t » aob * f ’ ” rr T U K gPKINQFlKI«D NEWS Communications To the E ditor: In your last Issue ap p ears a le tte r from Mr. R W. Sm ith » h o th in k s 4ty criticism of our traffic ordinance uti ju s t. Mr. S m 'tti cites dog and bicycle ordinances en acted when I first be cam e m ayor for what reason I do not know unless as a fu rth e r proof of my contention th at th is class of legisla tion is first to receive the a tten tio n of sm all town councils. H aving been a town official for som e fifteen y ears here and in my old hom e town and h a v n g been a p a rty to, the Lord only knows how m uch, petty legislation and dinky regulations I think J know th e breed having been one and am com petent to be beard The average tow n council seem s to be quite snre th at *'Be It en acted “ Is the sovereign rem edy and certain cure for ev ery th in g but corns and bunions and is as freely and com ­ pletely effective as was Jo sh u a's com ­ m and for th e sun to stand still, an e rro r to which they a re faithfully vreddet until titev arriv e at th e age of d iscretio n which seem s to be som e w here around the century m ark. Mr. Sm ith also m entions a certain chicken ordinance in a spirit of llv ’ty w hich u n to this day stands unlm parcd as m onum ent to our statesm anship. In this Mr. Sm ith seem s to fail to d ifferen tiate betw een en actm en ts th a t protect life an d property and tftose that do not. So far as chickens being allowed to run a t larg e is concerned th is m ight be perm itted those over a certain age but really if perm itted I th in k Mr Sm ith will agree th a t a lot of them should be required to wear m ore clothes. G etting down to b rass tack s my purpose was to call atten tio n to cer- ta 'n provis’o -s of th e presen t traffic- ordinance which I am glad Mr. Sm ith did not a tte m rt to defend. I am sincere in the belief th at th e s e ! provisions are u njust. I know th e y ! have driven business aw ay from j tow n, caused ill feeling and given ns ‘ a rep u tat'o n th at is costing us v e r y ; much m ore than we can afford. I do not know th at a C alifornia to u rist has , be«n fined w‘th:n th e last t h r « e . m onths. 1 did n o t say one had I ! en '~ repeated « h a t one said and w h eth er our rep u tatio n resu lts from p re se n t or previous folloy's I do not know. I do know th a t It Is a poor reputation to have and th at th e regulations com plained of protect of rr o te c t n eith er l i e m orals nor p ro r-e fy and ought to be repealed In ’entice to onr s«-l ■*« and other« T h i we only got $16 in a week for traffic violation« while onr n eigh­ bors tak e In SSI on a Mcndav m orn­ ing c e y e n ''"e ly o v er my head a« th “ slig h test ju s tif'e a 'lc n for »». If a th 'n g *s w ro-g, it* wrong, and if it b ro u rh ’ ns a -’ol’n r it brought in ju st th a t much unju.-.tlv No one should object to rea enable traffic reg u la­ tions Th*v nr ne«-e«=a*y and en ­ tirely justifiable hut very often a» w ith e th e r things it f* o v erh m e and th 's •« o re cf th* ills, we su ffer and Is th«- cause of resen tm e n t, and .‘li­ fe line :ainst th e tow n we can ill afford. M M PEERY BOINANCE N ',. 4S7 R n i'* 1 N C E T P IMPROVE T -x —T» o t i v ’ ct FRe-M MAIN f o n . “The M ighty .Pacific.“ ai>4 1 thought never changing n atu re |s «rely the revelation of ever lasting God. 1 h s panoram ic view Is unexcelled an.vwher. In ilia Pacific N orthw est. "If I had the whole town behind Is heated by gas. A big »team box W hat an I leal park It would m ake me. 1 could inc reus, my payroll ISO Is used to make the loavea rise In with a aenic read w inding Ita way am ong trees and flowers, and foun­ per cen t and my em ploym ent 100 per the pans. ta in s to the very top. ending at the cent." E. G. Ereae. ow ner and o p e ra ­ fool of a sta tu e of W ashington or to r o f t-he Springfield Bakery, said ENDORSES PARK PLAN Lincoln. while discuss ng th e possibilities of AND FOURTH S TR EET Eourth stre e t Is the stre e t which his shop. Mr. « E rese m akes an average of The o th er ev “t f-on- 9th « tree’ Ee«' ’o 10’h *«-»»* ; »*-,. - of *irinef'eld. Ore T hat s u 'h 'mn*ov»-*»nt r b - 'l ’■» h " grading ' «f ' n r se'd s tr-e l* w ith ct"<'b' ! reek. , Section 2 Th • cfnncii b--»hv de­ c la re r t '- - ’ ’’ i« *h n ’>-r*' *hat sncdi im fio v e tt' nt sh sll h» and ’h« sam e Is ordered at the » v -- n -« m d to be t a ’d for bv th« c w '- r « o’ “he p r o n 'r tv on ” ld r ’reet in provortioji ♦e ’h« h er.efi's d< *' •<* bv ’h ' trep - er"»“i« u ’. *toct’ -,n 3, Said im-iv-vement «-^«ti be in acco-dattce with the detailed plans and specification« to be pre- r-.-ed bv the City F f g lr e e r which ’ P p s be directed to rre p a re a r-’ file v -'fi th e '"¡tv R r»-or»|"r to g eth ­ e r w Ph “-st’m etes of cost, to be re ­ curred to - n ’ «nproved bv the C ||v C ornell, and ’he g rad 'n g p’ovb'ed t r - rh 'iP Ke ce th " grade« a n ' rievs- by fbe *ltrv«*' an,* »■ r o » , - t n b * - d rlaiiB so ppetiarfd It Is declared • • - »ore ’ >-»» ap em erg erev exists end th a t f o r th '* delav would Iw e trl, - fe«o it wa« n-e-ed that tbc o rd in an ce be given a number and ' ' o’ Zup • - t d ev o ' ’ ugpst * n R W SM ITH Record c* s»«ee» »his 17th «*- • h O C. B U S H M IN Mayor. MANY ENJOY CIVIC CLUB PICNIC AT HEIGHTS PARK A large atendan<-e of town people giving an -usy a c e tss Io the purk, alti'titled th.i picnic tin lop of Wll II is rxp»-( li'd that It will he Improved laureile H eights last Friday evening Mai y o th ers who were unable Io nt- R«v. Qoedun to P rsach lend th e picnic cam e up luter for the Itrv Mr Gordon, of Collage Grove, band concert The pirn c which wus sponsored by will give a d ia ti let ture ou lite lllltle the Civic d u b . « a s successful lit It« from the G arden of Eilen Io the judg< purpose to prom ote a friendly com- day. next Munday evening at 7:45 m unlly spltlt a n l create Interest In al the Bell theater. Its free anil Its for all the city park Many people w ere there who had never h, en upon the butte ! Every m an la olng some w here before, and the view of the M cK entle and should be Inter* sted In Ills future and W lllam eele valley« was praised hiune. come and see which place you by many T hree cur» drove to the want to go to Thia la the bent got­ ten up churl and best delivered ser very top of the bill. Adding en tertain m en t to the g a­ mon th at I have ever seen or heard thering. the Springfield ban I gave Ita vet. Its lion seclerlan. and la educa Uotisi. Come early and get a seat weekly concert a fte r the supper. A A. Anderson As soon as 4th stre e t Is o p -n e t tip. close to front “A SMOOTH SEA —Never M ade a Good Sailor These M erchants Cooperating with Ladies Civic Club The«« Merchant* Cooperating With lotdiea Civic Club NOVELTY STORE G. H. TURNER. Prop, Novelties of Note Perfection THE FARMERS EXCHANGE B read “The Storti of Springfield'' SPRINGFIELD BAKERY G. A. Frese Phone Us Your Orders for Cakes and Pastry HUNTLY DELICATESSEN GOOD PLUMBING IS ALWAYS T IIE CHEAPEST HOME BAKED GOODS LONG & CROSS ROCKS A H E A D !!'’— is the cry fro m the lookout w hich never fails to get the im m ediate a ttention of th e captain— and every soul cn board. Swarts & Washburne Honev D»-.v Hams and B acon' Wholer-ate anu Retail bit. sa 'li U 'N l ' l IE O N C T T E p- _______________________________ Life itself i> at stake— and every hand stands ready to do its It is organized co-operation— and it usually b ’ ings t ie c i f t sa*e'y past the dangers— w hether it be rocks or storm . good sailors— else they w ould perish. Such trial® M AKE C ontinual sm ooth and rockle.s WHITE F R O N T ■ GROCERY We itooMt fo r S p rin g fii Id seas are not in the scheme of things in life. In battles w iih the sea— it is the hum an fa c to r w h :ch decides the issue— the courage and wisdom of the captain; the faithfulne ss of the crew ; and a prom ptness in execution the m om ent danger is know n. • •- STREET NORTH TO NORTH O F»-»- -.-l North C Street f-am 9"h T H U R SD AY, AUGUST 20, U>2S EGGIMANN’S For Quality Wa m ig h t do w ell, rig h t here in S pringfield to learn a lesson fro m these facts. In regard to our to w n 's g ro w th and development there are "R ocks Holv erson Bros A 1-nil U n e o f Mt-utH. H E D ELIVER Y. A h ead!!" w hich call fo r the co-operation, p rom pt action and lo ya lty of every citizen. The lu rk in g danger is in our fa ilu re to understand th a t wo dividuals have appointed tasks to perform . McMURRAY’S GROCERY a® in ­ If we are to pass along a better S pringfield to our children— and our children's children, then each one of us m ust act now. It is a sim pR d«ilyJm trely being loyal to S pring- fie ld ; p a tronizing home merchant." and home Industries; keeping our HALL’S CASH STORE M en’® W -:ii Shoe« money in c ircu la tio n in S pringfield ; building better homes in S pringfield ; Springfield Creamery and having vision enough to know th a t it w ill all corno back to us in the way o f better jobs— m ore pay— and an increased value of our properties. VVe. tluglioufle I.ainpH mid Appliances ROSEBUD BUTTER Phone 48 Wright & Son THE HOME OE FURNITURE HENDERER ELECTRIC SUPPLY of Springfield THE MODE AlINJnery, Ungerle, Art Supplies, IlemBtltchliig “ TRY SPRINGFIELD MERCHANTS FIRST” Let's Keep at Home the $600,000 Expended Yearly Out of Town