.1 FAO» TWO T H E SPRING FIELD NEWS T U C Q D D I N P C ir i n a IlE i O r i \ l l ' H j r l L L D M CW Q llL V Y D Tom M urray tun»« out to be » cheap publicity seeker Instead o f a real bandit. Newspapers Published Every Thursday at should get wise to hhu. He d o n't even rate a firs t page sto ry when he has his “ necktie party. Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by • • • THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Iowa has an autom obile fo r every fo u r peo­ H. E. MAXEY. Editor ple. Too bad th e ir com crop Isn 't b e tte r this atared as second class matter February 14. IMS at tbs year. They m ight cut down this |K>or showing Bostotflce. SprtngflsM. Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In Advance.___ *1.1$ Three Months Blx M o n th s TSc Single Copy THURSDAY, AUGUST IT. 19Ï5. W ith a couple of miles o f sidew alk being built M r this sum m er we should he out o f the mud this _ sc w inter. S pringfield has b u ilt more sidew alk and ----- Improved m ore streets this year thun fo r many years. THURSDAY. AVGUST 27. 192 ■«! -f&TW MEN WHO FALL IN LO*» WCN-THeiR find our - r t t r t can ' t dictate -TbTMEM AFTCH TNET R e MARCITO/ ; o a •/> to have—selling tickets every down at Music Hall," Plenty of Warning. Little S ob : ton front re a l liraldr ■lad I "(Io slow dad Ixiok out tor a puncture down the road.” Father: "What do you mean— puncture r* Little Son "The road map hers •ays "Fork In road," nlgiu The husband cease« to talk shop when his wife lieglns to talk shop­ ping- The Jersey (Tty Elk • • • R The rhances are that Adam didn't get anything hut the core of that ap ile. The Jersey (Tty Elk. Bragging. • a • - Flral Mother: "My boy has a bel­ Or S Ralph IMppel, Dentist, Vilua ter voice than your hoy " Meroiul Mother: "W< II ho ought building. Rprlngflrld. Oregon. I 1 E ditorial Program Soon the school hells w ill be rin g in g again and vacation tim e w ill be ended. S pringfield 's pupils Maks Springfield the Industrial Center of Wee- • w ill have three school buildings th is year instead tern Oregon. o f two. And there w ill also l»e a lot more pupils II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City to go to school. T h is section is gro w in g more of Contented Hornet. rapidly than we realise. IIL Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro- S mots the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets IV. Tall the World About Oregon’s Scenic Wonder­ land. O S TEMPTING! .«trKM'vJ - Then Wa »hot Them. ''I have a box of cigars, here, old It eve ryth in g is so valid about the $175.000 i man but not a single match." bond issue Eugene passed on August IS. then ••Well—ru tell you I win lake six w hy is it necessary to have business men under­ cigars from the box and make It light­ w rite the issue? If It is a ir tig h t w hy not take a e r." chance In a court o f law — looks like there w ill C OUNTY D IVISIO N MAY BE ISSUE. . l>e a few P«°Ple who w ill have m ore term inals Mean Thing. ®*. Grove seems to be w o rk in g qu ie tly and shops than they bargained fo r before this Angry W ife:—I am going out and / , ,5 . p an B , division. Voters m ay th in g is settled. Every fellow who signs up w ill i f nd lh *s Propt’ s^ 1 on {he ballot a t next election, more than lik e ly have to dig up the cash And gel a Job and earn my own money. I will take no orders front any man." I f the Cottage Grove people are in earnest about it w ont be w o rth it. co u n ty division S pringfield w ill not be the one • • • 1 Husband—Then don’t get a aalea Job." to deny them a county In the te rrito ry now Sou-? <• J • • • » C o m m e n t th e m Lane and N orthern Douglas county. e. a 1 t o r 1 a I Dumb Dan Again. It is the suggestion o f C ottage Grove people every day ph ioso phy . Gosalp -"An,I they picked Pele up th a t S pringfield and W estern Lane also vote on Sunset m agaiine poses the question: "Are you a law c o u n ty division at the same tim e. T h e ir proposal tireakurs* Of course you ?-•> Mow could you hope to In a state nf rollnpre " Dumb P an ;—“What part of the is to split Lane county fo u r ways. Since Eugene oh<'v •h<* I» *’ pa*»ed by your city, your state, and to o k the co u n ty seat aw ay fro m Springfield, long ’rour national congress* if you should employ the most country 1» that la—you know I w a, ago. the same Way as she is now a tte m p tin g to ahle lawyer In the land to guide you he could not read never very good at geography lif t the car shops, the proposal meets w ith some h»st enough to keep informed as to the new legislation and Blond« Bess Opine« response on the part o f the pioneer inhabitants nrnltipPcity c f court decisions " • • • sin ce we can t even "An oil stock promoter called on o f th is section. hope to know what all the laws are It follows that we the boas yaaterday who was so crook must violate many of them isa y s the m agaiine 1 Charles Alexander, editor of the Albany. Oregon, nemo ed I’ll bet he has to unscrew hl» eret poet, novelist critic iterary editor, »ava the truth socks-” •» quite as Sunset has stated it. we have reached a state Ed Purdy's Phlloa. of mind where we must, bv the terms of necessity use "There modern flapfera may only our own discretion and be our own judges of what is proper and whai is wrong The fact that a thing is be frail crafts on the seas of life be­ law no longer im presses ua. • • • ''The man who craves cause I've noticed the older Ihey gel a drink and can get It." savs the m agaiine. "feels no Ihe craftier they get." moral restraint. Ten him that he is a lawbreaker and he Lot of Them That Way. will laugh and cite Instances to prove that you. too. are "IMck Dexter and his flivver Just • • • a lawbreaker." • • This |s an Indictment hard to escape Salem has completed plans fo r fin a n cin g a savs philoeorher Alexander. It Is a true Indictment, one go! hit by the express down at the second linen m ill. Thus the capital c ity has Start- Into which enters not alone the Mie pomposity of American mill crossing." ed out in earenst to develop a new in d u s try — the laws in trivial matters, but also the official lack of rec ! "Well—Dirk never was supersti­ g ro w in g o f flax. Q uite a io n tra s t the w av Salem ognition of fundamental tendencies m the individual tious. He never believed In signs.” builds her industries fro m n o th in g and the m an- which make toward bis decent treatment of his fellow Sm art Sam Saw. n e r Eugene is try in y to use in liftin g an in d u strv ...................... Hear him further: -T ake ihe traffic law "No one can tell me In this day fro m another com m unity. One is a constructive ir forty miles an hour 1* needed to make the hill right p o lic y w h ile the Other is destructive. It is too ahead on high gear, and the way Is clear and safe, ninety and age that feminism hasn’t a leg to bad S pringfield is not the next door neighbor to five per cent of drivers win «peed to forty miles or more. stand on." Salem . It Is matter of their own Judgment. • • • A regard for fundamentals Is the greatest attribute of any fundatnen- The Eugene T e rm in a l H olding com pany is tally free people, the enforcement of detailed regulations lik e ly to fin d its e lf holding the sack a fte r the is a sign of the unfree serf. sm oke o f the car shop and te rm in a l issue has -T he more laws that are passed the less effective they cleared away. There are s till obstacles in the way wm chrome." Truth la the middle ground, the nom an «• Of buying land west Of Eugene and tra d in g it fo r land where so few men ever venture Law Is good. Too Ih e S pringfield site. little law Is bad. Too much law is bad. A sensible amount oP law la Just right. • • • In America we have altogether M any a m an has missed the divorce oourt too much law. and illustrations cited are merely examples o n ly by a hair. The h a ir he brushed o ff his coat of what obtains in a dox*-n other department« of « dally before he came home. endeavor.—The Manufacturer. ® ® ® Hundreds o f cars are now passing over the M cKenie pass daily. It w ill be but a few short years when th is highw ay w ill need to be paved. One o f the demands o f the fu tu re w ill be more e a s ta n d west state roads. In a few years o u r M cKenzie w ill be frequented by as m any eastern Oregon campers as fro m the W illam ette valley, T he McKenzie highw ay w ill also be the m ain traveled autom obile road fo r eastern Oregon people going to P ortland. /ft U fi Summer m onths are tem pting months. In clin a tio n s an» to throw d ull c a r ' to Ha- winds anil bank In the m ir ­ shin o f retti am i recreation. Hut when «-hill w linla blow (hen It* realizeti the WlB- doin o f conaihtent Having regartiieaa of aeaxâtu. S um njer m outhy h I k h i I i I be the big aav'n ; m onths of the year. Expenaea are then reduced to the m inim um anti yo u r saving account should -how a health? grow th. !••«-uaiirea Yen All that are norm al anti w ell w ltn ln y o tir income. Hu' ytvur o p p o ttu n i’ y is now here to make th is a big year. If you have no Saving A ccount thia in s titu tio n w ill be glad to explain its m any advantages Commercial State Bank ’Xhoossnds^/iinwig StarCars rè Every day in. every way “Yes, sir, this old Ford actually seems to be g e ttin g b e tte r ev ery day. Since I drained the crankcase and filled up with the new Zerolene ‘F ’ for Fords, she starts quicker, has more power, an d seem s to go a little farther on a gallon of gasoline.” Zerolene “F ” for Fords gets to all the parts where oil is needed, especially th e wrist-pin bearings and the upper half o f the cylinder walls, which are frequently “ oil-starved” when an unsuitable lubricant is used. Zerolene “F ” for Fords is made by th e Standard Oil Com pany’s patented vacuum process. I t deposits a minimum o f carbon. Yet Zerolene “F ” for Fords costs not more, b u t less than most of the special Ford oils on the m arket. A Ford is an A -l transportation invest« ment. Protect your investm ent by proper lubrication. / 4 « and w i l l g et th e m p r a c t i ­ c a lly F R E E ! STAN D AR D O IL C O M PAN Y (California ) •dii*-. can e a rn y o u r S ta r C a r! Famous overnight as a big, generous, honafide offer (never before put forth by any motor car organization) —the Star Gold Certificate Save and Earn Plan is attract« ing thousands o f participants. Big, w hole-hearted re­ sponse from 100% ambitious people. Y o u A re N e x t! Join no w — paying us much actual cash as suits you! N o w here’s the first step— a n d do it n ow : G o TO Y our D ealer F or F ull D eta ils . Y o u r S tar DEALER has every rule and helpful suggestion o f this h and som e offer w aiting for you in a simple, under­ standable booklet. He will enroll you and explain the p opular, generous plan. The Plan is devised by one o f America’s master auto­ mobile executives to help those w ho have the pep and courage to help them ­ selves. Positively—youw ill be startled into action at on ce w hen you r d ealer tells you all about th is Star Gold Certificate Plan! See Y o u r D e a le r! Go n ow —don’t wait. See him for full details right away STAR GOLD CERTIFICATE SAVE AND EARN PLAN— 1 Notar T ecd f thote oil-itarved Fords” ORDS '•'U it' »I A t the New R educed Prices SPRINGFIELD GARAGE