» THURSDAY, AUOUBT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 20. 1925 S ee our line of visit ng card», The Booth-Kelly Lum ber company paneled, or plain, a t the News office 8us announced that Ita tw o mill» one I'o K KALE—Caronit puper In large tt Springfield and the other at W end­ sh eets, 26x39 incite«, suitable f o r ! • « II w hat you w ant to M il. buy w hat you w ant to buy thro '»"aa ing, would return« tb,-lr six-day week, \\!? 6 S T l i NG A l r f 'r s o a making tracings. The N ews Office c o lu m n * W rit« or phono T W O running Saturday a fter having been P o P u L A fi a n y im o o e — operating hut five day» a week for a NOTICE TO t.R L D IiG K -f S u e s s PEOPLE u k e N otice la hereby given th a t th? Money It. loan on desirable c'ty I Ml i i w ir« wheel -i •. - Brief resume of Happenings of num ber of month». T h e s e N ÊW -PA N 4LE D undersigned ha» been apno'nted by! Tito aetnl annual report of Tillamook property Monthly payr.p-iris, 36 to Leave nt New« office. K »*utd. DANCES B E T T E R ,------- the Week Collected for •ho C ounty C ourt of Lane C o u n ty ,, county clerk June So show» the coun- f regon. a* ex ecutor of the la :tt• 96 month». A 20. |y to b - In b e tte r financial c e n t Won will and testam en t of Dora C, Gray,, Gur Readers. EMERY INKI'RANCJfi AO3.NCY than f, r «overal year». In th e la.tt deceased. W. i Itoti« ««7 W ANI FIL­ Itn «»making w anted at 37 • h Av All persons having claim s against IP y home, 403 G at reet. Itoth plain F lro Io»»«» In Oregon, ex 'lti'ilve of «lx month» the total bond an d w ar­ »aid cxU'te aro h e'o b y notified to | Fogno«. Ora. II anil fan-y < owing. .Mr» II E l.eplry. P ortland, durivk July aggri g st-d $921,- ra n t la-1 Itfedneaa of Tillam ook coun­ presen: th e sam e duly verified to the i VI.E Y-Iltiw I'nnnry, good ill 13 20 27 ty haa i -n redu • si by 3189,000. undersigned ex ecu to r at the law 030. ■ ln«> i .M.iiw-l Kir »hon, 17th Ht U matilla county was m ad'; defend­ off t ea of W illiam» & Bean, 86d n ear >{ a new school building and cottage Didn't He Know firs t publication of this notice The R esidence and Post Office Address SUMMONS j W allace Island, In th e Colum bia river, it the W om an's C hristian T em perance dale of the tlrst publication of this E og-ne. Oregon P assen g er (as th e train sto p s)—» notice I» July 3ii. 1925 J »16 23-SO A. «13 *0. i while on the way front A atorla to b it Union farm home n ear C orvallis. The IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E W hat's the m a tte r conductor? STATE OF OREGON FOR JO HN M WILLIAMS. j 'tome In C lutakanle. He was In a boat tchool stru ctu re will coat approximate- C onductor—H ot box. LANE COUNTY Administrator. | I ly 345.000, of which 335.000 was ap- and fell overboard. P as» erg er—The la s t berth at the. Ida M arie T r tt. P laintiff W illiam» A B ran I troprlated by the state. The cost of vs. The p ear h arvesting, packing and end of the ear on th e left side, sir. A ttorney» for E state Phone 146 W Phone 125-M I he cottage is 314.952. S. H. T ritt. D efendant, Jl 30, A 6 13 20 27. shipping aesRon 1» now In full activ­ I slept In it last night. Ground was broken In Salem Mon- To S. H TRITT, The above nam ed B R IG G S £ D O T Y ity In th e Hogue riv er valley. More defen d an t: lay for the plant of the W estern T elephone»: Office 613 Rea. 2078 CEMENT CONTRACTORS than 200 car» have been sen t out to Old, Old Story IN T H E NAME OF T H E S T A T E 1 ! Paper C onverting company, which Is Springfield, Ore. the eastern m arket». OF OREGON- Yon a re hereby sum ‘T here was a m an asse ->1 by the a : T R »T The Loop D. V^/. R oof » 4 PAGE SEVEN SPRiNGFIELO GRAVEL CO, M