THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. 1»2R THE SPRING FTOLD NEW-4 Baby Girl Born— A baby girl weigh­ Little Girt Breaks Am»—L ittle La- ing ten pounds waa born to Mr. and ferna Belle Valller fractured her right Mra. A. M. Stlffler Tuesday morning. forearm Monday evening when d ie was pushed from the slide at the Me­ Goshen Man H ere— F. M. Peebles Of thodist church play ground. Ooahen woe In town Tuesday. Pole Hight Hero TOWN AND VICINITY Oo to R ossburg— Mr. amt Mr*. O, Go to Roseburg— Herb» rt Jackaob Il T urbar «peut Huinlay at Rosaburg and o auid Olaon drove to R oseburg and hark Sunday From W sitflr—-CliUrl»*« P latt of W ratflr whh In town Huturilay. C edar F la t Men H ere— llarvoy and John Conxley of Collar Plat war« Visits bon Moro— Mia. II. II Plan rlngfleld vbrltors Tuesday. u «•ry ul t'orvallla la vlslllng thia wi«k with Mr mid Mra. F. B Fluticry. Visits from N orth Bend— Alf Nys- tan of N orth Hrnd sp en t Sunday at In From Camp Crook—Cbarloa Moy th e I*. M Tom aeth koine ara *>( Camp Crook wau a Hprlngflold alaltor Monday. Orlvs te Brownsville— Mr and Mrs. Ivun Male drove to B row nsville and H aro F ro m Q o th o n — Mr. and M ra. hack Tuewlay. While rtiere they vis­ L uther McVey ot Gosbnn vlaliad ited Mrs. Mule's p arents, Mr. and H |irlngf>|il on bualbaaa Monday. Mra, Templeton. Horo from Blus River—it It Scott I Form er R esident H ors—John Ora- o t llluo River waa a business vlallorl hum. form erly of Hprlnf e|il, and now , in town S aturday. of Portland, la »pending hla v acatio n ' R rtu ’ n from Vacation— V. J D u n -, here. Ha arriv ed Toeaday. Iola mid family rotutnod Monday from I l t d urn from M arshfield V isit- Mi»» u ta in llo n trip to C ralor lake Theda Parkin« and Ml»< Edna Sw art« R rrooflng House—J Nelson la ra retu rn ed Sunday from a short visit | roofing hla io ildonro on W llluniotto with Mrs Al I'erklna. PAGE THREW Uncle John Lincoln T. Ellw orth, the can who financed and v.i Amundsen in the m i I. f u r th e R e rth I’ ' U. S. He »..’■ —usin'» fd"" ' Wa love to harbor ideas H they're easy to defend— whan we set te naltiii' Aggers oo the value of a friend, but, the sum of ar.y harvest bolds the ele­ ment of doubt, till you reap yea crop of theories and, later, thresh ’em ouL F acts it— we And that friend­ ship comes In several different grads», when we meet the mix­ ed varieties tliat’s common to the trades; I f you try to curb expenses when yer love Is run- nln’ short,— well, there’s nothin’ cheap»-rin friendship— when you price the Aimsy sort. But, the everlastin’ artiekie that’s needed In our arts, is the only kind of friendship that’s a balm fer human heart», — in fact, the stuff is priceless— in results that correspond, from Devotion’s faithful cellar, where we bottle it— in bond I AUGUST SALE Special Bargains in Every Department All inlaid chased Linoleum during pur­ this sale will be Waxed Free Heights. Picnic Sunday— Mr und Mr (5. Roseburg Mari May L ocal»—I. P E. Sw arta, Mr. and M o. O. II. Kaa- H teniielt of Itixoburg vlnliod Spring »•y and Mr nn I Mr«. ('. li. W heaton pii tili cd at Riverside park Sunday. floltt Moivlnv. Ito tuny lorato lioro. 1 Visit S ister H sre— Mrs Boy Col- Goes to E a s te rn O rego n— Itn lp h ( ‘lino left Monday for e a stern Oregon Una, with her ainull d au g h ter vi-dted pt.lbta w here Io* will apond hla vu S aturday with Mrs C ollins' »Inter, M- W. W. e a rn y. Cuban. R eturn from T rip— Mr anil Mr» R eturn to Echo—Mr mid Mra. T. T h eiu u ro g iti and Prank C >glll re­ M Johnaon lort there Monday for llioir homo In Keh». Wlilli Lore they turned Friday from a vacation trip w orv au« ai at the v E Mr Hi " homo to C rater Lake and euNtern Oregon. Out of Town V isitors H ere G eorg,, Go to H endricks Bridge— Mr. and (2ri«:iwood o f Ixiwlnluarn, Idaho. W. Mia ,M L. Howry a n t Mr. and Mr» lla rry ilrow nflold »pent Sunday at It Purvlne at I II M errick of Salem ami P. lairei.x» n of Alliuny reg istered H endricks Bridge. Ellw orth was in high spirit« as he again net foot on A m erican soil—for. us he adm itted, th ere were many hours In those Ice w astes when be knew full well the chance of saving ,l!* I f« wa» mighty slim. A bronzed Hint glaring 2« hour a day A rctic sun wu» rtlll on hl» cheek lie looked the p ictu re of perfect This is to introduce our n e w Johnson’s.. Electric floor waxer. le a lt h Asked hl» g reatest thrill during the H as Tonsils Removed—G ladys Coo­ eventful th ree week» while w ithin a ley bad her tonsil» and adenoids re ­ hundred mile» of the polt— he said It moved Tuesday. waa the moment when, afb-r weeks u t »»niggle, th e g reat lane rose Into H ere from Landau—Ora E. C arter ' h ” >lr ~8n'1 lh * <° civilization waa In town from Lar.dax Tuesday. unls now a »ale- uian of i-li-i ti ll- signs, the exoedltlon. Istid Ih e ’r present hem e ia ut Port "C aptain Amundsen will he h ere In i SQUIBB'S OLIVE OIL Rc’urn fro m N o rth D a k o ta — M r. I lumi. j O ctober ut which tim e a mooting w li,! Prank Shsrm nn unit son nail Mrs. is ¡in|x>rted. It Is a bland be held lo decide—how we can fl-1 I.« d i r re tili io d Priiliiy evening freni Wilt O perate Shop— M r. nud Mrs inane« the next trip and oth er d etails " nutty-flavored oil which a mouth spent nt Bellefli Id, N orth j J. E. Linds,>y, who m ovyl Monday tc Me Ellw orth la very modest. He makes It valuable for eith­ I lukoin T in y made the retu rn trip 'h e Montgomery ap artm en ts In con ! would not talk about him self—nor the i In five days. ip-i-Con with the S p o iig hotel, from j er table Or medicinal use. ‘m p o rtan t role h- layed. P ar In stance: j Hi'dr old home nt 3rd mid C. will I How he rushed to th e rescue—and J M ove fro m A p s itm e n t— Mr. and op :aie u d e n n in g and pressing shop E0c-85c-$1.50 »Ingle handed saved two m em bers of Mrs W alter G ossler moved to llielr there, they have announced. the crew who had broken through home n l 3 rd s lid A s tr e e t M o n d a y from lh- H llle u ,< istn iei l 'lto-!r Will R e tu rn to S tates— Afti r spend- th e ice and were struggling In the new home has Just been Improved *nF *he sum m er In Italy. Prance, A rctic sea. •»id r* finished. . Sw llxerlnnd and G erm any. Mrs. Hel- M a r r ia g e Licen ses Issued. | en M artin, d n u s h t-r of It A. Wash Drive to Coast Mr and Mrs. Ralph hurne, will retu rn to th e United During the last w«>«k m arriage II H lppil and little Ilnuglit.-r P atty stntH, Ume n rx , monIJJ Rhn, ,Q h( r piir„ nH censes have been issued by th e coun ty clerk to John C harles M orris and j “Springfield has two good lag Mrs Dippel’s parents. Mr. and frf th(, w.-ek for Sister», Oregon.) T rub. rt lletidersim and Mr. and Mrs wli« re the form er wll. build and o p | Howard P reeland of E ng-ne were 'c r a te n new garage Mr. K orf has) Your Body is a M achine Which Must Be Oiled USE YOUR CREDIT LOW FARES TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Safe, dependable traini a t convenient hours Com fortable, economical service daily. $5.30 rc u tv itrin week-end tic k e t; »ta rt Fr».. Sat. o r Sun. R etu rn lim it Tuesday fo llow ing. $6.20 r o u n d t r ip season tic ket ;o u salu every d a y . R e tu r n li m i t 15 day«. F ro p o ru o a a tc ly lo w farce to ochc* A sk agent CARL OLSON. Agent Fone 65 guests at the M L. Rewey home Prl be< n nn em ployee of th e Anderson day evening. A fler nn evening spent Motor eompnny. He will do g en eral' playing 500. n m idnight din n er was ri pair work at his new garage and I ulso conduct a to u rist cam p ground. nerved, P reach es At Local C h u rc h — It v. E ig h th G rad e E x a m in a tio n s . llev. Il» nry L W eiss of (ho K lamath mission proaclied the m orning «er- Tho regular . Igluh grnde cxnni'na mon al the M ethod’st church H un-, tlona, especially fo r-p u p ils w’lio have clay. R ev. P. L . Moore, the regular been conditioned In th e Ju n e exatnl | pnstor. was atten d in g tho Epworth n ation will be given In d istric ts whom League convention. th e re a re pupils to mnke It, on T h u rs­ Visits S later In City— Mr. nnd Mrs. day and Pr'dny. S eptem ber 3 and 4. V. II. Barry nnd fam ily of Pasco, 1925. A lim ited num ber can be ac­ Worthington, nrn visiting w ith Mr. com odated at th e office of the coun nml Mis. Joe W heeler for a week. ly school su perintendent. A pplica­ Mrs. B arry Is a sister of Mrs. W heel­ tions for questions must he niado be­ e r nnd they had not ween each other fore August 31, lJ 2 6 ,.o r they will not bo sen t out. for six years. E. J. MOORE, R sturn From V acation— Mr. nnd County School S u p erln ti ndent. Mrs. Jam es O. Newland. Mrs. C harles ______ A 20-27. .F ields and daughter M argaret, all of Itosebfirg. who hnve heen «pending th eir vacation up the McKenzie nnd at Bend, visited for a short while with Mr. nnd Mrs. P. II. Hamlin F ri­ day before driving home. Investigate Visits S ister H ers—Mr. nnd Mrs F ranklin C ronkrlte and two children visited Rundny and Monday morning nt the A. R. Bneeil home. They are on Ihelr way to th eir homo In Los Angelcw a ffiy spending tw o ijtears In Now York City. Mrs. C ronklte nnd Mrs. Sneed are sisters. We deliver Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Keep Cool— Phone 80 SANITARY MARKET HOLVERSON BROS. 505 Main Street Phone 80 Let “Kodak” X ’1” Pictures won't let you forget those vacation memories— Let your kodak save them for the years to come— ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS Special Prices on Baker-Button Pinnos and Phonographs Kodak Shop at 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures Is Our Business— Not a Side Line M ARSHALL’S Stanley Bldg. 56, 9 Ave. W. 44 Printing o f the better kind f t If we should say the young man above was hurrying to get a copy of the last issue of the Springfield News no one would believe us. Well—we admit that he isn’t—but we do say that it is an attractive and interesting illustra­ tion which give« life to this display. It Is picked at random from the Springfield News' big advertising service—and shows the wide selection available to advertisers—no mat­ ter what they want to sell. We furnish pictures, c-opy and advertising suggestions which help to get immediate results. We ask no extra charge. For use in printing of all kinds too—in the Sprigfleld News, on bills, letter heads, blotters, booklets, circulars, etc,, etc. etc. At Our Office— or— We Will Call cThe Willamette Press