t r— »- • *1 ’ f l ’ T — V is it tram Pasco — Mr SEARCH FOR ESCAPED State traffic policemen, with city police of E ii.e. e and neighboring town« patrolled the highway* last evening on the lookout for three con­ vict*, « h o escap’d from the pent en- tiary at Solent last night. Two guards and one convict, Oregon Jones, were killed in the break, and Tom Murray, Ellsworth Kelley and Janies W llo« escaped. Two other guards were wounded, and one convict. Tom Mur ray. Is believed to be wounded. The last definite trace of the men was at Pratum. eight mtios east of Salem. Murray was sentenced from Lane county for the Florence hank robbery. T his Is the second time he has es­ caped. • -- - • few«»-»» “ 5 ---- CONVICTS IN THIS SECTION ♦ Growth of Some of the California Pear Markets Since 1920 und Mrs Victor Harry and fantih are » tailing ni lite J J Wh •. h r home Tho ara tram Pasco. Washington. | Thu ,»en Family In Town—Mr and ( Mrs. J ». Kndirott and family «f Thuralon »pent Tuesday In KprhiH I ile lJ ^ ^ ^ « HOME-GROWN! I B A P T IS T C H U R C H Bible school 10: Oj o'clock. Morn ing worship at 11 o'clock. Young peoples' service 7 and gospel servic, at 8. the subject will be "Esther the Faithful.” This being the ladies' night they w ill conduct the song service and w ill sing sevtral special selections. Bible study and prayer service each Thursday night. You are Invited. CHAS, H. BLOM. Pastor In from Fall Creek— Mrs. L. More­ house was in towA Wednesday from F a ll Creek. Goes to Trent—R. W. Orr, a resi­ dent oi this city who has be- n em­ ployed at Cottage Grove, left Wed­ nesday for Trent, where he will »ork. H e re from M ohawk V alley — M r. CHART SHO W ING LOSS OR G A IN OVER 1930 IN E A S TE R N P E A R M A R K E T S Chart by Courtesy o f California Pear Crau'ers’ /.ssoeiatian H IN G S have been lo cking up in most o f the Eastern C a lifo n a T pear m arkets in the past fo u r year-. The cha rt nbove shows sonic in te r­ esting comparisons in th.< Io or gain th a t succeeding years have shown over the year 1920. < I t w ill be seen th a t last yea- 1921, a ll o f the citie s shown on t! m ap showed considerable o f an in ­ crease. In 1923, a ll o f the mn k.’ t were above the line set by 1920. in 1922. New Y ork fe ll be! >w. And in 1921 both New Y o rk and Chicago show less pi fits than the year 1920. W hat is the reason th a t some m a-kets^ g e t co n tin u a lly better, some g ro w slo w ly be tte r and s till others seem to be most erra tic R m s .« a la ig p a rt o f the an-1 In Clave!a~d n-id P ittsb u rg h the swi-r. M ,.rrh aud iyiiig C. m pr.igns,| y» ar 1,21 Just heal its own with ad vertising C n lito rn ia P a r t l e t t the * proceeding year. In 1922 d e v e ­ Pears, have hern c n-,ue*e.l in the la r.) '. II held its ou n w ith o u t nd- cities o f Boston and Philadelphia v - tiis a ij, D u rin g this year, how- dujjng a'l the yen- *•-> n »n the cver, advertí, ng »■»< started In ehart. The -t« vo cit - h iv e proven P ittsb u rg h w ith the re. u(t th a t there was n net gain fo r that year c - r . te n tly good m arkets. Advar ' i- g ■ . 1 in C h i­ f m ore than 840,000. The fo llo w - cago in 1 22. N ‘i*a the Jump th a t ■ o 'f tw o ye.u-s a d vertising was con- he m arket tock as sh u»*n n thy ■ ued in both Cleveland and P ltts - I* - •. it h. chart. In 1921 Chicago ronram ed The t *al net ra in , ever 1921 i.» leas pears than in I 2d. but in 1922 ” vs in which a s rti.d n g h i - I v in the firs t advert!, in g cam paign was . «Io tc is m ore than ?2.0QQ,i to launched f r Chicago. S;rwe then j It ia o n ly when it is brough' hrm o it has run tv av frem N w Y o rk , to u w ith figures such as these t iv it its companion c ity . A d v e rtis in g in we realize how large a place ail- New Y ork did n.'t s ta rt u n til 1924. v e rt'v jn g hold in cu r lives todny. and Mrs. Ben Chilson and Mrs. Ellen D exter Man Here— H. G. Sm ith of J V i i i t at Brownfield Home— M r. an i j Spend Day at Triang le L ak e — M r Lajoie and Mrs. N ellie Redding and spent and Mrs. Frank Sldwell »pent Sun children of Marcóla were Spr ngfield Dexter was a Springfield visitor Wed Mrs. Art Johnson cf Salem TuesdayW-venlng at the home of Mt. ,day at Triangle lake, nesdav. visitors today. and Mrs. Harry Brownfield. They drova on to North Bend Wednesday. Go to Triangle Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Conn from Marcóla— Mrs. Frauk B. Lansberry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Visit at W attsrvllls— Mr an I Mr» Purcell of Marcóla visited in Spring- B. G. Sankey and family and Oswald L. B. Clift. Mrs. Alvin Clift and aoa field Wednesday. Return from Seaside— M r. and Mrs Olson drove to Triangle lake Sunday. Harlan, all of Yakima, ami .Mrs F lu: Elvis Taylor with their two children I . ... '¡Cooper and her daughter Ml»» Edna returned from Several days spent at P re ach es a t T r e a tr e — R e v . Fred Cooper of Washougal. Washingion. Mr. Tayior'a parents, Mr. Returning from East— Mr. and Mr». Seaside. Hornshuh will preach in the Bell thea- with Mra. May Craft of SpringUriu ter Monday ev en in g August 17. Spec- Frank s*haralan' l^elr son Lester, and and Mrs. F. M. Taylor, left Sunday spent Wednesday evening at the T ial songs by good singers. Yon will Mr. Sharman .i brother, Harry Shar for their home in Oklahoma after 9 W. Carney home at Waltrrvllle The enjoy the evening If you come. Every man, of Bellefield. North Dakota, left five weeks' visit here. I Washington visitors formerly lived In there Monday on their return trip to body welcome. the Thurston neighborhood. Springfield. They are expected to Return from Newport — Mr a n i Mrs. T. H. Hulbert and family re- j arrive here Saturday evening. Mr. New at the Novelty Store School ■ Harry Sharman will visit here for turned Monday from a trip to N ew -• W altsrvllts Man In— Harry T hiers Supplies, quite complete except book« several weeks. port. of W alttrvllle waa In town Thursday. Every day we are buyirg and J sell­ ing large quantities c f fruit and vegetables, all home-grown. Our larj?e volume and quick turn-over makes W h ite F ront G ro cery th e logical place to secure ycur fresh food supplies, ! “ALL AT A SAVING” ♦ PHONE PHONE 3 ■ WHITE FRONT B R O C E H Ï9 4 You will never pay more at your home printshop than elsewhere for printing You will get prom pt service. W orkm anship and material that is of the best; and another chance at y o u r$ 4 IF IT IS DONE WITH TYPE OR CUTS WE CAN DO IT k The Willamette Press