THUItHDAY, HEIT PAGE FTV» THE BPKINOFlELh NSW* 3, 1925 IM About ifour Towel. doctor. Waste disposal—keep garbage In * Food—Choose for each day some­ covered cans, and prevent file*. thing from each of the following Use only the toilet* provided by »nt, group*. If you leave out any ol these management. B* especially careful ; groups you will not keep up strength. about contamination of gtreaiEa— I 1. Meats, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, State Hoard of Health. peas, beans nuts. 2. —Vegetable* such as tomatoes, Dealer* keeping on display or offer squash, lettuce, celery. ’ Steens.” ***4UT»*- LA-rga Health Things You Should Know Ing for sale Immoral periodicals would Boys Will Be Boy*. l»e subject to a fine ranging from |5 ' to ifdiO or imprisonment for a period It had reached the ears of the sum­ of six months under the provl*lons of ' mer boarder at Eb Smith's place that un ordinance introduced at a meeting Eb was somewhat glvtn to beating of tho Sab-rn city council. his wife. So one day the boarder took Development of the poultry Industry , 'the matter up with Mrs. Smith. in the Hermiston district has been , “Why,“ she asked, “do you stsnff rapid, according to H. E. Crosby, ex­ for your husband'« beating you?” tension specialist of Oregon Agricul- i tural college. Between 25,000 and 30,-I “Well, dearie,” aighed the victim, “you have to humor ’em to keep ’em 000 hens and pullet* are expected t o . peaceable, you know." he in production thia fall. OUR INVISIBLE FOES. A happy i.t.itr of mind that In whlrii w« bellova that * « haven’t an enemy in the worbl. There may be good re iio n for hut diatrlbutlng ourli servility. Rut tl.sro »re, in fact, million« of druilly foes about u«, invisible, un- rerognlxod, until It is forever too late In many Instances to check their depredations. The Invisible foe I* ever a men- ace to life. We may combat the known enemy—or, if he 1« too big fo r us, we may beat a safe re­ treat; but the thug in the dark al- ley, reason* that dead men tell no tales. It I* the 1-oncealeil weapon that does the harm. The deadly submarine is an invisible foe, ter­ rible in action, and yet the micro­ scopic germ kills more, I t is my purpose in thia series of articles, to discuss “our invis­ ible foes" from the standpoint of one who has been for thirty-three veers an active clinician, and who is still so, engaged in the honor­ able effort to keep men and wom­ en At, believing that life may be prolonged, and the world be made better thereby. It would be an eminently wise measure i f our Public School H oard s would add the subject of bacteriology to the course of atudy, providing at least a work­ ing knowledge of the subject, which would enable the student to defend himself against many of the active foes of comfort and health, which continually beset him. I f you, dear reader of thia paper, are Intersted In health and Its consequent longer and happier life, for yourself and family, we shall try earnestly to contribute thereto, by kindly advice gleaned from the Aeld of experience. , I ' i SPECIAL PRICE on plute work. Dr See our line of visit r.g c^ ’ ' N W Emery, dentist. 3atton Bldg paneled, or plain, at the News office. ♦--------------------- -- ---------- I | EXTRA GOOD • Young Steer Meat for Saturday «very bun ¡red cents spent. Take time water bottle. Take no food or Jrluk. In the evening to cook enough for if pain still continues, send for the breakfast and lum <*ook cereals --------- I during the evening m -al. Your paycheck is bigger when you Keep foerl from vermin and flies keep w ill. The State Hoard of Health make* the following suggostlons with which may carry typhoid fever and 111« hope ’hut you will earn a lot oi other infection* dises ea. Try an In- exp* naive refrlgetator made by hang money. ing a sacking-covered hog to a tree Keep Clean. or post with a constant drip of water Hoap kills many kinds of disease placed above It Keep food away from . germa and prevents the sickness unwashed hands, your own and others. which often come* lu catup from eat-I Keep meat on Ice until time for Ing with unwashed hands. Washing cooking it. the feet and socks each day and rub- Boll all milk except that from a blag soap Into the socks lessens the certified dairy. NEXT W EEK: burning of feet during the Job which Drink sparingly t^hile at work W H E R E FIR S T TO W hen overheatel wnen out the mouth requires standing. F O R T IF Y FOR H E A L T H line Your Own Drinking Cup and J with cool waier but do not swallow It. 3. llread, cereals, macronl Avoid unripe or over ripe fruit, and 4, —Butter, cream, lard, suet, salt Give Dancing Party—Mi«s Jiinn'ta jail unwashed fruits and vegetables, Flower* and her brother, Dale, en­ pork, salad oil. 6.—Sugar», syrup, honey, especially for young children. tertained a numb'-r of Springfield and For stomach ache—Take a half day Eugene young people at a danrlii" cakes, candy and t reserves. Cooking take* time, but It helps off from work. Me flat on jour buck party at the Coburg dance hull Wed- give a dollar's worth of strength for with application* of hot cloths or hot neaday evening. HOW TO KEEP WELL IN HARVEST TOLD These steers are the best we can possibly buy. roast or steak of this m eat will solve your Sun- Corn fed chickens th a t are real good. Qaality with Cleanliness at the INDEPENDENT MEAT CD. of Springfield Corner 4th and Main Phone 63 Subscribe Now for THE FLAMES OF CARELESSNESS Accepting what is offered without Investigating to find out whether better values might not be had for the same or less post 1« like throwing your money in the fire. It Is a form of Inllfference which fosters careless aud expensive methods of mer­ e-hand slug- for which you pay In higher prices or lower quality. Many Clever housewives today shop In person, compare values closely “ ni> ,ns,8t •hB, ilu lr food allowances shall buy the maximum 'n both quantity and quality. Prices like the following—with guaranteed q u u lliy -a ro their reasons for shopping at Skaggs. IVO W FEUTURLS-FRIDAY »»0 3A1URDAÏ Vanilla Flavors Ham ilton's Flavex brand, 4 oz. bottle ............ ....... 59c Tea, Skaggs, green or black, a new pack, 1 lb. .. 65C Big K Flour—The highest qual­ Catsup, Del Monte or Sunkist. large size bottle ........... 23c wheat blend. Per barrel (*-49lb. V Peterson's Health C risp- The three men! bread. Highly reco- mended, l :*,lb. pa/kage ....... 35 c ity all-purpose flour-—a hard 9a <<> ......................$8.58 49 pound sack 5,?. 39 Citrus tlranulnled Soap for washing m achines and dishwashing, large package ............................................................................... 5 1C A 28c package of Citrus washing powder free with each package g ran ­ ulated. City Delivery—Orders of $5.00 or over free—Orders less thaA $5.00 10c. delivery charge PHONE 75 a 321 Main Street No. 213 Springfield, Ore. The SPRINGFIELD NEWS Save 50c Regular Subscription Price after October 1, 1925 will be $1.75 a year An Increase of 50c The Springfield News is conceded to be one of the best wee ly papers in Oregon. It’s subscription price has been the lowest of any. Usually weekly new spapers subscrip- tic r rates are $2.00 or $2.50 a year. If we are to m aintain the nigh standard the people of this com m unity expects v.a l. we must have a greater retu rq from our subscriptions. '» | g | 9 R After October 1st all subscriptions will be advanced 50 cents ONE MONTH TO SUBSCRIBE OR RENEW AT THE OLD RATE I