THUHBDAï, AÜQU3T 27, 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Community News —¿ THURSTON NOTES ■ y Spacial Corre «pondants COBURG NEWS h A h ’S? W’ T v / ,rn tx,‘.we,n A “» « « 23 and 29, you belong to both D o and Virgo ou are materialistic but have a keen Inaight Into human nature. You have a strong combination of tire and earth and are very determined. Having made up your mind no detail la too trivial. You are very merioxllcaf, generoua and solicitous of othera. Women are fond of everything that grown— from babies i t T * , n .‘i i * rou.n,<1- T h ,X , r ® •» ‘»'lent mother« and wive«; like to lead the fashion ami are logical thinker* when educated. M-m love the good thing* of earth. They make excellent teachers, physician*, ehemlata, lawyer*, designers, journalist* or politician*. You have tact and rarely offend Born under thi* rign people have few fault*— the moat marked, unlesa curbed, are domineering tendencies; Interference in affair* not their own and a false pride and ambition which make* them toadies to money and po«itlon. Hilly Kyler molortd to 11 111* bu ru Mint Coming to Cannery. laal Wednesday, A Ihuuuund dollars worth a mint Mr*. Fred Ituaarl, who ha* been III » «lay 1« n»w coming Into the Coburg for several day«, |* now liuprnvlpg. cannery, according to II. Taylor, pro­ H. M Price from Noll vlalled hl« p rie to r. 11« haw good equlpflieal for •OB. John, and family here laet week. extracting the mini. Tht. cgnnery 1» Mr* Lillian (inaaler ha* rented putting up corn now alao. A new con­ Paul Rohley place north of Hprlng- crete floor and other Improvements field. Mr. Itnbley plan* to run the ha»« been made to the building «tore at Thuraton for another year. Mr«. I,. <’ Yarnetl had her lonall* L. 11 Hhrode, who recently came removed at the Northweat hoepltal In bar" from North IP-nd, ha* rented a Eugene last Friday furnlahed hotpm, and la driving to Eu- Mr. am' Mr* Janie* Calvert and «a»« ouch duy where he I* employed. rive* from every state In the union Alice Calvert from Junction City anil Ream are an high In Eugene that SOVERIGN GRANO LODGE a* well a* each of the Canadian pro- Mr* Hud Mcl’hereon and »on. Lav- people ara flmjlng It to advantage I. O. O. F. TO MEET SOON vlttces. Tha ot -'- t will also have rep­ • rn. from Rprlngfleld visited relatlvea **• hvo ln •he amaller com m unities In Thuraton Friday. IA heuae Ilka Mr Hhrode rgnta here p 6rt| . nd Se, n, of C<1„v, n„ un w h . r« resentative« from all parta ot Au- tralasla, Cuba, and eastern countries. ¡ Lois Hliat and Mr and Mr* Welter ,or »>» »»uM coat him *50 a month Qr, . t Attendance I* Th>- visitor* are coming a* guests of Kdmlaton motored to Cottage drove I’1 Eugene. Expected. the lodge« In the Jurisdiction of Ore­ Wednesday. | The Smith residence near the high gon, and an active committee ha* ■ There was a party at Mr and Mrs. ¡»chool It receiving a new roof. A convetlon of Internat'onul scope Charles H asting. laat Thursday eve-j Louay Walker ha* Juat painted th « | been at work in Portland «Ince Jan ¡that will take place In Portland 8»p- uary this year planning the entertain- I nlng In honor of their daughter. M raJfron* "f » • Juragln * drug «lore. It te tuber 21 to 25, of general Interest Marie Spire», who left Friday to Join Ki’eatly Improve* the appearance of i lo the whole state of Oregon, I* the merit of the visitors which will like- : ly run a* high a* 50.000. her husband. who la a dentist Mt •**« building Mr. Walker has alao i Hove rign (¡rand Lodge of Odd Fel- An advisory committee Including' Myrtle Point. Ice cream and cake , finished ralntlng Pafn'a store, ¡low s; In fact this convention la not was served i A number of carload* of piling are th<- leading member* of the order In for Portland alone, but I* being fi­ all part* of the state. Is assisting the ¡ Mr and Mr*. Lawrence dossier b,'ln« «hipped from Coburg to Port- nanced and banditti by all of the Odd general comm'ttee In arrangements • pent Sunday at Waltervllle. guest of la,,d* The Mountain State* Power Fellow» of the state. The Odd Fel­ to plan for the work. Among other ! Mr and Mrs Gllllaple. jcompany unloaded two carload* of low lodge has probably more member* things In the program which Include* Ml»» Helen Eyler ha* been visiting P“1** h ,r* Contractor McFee, of the than any other Fraternal Organiza­ dally meeting* of the Soverlgn Grand friend* In MedforJ for ««me time. Southern Pacific, sh'pped a carload tio n In Oregon, there being over I ’ lodge, the Association of Rebekah Inu* Eylrr spent the latter part of "" 1000 member* in the state, with ap assemblies, and the General Military : last week «hiring Mr, Farrel Mrlr- , proxlmately 50« separate lodges. The j c o u n c il, there will be numerous bands , UPPER WILLAMETTE vln, near Waltervllle ! Odd Fellow* lodge In the whole wort ' to entertain the thousand* of lay | Mr and Mr*. Hay Baugh and fam- had membership, according to the members who will be In Portland to I lly motored to Elmira Sunday and Mr ant! Mr*. J »«t A. Phelps and ' last census, of 2,700,000. There j put on drill conceals and participate j sp e n t th e day with Mr. and Mr*. . . . . . letlgt .. . », , . 3.677 . . ° ' In a monster parade through the j ihildren and have moved Into part 10.728 subordinate James Maxwell ca m p m e n ts, 10.182 R ebekah o d g e s .! . . _ ... : . , streets of that city on Wednesday, I Mr- James Calvert and son. Arthur, jof tin* F. F. Cooper house Mr. anil and , 78» Cantona ep .n i Kundav at John Bdmtaton'a ',r *' John "n l ,“ 'ull,r w "° ,,c‘ "py There will he official representa- Sw iss home last Sunday. ,b" o,h*r P” 4 wl" ln <>tl*’be’' Henry Hart, who hud a stroke of Tr,,‘" ** * hlch ‘h'’ time ago. waa m o v e d '* 111 ' u',y ,h " wh®h b,,u*v to th e P a c ific C h rla tla n h o s p ita l »1 “ <’>d Walker, a nephew of Mr. and few days ago II. I- |n a se rio u s «WB ' J,,bn M o rm n g s ta r. ■ d R ¿HI,,,, I John left for Reedsport, W.-dnesray Ml»« llasel Fdmiston re tu rn e d “ f ’ w d , y *' a t ,b o holu,! ° : home from Gleuadn last Monday ¡Hr i,( Keedaport. Mr and Mrs. Finn Jones left Mon-' Ow “« 10 •khneaa and hop-picking,J day for McMinnville where they will • f, w of lb<’ *“ !‘*M w* r,‘ Pr*aM»t| run Mr. J o n es mother's farm, j “1 » • * “ « « M «•»• woman'* Mr and Mrs L o la Rlxsl returned' auxiliary, which met at the home of Saturday from Toledo where they Mr- »»<* Mr* U*orge Kelsay Wed- spent several days camping. I » « d a y after August 19. Mr«. M. E. Mr and Mrs Thomas William a n D Haya “nd Mr" c - E J o ‘i« n son. John, from Cottage Grove spent , hostesses with Mrs. Kelsay and serv­ ed refreshments. The place of meet­ Sunday at George William'» Mr and Mrs. Glen Kiddle from ing tor next month was not d?clded. The young folks of the • ’hristlan Springfield motored to Thurston Mon­ Endeavor plan to go for a picnic din­ day evening. Mr. and Mra. Harry Harbert from ner after church next Sunday. Rev. \V. A. Elkins who has been Coburg spent Sunday with hla moth­ ubsent from the pulpit at Pleasant er, Mr*. Harbert. HUI for the past three weeks has I tl --------------------------- returned from hl* stay at Catr.p Lewis and gave one of hla usually good ser­ mon laat Sunday, August ’ 3. Summer flu seems to bo claiming Its sick victim* at Pleasant Hill, ln I • Susanville, Cal. ninny Instance« more than one In I ' August 15. 1*26. the family are down. Editor News. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper and Springfield, Oregon, daughter. Margnr. t. leave for Arseo. Dear Sir: Having spent the greater part o f, Coos county Monday where Mr. and tha past summer In Springfield, an«. Cooper teach In the high school Miss Margaret will be i tenlor in becoming grnatly. Interested In 1ta future, I know no better way of keep­ high nch(M*l thiR winter. Petty thieving 1« »gain occurlnst at ing In touch with affairs there than Communications to order the News to my address. 11 H«»»«»* HIM think Springfield has finest location ,««” P o u r e d their no tre.pus* sign In the valley. Her people are enter- ,'*n 8et them from either Mr. (1. F. prising and everyone has money. | Hyde or K. B. Tinker, Mr«. Edward Starkey and dnugh- j They seem to be willing to back any ter. Lola, of Prosser, Washington, vl»-j enterprise promising a fair reward. I think Springfield has a brilliant lied over the week-end at the home future and will prosper In spite of i Mr- • n'1 Mr"- c - *P- Hyde. Mrs. all opposition from across the river. | Slarkey and Mr. Hyde are bro her All her people want la a square deal i Bnd «later. and Ihey will do the real. I**"« »nd b'‘"” r h*r lk> not waist any time In offering vested In the Pleasant district chfom os to the 8. P. railroad think- I ,b l* week. , Ing to change their plans In regard I Schrenk and Ploy,I John, to terminal plana or anything e ls e .' who hav«’ been threshing In the San-, They have the very disagreeable hab-.ta Clara district, returned to Plea»-1 It of doing Just as they please. i Bnt Hill last week. , An agreement with a railroad com-1 ’’»«1 Harden, who has be m spend-, pany and a community Is very much ’h* • « » « • r 'n Portland with his like n treaty between nallons. Only father, has returned to PL-asant HUI. binding so long as neither party can Canning Peaches, *1 a box or *2.50 break It to an advantage. When a bushel, White Front Grocery. such happen» all the recourse the In-j - • 1' 'i 1 -• , Jured parly has Is to sit quietly down ,Three Mora MHns. In some secluded spot and Indulge They had been having B little fam­ them selves In the latest brands of ily spat. He ha 1 driven a ^ n g a peace- profanity. ' ful country road for rnorf than three So with best w ishes for Springfield _ . Tv— ___.__ miles without eith er1 of them saying In general and the News In parlcular, a word. A mule, standing at a tmsture I am sir. fence- brayed at them ns they passed Very respectfully, "Ona of your relatives." said he. . J. W ORR. "Quite right." said she ,"by mar- Susanville, Cailf. ' 9 Tlage." ’rl A. Margaret Is only seven ybars old, collar. Answer» to name of Puffy. but som etim es ¡quite naughty. On one occasion hef mothet, hoping to i Return to fi. O.| Wilson. be particularly ImpreSalV«, »ald j "Don't* you know that It you keep smile at the with SERVICE on doing so many naughty th'ng* DROP IN. your children will be nauahty, too?". Margaret dimpled and erled trlum -' LOST—Brown Boston bull dog with While they laat. line canning peach- pi,antly, "Oh, mother, now vpu've giv­ es, *1 a box or *3 IM> a bushel at the c„ yourself away Everbody's Mag-^ azine. White Front Grocery. The Months of Harvest WED. SEPT. 2nd. September 23. Me* T h a t Bad. Springfield Odd Fellow* lodge will Bride: "Richard ate som ething for be well represented at the grand lunch yesterday that made him aw­ ful III. lod^t meeting. Friend: Croquette? : ■ ■■ ■ V -', , Hrld«: Oh no— but he'« aw ful sick. Oet yoar canning peaches now at the White Front Orocery. *1 a box, Ye*, we have peaches, *1 a box, *2.(0 a bushel. *2.50 a bushel. White Front Orocery, OFFICIAL Headlight STATION We have been appointed OFFICIAL HEADLIGHT ADJUSTING STATION. We will give you better illumination on your a u ­ tomobile a t reasonable cost. See us first regarding your Headlights. Special Prices on Tires, Spotlights, Motormeters, etc. Springfield Garage 414 Main St. When You Need a Third Party Escrow America's Foremost Oriental Dancer MILLE. NINA Frank Bacon and Sophie Fontaine — In—• ARTISTIC REVELATIONS with us. We will act as the third party and hold the papers in safety until fulfillment of the provisions stated in them. BARTON & YOUNG — In— “ It's All In Fun’’ MAYBELLE PHILLIPS The Sunshine Girl The First National Bank OF EUGENE JOE CODY & BROTHER The Comedy Mad Hatters First National Bank PIERCE & ROSLYN — In— “A Whirl of Melody" Springfield, Oregon Other Features Too A nnouncem ent OUR HEADLIGHT Adjustment Station has been accepted by the Secretary of State We are now prepared to adjust your lights and give receipts. WHY PUT IT OFF Now is the time to put your Roofing on. W et weather will soon be here. ' * , f 1 r i ROLL ROOFING................................. S I . 5 0 T0 S 3.50 MINERAL SURFACE ROOFING. $ 2 .7 5 AND $ 3 .2 5 MINERAL SURFACE SHINGLES............... $ 6 .5 0 SQ' FELT PAPER, ................... $ 2 .4 0 AND 5 3 .0 0 R0LL BLACK, ASPHALT SHEATING 85c AND $ 1 .6 0 R0LL Come N o w B efo re th e S eptem ber 1st R ush 'Anderson-Wing Wright & Son M OTOR CO. I 4 Phone 4 WE FIX ’EM. Pending final paym ents and arrangem ents on real estate contracts place them in Now is the time to preiutre yourself, Mr. Farm er, to meet the problems of h a r­ vesting a n d m arketing which arise. You can do this by becom­ ing Identified with the First National. Then all our experience and facili­ ties are at your disposal when you have need of them. PAOS FIVS