f THURSDAY. AUGUST 2«. 1925 T H E SPR IN G FIE LD NEW S PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANK COUNTV UNIT ivO. id CANARY LOCAL • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • Local R eporters J. L N orthup C an ary _. __ Ray Bower C en tral ____ Mrs. L. J. G. tc h d l C loverdale Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbe. k Mrs. M A Horn CreswuU Mrs. Ada Jennings IX oena ™... .......... Mrs. H B aker H ceeta Mrs. M Gillespie H adleyvillel Mrs G race Jon s Jasper — Mrs C M F oster L o r a n e ___ H arry C. Jackson M cKenate .. Mt. V ernon Mrs V A Reynolds Silk C reek ............. llu lah -S iu ith E. 11 T in k er T r e n t ____ V id a ______ „ . Mrs. W. E. P o st • Fairs Will Bring Farm to 25 Million People in 1925 O FFICERS OF LAN» COUNTV FA RM kR’S UNION McKENZIE LOCAL River lo, al hei I Th, McK Ralph Laird. Creswell, P resident. T he m eeting at the F arm er- Union Ule n o g W, dm a,lay Will W heeler, Trent. Vice Presi I.o g n ty fair is th- cppnrtunity It of hall was well atten d ed E. K- Mor­ Tl|l- w a * R good night. Au.-uit I' dent, Approaching Lane County F a ir Sym ris n gave an in te re -tin g speech on attended, t-4 ht m o 'tin g and well |t >•» t..ó tu rn ici to com pare hla own Betty K appsul, C ottage Grove, to ltesi ot R em arkable Growth of co o p erativ e buying. A com m ittee w as all ho ng pre-ent ! work with th at cf his helg'ib t*s and ere.-Tree«. E xhibits In the U n,ted Statua- appointed to see w hat could be done ■o inspires In luut n h ealthy am bi A fter a K “di h ’l'1 «•( dl»‘ usslnn It N. A. He n, C ottage Grove, floor Wong th at line. «a» lieeldrd upon t > bolli a con, 111,11 K eeper t9'*S, two th o u - i1« “ " «•• Inipto»' hiin’ il f s t d h - work In ISIS. one fair; Ip A goodly num ber of the F irrle lly fair al W alti-rvllle. « ,sioim ltlen W ithin easy dis H. C. Jick eo n , W altervllle, Con­ ¡•»rates Mr Guard sand fairs. C reek p iople attended the m eeting U» can exam ine »«« ai PollitVd wlili C. w All u us ductor. flv,. ! t.lltl o of his 1.' I’ lu 1810; an a lt u t Iaace of about The ladies of the gnth ring served tb a lrm a n lo mah,» arrangem ent*, all O. L. C lem ent, Chaplain. the best anim als, grains, fruit and th o u s a n i; in 1925 an estim ale! at- bountiful d lu n er th a t w as enjoyed . . . . . . . vi,„ i ! n g ‘tai’ll », p o u b rj unii honey and de a ie urgi-d lo a»»ì*t In mak ng our [ten d an ce of approxitna.ety twenty - . . . . . . . . . by all. flret com m unity fair a succqas. An­ j term ino w here Io ’ail* short of the fi’ e million. | . . . . , The sta te inspector for tuberculosis noili,, m eni of date, e tr . wlll tic ina lo . . hese . . sure*. i In . a . ...» i. h I« i .t 1 i 1 i m ark Llkewtne It » wile can pit a r T f uut-lv.ll. Inspected the dairy herds lu th is lo­ CRESW ELL LOCAL luler i the story of th e m arvelous grow th » t i d l l ' »• i k. Io r te, b ■ a and pastry, cality last week. and veetables tu tu i fr u it - Il wa» al»,» v o tai to adopt thè -tato I the A m eritan fair from th e humbles! ¡ H erb ert V orui and fam ily of La the week end with th e ir aunt. Mrs wlile organlsatlon fu n i c a m talg n ami a g ii.is i Ho» t f -’thi-r .arm women • iMdnning to Its present-day .'talus as j Th»» , ptentb« r .'2-25 Tom Miller has purchased or and gave un *nt»re»tlng talk, rl'ttiry . lie » » ’>» for ih-* F n rn u m l ’n'on N ew *w »i» While the fa 'r Wen l a s been taken confectionery a t Curfiman and ex- retu rn home. I 1.,«, ••Iiieaii.u.rl i . i to of the farm Mt V ernon locai wa» well repre- pointr'i bv tho presiden t. Al««» »1 rom I old of trem endously In t i e I'n ltid . . . . peots to take charge of it soon , .. . ..... i, Im plem ent and equipm ent display* m illa* w m uppn{nt«* hie of fairs, th e Colum bian Agvlcul says C. E. Spence. "O ne received Ihe p o rt a n et profit on the h arv est fes­ visiting h er fath er n ear Salem for some f a te , retu rn ed to h er home h ere «“ '»1 held w hat Is believed to first of the m onth w as from a Port tiv al of alm ost $«K be th e first exhibition of Its kind in land lady, statin g «« KT«w “ P »«r system of commun Danish 23 to 2 tc; A m erican 21 to I2l*k Tire Repairing Mr. and Mrs. A bner Gllcrls* who spent Monday evening with b is p ar »T. county, state, d istric t, national Irish 24 to 28c The lady w anted to have been visiglyg at th e home of ents. Mr. and Mrs. W A Land h ere and In te rn a l’ >nal fa irs which cover know why our bacon wa* sold at thia th e ir paren ts, M t-r'L . H. G llerisf. and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j ra d ic a lly every section of th e coun- price. a fte r the expense of shipping It two thousand miles, while the price J Mr. and Mrs. H inshaw retu rn ed Io , try. Moving to th e C ities developm ent of the fair In the in P ortland was 38 to 40c.T She was th e ir hom e tu D unsm uir. Cal., Mon­ Although rhe Increase In population day. U nited S tate« ha* beed one of n o r­ r e f e m l to the m eat p a c k e rs '’ Mrs. W ar? has h e r son. D. E. Ire­ of th«.-U jiited S tates 1« over a mil- mal grow th and expansion, accord'ng Half Million L ots Yearly. lion a year, last y ear tw o million peo- ( land of M o n t, visitin g her. On th e C adle Hr«»», farm , one mile to Samuel R. Guard director of the Mrs W. C. Johnson Is visiting ‘n pie moved from the farm s to the c it­ Sears-Roebuck A gricultural F ounda­ w est of Rlckerall. th e re la now In op­ PHONE 355 J P ortlan d w ith h e r d au g h ter, Mrs. ies Low re tu rn s and high taxes are tion and one of th e leading exponents eration again cleaner, w atch the P ort­ 957 Oak St. 1020 twu rea»ons generally given. Govern- (OVER PENNEY STO R E) Ja c k C _ allahan. . land office of the federal grain Inyes- of ag ricu ltu ral exhibits in America. Mr. and Mrs F red O vert.m . who raen’ »«•«««•<* »«ale th at farm w ag*. T h* -cessful co n testan t In a local Gallon dep artm en t w ishes that g ra in ' country have Increased over fa |r n a, vra)Iy wlRhe<1 roni[)are h ,„ grow ers who can. would see In o p era-' have been v isü .n g at th e bom • ,.f In per cen t during th e past fifty products w ith those of w inners In o th ­ Mrs. O v e to n •• m other, Mrs. G iicrlat tlon. The cleaner 1» called a "grain ‘ nnd fam ily, returned to th e ir hom e in wh,Ie tax es haTe far m ^ e a se d e r local fairs. T h at was how Ihe a sp ira to r'' and It wlll clean any grain th is ratio. .» ’ »muir. La: S ic n d a / county fair cam e to be. The sta te of weed s«’ed« or light foreign ma- ( A p arty of friends driving t a pic- I fair with its wider appeal was the terlal. It Is Inexpensive, light, «an be f i r n arrow ly «scaped In jm v when P otato Inspect!»v Pays. n< xt logical step, and th e re county attach ed to any standard th re sh e r t v » car d riT ’O ty Haxe! F < ,T"r snd- O klahom a is follow ng Oregon and w inners w ent to s e t’le dispute- on the and It requires but little power for op­ d ' t l y left h i road and crossed a Is w orking to standardize th e potato relative m erits of th eir products. eration. ce«p rav ’ne. Industry. In 1$24 th ere was no ship- E ventually th is lead to com petition F ederal sta tistic s sta te th a t In 1923 Mrs. J. G. * It* 'y h a s been q u ite ill pel-out stock Inspected, while up to betw een sta te s, culm inating first In approxim ately 475.000 bushels of th- p ast w ees. August 1 of th is y ear n early a thou- the Inter-state fair, later In th e na- dockage were produce! In W ashlnton. Mr. ar.d Mrs. X. W. W hite acco.r.- sand cars ha 1 been, fed eral-state In tional show and finally In th e Inter- Idiiho and Oregon. T his great volume p a n W by Mrs. W hite's siste r. Mrs. spec’.ed and found ready m ark ets out- nut cnal exhibit. Many a nsslonal of screenings was shipped Into th«i Bw eatland of P ortland, left fo r a 2 side. S tandardization of n arty every cham pion grain grow er or I,resto ck term inal- with Ihe w heat; freight was week outing at N ew port T uesday. thing Is dem anded and It Is those who hr- eder t day can trace his success paid on it, handling costs and Insur- The M isses A nnabell and M arjory get in early th a t get rep u tat ons an t to »ome iRilc honor ra ; tun- at the ance w ere added, and it was a total Sm all of P ottage Grove visited over p erm anent m arkets. county fair y ears ago. loss. Ke«,t on Ihe farm Ihe screen ­ I n p ir e s Anri? tlon. ings have feed value and m arketing The appealing lb ng about th e «osts a re greatly reduced. a 7»« . . . repqjnng Chiropratie Is the Science of Restoring Health through the nerves. If you feel all down and out, can’t eat, sleep or do your work, take Chiro- ractic Treatments, pfS F|lL ey are safe, sane and sure, Dr. Geo. A. Simon Official Goodyear Eugene Vulcanizing Works It A lw ays Pays T o T rade at G ray’s OREGON PEACHES For Canning. Just in. Early Craw­ fords and Albertas - $1.10 Crate Jar», Lids, Rubber», etc. Anything you need for canning. Ju st unloaded a car of TURLOCK WATERMELONS and they are dandies. Each one guaranteed ripe. 2c lb. Now we can all eat melons. Subscribe For the Farmers Union News W anted New members and other Farm ers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are re«iupst« d to cu t this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. cn_ 2Sr 25c 25c 54^ 54c Coflee, lib can wllb i/2lb free for ....... See us for Fruit Jars. Masons, Pints, per dozen 52c 62c 90c Masons, Quarts, per dozen Ma ons, 1 < ¡.’tiidii, per dozen T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS Eggs and Poultry «Farmers Union Subscription) Date.. E. Z. SEAL JARS Pints, per dozen ............................................................ Quarts, per dozen ................................................ 1 Gallon, per dozen .................................... g j. Q3C $1.05 9 Name ........ Sher Khan P. O. Address Union Local .. From Tomatoe*i per e n te Spuds, io lbs Sardines, Oral, 2 for ..........192...... to ............... M em ber F. E. C. U. of A. .192 F o r serv ices ren d ered by th e F arm e rs Union and $............... ........ this re c e ip t en titles th e bolder to subscription to the Springfield News C62 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon A /5 C A 5M ¿C A R R y 1 • / . ...... .i« i t-K-- '«■ «• “«"ttjáic,'; !. v.