4 Classiti ( buying «gsmiMfl OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST dAds Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. tET RESULTS) Mutiny |o loan oil tltiMlrubl* city FOR KENT-—N il« slecplug room In L l HT— Medium alxe while cal. Phone pr viilu hollin with uau of kitchen properly, Monthly payments. 38 to 132 It Reward. Mra. C liff Abrams. #6 mont ba. If desired. Call N< WR office. H. 3. U**a*wsz-*. e-^^wK « » Z s Z , z ,-rjir-- EMERY INHURANt'K AOBNCY Coni to Cottagi Grove— M in Oliva See our line of visiting cards, 37 »Ui Av« W, i'biiiie «C7 Estes spent Monday In Cottage Grove paneled, or plain, at the New» office. Eug» ne, Ora. tt Or. H Ralph INppul, liu n tlit building. Bprlngft'ld, Oregon. Vltuel NOTICE I F MEETING OF COUNTY F o r HOARD OF EQUALIZATION SALE—Carbon fa*per Io large •hurts, 28x3» lochea, suitable for making tracing». The News Office Notice la hereby given that on the second Monday of September the name being the 14th day thereof, 1*28, the county board of equallsct'on for Warding It Off. lan e County will attend at the coun­ Newa ottica. ty court houae, and publically examine Marie; "Why have you been engag­ the aaaeaament roll, and correct all ed to Dick for so long?" HOP PICKBKR BOOKS PRINTED errora In valuation, description or El vie; ‘‘He »aye when we are mar­ ANO IN STOCK F O Il IM M E D IA T E qualllks of landa, Iota or other proper­ D E LIVER Y AT T H E SPKINUnCS.O ty aaaeased by the aaaeaaor; and It ried we will have to live economi­ ahull he the duty of peraona Intereat- cally." NEW S OFFICE. ed to appear at the time and place uppolnted Glenwood Store Sold. Ordinance Ne. 4S8. Dated thte 1/th day of Augue*. 1925. C. P. Hulegaarl haa Bold lb« (1 Inn- BENJ. F KEENEY. An ordinance granting a franchise County Aaaeeaor, wood at ora to O. F Harare, the formar A. 20-27, S3 «“ «he C;ty of Eugene, through the owner, and tba latter will taka charge ' | Eugene W ater board, to have and September I. NO TIC E FOR PUBLICATIO N. maintain a water pipe line within the Department of ine Interior, U. 8 < ti-wn of Springfield, Oregor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION laind Office at Roeeburg, Oregon, | The t. wn of Sprlnrf.cld doea ordain DEPARTMENT OF TIIK INTERIOR le i fellow«: U. H L A N !) O F F IC E at Roaehurg, Auguat 22. 1*28 Notice la hereby given that Victor | Oregon., July 30. 1925 . It Stratton, of Kuo-ne, Oregon, who,' *• That the City of Eugene NO TIC E la her« by given that Kar' Kruk of Marrola. Oregon, who, on on July 20, 1*20. made adjoining Farm ; !><• at.ii la he—¡»y • ’ .-in' d the right r r tr Im m el. C s Co.um la.loner,. Ilul,»m ining -a le r from Cl. M- K. n- land above doacrlbed, before E O. at Butene, Oregon, on the 2nd. d a y , , lle r , w to :L- C,,jr ot Immel, C. K. Commlaa'oner. at Eu­ of October, IM S Claimant namea aa wltoeeaes: ! ®*c- *• The ( I t y of Eugene 1« here- gene, Oregon, on the 10th day of Sep­ t'arl Hopkins, Jav Hopkins. bctti of I by grunted ih? - ‘ght to ronstrvi-t and tember, 1*28. , . , . , . Claimant names aa wltneaaea: Coburg. Oregon; Howard Gorilnn F d p p Fenton E IVoraey, William McKay. J Relyea, both of Motor Route ’’B.” | south side of the county road In the Fred Dorsey, Charles H. Morrow, all Eugene, Ore. north boundary line of the present Ham'll A Canaday, of MarcoU, Oregon. H A M IL L A. CAN MJ AY. Register. «own of Sprlngfeld, and t i e right to, Roglater. non-coal. cross sm « r e e ls an, a . i lea lr 16 In. Maple at $7.50 per Cord. at News Office Phone 188-W Phone 125 -51 B R IG G S CEMENT <& D O T Y C O N T R A C TO R S Sprlngfeld, Ore. Sidewalks Basement Walls LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter ut Anderson'» 1 Barber «hop. • A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP DR. N. W. EMERY • ' D 1 N T IS T Button Bldg. ■ Phons 20-J Rssldencs Phone «M M Springfield, Oregon Saturday's convention started at 2:00, and continued, after a dinner at the grange hall, until late In the eve­ ning Miss M yrtle Janes of Newport, president of the Rebekah assembly, was present. Among the Springfl.-ld members of the lodge attending were Mrs. Magill, Mrs. Al Montgomery, Mrs. Lily Kiser, Mrs. Anne Knox, Mrs. O. H Jarrett, Mrs Sam Richmond, Miss Bessie Bench, Mrs. Fred Louk. Mrs. H arry Anthony, Mrs. Grace Lansberry, Miss Edna 8warts. Mrs. Lee Clark, Mrs. Anne Clendenny and Mrs. Ethel Jollify. SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. N W Emery, dentist 8ntton Bid*. Boy Breaks Arm— The six-year-old son of Myron H. Richardson of Spo­ kane broke both bones of his left forearm Monday evening. They are visiting friends here. *•** ' * •“>»« «»•* ..... Dr.John Simons Uncle Sam Will Do It ' T, i£^5 Painting & Decorating In all Its branches 312 Main Street “The Loop has proven an unqualified success, according to County Agent Hender­ Work on a proposed 320.000 school son. Within the next two weeks 1000 building at Cascade Locks will start tons of lettuce will be shipped to outside markets. at once. Two Indictments charging Tom Mur- A total of 133 fires haa been re­ ported In (be Whitman national forest ray, James Wlllos and Ellsworth Kel­ ley. convlcta, with first degree mur­ this Reason. A span and three-fourths are now der, In connection with the slaving of In place at the bridge across the W ll J. Milton Holman and John Sweeney, guards at the Oregon state penlten- lamette rtver at Harrisburg. _ . .u . .a . I tlary, were returned by the Marlon During the month of July the Coo« ” ’ Salem. . * —— r.n- an o . county grand Jury at Sal county court expended 177,007.80. Oti Sales by mills of (he West Cosat this sum, *80,128.81 waa used in road Lumbermen's association again were work. strong in the week ending August 22. Resumption of mining activity in totaling 115.778.150 feet, which com­ Beker county on a large scale la In . pared with 111.173.t81 feet the week dlcated by reports of rich strikes by before. The 112 reporting mills dur­ several prospectors. ing the week manufactured 107,793,- Mrs. F. A. White, 18. of Hermiston 887 feet and shipped 110,832.187 feet. who crossed the plains In the first The value of the Eugene street rail­ wagon train to come to Oregon, died way property on December 31, 1*23. at her home In that city. including double track not necessarily John Havala, fisherman, aged 50 useful In the public service, was *583, was drowned In Young's bay at Astor­ 000, while the value of the property ia when a skiff In which be waa rid for rate-making purposes on the same Ing struck a log and overturned. date waa 5581.000. according to find­ d ir e c t o r y ! Dry Hard Wood O rd e rs Bbeep men from all over Oregon l M R g M A G IL L E L E C T E D who are perraltees on the national forests will gather In Pendleton Sep­ PRES. REBEKAH DISTRICT 6 tember * to perfect arguments to be Mrs. Mary Magill of this city was presented at the hearing to be held September 10 and 11 by the public elected president of the district Re- bekah convention for next year at the lands committee of the senate. Saturday. Experimental growing of lettuce convention at Creswell which was started In the Wocus val­ Springfield was chosen as the conven­ ley, near Klamath Falls, this year tion city next year. Vielt» from Portland— Miss Grace McCann. a teacher In the Portland Widening of the Coos harbor chan­ ings of the public service commission. schools, Is here visiting Mrs. George nel from 720 feet to a uniform breadth Approximately one-fourth of the 22. Catching. of 1000 feat la favored by Major Coin 000 children who enter the first grades er. war department engineer In Port- of Oregon public schools each year Vlaits in Winberry— Mrs. May land. fall to pass their examinations for Craft, and her son. Hartley, are visit­ Fairly heavy sales of Wasco county the second grade and thereby become wheat have been made during the past "repeaters.” costing the state around ing In W inberry with Mr. and Mrs. few days, although most of the farm 580 apiece, according to a statistical W B. Scott. They w ill return to ers are holding their grain for better tabulation by the bureau of education Springfield tomorrow. Price«. ' Completion of The Dnlles-Callfornia NO TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N Petitions asking for a mile and one highway through Wasco county, after Department of the Interior U. 8. half of pavement, connecting east ap three years of constroctlon work. Is Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Au­ proarhes to Bend with the business announced by Division Engineer C. W. gust 20, 1828. section, were presented to the Bend Wsnxer of the state highway depart­ Notice is hereby given that Albert - L x .. city council ment. A big celebration of this event C. Rikhoff, of Eugene, Oregon, who. „„ September e .* ..™ « « . m i„d«« on 1920, fw made Homestead En­ 10 I is . planned by Judge , ry May N<) 28, 01285? . Two of the Banks gold mills, a new­ on J T. Adklsson and members ot the ly invented centrifugal amalgamator, 33, township 18S., Rang 4 West, W il­ h >w M th, u t „ e mine Wagc0 court. lamette Meridian, has filed notice ot eagt Bandon and will be In opera- More convictions for fire law vlo- Intention to make three year proof, t|on (be coming week. latlons were obtained during the year to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Immel, U. S. esaury, provided that said p.p» lino Forty-three doctors passed the ex I ending August 25 in the Sluslaw na Comm'ssioner, at Eugene, Oregon, oa shall be one continuous tin • runnlns 1 amination conducted by the Oregon tlonal forest than In any other na­ the !8th day of September, 1326. In one direction through the town o f stale board of medical examiners held , tional forest in Oregon and Washing­ Claimant names as witnesses: Springfield. Henry A. Schnorenoerg. David B. In July, according to the report of U. | ton. according to a report received at Sec 3. The said water pipe line C. Coe. secretary of the board. the office of R. S. Shelley, super Smith, Alfred A. Reid. Reason Wayne Telephones; Office 813 Res. 2075 Willoughby, all of Eugene, Oregon. «hall be laid nt sufficient depth In A party of engineers from the Ken ' visor of the Sluslaw forest. Twenty Ham ill A. Canada”, crossing streets and alleys t j not in­ convictions were obtained. non-coal. necott mines In Alaska, one of the terfere with the proper construction, propertlea of the American Smelting1 Louis W. H ill Is planning the pur A 27, S 28. maintenance, or drainage of anld & Refining company, is in Baker this ! chase of 15.000 acres of timber land ' Osteopathy stands for the Register. streets and alleys, and the said week Inspecting the copper belt. truth wherever it is scienti­ in the vicinity of Sweet Home in east streets and alleys shall be restored fically proven. The fishing season In Columbia rlv j era Linn county. Individual holding! Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ and left* In as good condition after er waters closed Thursday. Most ol | are to be grouped for selling. The geon construction of the pipe line as they the fishermen report unusually good addition of this large tract to the ex- Office 808 M. A W. Bldg., were In before construction, such res­ spring and summer catches. The fa ll' ,ei>sive H ill holdings In this section Eugene, Oregon Is considered a hopeful sign of future toration to meet the approval of the gpagOn wm op