Save 50 Cents By Subscribing to TR Springfield News During October. O IV O T E O TO I N T E R I » ! O F E P R IN O F IE L D A NO T H E FARM ERS OF TH E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY The News Has Four Thousand Local Readers THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y SIX O N I) YEAH “T he L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, PAVEG ENTRANCE IB CUT BEING PUSHED MANY PRIZES OFFERED FOR LABOR DAY EVENTS (BUSINESS AND IN D U STR Y SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION M erchante of Springfield, Eugene and Cham ber Considers W ays of Bringing Poi (land Contribute for Culebra* Industry to Springfield and Back­ to n a* W endling. Lions Club Committee Work­ ing on Mill Street Paving Property Owner# on Sucond Petition Highway Commis­ sion to Make it a Stata Road ing Up Trade at Homs Campaign People's Paper” NU M BER 33 , Ì O. B. KESSI' r, BANK PRESIDENT, DIES Passes Away at St- Vincent Many valuable prlsos have been DuJid ng up business and industry HATHAWAY AND SLOW Hospital After Appendicitis ‘'untiled by thiflngffrid, Eugene and In Springfield was th e chief topic Operation; Organized Com­ I* I'ltiid morrli.ih-» a» a w a rd , tor YORK TO T AN G LE HERE of dU cutslon a t the regular m eeting i > n*> sis at III» -Labor day celebration mercial State Bank of Spring- of the Springfield Ch am b ir of Com W in n e r In Last Legion Bout on C a rd . ■ a ' Wan ling Sunday. Final arrange field 12 Years Ago. tuerce Friday n ig h t Flans for bring incuts for the day were made by com W ith Challenger; Aother Fast lug Industrie« in to the city and as- Ullttae chairm an nt a m eeting al O. B. Kesaey, 52 years old. presi­ Program Aasured. slating the Civic club In the trad e a t A puved entran ce lu K irlilxtl Id W endllng Monday evening dent of the Com m ercial S ta te bank, home cam paign were made. frum the Pacific hleliwuy seem s lu lie ‘ •illy a p ert of tfc< Springfield sto res Eddie H athaw ay, w inner In the shortly before noon today a t th e • T h at n-aile-ln-Sprlngfleld product« n eate r -ii bund now with com m ittee» have yet been sol'.dted, u :d th o 'c have noi received th e pairo no go from naln bout a t the last A m erican Legion | S t' Ylncent hospital in P ortland. A working for the Im provem ent of both j local people they should have was sm oker, is again scheduled for the - ^ e p h o n e m essage from hi« son, Mill nnd Kt-cci d a fn ot. A com m it­ w ishing to g've a prise ar< asked to cull J). W McKinnon at the Ifooth- gave word of his death a t the revalllng opinion. Speakers laud- main bout, fighting th is tim e a g a in s t, tee of the Motts club has «tnrted Io K d l / of Ire T hose prizes already do ;ed Springfield m anufacturers and said Slow York, 138 pound K ugece man. 11:16 this afternoon. The sudden elan tb<- required am ount of footage death of Mr. Kesaey, who w as loved ra te d Include a $7.50 electric .la n d m erch an ts should puah home products T h 's bout will be six round». on Mill strse t while property owner» , . . .. . lamp from W right and U ns, a $5 fel­ A featu re of the evening will be a ani1 respected as an inestim able busi- above those malie elsew here. on Second have n petition out asking „ ,, , , , .. .. four round fight betw een Bill Sw ane I neas Inan- was a g re a t blow to th e . . . . let ei f fioro Ki'lol« drug »tor«, a 17 50 ! Good results were reported from the the .bile highway c-mmli-nlx to lake »w -«t,-r coat from the Parm er»' Ex­ of Springfield and R ussell Ohls of Cot­ people of th is com m unity. ! Civic club trade at home cam paign Mrs. Anniee P rin te r, 64, has over lb» si reel from Malli stre e t in change. a If hog of cigars from Clover haa been mending bathing suit« ut Mr. K essey w ent to P ortland early M erchant» testified th a t th eir busl­ tage Grove. B oth men will weigh the Pacific highway. pim! Cog. cigar doab-r». a 1.7.50 .spot- Miami, Fla., for 16 yea- H er ines»«» ha» greatly Increased. Speak­ about 200 pounds, an d th is fight is ex. Monday m orning and w as operated on A fl.r th e failure of the IJone d u b light from th« Springfield garage. 15 savings, Investod In real e ta ts, pected to be fast and exciting. Ike for appendicitis a t the St. V incent have Just netted her $250,000. e r s »aid th a t the Civic club should be Ih'e spring lo secure sufficient sign«- In trad e from Hull's Cash sto re, and Beaso of Coburg and Bob S c itt ot j hospital. H is condition was found to given the utm ost support In the “T ry W hat I. »he going to do 7 “ Keep turns for (h r Second p i rent pave- I a 15 fish pole from Jack H en lerer. be serious and little hope was held on mending suit*, ' she says. “ A t Springfield M erchants F irst” cam Marcóla will also fight four rounds n» nl planet the d u b h a . sw itched Ita Eugenn's prizes given by various Ken B ettis, 110 pounds, of S p rin g -[fo r his recovery the last tw o days 54 one I. too old to lose th eir head palgn. effort» to the paving uf Mill stre e t i n e r t h au ls Include tw o B akelite clg- ever a q u arter million.*’ -Id. Will m eet Billy Sem rock. 112, Mr. K essey leaves his wife and son C ounty division also cam e In for a i f,P,f’' taking up the p etitio n w here th e a re tte holders from the Club d g a r round of discussion. It w a, pointed pounds, of Eugene In a four ro u n d , of Springfield, a brother in D enver C ham ber of Commerce left off a » ear afore, a »3 m erchandise order from 1" - out th a t the tim e was ripe for the battle, and tw o surprise features are - Colorado, and a fath er and s is te r a t age. B usiness no n of (he town have C ressey's, a *5 Uni from Wade Hro- ! Milford. Iowa. H e had retu rn ed only PLANS FOR PUBLIC M AR KET form ing - f N esm ith county and speak- scheduled as cu rtain raisers. laken the atlllm le th at II was abate th e n , an electric waffle Iron from the As previously, th e bouts will s ta rt a few weekg ag(J from a lulely n ecessary to have one ihor- Eugene H ardw are company, an agate IN S PR IN G FIELD PROGRESS ers e" dore5 in m er­ nearly a» ^ ’» ''« « o n t h . co rn er of M ain j who accom panied Wm aDd clared Lane county was I’luns for u public m arket In Bprlng- 'and Second streets. Mrs. Keggey 8pringfieM hag All property owner* on Mill stre e t chandise from D anner-R obertson. $5 field are taking (oral with com m ittees ,arK' "" ’ r'rn" pa",f' rn sta te s and It have signed the petliinn f„ r pave­ In m erchandise from R A Babb Hard returned to his home. fr. -u Ihe Lion- club a»d c h a m b e r of m',n lie "tlv Im possible for county ment egn-pilng the lloo h Kel'y com­ w are store. »5 in m erchandise from officials to adm inister its govern­ FARM ERS SUFFER FROM Mr. K essey came to Springfield 12 pany and last week file p-l tlou, to­ Ihe J. bnron fu rn itu re company, | l0 j<'«>’» "’• « * w orking out the details. m ent efficiently. PETTY T H IE V E S ON LAND years ago and organized th e Commer- In m erchandise from McMormn and **•* com m ittees of both g eth er with eatltrN tea and profile, Tho railroad com m ittee reported clal S ta te bank. He w as cash ier to t t'a,le<1 on ,ho Mt. Vernon Far- was subm itted lo Ihe offlc •» of the W» (hburiee. tw o boxes of cigars from ¡ P etty th iev ery has reached a point several years and la te r p re s id e n t Pre- th a t thev w ere carry in g cn n eg o tia­ Im er»' t'n lo n and re c e iv 'd the u nani­ M im o n. 1- lirutun and com nany, a mir company. As soon ns th e m a tte r 1» tions with attorney» in regard to liti­ in this vicinity th a t it is w orking a vloug to com ing h ere h' lhe P0" 1 r ' ,ce d e ' ' f.-nders th an the tourist« It is said be- as president of the bank will be de- __ From P ortland, the Bi-rgetnan Shoe ger of Ihe Booth-Kelly company, the M ml» rs of th e com m ittees calling La rlm *Il! as , '1'' beginning of the free ,.ause usually they know th e lay of elded a t a d irecto rs m eeting. M em bers Fprbigfb-ld council met nn-1 arran ged *!r,n” ’* n)r ’'«» glvrn one p air of hl-ton loggers Shoes, the W est Coast Shoe on th e Mt. Vernon local w ere F. B. 0 for cm *1 cut asw». F B M allory com 13 INC.MKHYLJ L U M M L tT iO N the appointm ent of tem porary c ar H on , he pacific highw ay. "P eople a 24 foot and $12.000 fur a 30 foot. i' s. making it almost certain that <.O1EP into our property, open gates ®* "• D E T E C T IV E AND lb« A m erican Steel and Th,- < spot)«,- of bu'ldlng a su b stan tial W ith the roof com pleted, and the W ire comna- v will g h Prit. which th, ■ rvice will at least begin by Cc Iet gt 7 h ' u-' ' in ,h " K’1" 1' T hursday on his vacation. gust, 1924. ______________ • gop OU{ of th e car, car. how ever, he w e lls in th e city has Iwmn re p e a te d ly , W « « “ •»« $»•>‘*11 u rtlsts -aroused Mr. F ish er's suspicion by Im­ tasted, and found pure. All Ihe ty- „„ n " '^ , ' ' ln'''‘r'l- » h o ha« played m ediately Jum ping over the fence and pho'd cases reported so far m-ar th is , ' ” ” mpn s B'ntns, will hurrying tow ard the McKenzie river. I lay cen ter field vicinity have been went of the river, By A. B. CHAPIN THE END OF THE JOY RIDE T he stra n g e r w ent to the hom e of usually In Glenwood, although sev er ( ' J xr>n n,‘ W,N Plav C hester Chase, n e a r the river, w here a l of the eases haw* m anifestly been 1 nn