TH U R SD AY. AUGUST 20. 1925 In Confidence In from Thurston— Mrs lia r hara TE N C O M M AN D M EN TS OF | F a c t Cut by L im b - A falling tr< lim b cut a large gash In the lower Stoddard » aa In town T uesday from T H E M A IL ORDER HOUSE Up of Ja c k 1*011 of Fall Creek Mon T hurston. Discover« New W onder o f the Sea 1. You »hall s ill your farm pro­ day. •lo re O perator lit—lls-i» Hklnner. duce for cash, w here you can. for we operator of the dance pavllllon and buy nothing from you. Leaves tor N ebraska— Mr« Jam e» store at (he llunw ’ii auto park, la III W h a t Makss for Psrsonal P o p u la rity f 3. You shall believe tn ua. and M cIntosh left Tu>” lay for Newburg, at the park beat because we do not know you w here ahe will visit a son. after which Dear Miss F lo :—P srhapa to you j personally. atie will retu rn io her home n Hchuv Ooab to P ortland— W. II Adrian my problem will »»em like the silly 3. You »hall »end your money to ler. N ebraska. While here Mr» Me left W ednesday m orn'ng for I’orltom l trouble» of a baehful girl. To me. ua In advance, ao we can buy the Inloah visited her son, Alec M for a short bualneaa trip Ho »III though It 1» th e g reatest trouble In the good* from th e factory with your and her brs’thwr. M M I'eery. world. I am nin eteen year» old—and re tu rn Ihl» evening m oney; you may have to wall a few p ractically w ithout friends. I meet weeka but th ia to our bualneaa m any people, but for some reason | method. can h a re no g 'ft for conversation, and 4 You shall get help from your when I am tn a crowd. I am strlk en nearest city or village to build good dumb. I have been told th at It Is roads, »o you may e a a ’ly haul our only self-consciousness If thia is so. goods from the depot, but do not ask The regular fall term at the Eugene Bualneaa College how can I overcome It? How can t help from u t— we don't help to bull I begins on the above date. , open an Interest ng conversation? I good road«. Other enrollment datea are Septem ber 8. 14. 21. am so lonely and crave cotnpaionshlp 6. You may buy church bells and All Inquiries for Informal ion promptly answered. Madge. a lta r uten sils from ua. and send the • • • money In advance—th a t's our rule. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE W hat is the m eaning of self-con­ A. E. Roberta, President d. You ahalt get all the help you sciousness. Madge* Is It th at you can from the bualneaa men of your a re so conscious of yourself th at you Phone 666 992 Willamette St. Eugene. Ore. neighborhood; although we may have m ake a wall around yourself and m ore prollt from you than they have leave yourself hungry and alone and It la against o u r rules to give to your d esperate? No, Madge. I do n 't think chnrche*. yours a little trouble. Your problem 7 You »hall convert your n Ig'i- is one in which we are all Interested. bora alao to your faith In ua. for we W e all know th e lonel’ness shyness have room for m ore money. a t J hunger for power and charm . We 8. You shall look at t h e ’pretty pic- all w ant folks to like us and depend p.trea In our catalog a» often a» you Bv ARTHUR BRISBANE upon us. W e all w ant pow er over can. »o as to stre n g th e n your desire th eir sp irits—and the only way those Mr. Beebe, back from scientific travels and deep sea 6Xph>l»l- | or y> u do not need, but * b ‘> “r '«•' i>u«i’ ••„» men. for we a re unpopular and some of the hom- want your trn W e g e t to hr mil liest have many friends. It isn't be­ lights, and vice versa. llannlres on your support Don't b- Certain fishes < t.rrv and control colonies of light-giving ba-- , cause they are clever and witty, be­ cause the very w itty peopre are often teria within their own bodies. These they can cover up ut will. foil nhall call on th e bualneaa detested for th e ir b rillan cy . It isn 't with a contrivance like an evelid or curtain, m iking signals from l 10 Y fish to fish possible and shutting off light in tlight from enemies, j peot to of your vicinity for h.-ip and because cf th eir fine clothes, because r • • • i credit If you m eet with hard luck or m any a shabby boy o r girl leads the Mr. Beebe’s discoveries, and those of his assistants, will slcknt-»« It'» your money we wnnt; crowd. It's Just a knack they have of we don't know you unless your order.» m aking life seem br g h ter and more deeply interest those that deny evolution with its gradual changes are accoropan ed by ca*h and adapations. and believe all fish and all their colonies of colorful for o th ers th at m akes them Heed the»- few word», th ere 1» a« popular. H um an n atu re ks self. light-giving bacteria were created at the sam e hour. Ma ge. ft w ants am usem ent, inspira­ The “ Hplobates.” sea-going insects, described by Dr. B eebe.1 M, there i» for the farmer tion. of com fort, so It seeks out the walk along the surface of the ocean so lightly that their fee’ » rd tow nsm an. Much loo often the p-cple who can give it those things. do not get wet. upheld by "the tension of the w ater.” They lay m erchant ta k .a advantage of Study th e popular people and you , etr on the feathers o f sea g u ll w ings and. liv in g and dying whoPaaie connection« and order» will find th at th is is true. They are at sea. Halobates cannot endure direct contact with w ater. One good, tor h im .eif and fam ily that he sought for som ething they have to ' - idee not carry In slock an I are far give------som etim es it to ju st sympa drop on their backs causes death. from hl» line. eW sugge-t a» a slo­ t t i e t c atten tio n —som etim es it is a gan for C lerm ont, the following: ’’Try sp irit th a t stirs th e ir own blood and The Amphloxus. will cheer the anti-evolutionist, m omen­ the home »tore» first.“ T his m eans m akes life sc?m m ore of a lark. tarily. for. according to e ience. he is now exactly as he was f islness men and all. The lncren«»d W hen you cannot offer people any­ 50,000,000 years ago No change since then, but of course that sales will more than pay for the thin s. yog dr ve them away from you. m akes the world more than 6000 years old. j t m ine» saved by »ending aw ay fot ( Give people your a tte n t'c n . They ¡your dally needs. Thl« applies to the w ant you to th in k about them . And lipnr Sta- m erch a-d lae of the print »hop a« well Besides evolutionists in their theories use even if you a re filling your mind witn They say his faintly outlined backbone a» to o th er lines. thoughts of yourself you can 't be fill tionarv Amphloxus. Sell Clerm ont to C lerm ont. — The is the ancestor of every backbone on the globe, w hether of fish, ing vour m ird with though’» of o thers Clerm ont I lew» I E nterprise I ’um an ingenuity has never been reptile, bird or animal. aide to inv- nt “canned" talk th at has i„ fa * M nptttan» Hvtag w ith hte tall, b >rted »« ' " anv pep to It. The real th in g m ust and ta k in g ’everything that floats into his m outh, is alleged to spring fr-ta ’he lime, t t e place an 1 be the direct ancestor of man. the person. Cf course, th e gift of That Is a dreadful thought, although there ar? hum s" beings g ib is a talent th a t com es by n ature Some p e o ,' a re b o .n with It But calili Pg themselves "aristocratic" that live v -y m m h in the Am-, «ng s’vl" or at least with as little eff-rt, and with as little ( those who lack th is ta le n t nesd not phlextis style backbone. mourn In d mb despair. Begin to think of life as a silver HOI’ c ’F E R S r ■ acreen and the people yon me«t as BOXING AND WRESTLING v AND IN SfT’K K FOR IMMEDIATE * * * ' - ' * - • acto r-. Fay to o’hers the th iag s you AT THE SPRINGFIELD ON LABOR DAY PROGRAM delivery at w o n " like to h at said to you You _____ NEWS OFFICE. like people to show an in terest in you A dditl'.nal plan- for th e Labor Day j and -o u r affairs. Yon I ke ’hem to rem em ber if they have m et you be­ celebration a t W endiing were m AND GUARANTEED REPAIRING F A LL WOOLENS fore. If you have a talen t, you like by the Loyal Legion ot Loggers and ‘ to have it complin n ’ed If you have L um berir.-n com m ittee at a m eeting! ARE NOW ON BRING US YOUR AUTOMOBILE TROUBLES. d n -e hem any kindness yon like to a t W e n d in g Monday evening 1 DISPLAY C?ve t mentioned. And o th er people com m ittee to composed of Eugene. An added are J like you in that respect Springfield and W endl ng m em bers Charm You d-in't like people who brag to of th e organization. We are showing now the you. you get tired of listening to most exclusive patterns Two m ore events have be n added o th er people's trouble and ay of th eir and designs in a great It Stays On to th e list of woodsmen contests. fam Iv affairs, you don’t like people variety. Place our order They will be th e eye splice and th e who araue and who are opinionated Jonteel Eace Powder with the now for Septem ber or and who lay down the law about ev­ line splice, and prize» will be m ade new cold cream base blends eryth ng. T herefor . pot the -oft ped- for the w inner of each. S everal box­ October delivery. with the complexion perfectly ing m atches are being a rra n g e !, and alal on your own achievem en's and a w restling m atch betw een Raion and Is so soft and clinging that b«- mum about your sorrows If you We would appreciate Hand of C cttage Grove a n i R. W you wili like it. Let uh show you want to be In terestin g as a talker. having your order now so C esile of W erd lln g w II be featured. your favorite Hlu.d . Above nil, never be sarcastic. Nev­ Virgil Jo n es and Rudolph L lttr-ll o ' For Ladies and Men at Latest Prices th a t we m ay keep our er say th ng" that stab or hu rt Never W endiing will also w restle. tailors busy. hob’ peon’ up to ridicule. Anybody We have a large assortm ent of shoes In the seasons beat can be funny nt somebody else'g ex­ It freehtnentJ s and.« will b« built styles. Our prices are win h th at you cannot afford to buy pen: e, and ridicule rerjul-'-» the least In th<- park Im m ediately, the com m it­ shoes until you look over the m any attractive bargains we brain« of all. In a word, follow the tee reports. Two band« will be hired, have to offer. golden ru le In conversation. Then, and will provide m us'e durin g the suddenly, before you know It. you e n tire celebration. Rain Insurance 771», t>rut Jfort LADIES SHOES w~.ll la v e f o r g tte n about yourself has been taken out by the n u n to and your P a r s and you will have be­ Insure ag ain st loss In case of bad Springfield Oregon Ladies’ Low Shoes, a good buy ................................... $2.85 come a -a - t of the g r a t play. Phone 250 36 West 8th w eather. laid. ph ’ snoes, (latent leather, tie, (an trim m ed 4.95 By Flo Monday, August 31 WHY PUT IT OFF Now is the time to put your Roofing on. Wet weather will soon be here. Roll Roofing $1.50 to $3.50 Mineral Surface Roofing, $2.75 and $3.25 Mineral S u rface S h in g le s, $6 50 Sq. Felt Pap?r, $2.40 and $3.00 roll Black Asphalt Sheating, 85c and $1.60 roll Wright & Son It Blends Perfectly JONTEEI. COLD CREAM 1 1XTKn F A C E PO W DER Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Company Gas Oil Acessories SH O ES FLANERY’S Drug Store FOR SALE I am moving to Portland and want to sell my equity in house and two lots on 9th and B sts.; house has four rooms and bath, plastered and good fireplace; and 7-roorii house and approxim ately one acre on East Main St., about four blocks rrom c ar line, house No. 1285; also one acre with b.trn about 2l/j miles east of town- All of Springfield, Ore. Prices are less than reasonable Phil A. Johnson Box 412, Springfield, Ore. laidie** Tan Shoes, tie, medium heel, a nice shoe Black Satin Shoes, kid trimm ed, low hgel Patent Vamp, tan quarters, buckle and low heels, a i in" looker . . . . Black Kid, on<‘ strap, lattice combination last ........... W H E N T H E CO VE R 3.95 4.50 4.50 5.85 IS R A I8E0 from a can of our Ice cream , »hat delicious refresh m en t or desat-rl will be found firm a n l hard. We pack each can In a fa ll or tub of Ice, th u s ln«urlng the keeping-of the cream f trder Home for your next dinner par­ ty or dance. EGGIMANN’S MEN’S SHOES Men’s work shoes, special all leather outing $1.98 Work Shoes, paracord sole and heel .... 3.85 Munson Army Last, you know the arm y shoe 4.50 O-So-Snug Arch Support Shoes, specially constructed for people with weak arches ......... 6.98 C. J. Brier Co. Corner 6th and Willamette Eugene, Ore-