I FACE SIX TH E SPK1NGEIBLD NEWS 19.'S 'H itch-H iking’ Should Be Discouraged directed by James Cruse, "The Van­ be put on the screen w ih Percy Mar­ ishing American," an epic of (he Red inoni n the title role. The automobile »pick up" practice has developed Into a degrading titan, ".The Pony Express." anottu influence, indeed almost Into a national mebace, and the sooner It la Cruse production, about wh eh View Malden Aunt "And what brought brought to an end the better. The sight of hundreds of boy». young men. I’reald'unt Qawes was so enthusiastic you Io town, llnd , "'1 k'",, ,hU , ’“, r • • “ hM n the they were frankly amaxed. Tales, too. • I leas« three months more un­ earn a Star car. It Is e . •- . plan rhat past seven. earn plan, which is one of the most of the Inn episode having been exag- P itts b u rg h der reasonable wearing rondi­ gerated had died out and once again ' Practical and outstanding plans for has the endorsement of the factory !*»»»•»• Ccmlng i i it does tn eonjunctlon none. Fair price« and satisfac­ intitations began to arrive. But al- ,h* merchandising of automobiles y it aac* J taler and between the details are wlth ih» Inauguration of Ihr g rea ter' tory work I» our motto. ways I refused. These people had ¡‘■evlred by any automobile tnanufic- ‘ “ refully explained to the public by . movle seaaon, Paramount week Willi P ro d u cts turer was unantmously adopted Sy bU r aRd kurant dealers, the b en efits, be glven added Impetus thls sent me to Coventry, untried, and I year. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 77 would remain there now from choice. very Star and Durant dealer on the tbeY w*h receive will undoubtedly Exhibitors are looking forward to Its Main St. Between 3rd A 4th 5’acific Coast, according to W. H. win their wholehearted Indorstment advent because |n the p a n It has Adrian, local Star and Durant dealer Under this plan those persons proved a week of unusually good busi- and haa attractH , houa. B„ , One rainy afternoon. I went into sho attended a conference called by want an automobile but are unable the back living room which Is entirely E. T. Tuller. general sales manager to make the necessary cash Invest | the theatres who do not attend regu- my own. My piano is there and I of the Durant Motor company ot Cal­ ment finally have the opportunity of!|arly. planned to spend a few hours alone. ifornia. and James Houlihan, adver­ owning a Star car by calling on the D- " Griffith, the noted director, The dampness of the day had made tising counsel and president of the local Star and Durant dealer for de­ has become aff Itated with Paramount Pho regular full term at the Eugene Business College tails. me long for a fire’s ruddy cheer. So James HonuPhan, Inc.; advertising and his picture will be "That Royle beghiB on the above date. agents, during their recent swing I lighted the logs in the great fire Girl." from the well known tnagazins O ther enrollm ent dates are Septem ber 8. 14, 21. place and soon the shadowy corners through the northwest territory. story. 3500 PAPERS ADVERTISE All Inquiries for Information promptly answered. This Star gold certificate save and reflected their dancing lights. Though Harold Lloyd’s pictures will hence MOVIE WEEK, SEPT. 6-13 forth released by Paramount. ft was still early, it was almost dark earn plan makes it posible for any­ EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE one to become the owner of a Star outside. A. E. Roberts, President Douglas MarXean's pictures will be The power of newspuper advertls- Because gray days come so seldom with as little cash outlay as they wish is revealed by the fact that 3800 news­ relraied by Paramqiint. Phone 666 992 Willamette 8t. to make and the thousands of people In Florida, we love the occasional one Eugene. Ore. Among other pictures the conutry when the sun ceases to shine and I've in California who have already taken papers. daily and weekly, will serve advantage of the plan convincingly at­ as the first line trench when the Fa- will see are "Beggar on Horseback." alw ays adored the rain. Players-Lasky corporation I touched a match to the candles tests to its praett calness and Instan mouse tells the world about the elghih an- taneous popularity. In the old-brass candelbra that my The plan was devised by the Durant nu“I Paramount week. September mother had prised. Seating myself at the piano. I factory officials after months of ca r e -,*'13. played page after page of Chopin. ful planning and was first tried out J More than JlOO.OOo will be loaded Then I sat g—a song that Curtiss had in Its retail branches, which are used ,n ,° il* b!« advertising guns that will loved best of all. Why couldn't I put to develop new sales Ideas. It Is h* fired simultaneously on the first original with the Cal fornia factory j of week, one of the largest! him from my mind? and judging from the enthusiastic co-, sum» spent by any organization) "Gray days are your gray eyes. operation of tht^Jealers and the popu-; *n American newspapers in a single j Geld days your hair, ler response ffom the public for the , day. , Come storm or shine to me— “All days are fair" a baritone Join­ plan It promises to change present , In the background, as a sort of re­ selling methods considerably. serve, will be the advertising guns ed !n from behind. Details of the plan have been I turned around in amazement. It LORD BALTIMORE was Bob. worked out whereby anyone who has •'Mom Nell1» at first wanted to the energy and ambition can become STATIONERY throw me out in the rain but after the owner in fact, of an automobile FALL WOOLENS AND GUARANTEED REPAIRING the persuasion of a decent coin, she w th virtually no payment of his or We are known by the s ta tio n -. ARE NOW ON told me I might find you here. I her money. Factory and dealer parti­ ery we use. Writing paper re­ hr re you don't mind," he apologized. cipate In the Star gold certificate flects ch aracter and taste as BRING US YOUR AUTOMOBILE TROUBLES. DISPLAY “Ch. how glad 1 am to se you.” I save and earn plan, the actual de­ readily as personal appearance. gave a welcome and motioned him tails of whlqh are available at the We are showing now the Lord Baltimore Is one of our - J local Star dealer, Mr. Adrian It to git beside me on the divan. m ost exclusive patterns most popular number« bedausej “I'm sorry Mom Nellie was so cross, makes anyone who participates in and designs in a great although m oderate In price. It but a« a rule when I come herr sh thia plan a pari of the dealer’s or- refit i 11 n',.nity. variety. Place onr order know-s I h#te to be disturbed. Yoji ganizatlon. with credit given to any know that doesn’t mean you. though IndlvMua! who helps to create sales now for Septem ber or All popular sizes and tints don't you Bob? How long have you of Dew cara< a| , bough th„ ar„ la) a#„. October delivery. may be purchased in attractive been here?" ; boxes. 24 sheets and 24 envel-, “f < h n. rrr ell., t I was en­ ln* ,a al* done bY ihe dealer's own trr quite „ a „ while opes. We would appreciate tranced with your music so j s t o o d -------------------------------------------—-— — I inside and was especially impressed f having your order now so See our specials !n stationery, this week. ■with your interpretation of Chopin I that we may keep our A sort of wistfulness in your touch Eor /.adíes and Men at Lutest Prices tailors busy. made of that last waltz a delicate • piece e f lace. Your voice too. S a llle ,: We have n large a o o rtn ie n t of Bhoes In the seasons best I had to Idea you sang so well. It's styles. Our prices are sik I i that you cannot afford to buv really lovely since you---------. slioes until you look over the m any attractive bargains we "Go on, you mean since I let cig have to offer. -urettes and eoctails alone." Drv$ J tor» "Well. yes. but Dot only your voice LADIES SHOES h as Improved hut the tout ensemble Springfield Oregon Phone 250 36 West 8th Ladies’ Low Shoes, a good buy Is perfect, my dear. Every one says you look more beautiful than ever be­ Ladies; shoes patent leather, tic, tan trim m e d " 4« fore.” Ladles Ian Shoes, tie, medium heel, a nice shoe 395 “N o v , Bob," I laughed, "you didn't I Black Satin Shoes, kid (rimmed, low heel is n come h ,re to tell me that. Out with: Patent VWmp, Ian quarters, buckle and low beds « h a v e u s PUT It. What's going on under that bald hia'k Kid, one strap, lattice combibation iii 1 r,g5° spot of yours?” YOU UP A QUART "You're too psychic, young woman, '>t our delicious Ice cream. It and because you are untuaidehly in ! MEN'S SHOES Tire Repair Service will make a perfect deader! at your im iatience. I'll punish you by i Men's work shoes, special all leather outing t i no Station, Expert Balloon home or a splendid rt freshment having you ring for some tea.” Work Shoes, paracord sole and lied \ "H ow stupid of me, of < urse I will . Tire Repairing anywhere. It comes In all flav­ Munson Army Last, you know the army shoe acn You old dear! You shail also have cin-1 or« and will keep hard In the O-So-Snug Arch Support Shoes, specially naraon -toast to add Inches to your ■ box for a full hour. You make constructed for people with weak arches 6 98 w aistline, so there!" no mstake when you buy Eggl- I gave Mom N ellie the order and ' mann’s Ice cream. Everybody she shuffl'd away. likes It. It was great to see Bob again. I Lad not had a long chat with him since the night he gave me the Id ea- tptatfons A Rainy Day—and a Vision From Bob a >ee this test it this store Water-Spar Vasby Bros. lllllllll Monday, August 31 SA V E •with SAFETY g a s 1 DRUGSTORE Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Company Gas Oil Acessories SHOES FLANERY’S Drug Store Official Goodyear Eugene Vulcanizing Works o f gett ng a Job. “How's MarJ? haven't seen her for 957 Oak St. 1Ö20 EGGIMANN’S C. J. Breier Co. Corner 6th and Willamette Eugene, Ore