■ •V-Y*V— QT>V” PACK SIX D V H ”« w I ng and logging «am ps at the la tte r (be opening la y a of the g reat Mouse LABOR DAY PROGRAM 8C00 MOVIES JOIN BETTER place. Iwtie county lum berm en have PLAN AT 4’L CENTERS been Invited lo atten d and a delega Argonne drive in |» |g wh>n the g ist FILMS WEEK OF SEPT. 6-13 Dlvlaloq sta rte d its offensive and won Brighton. Ore., Sept. 3.-—(Special.) tlon from Cooa Bay Is expected. Confluent th a t th e public will sup­ port the best In screen en tertain m en t, | — B F. Irvine, editor o( the O regon! th e more pm gr *sl»e th e a tre owner» Jo u ran l. w ill he sp eak er of the dsy 91ST DIVISION TO HOLD In thia te rrito ry have Joined the na- at the tirst anuual Labor Day picnic 1 SIXTH REUNION tional movem ent to celeb rate Para and celebration of the B righion Mill m ount week. Sept <-13, when 8lWS company's 41. local to be h»-i«l Sept Portland. Ore.. Sept 3. V eterans th e a tre s througb o et the country will 7 at M ansanlta park n ear here P resi­ of the »1st Division who lestd e In thia u n ite in exhibiting Param ount pic­ dent Rut sn lts, head of the 4L o rg an i­ city a re m aking gr at p rep aratio n s for sation. will introduce Mr. Irvine. tu re s exclusively. the Sixth annual renlon of th e ir old All legging a n d lum bering opera- ; com bat o rganisation, which will be It Is only w ithin th e past few years th a t Param ount has included weekly (ions in Tillam ook county have been : held ‘n P ortland on S eptem ber 35. IK papers in its list, and it is recognised Invited to atten d th e 4L picnic and and ST. H undred» of men who aerved as a tribute to power of the rural several of th e larg er concerns have with the fam ous Wild Weat division i posted notices lo the effect th at th eir from the states of C alifornia. W ash press T he company has tn store for early plants will close to allow em ployes ington. Wyoming. Idaho, V tah. Mon­ re le a se such pictures as a re certain to celeb rate th e day with the 4L. tana. N evada and Oregon, are expect to keep Param ount out In front In The m anagem ent and em ployes of t h e ' ed to a tten d public Interest They include ‘"That Brighton com pany a re cooperating to Among th e v eteran s of note who Rovle Girt." and o th er productions di­ stag e Tillam ook county*« first «L will g ath er wllh th e tr com rades are: rected by the noted D W. G riffith: Labor Day. M ajor G eneral W illiam H. Johnson, ■.......... com edies with Harold U oyd starrin g , form er dtvtsion com m ander and Col Silverton. Sept. 3 — (Special !—The John H. (G atling G am P arker. The com edies w ith Douglas MacLean sta r­ rin g ; "A beggar on H orseback.” a th in l annual la b o r Day celebration of th ree days of the reun on will be b an ­ Jam es Cruse production; “ T he Pony th e local 41. organisation will be held i quets and o th er form s of e n te rta in ­ E xpress " an o th er C ruse m asterpiece. at Cool'dge 4 McLean park h ere next m ent. It is this la tte r p icture th a t Vice- Monday. The Rev. W S G ilbert, well The convention d ates have a special P resident Dawes becam e so en th u si­ known overseas chaplain, will be significance in th a t ihev full upon a stic about it when he saw it being sp eak er of the day. A varied program film ed, and he suggested show ing it ' of sports and gam es has been planned to President Coolidge when com plet­ and m usic will be furnished by the i S ilverton 4L band. ed. The S ilverton L abor Day eeb bra- Gloria Swanson will he seen in ••The Coast of Folly.” and “Stage ' lions, which are staged Jointly bv the S truck." T hom as Meighan in a pic­ 4L local and m anagem ent of th e Sil­ tu re in Sing Sing prison. “The Man ver Falls T im ber com pany, have on W ho Pound H im self.“ and also one previous occasions a ttra c te d m ore , than 10.000 persons, an i p rep aratio n s now being made In Ireland. Pola Negri will he seen in one of are being m ade for an even targ er Joseph H ergesheim er’s stories. ’ Plow crowd fit's year. Many W illam ette val­ e r of the N ight.” Betty Bron«on will ley lum ber m anu factu rin g operation* repeat her sneeess In “P eter P an ” of will be closet! L abor Day to give em last y ear with a new B arrie picture. ploves an cpp o rtu u lty to go t ^ S'l- •‘A K iss for C inderella,” tak en from verton S everal delegations of 41. trem b -r* from P ortland m ills are th e stage rla v of th at name. Joseph C onrad's m asterp iece “Lord planning to attend. for itself th e record of being (he fin : Amor « an unit io lake Ils object!«« in th e first phase of the Argonne and the first to penetrate the Von llln denburg |ln ^ Rsvsry. My dream s begin ai break of day: My dream » commence w here o th ers' stop; I sleep while o th ers toll aw av; I w orks n ights now. old top —J. A 8 Phil: d a rk ?” W here D anger Lurks. ••A ren't you afraid in Madge: me.” "N o , t»0eas you're EG G IM A N N ’S vrtlh A F rien d ly W arning. IT ALWAYS FAYS Tt) THADK AT GUAY S (Ad in the O m aha Daily News) THIS W ON'T I.A 8T LONG. NEW «-ROOM BI’NOAIdJW CALL AND 8TK Dr N W Kmsr> nr* « h r r | M «nH *»•***? • Famous Ashland OFFICIAL Peac ics Headlight It I f a joy to an those fine Oregon pcacheg. They are beauties for looks, fine flavor and texture and «lell