T IW K S lìA Y . SKI*T. 3, 1925' TUB BPR1NOFIBLD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN« COUNTY UNIT e»O. 14 • ^WESTERN RASPBERRY RUST • • • • • • • PRUNE BAKING CONTEST • Local R eportera OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • CLOVERDALE LOCAL DOES NOT DESTROY PLANT AT LANE COUNTY FAIR J L Ngrthup • C anary ...... FARM ER'S UNION • Itay Bower • l en trai ____ • W estern raspberry ru st Is not s e r­ Final arran g em en ts have been m ade T he com m unity fair al W altervllle M rs. I. J G ilchelt C loverdale C loverdale local nu t In regular ses Ralph L aird. Creswell. President. • for the first prune bread m aking con­ ious enough in tir-g -ii Io Justify grub­ S ep tem b er IS was discussed at «> • Coast Fork Mr». G eo, K elteille , k W ill W h eeler, T r e n t Vice Preal- • test to be held during th e L ane County slon August J8 with only a few uiem bing the hushes up. as viewed by Dr. Mra. M A Horn m eetin g of th e com m ittees a t th at • C resw ell ..... l» r s present The secretary present- dent • fair. An a ttra c tiv e booth Is being dec­ 8. M Zeller, plant pathologist of th e Mr». Ada J' unit,go place T uesday evening, E n tran ts have • Ikirena ed the lite ra tu re sent out by the O re Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, • orated in the boy's and g irl’a club Mr» B Baker • H eceta been listed which insure a wide dis­ experim ent station No udequate con­ sec.-Troaa. • d ep artm en t w here dally d em onstra gon A gricultural college and U S Lie- Mrs M Gillespie • lladleyvillel play of stock and farm products. All trol m easures a re known N. A. M orn, Cottage Grove. Door • tlons will be given by team s of two purlm ent of A griculture, cooperating Mrs G race June« • J a s p e r ........ o f th e McKenxie valley will be rep re­ K eeper • girls represen tin g each of th e rooking Vice president Rllev IV tty call,si for The rust ap p ears in early sum m er Mrs C M F oster • lx>rane ........ sen ted at the fair. The w inners a t th e H . C. Jackson. W a lte rv llle , Con- * clubs of the county. T he team m aking opinions In reg atd Io (he u ie of the as sm all spots on the upp«r and un­ lla rry C Jackson • M, K rittle fa ir will take th eir exhibits to the ductor. • the highest score durin g th e week literatu re Ali of the answ ers w ere der surfaces of leaves. The spots are Mrs. V A Reynolds • M l. V ern on county fair a week later. O. L. C le m e n t Chaplain. • will re p re se n t th e county at th e P a­ fdvorablr. L, I. G et,h eli was req u est­ sp„r« m asses produced by the fungus llulah Sm ith • Bilk Creak cific In tern atio n al in Ibw tland Oc­ ed to prepure a talk on the topic. • T rent that lives In Ihe leaf (Issues, and are Following are th e com m ittee in E. It T in k e r to b er 31 to N ovem ber 7 when the "Oregon's l»a!ry Industry.'" for some • \ M b som etim es so num erous as to cover charge of the fair: Mrs W K. Post future m eeting All present favored sta te contest Is held lh,< R aves with yellow powder, The COAST FORK LOCAL » Oregon raises enough prunes to feed an open m eeting for our next m eeting M. J W earin. poultry; M Month • spore m asses on leaves and cane r a n ­ • • • e a u • • • • L e ste r Millican, c a ttle ; S. J. Goddard. w o r ld ." " s a id A r n o ld 'D C o llie r ' t m * ’ 4 •* < •* « « <’» “ »«»••>’- • • • • 0 0 0 kers become black In the 1st« season. J. W . F ountain, hogs, sh eep and ty club leader. “ And iatn e county H ubj DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 < In its w orst form the ru*i devtlal W. L. P erry of M apleton has move ! g o ats: Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Hill. Mr L. ’ Ladies Hava Social. girls are doing th eir bit to ad v ertise j lie s the plants, hut nol so seriously O. C lem ents, canned fru it, cooking to W. A. W oodard cam p w here he ha» local fruit. T he p ru n e used In the A num ber of the ladles of our local as to sBitil the p lan ts unttd,»<| bv em p lo y m en t and vegetables; Mrs. R. Payne. Mrs. dem o n stratio n will be furnished by m et at the hom e of Mrs. Ed Hull on! T he next m eeting S eptem ber S will The Joe Abeene fam ily are moving th e E ugene F ruit G row ers’ a ’ socla Thursday afternoon. August 27. T h o s e ’ l»c an open m eeting, w aterm elon and o th er causes such us poor soil and E. Page. F annie Godard, sew ing club it-g en eral Ion diseases Infection of and fancy w ork; C. W. Allen. l-aw- to Londan. tlon.” , ‘ lio w ished, brought croqueting o r, musk m elons will he sold and sand- new canes n ear (he ground 1« the most rence Millican. M Em m erick. Tom Mrs. Dewey Fogle from the Pernnt A special re p re sen tativ e from the needle work A pleasant afternoon '»Itches and coffe will he f r e T here I „ . f t , , , , , ,,t,u»e of th e dis. a -.- In Oregon C arney, preparing grounds; Mrs. God. mill is in th e Springfield hospital Crown F lour mills In P ortland will be » a s spent discussing favorite re c lp -s will Io- a short program also, so com - j.|„ M,tn g •• It causes can h era which ard. Mrs W earin. Mrs. Fountain, re­ w here she underw ent a m ajor opera­ In th e county th e en tire week of the nil the h a li n g new« of th e day Mr« and tiring your friend«. eat Into the cane causing hrlltlenesa. freshm ents. tion. Mr and Mrs Jim K elford an I con, Such can*-« a re hard " I n trellis and fair and will act a.» Judee of the dem ­ Hull assisted by Mrs John Seller« Those who will e n te r exhibits In The H ebron school hou.ie has been o n stratio n s The h o u rs for Ihe de-unn served refr-- h m m ls of Ice cream and i Edwin, who has been to »«stern Ore lo t Infr qui'iuly break off in rem oval th e fair a r as follows; Jersey s. Sam repaired and put in shape for th e fall S tratton will be 10 and 2 each day of e.k- The ladies p re srn t w ere: M rs gon on an outing, retu rn ed bom,, here Of the old cane». H®*L Mra. C D. McPeck. Mr« last T hursday. Sw afford. A. France. S. Goddard. C, term of schoo th at will open Septem ­ th e fa ir The w estern rasp b erry rust Is not The follow ing club lead ers a r e , John Seller» Mrs T. Ding», o 'r * ; They a re laying and » (m eetin g to I»- confused wt h the „ran g e rust. W Allen. L. R Millican. M Mumb. C. ber 14. coaching th e ir team s In preparation Floyd Lord, Mr». Lord, M r s H an sen : herefords. O scar Millican.; Rev, Mr. S t - ’l *111 hold reg u lar for the co unt* contest Mrs M artha F rank Tlvey Mrs Riley petty. Mr« the new w ater m ain th at lead« to p r-v aten l in the e a st but seldom sheep and goats, J. W Fountain. S. church service t th e H ebron church W allace. J a s p e r; S iste r Mary M athew W It Elliott. Mrs Andrew C rurali. C ottage G rove from Dorena to Cerro found In Ihe west, which renders the Sw afford; red poll. Page and son; Gordo now. so the gravel and roc plants w orthless T his form of rust hereafter. E ugene: Mrs F L Edward». Junction and Mrs L J. O etrhell. Also th.- MBs ru n be put on th e road guernseys. C hrist H ansen. M a lte r com pletely covers the under side Rev. Mr. O r- of C ottage Grove vis C ltv ; Mrs Cora Pirtle. C oburg; Mrs • ». H asel ttu lt. Thcltna McPeck and E asto n ; poultry. C hris H ansen. B. Mr and Mrs C. II Jennings, who ; of the tear with an oragn.- powder, C arter. Ray Baugh. J Kickbush. ited at th e T J ( lark hom e Sunday HollBton. C resw ell ar.d Mrs Steele Ftorence G -tch elt The ladlea are In- have been on an outing a t K lta o n : T his rust 1» perennial In Infected vtted to meet at Mrs Crusan'« honte i Creswell. C harles Taylor. J. Odell. Bill B arn ett^ afternoon. S trin g s for Ihe past two weeks, re- plants, lying dorm ant In w inter and Jim Jepeon left for P ortland W ed­ In Sprlngfield on S eptem ber in. ¡turned home h ere Sunday ¡b reak in g out again In Ihe spring He- R. R ennie. W. E. Post. M J. W earin. nesday m orning w here he will e n ter M arriage Licenses Granted. J P ilpiot: hogs, ira Gray. M att Mumb. I H ubert Mosby, C larence Peterson, cause of this the p lan ts so Infrted N. Y. Broun. J Odell; grain. C. Han-j business college. DuniTg" the p ast week th e county M as Iu,ml and G lenn Jen n in g s went should be dug cut and burned, but Mr. and Mrs. W. J. T horne left , clerk has Issued m arriage licenses to JASPER LOCAL sen. Jo e B ertche. Ray Baugh. W alter to Buck H orn and Ju n e inountu n th is radical treatm en t Is not recom- I Friday to m ake fire tra il for the m ended with th e w estern rust. P la tt. C. W. Ruth. The McKenxie fox Monday m orning for Pendleton and th e following: Lloyd T errill and Ma farm will also have an exhibit in th e o th er e a ste rn Oregon places for a bel M anerud. both of E ugene; A lv a' I Booth Kelly com pany, reiu rn ln g Mon I T aking out the fruiting c a n e s a s month. Ray Cannon and D uel!. M T ruex. ™ "’ 7 ’ I«“ ’’ « ’" » »• crop I. picked fair. Mr and Mrs. Carl E stes are moving both of N otl; Jen s C. Seines. Ku« ,’ ne-1 , n J 2 ,1* hTi'i ' v i-J ,/' , 17 ' R" v Ar’n *tn ’n « *art »>(" • reduce the adbree of Infection The to th e Rocoe Y earous place n ear and Lillian Leonard. C ollage G rove; ' * •*»•*»•*• H*"Plen.l*r Not Appreciated. , Ing m eeting at the church here this old canes a re cut an m a r Ihe ground ! A rthur P ettv and Opal H oughton, b o th .’ " our BWrt •oclal nl«h ‘ Latham . week, everybody com e as possible W here practical, (he old The F ran cis W icks fam ily has Cleo; "Olive is such a sensible of N otl; Harold H orn and Mildred Miss F aith Drury, who w orks In Mr and Mrs. C has K rw rlght and ( leaves a re tak en out and destroyed moved to cam p B of the W. Wood­ T ruesdale. Redm ond; L ester Nye and the F irst N ational bank, and h er mo- fam ily plcnlcke-l and picked berries . O therw ise, they a re plowed under be. girl." ard L um ber company. V eda: “How foolish!" H elen Neet. both of S pringfield; Ver- th e r re tu rn e d home last S aturday »P R"W riv er from C ollage G rot.- fore the new leaves come out In the M argery and W endell Small of Cot­ non Cushm an and H en rietta Fosbe<-k.,from two w eeks’ vacations. (Sunday. spring. tage Grove spent the past week at both of C ushm an; R>-agen E lliott a n d j ................................. J Mrs John llo lstro m and sons. John CALL AND SSB Dr. N. W Emery Miss Clark of Eugene was ,-lecte-l land E v erett of Marcola. visited at on pri'ea on p la t.- end other work *( the hom e of th e ir aunt. Mrs. Wm Eva H eadley, both of C ottage G rove; McCoy. E dw ard Douglas and Elsie W hitsett, ¡te ach er for our school for the coming the hom e of h e r parents. Mr and Mrs FARM REMINDERS Mr and Mrs George K appauf and both of M arcola. and to W illiam M year. School will open S eptem ber 2s L u R (rt Siin<- reasonably dry. be in th e observance of Ixvbor D ay.. n,h1’“ •rh c " 1 rn^ t * days. Cresw ell. M. W. of A. Hall. The G al: ""I don’t know. How d ep artm en ts are being organise I w here Mr, Nichols has a school foi ¡ s e e them e. ‘Txibor and Its R ew ards.” C oast F o rk —Second and F ourth much?” In handling |ienr» th e cm,I night T here will be special m usic at both and you will find a class for all thia yenr T hursdays, Farm Union Hall. ages. Mr and Mrs. W illiam s and chil­ tem p eratu re la Of much benefit. The Danebo— F irst Tuesday, Danebo D r S. Ralph Dlppel. D entist. V itas m orning and evening services. Young people’s services ut 7 P M. d re n an I Mr ami Mrs Nichols seen» tem p eratu re of Burtt,-it pears picked i The church school convenes at 9'4q ’ building. 8 p rln zf> ld . Oregon. School House. and Gospel servlc at 8. th e week-end at the coast. Mr. W il­ in the heat of th e day dropped from with Mrs. Oantx as Supt C lasses for D orena—Second and Fouth T ues­ T his Is m en’s night and they will liam s retu rn in g to W ashington to 104 to «3 d - groes when left out ut all ageg a re organized on a m odern days, D orena Church. SUMMONS conduct the service and provide sp e­ tak e up his work th ere Hun lay , night. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E basis. H adleyville — F irst and T hird ’ cial singing Mrs. Em it K irk ami Mrs. R u 'h En<-i • • • • S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R LANE The E pw orth league m eets at 6.30. T hursdays, H adleyville School. T he pastor will preach at the Dex L * , a(l(| f l|h „ r II Jennings, were Only a clear fruit Juice can be de- I with Miss Elixabeth H ughes a« preal­ H eceta— F irst Sunday of each , C O U N T Y , Zola R ieger. Plaintiff, f i i r , n, visit rs Mot day and W’ dip- pend’-l on to m a k e a clear, «parkllng ld en t. and a welcome to stra n g e rs and te r church a t 3 o'clock. m onth. H eceta Schoo! House. vs. Bible study and prayer service is To E F RIEGER. D efendant: We extend an Invitation to all s tra n ­ IN THE NAME OE T H E STATE ¡S tar. w« nl to the H-av, y hop yard at ordinary m ethiels of n ilratio n L orane—Second and F ourth . gers to try “T he C hurch of a Cor­ , OF OREGON! N; You a re hereby Dr 8. ItaU h Dippel. D entist. V itus H :rlngfleld Monday, W ednesdays. !. O. O. F. Hall. requ red to appear an i an sw er com dial Welcome,'" located at Sixth and - ! New th a ’ sufficient m olature has building. S prlngf • Id, Oregon. McKenxie local, second and ' plaint filed ag ain st you herein on or C stre e ts. F. L. Moore, m inister. — - —- u n n i r a f t t ! N T F f ' fn ,l'-n ,o , n , b l *‘ * " r '1, " 1 '» a»''-’" ’ ' before six weeks from date of first fourth W ednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. H O P t'-iCKERS HtM.r.H ' r'* recom m ended th a t farm ■ publication hereof, or for want there- F hall. W altervllle. AND IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE , o f t h - plaln’Kf will take Judgm ent gardener« plant ns m any vegetables M t. Vernon—F irst and Third DELIVERY AT T IIE SPRIN GFIELD against you and apply to the court ns possible for tale fall and early win­ W ednesday. B rasfield Store. NEWS O FFICE. te r use. Including spinach, head let Silk Creek Meets F irst and T hird luce, radishes, tu rn ip s, onion »els nr T hursday at C edar School House > divorce from you. and as snown by nnlnn si i-t. and pea r i -I cabbage , said com plaint. Spencer Cre»k—Third Friday. Th s sun ons Is published once each for n xt sp rin g 's early crop Pine Grove School House. ’ i week for six consecutive week - In the • • • T re n t—Second and F ourth W ed­ ’ ¡Springfield. (O regon) News, by ord'-r The best lieiol le tlu re that will be nesdays. P le a sa n t Hill High '|O f the Hen. (' P. B arnard. Judge of available when the first cold w eather Special Prices on the County Court of Lane County. School Bldg. Oregon, m ade in th e absence of the ef N ovem ber an l early D ecember ar- Vida—Second and Fourth S atu r­ Pianos and Phonographs Judge of 'h e above C ircuit Court on CR profesHional hess and an apprecia­ À rives will come from the o l d frgni'-s days a t Minney Hall. Septem ber 2nd. 1925. Dated and first In which the Intluce plant«, set at a tion of every needful purpose is lo m in­ a t published S«ptetnber 3rd, 1925. S ecretaries will please send In llslnnce of a font apart, will he pro­ W H ITTEN SW AFFORD. ister to your neorjg detail. Ours ¡ h a o ir- â tim e and place of m eeting and M ARSHALL’S A ttorney for Plaintiff. R esidence tected hy glass sash from lnifnvnrnble teoilB COIBpeti’BOc. changes of date as they may oc­ with quiet thoughtful- and post office address, Eugene, conditions such ns frost and heavy cur. I Oregon. 8tanley Ifldg. 5G. 9 Ave. W. rains. Make a secd'ng of New York S. 3-10-24 0.1-8-15 variety im m ediately and h arv es’ so n e H '«olid lettu ce by T hanksgiving WALTERVILLE FAIR BIDS TO BE EXCELLENT SHOW > In v e s tig a te O ¡I Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New m em bers and other Farm ers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this Wank and mall it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS (Farmers Union Subscription) Date. Name ....... P. O. Address Union Local .. From PH O N E & 6 2 -J W.FWALKER FUNERAL SERVICE S pringfield . ORE Let “Kodak” '“K,11” Pictures w on’t let you forget those vacation memories- Let your kodak save them for the years lo come— ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS a ker-B utton Kodak Shop ................. -..........1^2......to ................................... 192....~ M em ber F. E. C. U. ot A. F o r service« rendered by the F arm ers Union and J ........................ this receip t e n titl-s th e holder to su b scrip tio n to th e Springfield News 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon