y W 1rHE SPRINGFIELD Nl ‘ This Community Needs a First Class Hospital. OEVOTECi TO IN T K R IB T OF SP R IN G F IE L D AND TH E FARMERS OF THE W IL L A M E T T E VA LLEY i F. “The People’s Paper” C. ot O. IJbrtry 8PKINOFIKLD. LANE COUNTY, ORBOON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1925 — TWBNTY-BBCONI) YEAR SITE OFFERED FOR NEW CITYHOSPITAL W e Should Be W illing to Put Our Shoulders to the W heel and H elp this Project Across CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETS ON FRIDAY NIGHT •e v ira i Community Probleme W ill Be Discussed; Railroad Commit­ tee Report to be Made. J. S c h o fie ld Would Donate Hevnral civic problem» will be un- Three Acres on Emerald dvr gonelderallon at the regular meat- Heights for Erection of New 1.00 Eye splicing contest—open to a l l - a hundred, with 25 cent bonus if they prizes. stay throughout the season. Four or Line splicing contest—open to five thousand bales will likely be the teams of four—prizes. crop produced in this section. 10:00— Eugene L ’O. O. F. band The J. H. Seavy hop Island ranc»- concert begins at the ampitheater in wlll employ at least »00 pickers for Woodland park.. three weeks. The J. W. Seavey yard. 10:00—First tree topping exhibi- about tbree mlIeg , rom Springfleld. tlon. ■ on the McKenzie river, will employ 11:00— Program begins at amphl- about the same number of pickers, theater. Singing by audience. Proba- Both yardg bave camp|ng pIaceg for bly quartette or sollst. Address by the employeeg, and eacb w, n run a Norman F Coleman A nnouncem ents; truck back and forth tQ tQwn each by committee chairman. (day for tbe convlence of tboge who 12:00— Picnic basket dinner. Free do not vrish to stay at the yard. barbecue meat and coffee. Bring bas­ The Anderson Brothers hop yard, ket lunch or buy from stands. Tables two miles north west of Springfield, In park. near the Chase gardens, will employ 1:00-2:30— Free show In 4L hall. 250 pickers. Picking there will not "K|vallne of Ice Lands." begin until September 4. 1:00-2:00—Guided Inspection trip through Wendling Booth-Kelly mill. 2ND. ST. TO BE WORKED During the remainder of the after­ noon, a double program wilt be given ! W ITH HEAVY MACHINERY at Woodland park and at the base-j The high crown will be cut out of ball grounds. The Woodland park I Second street and the street leveled program follows: 1:30-2:30—Concert by Portland or­ In a few days In an effort to make It better to travel over. The county chestra. caterpillar tractor has been borrowed 1:00-4:30— Kindergarten In park for children aged 4-7. Two laldes In for the work aa the city machinery was to light to do any good. Street charge. Peanut hunt. Valller expects to 3:30-4:00— Fun contest for tboee Iq Commissioner park, prizes. Pop drinking contest for work both Second street and east men. Hanker throwing contest for la-1 Main with the county equipment. dies. Shoe scramble for small girls. ! The rains during the last week Bawl game— open to all Laughing ) made the street so that considerable work could be done to advantage. contest, length and variation. At the baseball .grounds the follow The grading of Tenth street from ' Main to G streets Is being carried on Ing program will be staged 1:00-2:30—# Pencil Pusharsf b a se -: rapldly' The 8treet wUl Prob« bly b® ¿-ore nlntozl ball game, Springfield-Eugene vs. completed before school opens, ak lowing a thoroughfare to the new Wendling. 2:00-2:30—Foot races for men, wo- Bratta'n school­ w a s o ffe re d fro » thia we> k for hoapt- Among question» to be oenaldered tul p u rp o s e s by F J. H chrlcld. of th e 1* 1* ,h*' » » ch ea d viaduct »a Fourth Fug. no Che-r'cal work* Mr. Hcho alreet, park and street Improvements, Held «nV* he will give the land to auy n B, j : j o „-eloc-k at the Walker DELIVERY OF MAIL AFTER TYPHOID FEVER CLAIMS From thia standpoint It means Io the chapel and Interment will bo in the CARRIER IS CHOSEN BOY IN WEST SPRINGFIELD' community the same aa an Industry, j Hill cemetery. Rev. F. I* Moire will ........... < officiate. Johnnie Gordon Wilmot, 12 years No definite date for the beginning LEGION CARD FAST SEEN M r*. McCrea was born in Ohio, the old. died yesterday In West Spring- of the city delivery service can be HERE; MANY KNOCKOUTS laughter of Lewis end Mary Higler. field following an Illness of three made until word Is received from the — — - .'the was married at the age of 14 to weeks with typhoid fever. He Is the department, and the results of the With only a minute to go. Edilte David McCrea an.l they had four cbll- eon of Walter Wilmot. recent examinations are made known. Hathaway, I4< pound Eugene fighter, dren, two gtrln and two boy» Two Funeral service» will be Sunday at The papers were sent to San Franets- knocked out Kansa» Steven* of Wend- arc living, Mr* F A Ruaael and John be graded, and from there will ling In the main bout of the Legion - It McCrea She ha» been a member 2:30 o'clock. Interment will be | n c° to • district secretary in Se- smoker Friday evening Both men 1 of the Methodist church »Ince 1884 la u rel Hill cem etiry. iley. C hilders >«' attle. who will in, turn se .il back fought throughout the six rounds, and was a teacher In Sunday school will officiate. the names of the three highest per­ keeping the aud'ence In a con»innl for five years. Her first stroke of sons. From this list the car ier and Honor Mre. Ketele. elate of excitement. paralysis was five years ago. one substitute will be chosen. Carl Marlin of Wendllng and Jack Honoring Mr». John Ketels. who "A definite date for the beginning O'Nell of Reedsport fought to a draw leaves shortly for the eaat to y lilt Little Boy Hurts Finger. of the service must be made by the iu the other six-round battle. It was The two-year-old son of Mr. and her parents, a no host picnic party departin'nt only after all the d etail/ (he first lltue that the local crowd Mrs. E. W. Christopherson had the was given at the C. O. Wilson home have been cared for,” said Postmas­ ha» »een a man that 1» little roore'nal| Bnd Up or thp thlgd flnger o , last evening. Each guest brought a ter F. B. Hamlin. Ten collectlln boxes than a match for Martin. O'Neil waa' hl« left hand »maahed off Monday picnic lunch, and an evening of in­ are being Installed thl* week In the the cleverest fighter on the card dur­ while hl» parent» were away from formal entertainment was enjoyed. residence district by B. O. Sankey. ing the evening's entertainment. their home a few mile« eaat of Spring Attending the party were Mrs. Ketel». who ha* beeB given this contract. Floyd UeFIgure of Eugene, who re­ field to pick hope. How the accident Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrlsn. Mr. and placed Kid Smith of Mapleton, won a happened Is unknown although It Is Mrs. O. H Jarrett and daughter Mar­ CHAPTER EASTERN STAR decision from Hugh Cowart, a local believed that a door »hur on the garet, Mr and Mrs Carl Olson. Dr. TO BE INSTITUTED HERE boy, after four round« of fa»t fight child'» finger, or that It was «mashed and Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Mrs. Oeorge Ing Ike Beason of Coburg, taking the under a rocking chair. A (oral phy- Hobson and daughter Dorothy, Mre. Institution of a chapter of the East- place of Young Jacobson of Eugene. »Ictnn sewed the tip back to the fin W H. Riddell. Br. and Mrs. W. J. w o n . derision from Johnnie Tomeelh ger hu, „ n()l yp, known (( (l w |„ Scott and Dorothy Jean. Mrs. Char­ ern Star lodge In Springfield will of Eugene In a four round prellml- grow buck lotte Ftckler, and Mr. and Mrs. Char­ take place Saturday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall. About twenty grand nary. | . _ les Wilson. officers will be present, and the cere- Teddy Blackwell and Kid Lewis, 5« Springfield Girl to Wed. I mony will begin at 8:00. All members and 52-pnund local youngsters fought Six Pay Fines. of the lodge are Invited to atteDd. men and children. Prizes. Marriage licenses have been Issued to n draw In a surprise curtain raiser. Six fines were collected this week Many Going to Meeting. r ||y n „ror, 1(. „ w 8n)lth for Another smoker will he staged by by the county clerk to the following ' 2:30-4:30—Championship ball game, Many Springfield members of the Several Famllie* Move Here. Slow York during the pa.t week: Lee McKinney. I Kgm„ trHfft(, vlolBtlon R M Moore, the M-glon September 4 Springfield vs. Wendling. lodge are expected to attend the an­ Several new resident have been of Bu*«ne made « ringside challenge ! Eugene, and Ona O. Mulligan, Spring. I j Snyder. K H. Williams, R. O. 2:30—Tree topping exhibition. to the winner of the Martln-ONell Held; Stanley R Summers, Olympia. Murph>. !ind C. I. Teechener were added to Springfield's population this 3:00-4:00 — Swimming contests, nual district meeting of the Rebekahs at Creswell Saturday afternoon and fight, and It not yet decided who he «"d Lucille Johnson. Eugene; John f|ned , , ',„r wtthou, week. A. C. Truax of Eugene has prizes for ten events. evening. Besides the other convention rented the E. E. Brattaln bouse on 4th III fight. -Other bouts have not yet •)- Kaufman and Amelia Rogers, both lights. 8:00-5:30—Dance in 4L hall (may and E and will move here immediately have Soble's five pece orchestra from business, a banquet will be a feature been scheduled. Eugene; William Qould urd Fran­ of the gathering. ces McDonald, both of N od; Leland H. J. Rogers of Saginaw will also Portland.) Cut Hand Seriously—A fruit Jar. Neely, and Mary Holman, both of move here to the house belonging t o ! 4:30-5:30— Supper. Auxiliary to Meet. which broke when she was canning Opens New Cleaning Works. The American Legion Auxiliary Mapleton; Gllle Warner and Marie fruit. Inflicted a deep cut In tbe left Mrs. Logan at 6th and C. F . A. Hun- 6:30-6:00— Boxing In amphitheater A new cleaning and pressing es. will meet Thursday evening at 7:10 ,,rlnk- both of Eugene; 8. R Willis hand of Mrs. Fannie Withers Wed- uston has rented the E. E. Brattaln of W’oodland park. Bud Scott vs. Kid tablishment has been opened in the o'c.lock at the home of Mrs. M. B. h-'li'h I. I.tinns. both of Eugene, negday mOrnlng. A local physician house at 9th and E streets. Powers, 150 pounds. Another match Montgomery building at 240 Main H u n d lv on H eeon d s t r e e t to ta k e u n l , "