The S. P. Has N ot Extended Eugene a Vote cf Thanhs For W h a t She Did Tuesday— Neither Has The State of Oregon H i i i E SPRINGFIELD N WS □ I V O T K O T O IN T E R E S T O F B P R IN O F IE L D A N O T H E F A R M E R ! OF T H I W IL L A M E T T E VALLBV BPKINÜFIKL». I4ANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925 TW KNTY-8HCOND YEAH Mil« 10 G. STREET Fast Bouts R eady For Legion C ard Springfield Not Whipped <}. at O. Library ' ‘¿ " Ä ™ L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER 31 . EUGENE VOTES FOB Springfield may feel that she han been "struck below the Second Smoker in Open Air belt" In the first round but this town is not whipped yet. Now After 23 Year* of Service that she han shaken off the yoke of the 8. P. Springfield may Arena to be F-'day Night State Institution Oregon look for bigger and better things. She can go into the field, Council Pas»«* Ordinance for With Hard Fighter*. University Head Dies. unlike her sister city, with a clear conscience. There are many Sevan Block* of Macadam; Thro* « It round challenge fights things in store for Springfield that will make her a large and A fter serving a* president of Brigg* and Doty Given Side­ It is ygily necessary.,, . _ _ . . . will featu re thn A m erican Legion Important city In the Willamette valley. for her people to continue to show the same cooperative spirit 11 “ ,er* y o *on or w” 1 walk Contract After Forfei­ sm okar *t the I.eg1on pavlllinn F ri­ ture. day evening. Eddie H ath a» ay , who that has been manifested In the last several weeks, to accomplish r,ar». Prince L. Cam pbell died a t « o n from Curly W atson a fte r in ex- T enth « tre e t »•III he grstfad and c ling bout at the lu ll rm o k ir, h i* iiiuraunuilsiui from Main lo O »treet. I ■ ■< i imileiixod 1» Km»»« » « » I ' l l b l o c k * . » < C l . ll l l g . block’- taritw r and an v„ , w,n i i j t t ’in.t B larkw -il if|*rles tan be developed many more. U/.M. ““ u rdiim iue p p.««a. n A co n tract fur “ Eugene j Another railroad Is seriously considering entering this field, .. — . «» • a *--- - mile of com es walk» lu B p rin fleld . Twi) ,, u r roua.i roti «».I 8 will -viil b< b. in • Th , ,t w,„ ,„wet 100 per cent Bupport, goes without saying, waa l« t 1» llrlgg» and D u ty , l o c a l , bp ,.# r j « m i« > rur- j 1 isH iuciur» f o . iia»t ng», the low 'ip«,«* cu rtain rslaera. Hugh Cowar-. There Is sufficient business here to warrant a town of twice <-»t bidder, w ithdrew hi* Md a fter he w.h„ W<1|| hl(l from K ,, j onoit nt the size of Springfield. We have to but go after it with deter-, had been aw »rood the fob at la 1 !,hp ^„U rr. will right K ll Sm ith | munition to develop OUr city. fu r ,’t il l* . T he »Idewalk will be built Menleiun T h u bu lb Welch 122 .. . . . c _____ I ' ' o n \ X L l m T . nhe American l-e ' ^ V a y ' c X d Tw’ ^F -l'lay * ” will Hve.'’wldJ' awake prosperous city. ¡¡“»jWted by I s iu n th a . b e ...... fee .............. a r tiiv a l “Tha People's Papar“ Y X 7 « - ^ U e - : »‘«nl working, honest people who pay their debts and never take! at City’s $175,000 Bond Issue Pro­ bably Unnecessary for Eu­ the gene Could Have Had Shops *** and Terminals Without It, hl* Local Committe Believes. home on the cam pus Friday m orning a fte r a long Ulne»». P resid en t Camp­ The election to vote 1175.000 in bonds for term inal and ehop sites a l bell was S3 y ears of age. F uneral service» w ere held T ues­ B lair stre e t west of Eugene carried day from the Woman building, on the by a ro te of 402« for and 3#4 against, i Thus did E ugene endorse the action j of the cham ber of com m erce railroad com m ittee in its effort to tra d e a site to b® purchased in th a t city for the one in Springfield. W hether th is voting of >175.000 to build the shops in E ugene w as nec­ essary will probably never be known w ithout courts invalidate th e bonds, as the assertio n s of the Eugene com­ m ittee and th e railroad official* do not agree. G eneral M anager D yer w as in Springfield the day following the an nouncem ent of E ugene’s m ovem ent to change the shop location. He stated th a t the S outhern Pacific com pany of ,ta own accord had deci„ ed t„ buUd ,n E ugene ag ,t waa ••u n qUe, t l On»bly cheape r to operate from th a t c ity th a n T r’o m ^Springfield" w ith shops or. tbp g)te _________ purcbage m ill’ll Tile carn iv al will play I We may have been “fouled” in the first round but we w il tbe Hope Abbey M ausoleum. a t the pm lillun a t 2nd and Ma n under the saaplcea of th e leg hiti and j P resident Campbell was one of the »tree's. . win yet. the Springfield post will gel 15 per , very few presidents of large universl- cent of the groa» receipt*. STUCCO BEING PLACED HONOR B R ID E-ELEC T ties not hold! s * Ph D. degree. H is WALKER FUNERAL A discussion on rbo viaduct pro­ ON NEW SCHOOL BUILDING undergraduate work was taken a t AT SHOW ER ON FRIDAY HELD LAST SATURDAY posed fur F ourth n iteet resulted In ' --------- C hristian college, la te r th e O O regon regon tu rali g :he m utter over to the city i Stucco work on the Brat tain school N ormal school, of which his fath e r H onoring Ml»» Ola Mull gan, a F uneral service» for E ra»tus Iran a tto rn e y w th Instruction» to Inform 1 lei W alker, who died T hursday eve- bride-elect, a m iscellaneous shower will b ’ gin this week, and the second was president, a fte r whioh he attend- G. G. B ushm an, O. B. K essey and H. coat will b. applied two w eeks la te i. ed H arvard two years. He spent on» E M ajpy who boar„ ed „ „ specfa, c ar open up and im proving F ourth s t r e e t ., olng n< hl» home nt 233 E » treat. was held a t the home of Mrs. Lloyd C arpenters a re now w orking on th e ! y ear rep o rtin g on th e K ansas C ‘ty tbc 1{M,a , yardg The city atto rn ey wa» also given » were h e ll H aiurdsv at 2:30 from the F lllott a t #35 5th stre e t Friday eVO- nlng with Mrs. K lllrtt. Mrs J. J. Man- inside finishing, and M ia e s t i m a t e “S l* r” Between hto tw o y e a r, a t H ar-j A ftpr tb „ ’ 8priBgf,el<1 tu . Hat of delinquent property Ilona and W alker chapel. Rev. F L Moore of F M Mulligan Joint th at It w’-U be finished by S eptem ber vard. H e retu rn ed to academ ic work was elected to tak e charge of this Instructed lo take action tow ard c o l-, fic atlng. Ilurfal wa» at laiur* I HUI. w aring and Mrs at C hristian college and becam e presi- cl, y.9 effortg p rp re n , thp moyfng 10 lection. P roperly not paid up will I Mr. W alker was a retire d farm er hoKteaaea. The first coat of stucco Is b in# dent of th a t inaC tutlon Twenty- of 8hopg and t lt was Sw eet peas, gladioli and bahy b reath h »old for the ».»•'»amenta. Actlr n and cam e here a m on’h ant! a half Stevens-P erkins three years ago he becam e the U niver- thought tb a t th „ proper way to pro- R efreshm ents applied to the new « II he according to notices sent out ago from F ayette, Iowa. He waa 73 i decorated the n o m a •orner of 4th and »My president. [ceed wag to f(nd out from h)Rh offi were served by th e h o stesses late in (building on the 60 day* a»o. The council d e m an d » , y ears of age and is survived by a Main th is week. T his work will be I M was largely due to P resid en t c(a,g o( tb e ra)lroad w.hf) had som e sort of action on all delinquent wlfm C aroline W alker, th re e sons. the evening. next week. T h - C am pbell s efforts th a t the V n lv e rs itv ' gona| knowiedge of the s ’tn atio n here, G uests for th e show er w ere M’s , finished com pletely property. Willi» W. W alker of S pringfield; Del­ building w ll be finished inside and has achieved Its p resent sta tu s as an w h eth er E ugene or Springfield was hi rt D W alker of P atton. C alifornia; Ola Mulligan. Mrs. A E B artlett. Mt a. ready for occupancy In sixty days, efficien t and dem ocraic sta te C ni- tbg begt )ocation to r ghops an(j te r. and I.a«ade L. W alker of Fresno, Cal­ L o retta Slm onaen. Mrs. T. A. R ath SPR IN G FIELD BEATS S P. states. , verslty. it waa he who saw th e gift mp|alil from gWa1polnt of opera. ifornia; one brother, D J. W alker of bun. Mrs. T. V. O gd-n and d au g h ter. 1 George P erkins, contractor, cam paign for the school success t|on Tbe COBHn,tte e„d t0 spnd TEAM IN FAST INNING S and th re e sister», 'Rone. Mrs. C harles Palngren. Mrs. Jess j — | W aterloo. Iowa fully launched, and It was while he chairnlan W eIbv gtevens. to Cal­ w hlrlwlud finish In the nin th In- ■ Mr" ' lhur' >- Colegrove of M inne-j Mr«- 8. Jacobson. Mrs E PUBLIC M ARKET UNDER wag tourln(? ,he gtatP for thia wor|t A rs V ernon May, Mrs. ifornia to see these men and also m ake »on th th e e bakeball baseball gam P o rter of Fay 1 nlng »on gam e for i «roll»; Mr» M . aritta CONSIDERATION BY LIONS lust y ear th a t he developed his 111- an . . I/vYtei I L » en n i h i n art. et appointm ent w ith P resid en t ette. Iow a; and . M an Amelia W alker ’J,4,n Mrs W ill M orris of Springfield Sunday from th e Eugene 188 Sproule for an Interview w ith the gam e W aterbm . Iowa Rnnkane, and the Misaea E sth e r and W ith a view of establishing a pub- S outhern Pacific team . The ,, . , P reald en t Campbell was popular S p rl„ flel(1 com jn,l t ee. ____________________ ID orothv L en h art. Lela and F ran ces w as pin »ml at the 5th stre e t diam ond 1 , ' . lie m arket in Springfield w here far- with the stu d en ts of his U niversity, W hile Mr. S tevens w as in C alifor­ S atarted the scoring In MRS. EM ERY HOSTESS liters and o th er producers may sell because he w as alw ays ready to m eet nia he m et E. E. M orrison, m an ag e r th e first inning by m aking th ree rung. th eir produce a com m ittee h as been and advise them , and did not m ake TO AENEAS SOCIETY BRIDGE NOT TO BE B U ILT of the F a rm e rs' Union w arehouse. T h e 8. P. players made one run In the appointed by H E. Maxey, president him self rem ote behind an academ le Both men w ere personally acquainted T H IS YEAR OVER RIVER of the Springfield Lions club. The exterior. first, but Springfield cam e back w ith ' Mrs. N. W. E m ery en tertain ed mem- w ith P resident Sproule W hen Mr. | com m ittee is com posed of Ju liu s Fu one m ore In the secouil, m aking the ta-rs and g u iata of the Aeneua club S tevens called Mr. Sproule on the The piling anil poles for false work | np j obt) K etels and H arry S tew art.. score 4 2. A nother run waa ntude nt h er home on Second s tre e t Wi-dnes. S tre e ts Being Improved telephone In San F rancisco he in by the Eugeiieans In the th ird , and day Hfternoon. A large num ber of for th e bridge o v ir th e W illam ette F arm ers are brin g Interview to see T he s tre e t dep artm en t is causing s iatpd tb a t heth Mr. Stevens and Mr. rteRlre(1 ln th e wav of m arket Springfield made an o th er single in • Springfield and out of town woman riv er to replace the p resen t stru c tu re w ba, the holes In Main stre e t and o th er M orrison come to see him a t h is of- on lit.' S outhern Pacific ra'lro ad will facilities It Is likely a building will pavem ents to be repaired th is week. f,ces th e fourth. |u the fifth Eugene m ade , were Invited to the affair, tw o c iu n te ta and an o th er In th e sixth j T h e .p s rty was held on the spacious not he I ullt th is y ear as first pi inr.e-1. he erected w ith a doxen or more stalls H ot asp h alt is being rolled into th An Interview lasted for tw o hours but an ad d ll t-nal run In the sixth ¡port.„ , b„ Em „ ry honji, wh)ch w m T he piling is being hauled aw ay this to s ta rt w ith. holes. d u ring which tim e P resident Sproule we« k. kept 8prlngf.el.l s score one ahead. !,Ipt.ori, |w | told them th a t because of the injunc- R eports a re th a t a double track In M it a S m ith W eds. Not until the eighth Inning, w h e n , M,owg The color schem e was car- Buys C hevrolet—A A. A nderson, of tlon with th e Coos Bay line th e Sou- th e 8. P. men made two ru n s, did the rleil out In the two course luncheon stead of a single track bridge is lo Miss Doris E leanor Sm ith, d au g h ter the A nderson b a rb e r shop, has pur- th e m Pacific had changed its plans be erected next year. Engineer» of Eugene team get snead. hut two fin "■•ryeil in the ufternoon. Mrs. Will­ the ra ilro a d , h ere to confer w ith city of R ecorder R. W. Smith, and a for- chased a C hevrolet touring car. A fter and had decided to build w est of E a­ al runs in th e ninth hy th e Bprlng iam Lightfoot of Eugene and Bdntf officials this week said th at the rner Springfield resident, w as m arried pondering th e question fo r several gene. W hen h e w as asked if th is field team V . orchi'il . . . . the „ gun)«. „ « » a r t s of Springfield assisted In bridge would not be co n stru cted this T uesday evening to Edwin G. Me- years, during which tim e he drove a depended on the outcom e of the Eu- The locals »III plity C ottage Grove serving year” The o rig in ’ll rite s fòr «h'ous ' K,rt>5r’ The wedding was at the home flivver. Mr. A nderson has determ ined gene bond election he said th a t if it ._ t.l. ..t . g __ .t u .v ttk v t k lr v o l i i c F V i t i , . o n , » n o o r l , - n » .» I J , » r v ___ ____________________ . . » J a. C»la, .Miya S prings Sunday, and on M em b er, of th e club present at the w ith the aid of his new speedom eter, did “ Springfield would probably see of the * bride's sister. * Mrs. S. « L. V.’ K . ai­ Imhor day they will me, t th e W end pa r ,y Were Mr» C A Swarto Mr» and term in als In Springfield called! ser, at 785 W asco avenue. th at his home Js 4.1 m iles front the th a t the bonds failed." H e had them for a double track bridge but when ling team at th eir celidirnt'oii gam e — i to un d erstan d th a t th e outcom e of the M. J - - McKlln. Mrs Sam W right. Mrs. a sta rt was m ade to rep lace th e struc­ Mr. and Mrs. McElroy will m ake shop, there. — -------------------------j bond election had nothing to do w ith E verett •• (• W iliam s, Mrs. A. Lom bard and tu re a few w eeks ago It w as said a th eir hom e a t 53rd and Lineup for S unday's gam e were; Mrs Ed B row ning of Eugene. Guests alngle track bridge wa» to he erected. stre e ts in Portland. R eturn from V acation— Mr. and tt. a . p. Springfield ' Mrs. 8. A. Bowles retu rn ed S u n d a y ! W hether his statem en t to th e ef- <>f the d u b were Edna Sw art», Mrs. Ih ’lpH ........... !.. . Lee front a vacation apt nt at Bandon and up , feet th a t th e railroad w as m aking the Ada Wilson of Boise, Maho, Mrs. F ractu res Arm. Have Picnic. C arter p th e McKenzie. T hey reported very ¡change on Its own initiative or wheth- w ill P eterson of Eugene, Mrs. J. c LaVerna Belle V nlller, four years Black O r r ' Blackburn of W ashington. D C., Mrs. The Live W ires, a high school class cold foggy w eather on the coast. Mr. e r the E ugene com m ittee Is rig h t In old sustained a fractured right arm 0 . M ii I1I k . ui 1 11 Handle «’ O. W ilson. Mrs. John K etels. Mrs. ftoill file C h rl-tian Sunday school. I Bowlt-s left today on a flsh ’n ? trip , assertin g fh a t the S. P. will m ake "" >“ ‘” e M ethodist play II. Cowart 2 b McCormick W II. Pollard, Mrs. F R Hamlin, enjoyed a sw im m ing party and w einle ! He will he back a t the M orris B ar- th e idiange only If the land Is given 8PVeral (’“ vs ” ° ’ She fel) Snyder .'I l> Dutton Mrs W aller Gnsslnr. Mrs. O. B Kes- roast on the Coast Fork W ednesday ' ber shop a fte r S eptem ber 1. to them Is co rrect will probably nev­ from the slide. (' Mulligan H. 8. Ridings sev, Mrs. John H ciiilerer and Mrs. evening. e r be known w ithout E ugene Is p ro Sa II key Van I'uyn 1. f R etu rn s to Bend— F redanra. sm all hihlted by court action from tra n sfe r- Buys Farm . MentH c. f. Tauri t B urna F in g e r* Idaughteir of F. A. Cllngan re tu rn e d to Ing the land. Then It will be the S. P. on Sw itch— Mik« lia r le av r. f Gould , E. 8 T aylor of Springfield has h e r hom e in Bend Sunday after visit- move or the move of E ugene indlvi- Questa a t Hotel—G uests ut , bp ! H rynchuk burned th re e fin g ers of The F |S p o n g h o tel W e d r ts d o y w re D. Kin- lllH right hand seriously S aturday us hought the farm of C B . Ryckniiin near ,ng b(,rp durlng niosf of the sum m er, duals to buy the desired land. Buy* Ford thl* W eek—(Hen Sum- taul of Sun Franctoeo, O, V. Che-mev lH' wtu* tu rn in g on un electric s» 1 11 Junction City. It Is a 160 acre dairy Springfield com m ittee is of the opin­ n e r of W est Springfield bought, a Ford ,,f P ortland, J. C. N estle of Bniilar ittt th e Sprlnfleld L um ber company, farm. ion Eugene m ight llave had the shops In from N atron—B. O. Sm ith of ro ad ster, Roy Salisbury, of M arcola ,-. ,, P eterso n of Caldwell Idaho Mr and term inal w ithout voting $175.000 N atron is in town today on business. n truck. II. S. A nnette ef Springfield, ■ nn(| Mri) Tb )g a , 1|gRp Bnd Rugg Fined on Liquor Charge in bonds. Visit from Lewiston—Jam es Sw en­ a coupe and Frank Jo n es of C ottage w h ite of Sun Francisco. Ros Dayton, an O akridge w om an,1 son and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Putsch Goes to G rass Valley— F. C. W ester- Grove u two door sedan th is week. Iniured Mill Man Recovering was fined $250 in Eugene J u s tic e i stopped here Friday for a short visit field left today for G rass Valley, Ore- W. F. Palm er, who was injured a t Court Monday, on a liquor charge. V isits M other H ere— Mr. and Mr« with J. M. Swenson before going on Springfield Lum ber eom nany mill Go to P o rtla n d -M r. and Mra. Her- C ha,lncpy , , V(.har(, (.h , George R leney was also fined the gon w here he will visit his m other, to Hollywood. They a te from Lew several w eeks ago, will re tu rn to the sam e am ount and sentenced to th r e e 1 bel t Clark left W ednesday for Port-1 Yoncalla a re h ere visiting the for- tston, Idaho. P aint House—Vasby B rothers have , hospital in a fe w days to have m ore m onths in Jail. They wi re arrested land w here they will »pend the rest m 6r.„ „ „ „ h e r. Mrs. L etha Rv, hard Just finished painting the P alm er res- sk in grafted bn h is leg. H e is re- ____ of Mr. Churk'a vacatio n .. W ith Mr. at Oakridge at m idnight S aturday. ldence on north F ourth street. Go to O akridge— Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 covering nicely and will not lose th e and Mr». M M. I’eery, they spi nt from B A P T IS T C H U R C H E. Senseny of St rlngf'eld and Mr. a ’ d ,leg, It is reported. S aturday to T uesday at ( a n a d ia . Leaves A fter V isit H ere— Mr® Sar- ! Hughes, who has been visiting h e r ' Mrs M. n, I\l r «on, E lm er “ Sankey, — *— — will ■” ------- carry *•— the 1 ’Phe pastor, L. Moore will be in overnight g uests of Mr. and Mrs. O. ¡7:00 and gospel service 8:00. Tills Goes to P ortland— W. F. W alker Owen Thom as. ' h'.a pulpit both i( i » j