T.lBItBPAY, AUGUST 27, 1923 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREW SUNLIGHT OR COD LIVER dangerous, but may leave alight per manent disfigurements, and may per­ OIL BOARD OF HEALTH SAYS haps even slightly cripple the child T herefore- plenty of sunshine, or _ . ___ - ------------- Whirl examining children In Ore- Down I ,™ Blue Rlvsr—H R Ben« Drive ,o C orvallls-M r. and M r ..',on. . tron, ly lnipr,.aa. d wlth else cod liver o il—Btate Board of Health. of Illin- River wax In town Friday. I* rank Rhaunan visited In Corvallis the large proportion who »bow »Igna I ueailay afternoon of »light rickets. As many as three- TOW N A N D V IC IN IT Y Here fro m C o a ti— 1, W of Neper »peni Tueaday field. Newcomb« age annual expenditure of 110 families was found to be »24M. compared with »1640 for 183 fam ilies In Ohio, »1868 for 473 fam ilies In Iowa, and »1668 for 187 famille» la Alabama. Only 4 6 per cent of the Connecticut farm HOUSEHOLD PLANNING Down from W altervllle— Harry quarter» of the children attending SAVES MUCH MONEY Jackson of W altervllle was In town ! “K*" *buw "•’“«“ P"'' <”> the Tuesday. head, grooving of the riba, alight bow Most farm »omen try to » fe tc h J Renta House Here— A. Weinert lias legs and other signs, and give histor­ rented a house at 9th und I. street» I Returns from Salem — I -arson ies of delay In the appearance of the their housekeeping dollars as far a s ! from Mr». L. Wilson. , i Wright futurned Munday from Halem, first teeth and In starting to walk, possible, but their skill In this art , The symptom» are rarely very se- varies widely This Is shown by cost Care of Feed Arrive— Two carloads whore he »pent several days. of living studies made by the De-1 j vere, and are usually fonud In artifi­ Of feed were received by the Farm H otel Being Painted— The A m eri­ partment of Agriculture. Many farm era Union store Monday. can hotel Is being repa nted this cially fed children, tho not always. fam ilies fall to get the quantity of Rickets Is a disease of Infants and week vegetables and fruits that could be Here from Vida—Mrs Walter Post younger children In which the bones had from the farm at low cost In and Mrs. 8. Allen of Vida were Spring Vlsltlng Rslatlves Hara— Mr». J. 11 do not become hard a» quickly as _ , __ ... .. . . n .ir » .u - v i .u „ ,, . ... .i. . - . . . .comparison with the market prices field visitor* Monday. Griffith of Klamath Fulls Is visiting | they should. It was formerly thought tbaae products relatives here. to depend on the amount of lime In , DOwn form Thurston—Georg« plait I-eas than onegiatf o f the total the food While this may nometlmea' of Thurston was In town Tuesday on I Leaves After Vielt Here—John Me amount of food products consumed have som ething to do wlih the case, by 110 farm families In New London. business. _ Nutt left Tuesday for The Halles aft- we now know that the true cause la Conn.. 1» 1923 was furnished by the I «revisitin g two day» with Mr. and a queer mixture of lurk of a "vltmlne" In from M aroola— G A. Robert» farms. The remainder was provided Mrs. D W McKinnon In the food and Insufficient sutishlne of Marcóla viglimi Springfield Kaiiir , by direct purchase. Similar high per- day. • * W .n d lln g Man In -F ran k Crawford., » hen . child g et. sufficient sunKght. of purchaaPd aR compared Down from w . l t s r v ll l — I) C Trot ‘',0 Wendllng Booth- U " rely develops rickets. On the w |, h farmr »Prlngfleld other hand, the sunlight may be In- rP(, , r,„M oth,.r I(Malltl„ 7 'Tuesday. sufficient, and yet the rickets be pre- falnlllea> ,t la dectar,.d. could •hopped In Hprltigfleld Saturday R . t u r n . fro m S tu d s Hr CUr‘’'‘ '’ y “ IV ln K «'»• t"ore cheaply were their meal» In Spring Down from W angling— M r and Mrs homes studied were completely m o­ dern. Expenditure for advancement averaged »81 per family, or 6.4 per cent of the total value of goods con­ sumed. Returns from Study— Hr. Eugene , y foO(J whlch contalna , he necessary DEPARTMENT STORES »A .2040C Try T hese Silk Hose Once You W ill Come Back for More Women have learned that this is the Store of Silk Hose Values! Now we call your attention to this hose which is number 1218— a seamless silk hose which many women prefer. „„a Kester returned Monday evening from , v),amine. Cod liver „11 I. one of the P and prepared, and pro- latylon Wright of Wendling were In vlded to a greater extent from the I two wet ks »pent In study at Kan bast of these foods Other fats, which I farm th<. gardpna town Saturday , I Francisco amt Chicago do j,ot ordinarily cure rickets, may I On„ way atretch| . g the ,,ollar W o rking at Pastlm«— I-ew Irvin I u , ,, - by up a (Ieflnlte K„a| for . . , Stop st Hotsl— Monday guests at develop this property when they are haa taken a position at the I'astlm e',. , ,, . pool hall Spong hotel were H. O. Young of exposed to sunlight. Cod liver „» [ famlly llnprovem.«»t. Failure to plan ra„ana tha, i Portland, E B. Hall of Oswego, Have might be termed "bottled sunlight." i | espend,turea ________ often ____ _______ ___ yltal ___ In from Camp Crook—Charles liar- ,,nd Virginia Stevens and Mr». A. J. I In this northwest country, what be- | #uch as those for Insurance den of Camp Creek was In town Sun *'-r v n of Wendllng. ¡tween winter clouds and summer health, and recreation, can not be day. I u , .............................................................«"“Ice. a baby I. hard preaaed to get met m t n a„ raeniber!! o, tbe farm I „ , , , A n g o lsa -lrv ln enmurt. »untight to keep from gett ng , anlll W endllng V isitor H o rt— M rs A W Hoppe or Ixte Angeles visiting rickets. This I. especially true of ,ncome Lux of Wendllng sp«nt Saturday In friends and relatives here. Mr. Hoppe babies who are born late In summer, amount of money will go much fur- formerly lived In Douglas Gardens. and si-« very little of the nun »hru (bel. Kprlngflcld. Qoea to Chicago— Mrs. Mabel M Is­ the first, important growing month» I , n th, ronnecrtcut atudy thp aver. Jasper Msn In— W 11 Saunders. sey, accompanied by her daughter, Mother» »:*uld ■«« to |t that t h e i r ------------------------------------------------------- I'erry Wallace and Lem Drury of Jas­ liable» get the advantage of what sun- Ruth, left Tuesday for their horni­ per were In town Monday. ahlne there 1»; preferably under the in Chicago after visiting two weeks advice of their physician, so that ba­ V l,lt. Hsro—John T Stivers vl.'ted W c . Rebhan hom.- by wont be "over exposed.” Sunshine Saturday evening at the W A. Taylor Im proving at Hospital— Mr». A. W. which huH panned thru giaaa windows home before going on In Albany. Haynes, who lives several miles east doe» no good at all, because the re­ Station R» roof»— A new roof Is be- of town, Is Improving at the Mercy sult« nre due to the ultraviolet part Don’t criticise any special Ing put on the Springfield service hmipUal after a serious Illness, brand of cigars until you of the light, which Is filtered out by , atation. i glaa». have given them a fair Injur»» Back—Mis* Abbie Tomseth The best plan 1» to give all babies ! Drive to Mapleton- M r and Mr» Injured her hack seriously rt-lday chance to prove their cod liver oil. particularly thru the A. F Flowers, with their son and when she fell on lhe cement steps of worth. Try the same brand dull month«. In moderate doses It can I •laughter. Dale and Juanita, drove to , hc H j h„m„ M!aa He|#n bought at different places. do no harm, a» It la not a medicine, Mapleton and back Sunday. la taking her plact at the Farmern You'll be impressed with but Just a special food containing a Visit» Sister Her«— Mr. and Mrs. Exchange store during her Illness. very necessary element. Young babies the apparent difference in F. K. Parrish of Noll vlalted Satur­ don't have a well-developed sense of < the tobacco. But the dif­ day "with the laiter's slater, Mrs taste, and usually learn to love the Has Birthday Party. ference is really in the way Clara Fawver. A delightful surprise party was giv­ oil. The amount of rickets which us­ they are kept. ually develops In unprotected chll- \ Vlalt Hors from Portland— Francis en for Lester Patrick Sunday after­ noon at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs | dr.*n here *" not eevere or especially J t-amberty and G. Hill left Bunday aft­ Your favorite cigar bought er vlaltlng since Sunday with Mr. and W. J Patrick n honor of his fifteenth here will have an unusual birthday. Mrs. N. A. Rowe. aroma and you’ll he For entertainment the young people pleased with it more than Returns to Portland— Miss Maude played Indoor nnd outdoor games. At ever. We keep cigars at Gnrrle returned Io Portland Sunday 6:00 o'clock watermelons and tnusk- just the right degree of after vlaltlng three weeks with her nielons were served moisture to insure best parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gorrle. Those present were: JTonald Clark. smoking condition. W e Dorothy and Randall Withers, WII Visits from Boise— Miss 1-ola John handle all of the popular fred Stephens, May. Ruth and Boyd son of Boise, Idaho left Friday after brands in a variety of t ole, Anna Machuck. Naoma ano a short vlalt with Miss Murgarct shapes, sizes and shades. Ruth I-evee. nnd Eva. Lawrence, and Gorrle. We also carry a complete l> ste r Patrick. Other vlsllora were: • ------ line of cigarettes, tobaccos Return from Skyline Trip— W. C. Mr. and Mr», O. W. Stephens. Mr. and The U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N and smokers’ supplies. Mr». Cliarle» H. Nlccolls and »on. Jun- Mclaicnn and 1-. A. Smith returned coo tains Sunday evening from a short trip for, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark. The College of Literature. Science along the Skyline (rail and on the and the A rt» with 22 departments. W O M A N 'S S T A T E M E N T W IL L Deschutes river. They W ear W ell! It is a hose which gives the maximum of wear. We have a good supply of these —you can always get them w h e n y o u w a n t them I Priced at only undera,and where lhe famt| y fam„ ,,vln(f , f0ve„ 98c Critical Cigar Smokers HELP S P R IN G F IE L D Visiting st Wathburnets Home— Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Clark of Portland •‘I haled cooking because nil I ate nre visitors al the H. A. Washburne turned sour and formed gas. I drank home this wei-k. Mr Clark Is a broth­ hot water and olive oil by the gallon. er of Mrs. Waahhurne. Nothing hilped until I took Adlerlka." Visiting from Msrtlnoz— Mr. and Unless due to deep-seated causes, Mrs. S. P. Sneed and family of Mar­ Adlerlka helps any case gns on the tines, California, nre vlaltlng this stomach In a surprisingly QUICK week al the A. R. Sneial home. Mrs. lime. It Is a wonderful remedy to use Harold Dye of Portland Is also a for constipation—It often works In visitor there. one hour und never gripes. Flanery'g Drug Store. Moves to Now Homo— Peter Nelson moved Saturday Io his new home on E ighth Grade Exam inations. tltll street near the Lincoln school re­ cently purchased from T. Cogill. Ills Tho regular eighth grade exnin'nii i former home was at 7th and M. tlona, --specially for pupil« w'ho have Stop at Hotel Hsro— Friday guesta been conditioned In the June exuml- nt lhe Spong hotel were R. N. Steph nnllon will he given In district« where ens of Myrtle Point F. 8. and K A. there are pupils to make R. on Thurs­ day and Friday, September 3 nnd 4, | Apger. and Jack Queen, nil of Wend­ llng. and HUI DeVoro of Cottage* 1926. A limited number can be ac­ comodated nt the office of lhe coun­ Grove. ty school superintendent. Applica­ Rain H aiti Game— Because of the tions for questions must be made-be­ ruin the baseball game with llio Cot­ fore August 31, 1926, or they will not tage Grove nine which the local team bo sent out. was to have played Sunday, was B. J. MOORE, called off. It will bo played off Sun­ County School Superlntcn lent. day. A 20-27. Buy» House Here— A. B. Vorls, liv­ HOP I ICKER8 IHMIKS PRINTED ing near Hayden bridge, has purchas­ ed a house anil lot on C street be­ AND IN STOCK FDR IMMEDIATE tween r»th and fllh. Allen nnd Lewis, DELIVERY AT THE SPRINGFIELD | wholesale grocers of Portland, were NEWS OFFICE. Hie former owners. Mr. Vorls moved Io his new home Saturday. The sale -was made through the Flower» Really company, • 8top at Local Hotsl—Visitors at t ie Special Prices op Spong hotel Saturday were A. L. Hlalnpled of Omnha, E. 1!. Rogers of Pianos and Phonographs Portland, Mr. and Mrn. J. W. McBride, at Vorne Pendleton and |Lorna Ham­ rick, all of Central Point, Fred Hanke M A R S H A L L 'S of Wendllng and Ray Lawrence of Roaehurg. George S. Ramey and C. Stanley Bldg. 56, 9 Ave. W. Hawk of Portland registered |8un- Investigate d»y- . . The professional schools of A rc h i­ tecture and A llied A rts — Business A dm inistration—Education—G ra d ­ uate S tu d y— J o u rn alism — Law— M e d icin e— M usic— Physical Edu­ cation— Sociology— Extension. For a catalofut or onp In for motion urnle The Aegtslror. U n iO rrn tjf o f Oregon. Eufenr. Oregon. Roundtrip Excursion Fares every day throughout the summer season. Stopover w herever and as long as you please within final return limit —October 31st. Now plan your vacation journeys to the east. Let our agents assist in fixing your itinerary. And include C A L IF O R N IA either goingor returning,orboth ways, if you choose. See it’s manifold won­ der at little, it any, additional expense. Southern Pacific Lines CARL OLSON, Agent Fone 65 m iL v “Springfield has two good Drug Stores— Trade at Home.’’ The 50th Year Opens September 2 4 .192S IC C We deliver Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Keep Cool—Phone 80 S A N IT A R Y M ARKET HOLVERSON BROS. 505 Main Street Phone 80 Let “Kodak” X “" Pictures won't let you forget those vacation memories— Let your kodak save them for the years to come— ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS Baker-Button Kodak Shop 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line 44 Printing o f the better kind” If we should say the young man above was hurrying to get a copy of the last issue of the Springfield News no one would believe us. Well—we admit that he isn't—but we do say that it is an attractive and interesting illustra­ tion which gives life to this display. It is picked at random from the Springfield News’ big advertising service—and shows the wide selection available to advertisers—no mat* ter what they want to sell. We furnish pictures, copy and advertising suggestions which help to get immediate results. We ask no extra charge. For use in printing of all kinds too—in the Sprigfleld News, on bills, letter heads, blotters, booklets, circulars, etc,, etc. etc. At Our Offioe— or— We Will Call TSe Willamette Press