State Bank How About It- LadieS Each M onth More STARS Hundreds of New Owners! READ! N o t content w ith b uilding the best I ow - com car In the w o rld . Star now .hows the way in a new plan o f servic e set ling that Is aorevoluzlonary^ogenenjua, and »o far-reacJiing in tt-efferri th a t any one can ow n a Star. Y o u are next to jo in up—you are next, aa a liv e -w ire , red- blooded A m erican,glad to get th e chance to “earn" a power­ fu l Star, paying only at mu. Il actual coin as suits you! Inves­ tigate the new Star plan—the Star Gold Certificate Save and Earn Plan M illio n D o lla r P o w er G A I N S — big increases in Star sales! N ew hundreds P o w erfu l B rake S afety of owners each new m onth! O nly Star gives the trem en­ Super value features are sell­ dous Million Dollar Motor ing the pow erful S tar in power — and matching this real pow er is th e dem on­ record-shattering style. Ex­ strated safety of big, sure- clusive, vitally -im p o rtan t working brakes for owners featu res are w inning for of low-cost cars! Star the patronage of prac­ N o wonder thinking buyers tically-experienced motorists are flocking to Star value— on the Pacific Coast. big, exclusive value is th e Surely, you have heard the praise! S urely, you have marvelled at the great in­ crease ol Stars wherever you simple answer. You are next to test and ride in a S tar— you are next to come in without delay! Do it, do it right now. At the New Star Prices Springfield Garage of Springfield? Do you know that the biggest selling family hard wheat flour In this part of Oregon is made right here in your own city? Have you ever stopped to realize that this plant Is bringing In belter than a half million dollars per year Into this city—thru the sale of Its how famous flour and feed products. If FEATHERFLAKE flour, a guaranteed hard wheat patent flour; is the best flour that thousands are buying In Corvallis, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Roseburg; Coquille, Grants Pass. Medford, AMhlaud, Klamath Fallp and hundreds of other cities In Oregon and California, It would sfcein that this same flour should be the flour used by the good housewives of Springfield. Don’t you think so? We ndmlt that distance lends enchantment and that one usually likes something better when lots of freight is added to It; but In all fair­ ness to yourself, your neighbor and to your city try home products first. Demand FEATHERFLAKE flour. Be proud to use It. After you have tried a half sack of FEATHERFLAKE flour you will be fully convinced that FEATHERFLAKE surely Is wonderful flour— If not return the balance and the full price you paid will he cheerfully re­ funded to you by your dealer. t FEATHERFLAKE flour s sold In 49, 24