• Tl l l ’RHDAY. AUGUST 20. I »26 Community News ■y Special Corraaeundants • • T IM E AND PLACE OF LOCAL M EETIN G S • • • • • • • • • • C anary F lrat Sunday ami Third B ulurday, F arm er» Union Hall. C loverdale—Second ami Fo irth Friday». ( lovoidaln School llouau. Creawell- F lrat olid T hird Tuea- «I , t, I 'utaw cll. M. W. of A. Hall. Coaat Fork Second and F ourth T buraduya, F a rts Union Hall. b a n e b o “-F lrat Tueaday, Dane bo Schoo) llouae. b u re a u — Second and Fouth Tutnt- duya, D orana Chum h. 11 ltd loy v 111» — F lrat and T hird T h u raJay a, IfadteyvIUa School. lle c u ta - F lrat Sunday of each m outh, H n eats School llouae. J a a p e r - Second and F ourth W«'l- noeday», W. O. W. Hall, Jasp er. L o ran e—Second and F ourth W ndneaJaya. I. 0 . (). F. Hall. M cKenzie local, aecond and fourth W ednesday, g p. m. I. O. 0 . F. hall. W altervllle. Mt. V ernon—F lia t and T hird W ednesday. Ilraafleld Store. Silk c re e k Meet» F lrat and Third T h u rsd ay at C edar School House S|>«ncer C reek—T hird Friday, Pine d ro v e School Hott»e. T re n t—Second and F ourth Wed- nesdaya. P leaaan t Hill High School - Bldg. Vida—Second and F ourth Ratur day» a t Mlnney Hall. S ecretaries will plea«e »end In tim e und place of m eeting and change« of jfate aa Hiey aiay oc­ cur. fcrew a have finlatu d for thia aeaaon. Mr», Rohley from Tucoma la vlalt- lug In r aou. Paul R ohley-anil family. Moat every m em ber of W illiam Mi« I - 1*. C h an llcr'a (lnuahtar. Romll'a fam ily a re III. Mi». H erring Mi »' i i i ’ti c u m North B< n I 1c visit- ton la helping them Inc h i niuihar m t'ohurg. The lit lien of III«' neighborhood gave 0«' . »:»■ Hili I h i <>iii tin iii'iu l p i i k i l l ä Mr» Art b Hbough a >»how« r al her h a « u v hop thii August 17, home Wodileadny afternoon. • Mi L><- K'nllh and h r r la her, Ml*. Mr«. Mario S p ire » from Eug« n« \\ III,m t'u ik I ? ro llin | li., n ii •p en t Tueail.iy night with h er uupt • • trip to t'ru tu i Jatko uiiil K lamath Mr» Fred tlrav • Kalla. Mr». A lh rrta W m n e 1» elite Io r e ­ Til It»' I'lioil hoit-«’ that hml I ’m tu rn Io h er Ii >me h re a fte r under • roof hum eil oil la bring built over going a very «evore v p i - . ’loa it • • n< w. P aelf'c ('h rlatlu n hoapltal »time I line • Mr» D rury la having hor houao ro- ago. • ahlugtrd. Roca Mathew« and aon, Auatin, • Mr I n i v r b u i . lit«, freight agent. la from O akridge w re In our neighbor • puling a new roof on lila hnuao. ho«, Monday. T hey are going to run II, It H'ltivrnc. Hi« binrkntnilh for a »tore at Janie» Bi-uvey'a hop yard • • fho h •' railroad «awinlll nt Oak • r ''go h«» r» in illy opvnod up a again thia y< ar. Several different fam lllea from our • tilai kotnlili chop at t'ohurg. Mr. Krgb»t new home bull! by II neighborhood are planning on going • • W ag, or, one m llr couth of Coburg la In tho hnpyard. | • the n lreC on Hit* highway. • The farm ers are hauling th eir mint , | • Io the Coburg t annery to be e x tra c t- j • e tl. UPPER W IL L A M E T T E j • John Thoma«. Ril year» of eg**, hac ! • h e m very III with tin. buratlng of a vein In hlc head, lie Ic on the way Mr and Mr«, H erm an Kntitvon who to re« over* »lew ' , traded th e ir tro p e rty laid aprlng for COHURG NEWS n ranch at Creawell were at I’lcaaanl ( Hill Tueaday. Mr» Knut»k al Mercy hoapltalln Eugene for th " w inter and Ml»« Hilda la w orking at the e n fe l'r!a Mr anil Mr». C u rt’s Price from No at the can n ery In Eugene S h e e x p e c t - tl m otored to T hurcton W o iln eilav to atten d the Eugene high achool rh|» Mr ami Mr» Park» from near Ha- w inter. MV Knutnon t« building a b in called on friend» here laat Wetb house on th eir ranch at Creaw»ll M»c. It J English an I d au g h ter n« »day Mr.» I’crk wu« form erly Ml»« M argaret a re picking hop» at Seat Cleora Child» nnd re d d e d here. Mr. nnd Mr». D O. Ilaugh and Mr» , ey'a hopvard. Mr. and Mr« Hyde and Mr. and Itny Ilaugh moto-cd to Junction City T hurcday nnd »in nt th e day with Mr. Mr«. K II T in k er and two children and Mr» Janie» C alvert. T i e r cele­ retu rn ed from a few duya stay at b rated Mr. C alvert'« an d Mr». Baugh*» N ewport Bunday night. Auguat IB Ac Rev Ibtvld Eugene Cleon who b irthdays. Mica llecrcm a and Mr» Herrington w»a to have g'vt n the aerroon at th • »pent the l a l lt r p art of ln»t week on Flrat C hristian church Sunday wn» not preaent the congregation «a: g an oullng In Ihmght» county. Mr and Mr» Ray Ilaugh and fam aeverat aonga and waa dlamloaed. Ml«» Bertha Manning left P leasant lly vlalted at Marvin Jut kaon home In I HUI laat week and will m ake her Eugene lu»t Bunday. John P rice »nd Arch Slough motor. ! home at Springfield in th e future B lackberry picking ha« become e«l to McKenzie bridge lu«l Sunday Clifford Goaaler and Ml»»ea Mar popular nt Pleaannt Hill T aylor Arrh «»ret anil Maude Ruaaell »pent Bun­ bee'de picking hla own tvOtih ha« rented the Bert B eaver patith. day up the McKenale, C. F Hyde ha« flnlahed drilling a Iziren Rdmlaton and Mr« Roca Baughm an from Kuenn »pent Bunday well at hla ranch nt Pleasant Hill. Mr and Mr». Bert W John, who In Tburatpn. H arvey and John Conley and Win- ha« been living on the Cnopaf ran ch nlford and H arry Endlcotl motored plan to move thia fall Into a house at to Bend laat S aturday re tu rn in g 'B u n ­ T ren t w here Ml«« Cora ha« a poaltlon leacBiIng In th e T ren t public achool. day. Mr». M yrtle Flem 'ng. a form er real Ray Never» and Mr and Mra. John Kdmlatnn and aon. Jam »» attended dent of Pleaaant HUI who ha» been a show In Eugene Monday evening living the pant tw o year» at Newport, Picking evergreen black herrlea 1» expect» to re tu rn to Eugene thia fall the moat common em ploym ent at pre- Ml»» Ixiulae w ae operated on Wed needay at th e hoapltal at Toledo and aent. Both of fhe thrashing machine h««l her tonaila removed. Y -81 SPECIALS PAGE PIVI THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IN t l i E COUNTY C o t H I O F ID E O . . . I Z o» oioeO r» ,R T i l e I ok LA», L IN T H E M A ttE r t C r l i l t , ULAKO fc h o ' o r M L itN IT., L L ltijw tt » M ) J i a N I i o t,I IL E K , Minors. CI(lOi.ll b.!»i 11 NO 'I IMS. Hftd PLuaCE 'I tali iiutller coming ou to be L eard upon the petition <>. Abe guardian lor uutboiity to aell the re a l eeutle of th e »am wurda ue»< ribed tn said pe­ lit «m, And it uppcarlng to the C ourt from »utu | .-tiiiou th at It la ncceaaa>iy and would be henetlclul to tn*. w a r.» th at nil of «aid real re la te be »old, th ere­ fore, IT IS ORDERED, ADJ I DU ED AND D«CREED; T hai the next of kin of tOe sakl ; ward» above named and all pei»on«| It.ter»«led In U m - e*inte app.-ar be-* fore thia Court on the IC h day of Eeplem ber, lhi.6, a t 10 O'clock In th e | forenoon of a a ’d day, at Hie Conn- ■y Court room In arid Court House in Eugene. Oregon, and ghow eau»e. If any they have, why the guar ilan of »aid wr.rda should not be llcenetd, uu F t or zed and d irected to r.'-l! t h e 1 real i -tale of the »aid wurda dea- ' erthod a« follows, to-wlt: All of Lot« One, Two, T hree and ' Four and the Ea«t one-half of Lot i Five In Block 110. Wnwhbnrne’» «ub- <1 Ivin on of the Springfield Investm ent i nnd Power com pany’» addition to Springfield, lam e County, Oregon, a» i I rovlded by law S p rln g feid . lam e County, Oregon; It I» fu rth er ordered th at thia order ; be p u b lh h ’d at least th ree succeuaive weol - In the Springfield New . a new spaper publlubed and circulated | In letun County, Oregon, aa provided by lav/. J.'at ■! at Eugene, Ori gon, thia 19, ’ • t Augual. 1 D 19'*' C. P. BARNARD. C ounty Ju d re. A 27-27 S 3-10 A n Unusually Good Value, made possi­ ble by a Very Large Purclwse for all our stores, therefore the Very Low Price o f— 59c W ell-m ad e, standard- aba Work Shirts, of In d ig o -B 'u e Chambrajr, full-length aleevet, one pocket and four-button front. Made by highly-skilled, well-paid workmen, free as the air of America. The Best Work Shirt Value« we have ever orfered at such a low price. H OP PICKERS HOOKS PRIN TED Tin- extrem ely dry w eather «’nee /’ N it IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT T H E SPRIN GFIELD Jurt" 1. to g eth er with »prlng fro«t jiujurv a n l the dam age of laat w inter NEW S OFFICE I have eoi.alderably reduced the fruit 'production of Oregon, and because of llu lle r w rappers printed according | th e ccrtallm cnt prices a re gojd and to regulation« w lih nam e, wx»gbt ¡grower- are expecting fair return« and uddre««, *1.25 a hundred a t th,; J m i 'n system atically. New» office. Money Should Grow--Not Go It Isn ft Being Done! Wed. Aug. 26 Gone are the days when check-suited sharpers peddle gold bricks—as gold bricks—at bargain prices. Today these sharpers operate along new­ er and more subtle lines. When you are asked to buy stock—make invest­ ment or “take a flyer” in some endeavor. If you have bank connections—and will go to your bank­ er, he will quickly tell you whether the project is worthy or not. Many have learned the art of saving. Few have learned how to protect those savings. This bank specializes in service to its patrons which is aimed to safeguard savings at every turn. We make no charge for such service. It's very discouraging to work hard and see your earnings all go without anything to show for them, Isn't It? Your money will GROW and not GO If you open an account here at the First National and deposit all of your income-drawing out just what is needed for ac* tual expenses. Try it and you will see the truth of this statement. T h e First National Bank OF EUGENE GLADYS DELMAR AND BOYS — In a— Syncopated Sextette ROY— VALEY— ESTHER ’’The Act Beautiful" An Artistic Dlvertissment of Music, Song and Dance r First National Bank BILLY K N IG H T'S ROOSTERS “ Fowl Play' A Distinctive and Exclusive Novelty SPRINGFIELD. OREGON GEORGE A. MACK — In— "Somewhat Difforent LING & LONG An Gnusal OAmedv Other Feat-res Too Printed Silks and Cotton Crepes, regular 98c to $1.25 values, 49c the yd. Less than one half price. HOP PICKERS 'O ^eSh. «als Ruffled Curtains, $2.19 the pair Curtains of fine dotted grendine, white with rose, bine, golden, or white dots. 2>/2 yd. lengths. All with machine tie backs. — ........... Voiles, 25c the yard Regular values to 89c yd. Final cJearaway of all fancy voiles, floral prints, etc. • Printed Georgettes, $1.93 Muny beautiful pattern to select from. To clean up on Scarfs, values to $4.00, special $1.75. Men's Linen Collars, to close out ’¿C each, sizes 14 to 10’ 2 Shantung dress, very special ..................................... $1.98 18-in pure Linen Towllng, regular 35c value .......... 29c yd. 36-inch Khaki Cloth, regular 50o value, special 39c No. 220 Blue denim, special ............................. 33 1-3c yd. BEARD’S Eugene WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF i’RLSll GROCER­ IES ANO HOME VEGETABLES, LUNCH GOODS, ETC. Hop picking days are here bringing with them the usual demand for supplies in a hurry. You will find them here and find Us hustHug to get them out to you. Make our store your headquarters for your hop picking needs. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN PHONE PHONE WHITE Fi OUR MEAT IS THE BEST z that can be had. We slaughter only young, well fattened animals. Consequently we have on our blocks fine juicy steaks, delicious and tender. Our roasts are the kind that can be eaten and enjoyed. It’s Economy to Buy From Us INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Springfield, Oregon Phone 63