Save 50 Cents By Subscribing to T m Springfield News During September. The News Has Fom' • ’* O. O IV O T g O TO IN T C R IB T O F 8 F R IN Q F IIL D A N O T H t PARMgRB OF THU W IL L A M C T T I V A L L t V L ib ra ry THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SM CO ND Y KA il SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, NINE GUNS SIOLtN FROM LOCAL STORE MANY A T TE N D FUNERAL OF O R V IL L E PLAN T O C O M P L E T E ROADS B. K ES SEY AND G IV E T H E M Ranker Laid to Real by Hundreds of County Townspeople; Servlets at M ethodiet Church; Large F lo rlal Offerings. W ill Coast and Levy 2 M cKenzie TO STATE M ill T ax for Highw ays; To Build W illa m e tte Road. Thlevei Use Bur on Front Door Oathirlng to pay a final tribute to I A speclul road tux of 2 mills to of Wright and Son Hardwnre; I) II Kessey, president of the Com complete tbe W illamette valley-coast' Steal $400 W orth of Guns inert 1st State bunk, who died last highway and the McKenite highway j from Rack and M ake Get­ Thursday morning, hundreds of p e ii ih a t they may be taken over by the, pie crowded the Methodist ch u rch , state will be placed on next years away. at the funeral Monday u^ernoon. | had g it, according to C. I*. Barnard, * Pallbearers were C. K Rwarts, 11 : county Judge. The section o f' the! Afier Jimmying lh» front door of the Wright and bone Hardware A, Washburn«. It W. Hoof, Harry coast highway from Kalnrock to Flor* F r it t s and E K cn ee anti s e v e ra l pieces o f th e M i •tore, a burglar removed' five large W h itn e y , F o rre s t pallbearers, all K ens’«* highway are not completed to, calibre rifles, three repeating ahot. Morrison, llnnury Puna uiid on« double barrel,*,I shot- members of the bank staff were M »late specification» yet. When thej •din from the store Tuesday night. M Peery, Welby Stevens, At Mont- "tale takes those roads over entirely Herbert It will not be necessary for the county j The work was done sometime be* gotnery, Al Perkins, and to tako rare of expensive m alntm -i tw,*,*u 3 no and 3:40 In the morning. Clark. Mr K essey was 62 years of ng«, “neo. The loan la a»flmat,*,| by owners at lh« »tore to lie between J300 and and ‘s survived by his wife, Mrs. ’ Next year It Is the plan of the count H00 Nothing «lap In the «tore was Mary Kessey. one sen. Dwight, a fgth-A y court to Improve the W illamette taken, and severul dollars left In the • r, C Ke- <*y of Milford. Iowa, a «(»-» hlghwuy from Iziwell to Oakridge, , cash register wae left undisturbed. ler. Mrs. Ilulh Hall of Health* and a Tin re Is $286,000 of the bond money* Fmd Hinson, night patrolman re­ brother. II C. K essey of victor. Col- »¡lotlid to this road. The bureau of ported seeing a large e«r without ora lo Mrs Hall and Mr. II. C. Keo* public roads will majch tb'e money as: soon as Its fund« are. available. As I'ghla route Into town from the west, sey were here for the services. Coming h**re twelve years ago fro in i’he W lllaniete highway Is much trav-' Juat before the robbery 1« thought to have occurred. Mr H lnsen'called t** j Iowa. Mr. Kessey organized the hunk ' k'd the county court has decide^ to the occupants of the ear to awlteb on of which he was first cashier, and Jut- • Improve It as soon a* possible, says iJudge Barnard. The W illamette w ill’ their lights, hut they disregarded him er president. ------ —— j also he a state hlghwuy when com-1 and drove eaat ou Mala street A few 1 THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1025 * ;al Readers "T h e People'« Paper** L IV E N EW 8PA PER IN A L I V I T O W N N U M B E R 34 I S T E V E N S N EW P R E S ID E N T C O M M E R C IA L S T A T E BANK I Succeeds O. Bank B. Ketfsey, ¡Drceased; Will Have Same Policy. CITY SCHOOLS WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK Welby Stevens was chosen presi­ Registration on Thursday; List of Teachers and Assignment dent of the Comerclal State bank at of Grades to Different Build* a meeting of the director* Tuesday ings Made by Principals. evening. Mr. Stevens will succeed O. , E. Kessey, who died last Thursday, A1. , h_ , All the city schools will open Mrs. Kessey was chosen as a d l-, Thursday. September 17 at 9 a. m. It i rector at th? meeting. i *» strongly urged by the board of dl- Mr. Stevens was one of the orig in a l. rectors that all who expect to attend stockholders of the bank when It was register on the opening day, and a organized tw elve years ago. Although ;-a'ger first day enrollment than last he will be the executive bead ot the y ‘ ur is expected Work on the new ' organization. Herbert Clark, cashier. Brattata school is progressing rapidlv will have active charge of the b an k .! and it will be ready for occupation The new management of the bank 1 by the September 17, according to Mr. p'sns to follow as exactly a s possible V. D. Bain, principal of the hign tne policies established by Mr. Kes- 8cilo°l- All students will be required svy as founder of the bank, and to to choose a major suhject from among nulntaln the same relations with cus- *,he following group; mathematics, turners which Mr. Kessey has cul- j »clence, history, foreign language and ’ ' rated. » ,.* commerce. The work will then be organized arqund the major subject selected. English Is, of course, a re­ LABOR DAY PR O G RA M quired part of any course. In addi- SUCCESS wl D E , ^ S . P l IT i E R n A n IN e t|oa t0 the'departm ents above, man- t n Despite the rata, which stopped lralnlng and domestic science will TY several of the afternoon events sched- “ U ught 38 Iast year- except a third j iA*ZTCCACTgQ | M RS. C O N L E Y PASSES A T pined.' minutes later, while making hl« •cieBC® courae wl11 •» A coincident carrying a moral, uled for the Wendltag Intbor day cele-1 rounds of the town, Mr, lllnnen found C H R IS T IA N H O S P IT A L was the .suspending of “Babe" Iration, a large crowd, estimated to I C O B U RG S C H O O LS W IL L the door ot the store standing open. ' ____ Ruth from b arb ali and a fine of be twice as targe as tbe one la-I Besides Mr. Bain, who will be in " ! Mrs. Lolo Conley, aged 33. died ' O P EN S E P T E M B E R 21ST $■*,000 for failure to observe train­ year, visited the mill town. Mot’cu | cbarge Physical education, there M A ZA M A P A R T Y C L IM B S | yoaterday afternoon at the PaetQc ’ ing rules-—the same week in wmeh pictures tak?v there will be shown at wl11 he feur other teachers from last Detroit citizens s ta g ij a great cele­ The Coburg Public schools will op­ S O U T H S IS T E R SU N D A Y , ho"P»«l In Eugene Funer* >*-ars staff and five new instructors. bration for Ty Cobb, marking his the Bell theater this evening. al »erv'ce» will he held from the W al-ieD "n September 21. A good inroll 20 years there— the greatest play­ i The log bteking ana tree topping They are: A. J, Morgan, manual ment is expected. Including a num­ ker rhnpel Saturday afternoon at er the game has ever produced. A party of sixteen Portland and Eu* training; Miss Anne Hill, English; Presents and cash amounting to ¡and othe- ev i t s a.-h**du>ed for th*. Mrs. Virginia Rice, commercial; Mrs. gene people, under the auspices of the 2 00. Rev, K V Stivers of Eugene ber of new students both ta the high 'morning wont off smoothly. Norman $10,000 were showered upon him. school and ta the gradex The corp.« Mntan-.a club and lead by | | K. Maxey reading the service * Coleman, -.'i rident of Reed college Pauline Bain, domestic science and Mr». Conley. n resident of Camp of teachers is as follows: Professor of Springfield, rllrnbeu.the South s is failed to ippear to sp ak at no is, art; D. C. Taylor, history; p. c. Whit­ ler Sunday. Three other Maxnmas. Creek. |» »urvlved by her husband. ' T* C. Mountain. Superintend* nt; Misa C IV IC CLUB R E P O R T S and H. II Lamnon, a Lcyal Leg! ,n taker, langauge; Miss Fay Spaulding! Mr and Mr». Fred McNeil of Port­ Ernest Day Conley; her parents, Mr. Ruby Speer und Mine Mary Chisholm, R E S PO N SE IN T R A D E A T of Loggers znd Lumber-ten field o: English and music; Miss Sylvia land and Miss Celeste Campbell of and Mrs. Nelson A. signor: a grand­ assistants ta the high school; Mrs. ¡h e barbecue ma'h™ * 'lpa: Miss France. H O M E C A M P A IG N H E R E flcer' tCok place Eugene climbed the Middle Slstei mother, Mrs. Alma Signor; four chil­ Pirtle, seventh and eighth grades; Hodge, science. ______ meat failed te stand the nish and th Miss Stevens, fifth and sixth grades; dren, Pauline. Ernest Day Jr.. Francis Sunday and stayed over lo climb the The Junior high cshccl will be held Merchant* are enlarging their supply rat. out after the first on South Sister Tuesday. They plan to Earl ami William D; six brother». Mlae Brisbane, third end fourth; Mrs. In the Lincoln building under the stocks and cooperttag with the Civic !,aughts. KO down the Skyline trail to C rater, Andy H <’lande I>* Baall W. Virgil Henngon, first and second. of Otto Burcham, One Wendling's baseball nine defeated , principalshlp Coburg la looking forward to a club ta the “Try Springfield Mer- Elbe L. and George Signor; and fuR time and one half time teach“. , Lake. „ because oT tae ! b e at,ded ,h ,s department of Eugene members of the party were one staler. Rhea Mae Signor. The splendid school year. The heating c h a tt . F trtt campaign the program that wag , Moselle Hair, E E. Chadwick. Wlilet- decease«] was born In Eugene and ¡ P>*nt I« being reorganized eo as to commlttee . m— ,. * * *..« n» im w «n«— » a — ,. » Wendling's . ... ■ pencil artists also the school, i ne Junior high school of ***,. the ¿« club reported at • » the rain. provide a more adequate heating sys­ ta Moore, Fred Terrell, Lester Me- passed ber life in this vicinity. regular m eeting held Tuesday eve- defeated the combined Sprlngfield- teacher in addition to Burcham are: tem. Mr. Ihnsplger has been em ­ Donald, J. F. Bovard. F. D. Voigt, Ar- nlng In the Chamber of Commerce Eugene pencil pushers 3-1 ta a five Miss Elizabeth James, mathematics; ployed ns caretaker of the building. Ihur Rogers. Jr.. Franklin Hall and C A R N IV A L W IL L APPEAR Cltlselns have responded to the Civic Inning battle. A. C. Dixon, general Miss Jessam ine Nelson. English; Mrs’. M is. C,.|,-ate Campbell, and those U N D E R L E C IO N A U S P IC E S * nd “ ,‘n,r8* Pd ln pu,Un* ’•’ “rythlng club efforts to keep at home over a manager of the Booth-Kelly mills Mary E. L. Walker, history; Mrs. _____ j ta splendid order for --------------------- the opening of from Portland were Benjamin Wood ' half million dollars expended annually scoring the only counter for the Kathryn Duncan, georgraphy; Mrs. The Dixon Carnival company, h a v .' ” honI bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNeil. out of town and there has been a losers. The loot races and swimming Ella Lombard, civics; Elmer Halstead A A manual nlnn,,Hl “r,s department Is be " great increase ta local business, the contests were called off because of agrirulture- The other subjects will II F. Arragnn. Col. Forrester, Merle tag four special »how», a m erry go round and a ferrla wheel will be In ,ng e four-round1 _______________ j smoker one evening of the car-, Scott by a decision * In money out of town and provided a pr° 8*>et,s for Springfield high sixth the Brattaln school. However. JO H N W IN D H A M . AGE 79 ! ^ 0 0 l_f.00' bal1 ? am look brl*bt- Two 11 ma-v be n * « ® w y to make some nival was discussed, this action wns i rl« xter* an<1 Verna Building Ready for 8chool. Adrian, before going on to California. * nine-pound son, born at the Frank Ihanls and hippopotami are frequent ‘Bryant, Mohawk; Joseph Emerson Powers home in Jäprlngfleld, Septem, Flnnle's plumbing shop is finishing plght prowlers around their hablta- 1 Barnes, Roblnervtlle. California, and ber 9, 1936. Street Open— After being closed Louis® Hanson, Junction City. the last of the plumbing In the new lons. - . Returns to Portland— Mrs, Nellie two days while members of the coun-i Brattaln school this week. The cabi­ Miss Mitchell will «pend eight Rlssette left yesterday for Portland Tensile Removed— Francis, snu\> | ty road crew scraped and grad«! j net work ta the Interior la being gone Bonths with her parents here before after spending several days with her son of Mr. and Mr«. Stanley Gray ot south 2nd street etreet and south n D, th these e»«' Bloyele to Be Sold— After being over, and will be finished in time for brother, E. G. Sutton. returning to her work ta Africa. Landax. had his tonsils and adenoids streets are open to trafilo today. unclaimed for over a> month, a bl- school Monday. September 21. ------------- ------ . removed this morning. t" ------ 'cycle found several week» ago by Here from Portland*—Mr. and Mrs. Here frem Dexter— Frank Smith of Drive to Albany— Mr*. W. F. Wal- a member of the police force will Goes to Independence— B. J. San- ilph Kadderly of Portland was In Dexter was a business visitor In town In from Jasper—J M. Shelly was ker and Mr*. Clara Fawver are visit- be sold at auction In front of the key left yesterday for in d ep en d en t wn yesterday. thia morning. In town from Jasper W ednesday. tag in Albany today. city hall Saturday afternoon at 1:00. where he will spend his vacation. ? t ■ “ R T U