THURSDAY. HEI*T. 3. 1925. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS fÀ O S TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday at Springfield. la n e County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. R MAXEY. Editor. ■ntered aa aacond claaa matter. February 24, 1903 at the postoTTIo«. SpringfleM, Oregon SPRING FI El JD NEEDS A HOSPITAL. SEASONS CHANGED ON GAME BIRDS IN STATE Titre«* sites have been offered free for a hoepl- 1 tai In Springfield. There Is need for such an es­ Under r a c n l rhunge« In the nilgra tablishment shat could be built and oil'rated lorylilrd trvuty-acl rvgulntlunt and with reasonable rates. There are a soore of law«, the ope «easnna In Idaho Springfield cases In other hospitals continually «tale and Oregon on waterfowl I except, and as many more living in districts tributary to wood duck and «wanal, coot, galllnue«. Spirngfield that would come here If only a firs, and Wllaon «nlpe or Jackanlpe, black class institution were Io ated in . v this > city. When j . u ... i >■ i. . bellied and golden plover, and greater a . definite method of . financing th«> building of a . . „ . ... . . . , ... .. . . . l a n d leaner yellowlega now extend hospital is work'd out . by . business men it should | from October I Io January IS Inclu’ lve receive the sup|»ort of everybody In the commun­ according Io an announcement of the ity. .. . . . Biological aurrey. I’nlted States De­ The averages cases that come to a hospital partin'nt of Agriculture, to aperta leave from $200 to $500 in a community. From mew of these two »laic« a business point of view as well as a public nec­ Buck bird« legally killed may be essity a hospital Is an asset to any city. poaaetsed only during the open »ea j MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Tear In Advance----- »1 25 Three Month« • lx M o n t h « 7 5 c Single Copy 50c .. 5c THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1925. Editorial Program Golden Opportunities Young men and women, you have today lar great *r op­ portunities Ilian your fathers ever bad Bui you muni, however, get lh<* necessary business training and II can be had at tile Eugene Business College. Monday Is enrollment day and ibis Is your Invitation EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE It's a good school A. E. Roberts, President 992 Willamette St.. Eugene. Ore. «on and lh« flral ten day« of the M ake Springfield the Industrial Canter of Weo- te m Oregon. IL Develop a Strong T ra d in g R olnt: Build a C ity a f Contented Homes. III. Im provs L ivin g Conditions on tbo Farm . Pro- mete the Raising of P u r e b r e d Livestock and the Growing of F ru it! W o rk fo r Bettor M arkets IV . T o ll tho W o rld About Oregon's Been»« W onder- Vote for the bonds and Insure Eugene the S. P. close season, but provalalon of «(ate shops and terminals. That was the cry of the lawa In regard to tagging, furnishing shop lifters two weeks ago. Now It is buy a bond affidavits. and proeurlng atorage per and insure Eugene the S. P. shops and terminals. m ils must be ohaerved. When the shop lifters get through with the peo­ There 1« no aeaaon for wood duck ple of Eugene they will be regular trained a n l-'ani| iwan«. and theta birds mav not mals—that Is if the people do not get wise to the hunted or killed at any t'mr. shop lifters' tricks before they are hopelessly In land. the grip of real estate sharks. Alao Accommodating? • Three cheers for the man who owns three (8o u lb Carolina W eekly M arkat RECOVER 3. P. LAND HERE. stores and two building in Eugene and still had B u lla tta ) The Southern Pacific company obtained land enough courage to tell the shop lifters where to WANT—Colilo or bull pup. m uti here In 1913 on the definite promise that shops go There are a few people, at least, In b« pur« and roaaonablo. and terminals were to be built on It and thus en- Eugene who resent the bulldozing methods be- hance the general property values in the coni- tng Us«xl. munlty. Owners of this land were led to believe J • • • that if they sold It to the railroad company at a i . • » x» low figure they would be compensated by the ! E d ito r ia l C o m m t n I development the shops and terminals would bring, j DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK If the S. P. does not intend to use thL land (By E R Waite. Sec., Shawnee. Okla.. Board of and is so arrogant toward this community th a t; Commerce.) tt will trade the property to a rival city, whose THAT every cltixen should support the Chain- purpose is to destroy Springfield, then the for- jjer o( Commerce because it is active, alive and mer owners should take steps to recover the ert Balloon proceedings—a pure abuse of the right of end- ghould stop and think. They only hurt them- Tire Repairing nent domain. selves. Surely there is enough justice in this country THAT live citizens never side-step nn unpleas to prevent a railroad corporation from riding ant duty. They Just step on, or step over knock- mthlessly over the people. ere and go on their wav. Eugene * ’ ’ ' REAL HONEST BOOSTERS ARE ALWAYS Plans are being made by a business men's MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COM- Vulcanizing committee to start a public market in Springfield MERCE. A site has been offered free and estimates on BOOSTERS ARE THE FELLOWS WHO Works cost of construction obained. This is a worth­ KNOW THE TRUTH WHEN THEY SEE IT. AN!) while undertaking that should receive supjiort GET BUSY AND LET THE OTHER FELLOWS 1020 Dak St. from the community. KNOW IT. ROOSTERS MAKE PEOPLE WHO CAN DO The securing of the county road equipment to THINGS GET OUT AND DO THEM. Improve Second. Fifth and east Main streets was ROOSTERS GET GOING AND KEEP GOING a good deed. A wonderful difference has been AND THE REST OF THE PEOPLE USUALLY made in these streets; . . GO THE WAY THE BOOSTERS GO. 1 BOOSTERS REALIZE THAT EVERY DOL­ Of course our ancestors were monkeys. Didn’t LAR INVESED IN THE HOME CITY MEANS A NEW DOLLAR ENLISTED IN ITS SERVICE. a woman make a monkey out of the first man. Official Goodyear B ank* jftyMail Distance Is no handicap to efficient banking, as has been conclusively demonstrated by depositor* now far removed from Springfield. Personally knowing the officers of an institution and. a confidence in their Judgment, makes it both desirable and profitable to consider this meuiis of banking. We give prompt attention to such accounts. We solicit your business and guarantee complete sat­ isfaction. Our Investment and bond service I* mm- servatlve and sound. Write us. Commercial State Bank How About It- LadieS of Springfield? Do you know that the biggest selling family hard wheat flour in this part of Oregon is made right here in your own city? Have you ever Btopped to realize that this plant Is bringing in better than a half million dollars per year Into this city—thru the sale of It» now famous flour and feed products. ( . *•' T a ,* The River the Great Lakes to the Gulf, America’s greatest river flows majestically. Through the heart of the country it takes its course, broadening and deepening as lesser rivers empty their flow into its current. Farms and cities on its banks find it a source of indus­ try and a means of supply. Through the country runs another river, as continuous as the Mis­ sissippi in its flow. It is the river of thought which, day and night, moves through the land and vitalizes the national life. Its source lies in the people’s knowledge that communication with all parts of the country is possible. It is a stream that deepens and broadens and grows stronger as thought is added to thought, as the mind of one community joins the mind of another. America’s national telephone system is a channel for this river, for Bell System service unites all sections of the country. It leaves no gap in the pathway of communication. It knows no off-duty hours, nor any comer of the nation that is too remote to be reached. F rom The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM * On* Polley • On* SystBin ■ Universal Sendee If FEATIIERFLAKE flour, a guaranteed hard wheat patent flour; is the best flour that thousands are buying In Corvallis, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Roseburg; Coquille, Grants Paso. Medford, AMhland. Klamath Falls and hundreds of other cities In Oregon and California, It would seem that this same flour should be the flour used by the good housewives of Springfield. Don’t you think so? We admit that distance lends enchantment and that one usually likes something better when lots of freight is added to It; but In all fair­ ness to yourself, your neighbor and to your city try home produtAs first. Demand FEATIIERFLAKE flour. He proud to use It. After you have tried a half sack of FEATHERFLAKE flour you will be fully convinced that FEATHERFLAKE surely Is wonderful flour_ If not return the balance and the full price you paid will be cheerfully re­ funded to you by your dealer. FEATHERFLAKE flour s sold In 49, 24