TIH ’HHDAY. AUGUST 37. 192ft THF SPRINGFIELD NEWS Federal Inquiry Into five projected •xten sloos and mergers which Oregon railroads have asked the Interstats commerce commission to sanction will be begun by an examination of th« commission at Portland on October 6 It Is announced. Brief Resume of Happenings of Representative W. C. Hawley bat the Week Collected for received a telegram from the war de partment that an additional appro­ Our Reader«. priation of (204)00 baa been autborix ed for the dredging and improvement Large distribution of cutthroat trout of the W illamette river between Port «III lie made In the next few weeks land and Salem. In the Cooa bay costal area. ‘ i Odell m ien |ake> laxe, acanlc scenic body of water George J. Parsons, 72, committed near tbe summit of the Cascades on sulchle at his home In West Salem by the Eugene-Klamath Falls railroad It slashing himself with a razor. connected by rail with the outside Th-- smoke nuisance and high I world. The line of steel from Paulina smokestacks fn Pendleton will be ' east of the mountain« has reached the 1 south end of tbe lake. studied by a special committee from With wheat harvest practically com the city council. 1 pleted. one of the oddest record» ever To'al receipts from tbe 14 national forests In Oregon for tbe past fiscal - made tn Umatilla county seems a s year were 1876,114, according to a for­ surfed. The record Is that In a whole wheat harvest season, which hag been est service bulletin. i very dry, not a single fire in stand Picking of fuggle hops has started Ing wheat has been reported. In Oregon and tbe harvesting of the One man was drowned tn the Co main crop will begin as usual during lunibla river at Astoria when the the first week In September. j steamer Admiral Schley, outbound, Inxtallatton of an electric siren at struck a small fishing boat amidships the Oregon state penitentiary 1. B » I s « d \Z li^ posed aa a m ean, of warning the pub occupBnt, about 40 feet Wllltam K„. He of a break at the Institution. [ huDeg. „ glngle, ,ogt h)g OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST M"n«y I.. i„tth on deslrable c'ty LOHT—Naeh wir« wheel a n l tlre. IX)HT—A twenty dollar bill at Kggl- t>rup.rty Monthly payiu«iits. 3« to Loav«. at New» offlca. Raword rnann’a or on Main strw t on Sun­ M , A J0 day afternoon. Itewwrd, Clyde BMKRY INSURANCE AGENCY ------------------------ M oore. S p r in g fie ld , R oute No, I 37 »ib t'bimi. «87 W A iiTED—Dra»»maklnt wanted at A 20 my home. 403 O afreet. Ruth plain Eugiin«, Gr* tr and fancy »«»Inn Mr», II. E. Lepley, S ee our line of visiting card*, M ill HAI.K— Yellow Canary, gond 13 20 27 paneled, or plain, ut the New» office •Inger» Muhel KüOWlton, I7th Hl E dit HALE In Ennen«, tenu tv »hop ____ A 20 37. «loin« n'«»l buainoes in fine lor u t‘on E dit HALB—Carbon paper In large ebeeta, 28x30 Incite«, »uftable for i.’.oo will bundle to re«|Min»lhle hr. H Halrb Dippel, Dentini. Vitu» making tracing». The News Office perl le». Newq 130 A20-37 building, Kpringf > Id, Oregou. Ava. W. 111)1’ I’K’KKHH HDOKH I'RINTEI) Butter wrappi-re printed according The darkest hour Is Jtftt after a to regulation» with name, wwgbi ANh ,N »TUCK FOR IMMEDIATE; man get» home from the club— pro­ and addreoa, «1 2ft a hundred at th,, DELIVERY AT TIIE SPRINGFIELD viding he happen» to have that kind NEWS OFFICE. New» office, of a w ife —The Jersey City Elk. ■‘Peter, aald a Jersey (Jlty wlf* Si Et 1 a i . C i* ic e on plate work dr N W. Emery, de ntist Hutfn,, bldg "I want you to buy me »ome bird Ordinance No. 486. seed down town today." An ordinance grunting a franchise "Ha. Hu; you can’t fool mo, Helen,” A w e a th e r fo re c u s te r »a» recent to the C ty of Eugi ne, through the ly In v ite d to b m a d ca » t He tu rn e d Peter replied, ’’birds grow troro egg»,! Eugene Water hoard, to have and not from seed»."—The /e r s ’-y City do w n the In v ita tio n w h m be found malutaln a water pipe line within the «Elk he was expected to »Inn: " I t A in ’t G onna Rain No M o r e " Judge. NOT« ’E TO CREDITORS N o tic e I* g ive n th a t th e a p p ointe d by th « C o u n ty C o u rt o f L a n e C ou n ty. O regon, an a d m in is tra to r o f l i t ” last w ill and te H ta m in l o f F A. R a n kin , deceased. undersigned h e re b y la» been All per»<>n» having claims agulnst »aid estate are hereby notified Io present the same duly verified to the undersigned u d t u lt iis it u t o r ut the law o ff e e s o f W illia m s A llc a tt, KR(| W4 lamette Street. Eugene Oregon, with­ in six months from the date of the first publication o f this notice The date o f (he firs! publication of thl« notice 1» July 30. 1828 JOHN M WILLIAMS. Administrator. Wlll'ama ft (lean A tto rn e y s fo r E sta te Jl 30. A 8 13 20 27. B U S IN E S S Phone 146 W B R IG G S DOTY CEMENT CONTRACTORS Springfield. Ora. Sidewalks Basement Walls LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter at Anderaon'» Barber shop. A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Aute Equipment W 0 . W block Office Phone 62 J Res. Phone 6IJ dr . n . w . EMERY OENTIST Button Bldg. 'the li wn of Sprin (field does ordain NOTICE N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N thin aa fellows; th e U ndersigned, AS A 1,. PARK I I* .’. 1. That the City of E ngine H U R S T , ha» file d u p e titio n w ith th e b” k id 1« I n - . . ) - ’ .o d the right C o u n ty C o u rt o f lu tn e C o u n ty. O regon, p e titio n in g th e »aid C o u rt to vacate •tiul iilv " r g e to cn tf 'rnit, f,p< rate «11 o f th e lota, blocks, stre e t» and and malnta'n a water transmission a lle ys In a n t a d jo in in g b lo ck» one (1)1 pipe line, with all ne.cei,arv appur to t b lr t v f<>ur (3 4 1 In c lu s iv e , o f the l> nances ihnpelor. within tin to»n P la t o f N im ro d , L ane C o u n ty, O regon ot NOTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN thut of fl.-rlngfl •’ !, for 'he pu o.ve th- ««Id ASA L. PARKHURST wll tran»ailtllng «aler iro n th- McKtn- applv to said Court, at th«’ expiration lle Hvcr to t i e City of E i,:« nt of thirty (30) day» from the dute of thl» notice, fo r an o rd e r v a c a 'ln g a ll' Sec. 2 The City of Eugene 1» here­ of th« lot», block«, street» and alley” by grwnted th ’ f g * M i lut o f NIMROD, cons'tlng of malnta'n sa il water pipe along the b lin k ones <11 to Thirty four (34) In­ clusive and the »Peel» and atleys eouth side of the county road In the running through the »tin« and bound­ north boundary line of the present ing thereon town of Srrlngfeld, and t i e right to D A T E D this 23rd day of July, A D , , crosa such streets and alt.’/n leading 1923. Into »aid county road as mav be nec­ ASA I, PARXHUR8T. J. 23 30 A 8 13 20 27 I essary, provided that said pip» line shall be one continuous Un > running In one direction through the town of Kpr'ngfletd. Sec. 3. The »aid water pipe line shall be laid at sufficient depth in Telephones: Office 613 Res. 2076 crossing street» and alleys t? not in­ terfere with the proper construction, maintenance, or drainage of sold streets and alleys, and the said Osteopathy stands for the streets and alleys shall be res'ored truth wherever it Is scienti­ and left In as good condition after fically proven. Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ construction of the pipe line as the” geon were tn before construction, such res­ Office 404 M. A. W. Bldg., i; toration to meet the nrproval of the Eugene, Oregon common council of the town of Osteopathy stands far the truth Sfrlngfleld, or any authorized com­ wherevet ,it is scientifically mittee thereof. proven. Sec. 4 The city of Eugene by Ita water board shall accept thia fran­ chise In writing within thirty days after the passage of this ordinance, Call otherwise this ordinance shall be void and Inoperative. SUTTON TRANSFER Passed by the Common Council this 10th day of August. A. D. 1926. Phone 57 R. W. SMITH. Recorder,' Approved by th« Mayor this 10th day of August, A. D. 1925 GEO,. N, McLEAN G. O. BUSHMAN. Automobile, Fire and Life Mayor. IN S U R A N C E I, R W. Smith. City Recorder here­ 8urety Bonds.. Phone 6J7 by cert'fy that this Is a complete and My buelners *le to protect you' correct copy of the or'glnal ordinance, buslnets 860 W illamette 8t. Eugene Oregon and the whole thereof. R W. SMITH. — City Recorder. Charles O. Dawes, vice-president ot the United States, will speak at tbe public auditorium In Portland tbe night of September 7, Labor day. Sisters of Charity of the House ol Providence have purchased a block ol ground on the crest ot the hill above Astoria on which to build a hospital. By a vote of 302 to 170 McMinnville voters approved a bond Issue of 110.- 000 by the city for repaving of Lafay ette avenue and repairing city g r e e ts The 17th annual convention of the Luther league, Portland district, was held In Astoria, with delegates and visitors to the number of 150 in at­ tendance. Sam Delaim, 19. who had been at­ tending the Cbemawa Indian school, was drowned while swimming In the Willamette river a few miles north of Salem. Miss Catherine Murdock, Klamath NOT’™ °rF MEET,NO OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice 1» hereby given that on the second Monday of September the same being the 14th day thereof, 1225, the county board of equalization for Lane County will atten l at the coun­ ty court house, and publically examine the assessm ent roll, and correct alf error» In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other proper­ ty assessed by the assessor, and It shall be the duty of persons interest­ ed to appear at the tm e and place appointed. Dated this 1/th day of August, 1925. BENJ F. KEENEY. County Assessor. A 28-27. 33 NOTICE TO C n t.D ii ¿R S Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appo'nted by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, as executor of the last will and testam ent of Dora C, Gray, deceased. All persons-having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to tbe undersigned executor at the la.w offices of Williams A Bean. $80 W f- lam ette Street, Eugene Oregon, with­ in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The date of tbe first publication o t thia notice Is July 30. 1925 • R. CLAUDE GRAY. Executor. Williams A Bean Attorneys for Estate. Jl. 30, A 6-13-20-27. The first Issue of the Malin Prog­ Standard form hop pickers books ress. a weekly newspaper is off the ready for the hop yard owner at the press under the management of the Springfield News. farmers of the Klamath irrigation dis- trict. The newspaper will be the of ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION flciul organ of the farmers and water DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR users of southern Klamath county. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Roseburg, Boatmen of tbe Macleay Estate com­ Oregon., July 30, 1925.. NOTICE is hereby given that KarT pany, whose boats are In use taking salmon from Rogue river, bave been Kruk of Marcola, Oregon, who, on December 31, 1920, made homestead fined nearly 110,000. Recent inspec­ entry. No 013588. for N.W.% N.E tions of boats there developed few S H N.E.H and S.E.'4 N.W.14, See- were complying with government tion 11. Township 16 South, Range W est Willamette Meridian, has fle d regulations. g notice of intention to make three Prosecution of William Levens, year proof to establish cla m to th e state prohibition director, who is un­ land above described, before E. der lndictnfent at Klamath Falls Immel, U. 3. Commiss’oner, at Eu- charged with the theft ot a revolver Oregon, on the 10th day of Sep- from a cabin occupied by a Mexican ,e ^.b^r’ 1®25’ .. , . . ., ... t \ . Claimant names as w itnesses: laborer, probably will be deferred un Fenton E Dorsey, William McKay, til the return of the attorney-general. Fred Dorsey, Charles H. Morrow, all who is now on his vacation. of Marcola, Oregon. Albert C. Ross, master fish warden HAMILL A. CANADAY^ <4 2 O. D IR E C T O R Y ; Phone 125 M A li wn of Springfield, O«'*gor PAGE SEVEN Phons 20-J | Residence Phone 153 M Springfield. Oregon Or .John Simons VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield 2 miles soutfaof Eugene on Pacific Hlway SECTION AND TUBE VULCANIZING ANID REPAIRING 312 Main Street -- 1................. .... ' DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. VULCANIZING AND REPAIR s h o p Shell—Qae, Olle. Greases J. p. Hiianka, Prop. Motor Route 11 h iw a y WM. G. HUGHES FIRE D. W . R oof JEWKLElt Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Ilall Springfield, Oregon Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springllteld, Oregon Plana and Estimates Furnished Free. Will Help You Finance Your Building. , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK 9prlngfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Sutton Buidllng NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Oregon Falls girl, has received word that she, since July 1, 1924, was removed by Non-coal A 6-S.3. passed the California far examination the fish commission at a meeting In and will leave at once to practice law Portland, and Edison I. Ballaugh of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In Kan Francisco. St. Helens, for many years an em- Department of the Interior U. 3. between PloTe ot the Columbia River Packers Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Au- The government trail Scottsburg and Smith river in the SIu- associatlon and ex-state represents- gust 20, 1925. alaw national forest In Douglas coun five, was appointed to fill the Ta_ Notice Is hereby given that Albert C. Rikhoff, of Eugene. Oregon, who, ty will be completed this week. The cancy. on May 24. 1920, made Homestead En- trail Is 13 miles long. H. J. Eisner, 73. of Bull Run, waa try. No. 012857, for EH NEM. section Tbe explosion of a hot-water heater fined J100 In Justice Miller's court 33, township 189, Range 4 W est. Wil­ tn the plumbing shop in Salem ol at Kandy on complaint of forest serv lamette Meridian, has filed notice o f officials and upon refusal to pay lntention to make three year proof, Theo. M. Barr resulted In damage to Ice •a. a . „ to establish claim to the land above the building and equipment estimated ,h e f,ne WBS committed to the Jail at (iescr¡be c<>nt t0 th«„ ’ 8th dBF September. 1926. . forest land August 3 without a permit Claimant names as w itn esses: manager of the , . largest cotton planta- j . . i Henrv a Qnhnnrannor»- n , , , and to have refused to put out the Henry a . bennorenoerg, David B. tlon In the world, la In Tillamook com- Smith, Alfred A. Reid, Reason W ayne pletlng arrangements for the purchase' q I r re arden Willoughby, all of Eugene, Oregon, of from 600 to 2000 calves. Larsen. I Hamill A. Canada”, 'T h r e e guaría, Clair A. Baker, I. W N , 'W’yckoff of SJ’okane' super-(noo-co«l. Hubbard and Henry L. Fouat. on the ? B° r of tbe ,orc- whlcb are com‘ | A 27' 8 payroll of the Oregon state penlten batln« the spread of white pine b li.te r ---------------------------------------- Register. rust In the forests of the Pacific north-1 Gary at tbe time of the recent break, west, la In southern Oregon to direct NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, have resigned their positions. the fight there. The United States: Department of tne Interior, U. SL Business firms of Pendleton will be bureau of plant Industry has ordered Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, asked again thia year to underwrite the destruction of the cultivated black August 22. 1925 Notice is hereby given that Victor the Pendleton Round-Up against finan­ currant, which la a ’’seeder’’ for the . . . , , R. Stratton, of Eugene, Oregon, who, cial loaa on account of inclement disease, and that work is now proceed- on July 2o. 1920. made adjoining Farm weather or any other emergency. Ing in the forests near Medfofd. I Homestead Entry, No. 013036, for Reports received at the office of F. Members of the senate com m ittee! " 14, Section 11, Township 17 L. Kent, government agricultural sta- on public lands which has to do with ' S ” RaD’ e 3 WMt’ tlstlclan, indicate that the acreage to th e' grantlnK of additional lands t o 1 <‘ia“ ’ h8S f,led “° tlCe ° f intentlon W establish be sown to wheat in Oregon this fall the gtateg Kral)ng of llveaWck ia the to th« land above described, be- will be only 95 per cent of that seed- national forests and administration of . claim fore E. O. Immel. U. b. Commissioner, ed a year ago. national parks and Indian reserva at Eugene, Oregon, on the 2nd.- day Members of the state irrigation se­ tlona, will hold a hearing In Portland of October. 1925. Claimant names as w itnesses: curities commission, with the except- September 8 and 9, according to a Carl Hopkins. Jay Hopkins, both of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tion of Rhea Luper, state engineer, letter received at the executive of­ Coburg. Oregon; Howard Gordon, E. S i A l t , u F oR E U vN F u lt THE have returned to Salem after Inspect­ fices in Salem. The committee will J. Relyea, both of Motof Route “B." COUN 1 1 OF LANE ing a number of Irrigation projects In hold another hearing at Pendleton on Eugene, Ore. IN THE iU«'l i Elt OF I HE GUARD- Hamill A Canaday, central Oregon. September 10 and at Baker on Septem­ SHIP OF M e K M T A LU 1’HEit Register. ber 11. William S. Jenkins, 94, one of Cooa ««N> d J L A N H a L o t HER, Minors. I non-coal. * ORDER KEi 1ING TIME And PLACE 1 county’s oldest men and a pioneer Seventy-nine waterpower plants In A 27, S 24. ’ih i» matter coining on to be heard with a record residence of 54 years Oregon at present are developing a upon the petition of the guardiun tor In the county, died on the ranch where capacity of 244,227 horsepower, the THE COUNTY C U R T CF THE uuthoiity to sell the real estate of Of the STATE OF OREGON FOR the aald wards described in said pe­ he first settled in 1871, on the middle geological survey reports. plants listed for the state, 67 are ; LANE COUNTY , fork of the Coc.nllle river. tit on; In , *le ^matter o. Harriet Nye, In- And It appearing to the Court from 1 The\ body of an elderly man, found operated by public utilities or munici- such petit a tout It la neceseagy and ’ nn a sand bar In the Snnke riv r, has palltles and are credited with a capac- q r d ER t o SHOW CAUSE AGAINST would b beneflc.ul to the wards that lty of 193,462 horsepower. The engi- SALE nil of an d real estate be sold, there­ been Identified as that of A R. Fair- eb d of Baker, mvsteri uslj missing neers of the survey have estimated This matter coming on for hearing fore, IT IS ORDERED. ADJUDGED AND from his home for four we«i.J. Mur that Oregon’s water-power sources this 3rd day of August, 1925, upon the dor or sulcido is suspcited. • fully developed would deliver 3.665.000 P ^ KL°.n„ ? L “ ’ DECREED: . . , .. the personal estate of Harriet Nye, That ihe next cf kin of the Raid horsepower for 90 per cent of the time incOmPetent. for permission to sell warila u -ove named and all p erson s1 One hundr.d and tw elve mills re­ or 6,716.000 horsepower 60 per cent - the dower interest of said incompe- interested In the estate appear be­ porting to the West Coas, Lumber-; ¡tent In and to Lots One (1), Three k fore thh Court on the 14th day of men's association for the week end- i of the time. The Oregon state textbook commls (3). Four (4) apd Five (5), B'( h I< opteniher, 1926. nt 10 O'clock In the ing August 15 manufactured 102,648.- a r- forenoon of en d day, nt the Coun 662 feet of lumber; sold 111.173,941 slon, acting upon legal advice recelv- Light (8), Amended Plat of . . «-I. ««« . . . ,, .. j . mount. Lane County, Oregon; and it ly Court room In Raid Court Hcnse ed from Elton Watkins. Portland at- appearing that It would be beneficial 'n Eugene. Cregon mid show cnoac. ‘ feet and shipped 108,^00,164 feet. torney, convened in Salem and adopt- to the ward that said property should The proposition to bond the city If any they have, why the gw»r.l'nn o’’ * mid wn.rdR 3houhl not be lie« " d. ed textbooks used in the public schools be sold, of Eugene for |1 7 6 i 3 to buy a tract Uithorized nnd directed to Rell the of land to donate the Southern Pa- j of this state on which contracts with ! IT , s HEREBY ORDERED that the the publtshers hare expired. In as ^ t e ^ e d " Vn “ iw ’ Mta‘te .p p e a ? ° £ real estate of the said wards ties-: rifle company for Ils shops and ter­ Jliheil hr followii, to-wil: sutning that Mr. Watkins was correct , iore this Court on Friday, the 4th day All of Lets One, Two, Throe and minals carried nt a special election tn his interpretation of the law and of September, 1925, at the hour of Ten Four nn I the East one-hnlf of Lot by a vote of 4024 for and 397 against. Five In Block ItO, Wasbburne'a sub-1 I.uz Lnuceda. about 40 years of age, that the commission has authority to »’clock A. M. in the Court Room ot division of the Springfield Investm ent; a Mexican, was lodged In the Klamath adopt textbooks at thia time, an opln- ^ I s Court, at the Court House In Eit- , . , , , . . . gene, Lane County, Oregon, then ana nnd Bower company's addition to ion previously handed down by At- ; t(j gh(>w ,, any there he> Springfield. I nne County, Oregon, ns county Jail by Sheriff Burt Hawkins, torney General Van Winkle for the why an order should not be granted as the suspected murderer of Valen­ •Tovlded by law. guidance of the state board of educa- for the sale of the dower interest o f Sprlngf eld, Lane County, Oregon; tino Navarro, a rounrtyman, who was tlon, was disregarded. In this opln- said incompetent In and to the above It Is further ordered that this order mortally wounded in a knife fight at Ion the attorney-general held that the described real property. And It is further ordered that a be publish'd nt least three successive Algoma. statutes provided specifically that one- copy of |h ls Order be published at leas t Raymond H. Torrey, field secretary weeks In the Springfield News, n third of the textbooks should be adopt­ once a week for three successive newspaper published nnd elrculnted of the national conference of state ed at a meeting of the commission tn weeks before the said date of hearing In Lano County, Oregon, as provided parka, with headquarters at Washing­ November, 1924, and one-third of the [in the Springfiod News, a newspaper ton, was In Salem last week confer­ by law. textbooks In the same month every Iof Keneral circulation published In Tinted nt Eugene, Oregon, this 19 ring with F. A. Elliott, state forester, two years thereafter. Adoption of ! Lane County, Oregon. C. P. BARNARD, nnd members of the state highway de­ dny of August, A. D. 1925. textbooks at any other time would be County Judga. C. P. BARNARD, partment on promotion of recreational Order to show cause against sale. illegal, the attorney-general held. County Judge. features In state parks. A 6-13-20-27 > A 27-27 S 3-10. on