I - PAGE POUR ' THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1H25 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L 139 MORE MILES OF U. S. HARD ROADS FOR OREGON • Local Reporters • Canary _______ LANK C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 14 FARM REMINDERS CANARY LOCAL O F F IC E R S O F J. L. Northup * • i rn tra l I • P U B L IC A T IO N LANg COUNTY FARMBR'K UNION Hay Bower • Oregon farmers and tourists now . Cloverdale Mrs. L. J. Oetchell enjoy 139 m ile* more uf h-deral aid • Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck highways than they did a year ago. • Creswell ... ....... Mrs. M. A. Horn - Mrs. Ada Jennings Dorena Thia mileage, completed in the year Heretä î —..... — .... Mrs. B. Baker ending June 30. cost a total of 33.- HadleyvtUri Mrs. M. Gillespie 305.315. of which the federal govern Jasper ._.... .. Mrs. Grace Jones meat furnished 31.323.2*0. Highway j * Lorane _ Mrs. C. M Foster Harry C. Jackson construction onder this plan now un ■ * McKenxte Mt. Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds der way la the state totals 13« miles. i , Silk* Cr»ek — .—_ Bulsh Smith while the total m lleiae completed L Trent _____ ______ .. K. B. Tinker previous to last year wss «55 miles. I , V 'da ___Mrs. W. K. Post This additional mileage, while a con-; venlrnce to the tourist In the state, t Is a godsend to the farmer. It Is es-1 • The season for the fall planting of Neighbor l'helps is acting as don- • . . . . , , vegetables for full, winter, and sprtns • key engineer in W ill Krhart a logg ng ,r . M ■ I marketing In western Oregon is (he • uRtnii i # « time listed , •! The oat hay crop In this valley Is 1 ,1 by the experiment station. The f ir s t ! , • an excellent one aud the farmers are I Ils for planting the seed of early hardy , • getting It In In good shape i vegetables, the second of tender veg ; , • Brother Les Austin is making some , etables aft»r the disappearance i«f . • repairs on hla barn. frost, and the third of vegetables in ! * School in the Slltcoos d'strlct w ill late summer for fall uud winter use • o,wn Monday. The school board has GREAT AMOUNT OF FRUIT AFFECTED BY PICKING Both quality and amount of fruit Ralph Laird, Cresw ell, President. • , ihre affected by the time aud manner W ill W h sslsr, Trent, Vies P r.s l of harvesting Fruit loses weight dent. wh>n taken from the In v . and this Betty Kappauf, Cottage Qrovs, loss In storage may bo as great as see.-Trass. 13 per cent. The two factors that N. A. Horn. Cottags Qrovs, Door cause this lass, as reported by the Keeper Orgooti experiment elation, are loss M. C. Jackson. W slto rvllls , Con­ of moisture aud natural decomposi­ tion Loss through decomposition of win­ • luaj e a few needed Improv, incuts In late cabbage produttlon the seed ter applies irlgUtlly slonsl IS very during vacation i n u. .v „ ■ . , . **ra,n* fertility, goodi moisture small, so I he malu loas la from evap. i Renteber the Sunday school at the „ . o "o ilin g capac ly of soil, and protec- ♦ JASPER LOCAL • oration This la governed by the hu­ hul| every Sunday at to A. M We are „ lion rrotn Injurious Inserts ure listed • • • • • • • • • midity, aeration, temperature, llmw ¡having some Interesting and profit- .... . . . . , .. , .. . by the experiment station as factors o f picking condition of (he skins and able sessions. > ou are cordially In . . . . . . . . The recent rain was welcomed by timated that each and every farmer COAST FORK LOCAL dctertnllulng the quality and profits the kind of variety,of fruit • vlted to attend. .. r the farmers of this vicinity In this section of the country aver­ of the crop. laick of molature In the air la the President Sylvester has called I e e » Mr. and Mrs. L. It Hack of Spring ages $9 tons of farm products hauled leading cause of heavy evaporation. special meeting of the farmers union n Ban nursery «. . . .u .. . field vls'ted Bunday with P 8. Hilts to market and 13 tons of feed, fuel, Clean Miss Florence H uff from Portland for Wednesday night August •« to * nurs. ry stork Is the first With humidity al 93 lo 90 per rent, and family fertiliser, machinery, supplies, etc., is visiting at the home ot her brother >. ,, ,! * recommendation of tbn experiment lost of weight In winter was prac visiting o th e r brother con.lde, the cooperative store move- f„ r pr„ , B„ on ,,r ron, r„, Mr and Mra. Arlo Jones slid son. from town. When good roads make llcally nothing over a period of sev­ U D. Huff. me0'- .systemic diseases of bramble, in O re*! N * ‘’' S a t u r d a y evening from trucks feasible this Is not very bur. en monlhs If gathered In low hum­ Mrs. Dan Beck of Cottage G r o v e ! --------------------------------- I gon-tnoslac. leaf curl and bramble “ ,h r' " * * * * * 'rip Kt southern denseme. but It represents a good idity the fruit may lose considerable many hoars’ labor where horses and »pent a week at the home of her 8 | Q BUSINESS ON NATIONAL '‘ " ra h . These diseases are curried Or' " n 1 ,h* " ‘•olintry weight In the orchard or packing poor roads must be used. And so daughter. Mrs. Robert Phllllpa. P A D P Q T Q n i l D l M C v g a o fr" nl Plant. In the tip . and Thr" ” nf ,h " » » " " ’I workers at house Bartlett pears lost four p* r wh.fc the tourist finds Intermit» ______ ________ r U K t o l o U U K .IY ^ i t A K , raniplant. , . ken , «hi. place hiiVH purchased new auto roads mighty comfortable, to the farm Threshing in the upper end of the ■ • • • mobile» thl« summer. The recent pur- rent when left four day» under the er a good serviceable road from his » • * finished Monday. That over oue million dollars were A vigorous young queen Is the big ar'* c h ,l> W al»h' » Chevrolet, trees in exceptionally dry weather. Much of the loss can be prevented by farm to the nearest market is a down I Mr and M rt j , rk ch erry left r* c* , **<> ,roni ‘*»e national foresta uf faetor tn preventing premature and Theo kir>- Hunsel a Star covering the boxes with wet canvas right necessity. Monday Harry Jonea was admitted to the swarm „„ V|BW«d by , b<. o A Monday for for a a vacation vacation of of one one week week. J C r*«on “ n * Wash »«ton during the awarm, The heavy roolsiure loss wilts th» The expansion of hard road systems j Tht.y wj„ spend the (time at the fiscal year ending June 30. 1933, is spsclal'»' 4. Colonies headed by an Eugene hospital Friday.. fru't and damages Its appearance No suown by a statem ent Just issued by old queen are likely to xuperteth her. both in this and other states In re- eoust Indication »«» found that this wilted cent years has given the farmer an M r and Mrs. Albert Woodward re the U. S. Forest service. These re­ In the process of which they often COUNTY GRANGE MEETS fruit goes down more rapidly, or loses added inducement for going into busi-' turned from a visit to Falls City ceipts accrued from sales of g x e m ­ swartn. SATURDAY AT BLACHLY texture and Juiciness It seems to lie grating I« -» , ip«clul ness for himself. That he has not where Mrs. Woodards people reside, inent tinib. slightly more resistant lo il-cav been slow to take advantage of the M r. and M rs. Jack t_-»n»hu.n of Port* permits • “«» °:u«»na grange will meet w th T ri If the frttlt 1« picked too Immature opportunity is testified in the increas- janj aptnt , be week-end at the W i business, a full ra lle n of aunfltroer liage re angle grange at Blachly next Natur- It wills more than If picked el the I'tider existing laws. 35 per rent qulrod » id-day transition perk Ing number of roadside markets on c Johnson home for day. Aug Ï9 F L. Itallard county right time The type of wrappers use I the more frequented highways. Fig-j M „ Rob(?rt Campbei, of Astcr'a ot ,U receipts are r - the O. A C. station her J. (inly two agent I«« !er from t) A C . « Ill speak „„ pe.rs ha I hut little Influence on ores show that each of these markets With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F ,urnt<1 l(> the »«ates in yrblcb they icows of one lot on test cleaned up to the grangers County Agent O 8 the rete of evaporation takes in fifteen to thirty dollars u p ' Ream of W aiterviUe. were guests accr«e. for the road and school tun-1 the sunflower sllate ns ravnously F ln . h. r and State Lecturer E ‘ Leas of weight of pear« evidently to several hundred dollars a day. va- Sunday at the George Kebelbeck An »ddltlonal 10 per cent Is mad. aa they ale corn or vetch and outs all Bond will also speak | waa teady nt aboui the anme rat« rylng with the locality, the prepon- home ' . available for use by the fo fp t service „ge. An „ W fn.hlon.-d basket dinner will throughout the storage season derance of buyers being tourists d riy -. Mrg AI(red PoWt,|i hss rented her f,,r and ,ra ‘l w,,rk- This la an, --------------------------------- be the feature of the n«on hour j ing through the vicinity. Some ot farm ,and Jobn Hubbard who Is contras’ with qome of -het Delinquent Property to be Sold On account of the distance, grant I laite i>eacli«s may be scarce. Buy these are nothing more than stands t,uildtKB a house and w ill move his European countries having crown o, Nearly 200 pieces of delinquent era are requested to make an early ! national forests In Sweden Sw riHii for In- property will be offered for sale Nnt start. of simple board construction w h ile ; ramj|y there. now at iho White F.ont Grocery for the more pretentious are housed In M urry Newton Is In a Eugene hos- »•ante, it is said that only 3 3-lo per urday by the sheriff for taxes. The T h - program Is as follows Rone, 31 a box or 33 50 a busti'-l buildings which may be locked after pital following a major operation.' o,'nt of ,he crow» forest receipts are sale will be on the courthouse steps **How do you do." Mrs J SI suffer the day's or the season's business. Members of this local wish him w ell.. r,'l»rned to the local communes. at 1 o'clock Some Of the property and Mrs Irving lllg g ln t' recitation. The most successful of the markets j According to the reporL the total offered for sale are valuable accord- Floyd Maxwell; "Ann Harbor.” a receipts from the fourtesBi national Isg to the deputy tux collector are so placed as to have convient -------- ..„™ short play, three ladles from Elmira • • • • ’ . . « . f0re, t, ln Oregon for the fiscal year parking facilities where prospective • grange; reading. J O Phelps; -T o o bnyers may e u m in e the articles of • TIM E AND PLACE OF • 1925 amount to 3675.1M 12. This would P ra irie Road Finished. la t e for the Train.” Mrs. Ernest goods, which should be of good qual­ • LOCAL MEETINGS • make a total of 31 per | (>nt P. terminal site Thursdays. Farm Union H all • fund addition to the 1» cent The lecture last . per ___ Grading on the Row River road atre Monday night Danebo First Tuesday, Danebe * fund, the government makes large .has also been completed, according to Monday was attended by inn people A meeting of the communit) fair ichool House. direct appropriations for the forest county officials. His lecture next Monday will he 18 beard was held last Thursday night • School Doren at the hall. The date set for the f i i r was September 18 to 25. A g -c it • days. Dorena Churoh. An Englishman and *n Irishman ' , • Hadleyville — First and Third • ,, . . , . . . .v .special song service. Lola and Gladys deal of erthusiasm was shown at ihf lived In a coast town and both owned viauys Dot Funny Leedle Babis. • Thursdays. Hadleyville School • boats. One dsy the Englishman de O rliflA Christian rhurrh; Mr meeting and all are in the harness Get up und rock the b a t*; • Heceta— First Sunday of each • work:>;g io make the first community elded to christen his, and on the “ »’* Mrs. Dennis of the Bible stand • month, Heceta School House. • Rock It yourself, sex Pete; - fa ir a success. stern painted: "Henry the Eighth.” ard will take part ln the song aery* W ell half of It's yours, ses Nellie; • Jasper— Second and Fourth Wed- • The committee is composed of the "An' wot the dlvvle will I name Ices. The meeting will start at 7:45 • nesdays. W O. W. Hall, Jasper. • And the other half's yonr», sex Pete; following; C. W. Allen, chairman. Mrs mine?" mused the Irishman Reject-l o-t.|nck _ _ «i . • . »j o'clock. _ -r • Lorane— Second and Fourth • Now the rest of the story I hate to W alt Poast, Mrs. Roy Payne, Sam ( lng the suggestion of the others th a t' _ t*'ll « - Wednesdays J. O. O. F. HaH. • b e r 'h * hl* “fleorge the F ifth.” he be. [ Swafford. Sam Goddard. Mrs. W illiam PHONE 355 J • McKenzie local, second and • But Nellie got up and rocked 'came suddenly Inspired, got out brush' * * hav' peach#«, | i n box. Hucka, Matt Emerick. M. J. Weaver, (OVER PENNEY STORE) half • ■ , — ■ <» ■ « „ I • — ’ four'll Wednesday^ 8 p m. 1. O. O. • a bushel. White Front Grocery Mrs. Lynn Fountain, Lester Millican. • F. "hall, W altervllle. - »• • And Pete let the other half yell.— and paint and Inscribed the legend; M a tt Momb, Mr. Dee Jackson. Mrs. -M arch th' Seventeenth.”— flmerl Mt. Vernon—First and Third * The Jersey City Elk. Ray Remie, Mrs Jim H ill, O. L. C le -i, can Legion Weekly. Wednesday. Bresfield Store. • ment. Marian Chase. Jesse G ates,, , “Did you behave In church ?" asked John Preschug. The committee will i , • Silk Creek Meet« First and Third • B A P T IS T C H U R C H . • Thursday at Cedar School House • an Interested relative when Junior re- IT ALWAYS I’AYS TO TRADE AT OKAY'S make a canvas of the territory f o r , , Bible school— 10 A M. • Spencer Creek— Third Friday, »¡turned from the service. entry«. , Morning Worship— 11 A. M • -Course I did.” replied Junior. "I County Agent Fletcher and Club j , • Pine Grove School House. Young people’s si rylce—7 P. M. • T ren t— Becond and Fourth Wed- • heard the lady back of us say she Leader Collier w ill classify exhibits • aesdays. Pleasant H ill High • never saw a child behave so.”— Gospel service at 8. and select Judges. The committee will • 8chool Bldg. • Christian Register. The ladles have charge of the open­ meet again on September 1 qt 8 P. M. • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • ing exercises and special music. Top­ • • • This movement is for the better­ • days at Minney Hall. • ‘No you let your husband carry a ic of the sermon will be Ruth. ment of our community. Let’s ail • Secretaries will please send in • Bible study and prayer service latchkey?" get behind it. • time and place of meeting and • "Oh. Just to humor him* He likes Thursday at 8 P. M • chaag«. erf date a . *>ey may oc- • t0 , how R t„ tQ thpm Dr. 8. Ralph Dtppri, Dentist, Vitus cur. see how Independent he J»— but It W hile they last, fino canning peach­ building, Springfield, Oregon. doesn’t fit the door!”— This Passing es. 31 a box or 32 50 a bushel at the Show (London), White Front Grocery. ductor. O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. Chiropratie Is the Science of Restoring Health through the nerves. If you feel all down and out, can’t eat, sleep or do your work, take Chiro­ practic Treatments. They are safe, sane and sure. Dr. Geo. A. Simon I Now is the TIME to CAN Peaches We have on hand large shipm ents of California and Ash­ Subscribe For the Farmers Union News * land Peaches th at are JuRt right for canning— large, ripe « W anted -■/ New members and other F an n ers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this blank and mall It to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. , V I and Juicy. J • Í- Eggs and Poultry THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS