PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIURHDAV, AUGUST 13, 1925 IK THE COUNTY COURT OF TUB Cara in Colliaalon STATIC OF OREGON FOR T he E astern Oregon D istrict Merit | T h„ gaa U nh ot a g u r car be LANE COUNTY cal socliity, m eeting at Wallowa lake ,„ng| ng to j ». Hodaon waa dam In the m a tte r of H arriet Nye, In­ elected Dr. W. T. I'hy of Hot l*ake a ged Bnd th e spring bent when com petent: ua prealdcnt. Or. C. 1 K irby of La an„ th er S U r, owned by I M Francis. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE AGAINST ••II w hat you want to Mil, buy, w hat you w ant to buy thro at» G rande waa elected vice-president and ran into It Suturriay m orning. The »ALE colum ns. W rit« or phono TWO ■ Dr. C. J. B artlett of Baker secretary cotllaelon o c c u rr.d on Main stre e t Tbl» m atter coming on for hearing thia 3rd day of August. 1925, upon the Brief Resume of Happenings ol treasu re r. wanted at betw een F ourth and Fifth. ¡petition of M Svarverud, guard an ot \|. , ,u in tu u r ,1», t l r n b b ' «■ t y W A N ! K i t P lr it s in a k ln g » Reser," I-nrgent, a cook of K lamath A settlem ent for the dam age was the personal esta te of H arriet Nye, my home. 403 <1 atrnel. Until plain the Week Collected for property. M onthly payment». 3# to Falla, may Io»« the alght of an ey* m ade by the owner», and no a rre sts Incom peter t. for perm ission to sell and fancy »owing Mia. II. E. Lepley, ltd months. and suffer possible perm anent Injury Wf-r(j ma(J(, ' the dow er In terest of said Incompe Our Readers. 13 20 27 I te n t in and to Lota One (1), T h ree emery insurance agency to th« other as th e result qf an ex , _ __ . (3), F our (4, and Five (6), Block NOTICE TO CREDITORS 37 b h Avo. W. Phone ««7 S tandard form hup picker» hooka Deer In Colum bia counly «re re- plosion ol a defective rifle bullet) Notice la hereby given that the E ight IB), Amended P lat of Fair- Eugene, Ot*. tf ready for th e hop yard own. r a t th e ! porU() while he was shooting a t a ta r g e t• „„¿„„Igne',! has been appointed by,m ount. Lane County. O regon; and it near Henley. Court .,f Lane County appearing th a t It would be b m e fle a l hi Ki i t i , l'u t« r. en piate work in Springfield News. 'I John Strang, for 60 year» a real- All bi.t. for the new women'» gym ¡O r" « m . as executor of the last to the ward th a t aa.d property should N W E m ery. d»ntlat. Sutton Mid« m duiil form hop pickers books dent ot Mui hfluld, db-d a t the age ol n Awriiml *H1 and teatam ent of bora C. Gray. :*>« »old. . naslum building at O r n A g rb u l ! . d , <•<•©» m «•< , !. . i t IS HEREBY ORUERED th a t the Nt ITI CE ready for 111" hop yard own« r at th e 93, ... p e r t o l h l _ college were rej t«*d at a m eet I /til having claim s neainal n 'x t ( f k n o f sal 1 w ard and all persons _ ___ .Reports of Ih» 11 banka In Linn Big of It board of regents In P o rt NOTICB li h eh E in GIVEN that S | i lliKtlald New» Ifled t to o : I interested o»crested In in said «aid e estate J re la te a re hereby notified a ta ti ap p ear be- thè unii' I ilK’icil, ASA L PARK county show a total resource of III, land <1 to the Icr!> this Court on Friday, th e 4th day rhu bids were said ti be c o n ! p r e sent ■ the sam e duly verli Vilu» Dr H. Ill'll h Dlpprl. Di-nllst, III IIKT lina filmi u prillim i wllh Ih« be law ®f S eptem ber. 1925, a t the hour of Ten 173.H27.7B. alder ly higher than the le arti w at*und* signed executor at t'ciunty t'i.u rt of Lana l'o u u ty . Gretto», I building. H prlnsf i Id, Oregon. o ffe e s oi William» 4c B - >,¿0 Wl - »clock A. M. In th e C ourt Room ol The Oregon Independent Telephone pr, d (.0 pay for the con i’.ructioE i l.m .-it S treet Eugene Oregon r i b this Court, at the C ourt H ouse In En­ petltlohlng ilio uald Court io vacui« utl of Ih bei., block», 'iln e ta u n i IN THE CIUCI IT l-lll RT OF T H E saaorlatl.m held u two-day convention w c * in Ox month! from the date a t the «e“ e . Lane County. Oregon, th e« and In ulti m ljn'U inl block uno (Il at M arahfleld. ST ATE OF I'KKG N F It THE TL- hl* cause. If any th e re be, lo ib 'iiy tour (.Hi Inclusiva, of ihc COUNTY GF LANE I. imty to I.- rotx.r-■ <1 to dat. it date of «he first publication of this * h y an O rder should not be granted Mrs. Lydia Bechtel, m other ol tlllu phil of Nin nai. Lane < ornili, nreit in uii.i »my io ». r. ,mr i. io » » u . . . ... - for the sale cf the dow er In terest of Mayor L. M. Bechtel of Prineville, died th at ■■ ur.-d by C. K. Fisk of B jato c, N o'l'H 'E H M IE R ER Y GIVEN Ihul JU LIUS FLETCHER. P laintiff, CLAUDE GRAY, «aid incom petent In and to the above vs. Ibi aulii AHI I. l’ARiGIURST wll suddenly Bi Bend. who harvested 4011 bushels from a described real property. Executor. BERTHA FLETC H ER D fen mill, urply lo «iild Collii, ni thè explraUon Anil It Is fu rth er ordered th a t a SIM M O N S W ilder und Age* » clothing sto re In m easured piece of land containing 71 Will am« & Bean of Iblrlv GIOÌ duya fr u lli I h « d il le or copy of (this O rd er be published a t h a s t ihl< n o il i e . fot ¡t-, o rb -r viicatlny »11 To B ertha F letcher, D efendant above Roseburg was robbed of m erchandise acres, This yield was an average oil A ttorney» for E state. once a week for th ree sue. » t r e Jl. 30. A « 13-20 27. a Iitti more than 56 bushels to tbc of th" Iota, block*. »Ircela and all'-yr nam ed: valued a t mure than 91000. weeks before the said date c f hearing VI’U A lte HEREBY REQUIRED In of auld | lal of NIMROD. c im a t lu g o f In the S p rin g fid d News, a n e w srap er At a m eeting of citizens ut H eppner acre. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION blm k onva ( l i lo T blriy four (34) In­ a rp e a r and »-» wit th " co tn p lg ln l, of general circulation published in J. W. Bailey, the second dairy and clusive. and Gl" slro eta and ufleys filed »calti -I you In lb " above , n i plans were made for a throe day rodeo DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTERIOR Lane County, Oregon. ninnili* tbrough tbc anni» and botimi. tilled Court mi or b ifo re s lï weck« at H eppner. S eptem ber 24. 25 and 28 food com m issioner to serve the state C. P. BARNARD. U. 8. LAND O FFICE a t Roseburg. frinii the date of Un- fir < n u b il'»tien Ina ihereiin The Benson togging cam ps In the »f Oi gon, and u pioneer ia th •. se C ounty Judge. eon., July 30. 1925.. P A T IO ibis '.'3rd day of July. A. II . o f thia Summons, and If you fall so C latsksnlne d istrict have resum ed curing of pu re food la w s for the s ta le Or? NOTICE Is h ereby given th a t K a r’ , O rder to show cause ag ain st -ale. .to appear »nil an sw er said com nlu'nl 1925 A 6-13-20-27 fur want lb« roof. the plaintiff will operations a fte r a shutdown of ovet db-d at the sum m er home ot his da ugh K ruk of M arcela. Oregon, who, on ASA I. PARKHURST ip: lv io III" Court f-'T the relief de­ ter, Mr». D. P. Price, at G earhart. Mr D ecem ber 31, 1920. made hom estead : J 2 t 30 A 6 13-2037. a month. Buys House entry. No. 01358«, for N.W.V, N.E.hi i m anded Iti rnS'l com pii Ini. to w n : .. ■ ______Bailey had ' not been well for some 8.14 N.E >4 and 8.E .U N .W .U /S e c P eter N elson has bought a re .1- r r i l d ecr-e Of this C m i't fo r . ver , The Marshfield Hotel com pany has NOTiCK TO CREDIT HS months. * tion 11. to w n sh ip 16 S iu .h , R ange 2 ,]ence on six th street, opposite the N otlre I h e re b y g iv e n th a t th e ll. s lv ln t the bonds of nm trlm on» | decided to s ta rt work Im meulatcly on , . , . __o ___ .11 D. J. Fry of Salem has Just purchas W rst W illam ette M eridian, has fre d undersigned ha» b u m appo ni ml by row existing betw een plnlrrUff a n i de a 9275.004) nine-story stru c tu re and notice of Intention to m ake th ree Lincoln school, from T neron Cogi.l. ed the crop of the Oregon Pepperm int th e County Court ot Lane County. fendant, and for auch o th er nini furili ¡ finish It In 1928. year proof to establish cla m to the The sale was m «Ss F riday by His i'Vi f a» lo the Court may seem Oregon, us ad m in istrato r of th e ta s ti " association in the Lablach section at lUltuble. For the second tim e within a m onth . . . . . . . j u laud above described, before E. O. Flow ers R ealty company. rill and tvatum ut of F A. Rankin. . . i . .. . the rate of $11 05 a pound for oil. by T his Sum m ons 1« published once a f rebug attem pted to set fire to the Immel. U. 8. C om m issioner a t Eu- ------------- .. . . dopo«sod. All persous buying claim« agulnsi each week for six succeslve weeks In hlg plant nt the Ew auna Box company far the largest price ev er paid in the gene. Oregon, on th e 10th day of Sep- FOR SALE: Caroon paper In large Hprlngfleld No*» by ord er of th* sheets, 26x39 inches, suitable for history of the industry. Top price teinber. 1925. raid esta te a m hereby notified to the G . F Rklpw at K lamath kails C laim ant nam fs a s w itnesses: , m aking tracings. The N ews Office. last year was 94.10, and the p-lce gen preseal the sam e duly verified to t h e , lli.nnrnlili .--- --- - orth. Judge . of , About 60 tax d u b s have been form «.•rally runs from 13.50 to $4 a pound Fentcn E. Dorsey. W illiam McKay. ____________ __________ ____________ _ u m t e r r ig n .s l .d n G n . s « . » . ^ ^ “d i y M July 1925 and th» Fred Dorsey. C harles H. Morrow, all See our line of vislt'.ng cards, t a l o n . S treet. Eugene Oregon, with d ate of th e f lr.t t» "’^ « ,,on *’» ,h l’ ed In Oregon as a result of tax reduc­ A mi-'iting has been railed for of M arcola^O regon. CANADAY, panPle4 or lllain’ a t the Newa olBce- tion resolutions adopted recently by In .lx month« U n. «he date ,,f the hu m u .o n . s ’ ’’ - ^ n a T E R August 13 In P ortland when represen P ortland business men. tg p p first publication of this notice The L - n f v . f « P taln ì N. tatlves of the railroads, shippers and r . « ,ra ,,o n of - .........- à , . . . - I 1 w111 P8? no blu onl7 01086 c0“- With the opening of the next school m em ,„.rl! of the TarloUil northw es, N oncoal A « S 3 . , tr a d e d by myself. Residence year W illam ette university at Salem ____ RUte ________________________________ pubJlc , ervlce com m issions will SUMMONS Ecgetie. Oregon W. J. Lepley. JO HN M WILLIAMS. will Introduce a d ep artm en t of health orjtanlx„ w hal w„ , be hnown Bs s IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E : J 9-16-23 30 A fi 13 20. A dm inistrator J. 23 30 A . 6-13. , service for all students. regional advisory board. Thm purpose STATE OF OREGON FOR W illiam» « B 'o n R egistration of non resident m otor j O( pbe tx>ard is to consider local traffic ' LANE COUNTY A ttorney» for Botato Phone 146W Phone 126 M Jl 30. A « 13 20 27. vehicles In Oregon for the m onth of: and railroad problems. ^ arle T r-tt, P laintiff July totaled 19.953 and exceeded that New m arketa for Oregon lum ber In g. h . T rltt, D efendant, B R IG G S & D O T Y for July I, 1924 by 2983. j aovcra| gmall European countries have To S. H. TRITT, The above nam ed CEMENT CONTRACTORS T elephones: Office 613 Re«- 20,5 ‘ Fishing on Coos bay to th is d a te , been reported to th e departm ent ol defendant: Springfield, Ore. has been the lightest In years, and .com m erce by A m erican com m ercial st- T H E NAME OF T H E STATE som e „sh erm en have put aw ay t h e .,' he. abroad. with the advice that Sidew alks B asem ent W alls Classified Advertisements OREGON NEWS ITEMS ! OF SPECIAL INTEREST Di. John Simons Osteopathy atands for the truth wherever It Is Bclentl- flcully proven. O stsopsthle Physlclsn »"d ’ “ f gson Office 404 M. * . W . Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon O steopathy stsn d s for th e tru th wherevflt It 1» sclentlflcslly proven. LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter at Anderson'» Harber shop. A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP Í R 1ISIN E SS D IR E C T O R Y ] w . F. WALKER bk^ F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R Call SUTTON TRANSFER F u ll A u ta E q u lp 'o s n t Phone 57 W . O. W . block Office Phone 62 J Res. P hons ll- J DR. N. W. EMERY den tist P hons 20-J Sutton Bldg. R esidence P hons 163 M Springfield. O regsn “The Loop GEO.. N. McLEAN Autom obils. F irs and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds.. P hons 6J7 My business ' Is^to p ro tect you* business I 860 W lllsm etts S t Eugen» Oregon II Your Homo When In Springfield VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating In all its branches 312 Main Street JO H N M, WILLIAMS A ttorney for Vet. S tuto Aid Com.. Soldiers Bonus Loans. L. E. BEAN ' A ttorn-jy S tate Land Board, S tate School Fund Loans. DR. S. RALPH J5IPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. WILLIAMS & BEAN ATTORNEYS 860 W llltam etta St. Eugene, Or«. Licensed to practice In all Courts of th e S tate, and U nited S tates. WM. G. HUGHES FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC . D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hnll Springfield, Oregon Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springllteld, held. O»reaon P lans and E stim ates Furnished Free. Will Help You Finance Your Building. Office a t FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8prlngfleld, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRV W. CHASE. Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Springfield Buldllng Oregon. nets until conditions Improve. | Fire which broke out In th e drying ! room of the T hom as B. Kay woolen - ......... - ' • » “ I (he exten t of approxim ately 61000. The Pacific highway betw een H ar rlsburg and Junction City, which had been closed to traffic because of pav Ing operations Is now open for travel. By a m ajority of 120 votes th e d tl- xens of Bend voted for the 3600.000 Tum alo w ater project In an effort to- b etter th e drinking w ater of the city In ra s e an ordinance now being pre pared by the Salem city atto rn ey be comes a law all m unicipal prisoners will be assigned to em ploym ent on Salem streets. An Increase of 16.55 per cent In re celpts at the P ortland postoffice dur­ ing July over the sam e month a year ago was reported by Postm aster-G en eral H arry S. New. ng «an Twenty-seven persons have died In Portland since D ecember 1 as a re ­ su lt of traffic accidents, and ot this num ber 10 d eath s w ere d irectly a ttri­ butable to Intoxication. The right to give testim ony at an »arly hearing In terfere in the application of and th e to Oregon T runk de-1 , a iell wtn increase if th e exporters and an sw er th e co m o u in t of G n j lend a hand In spreading Inform ation above nam ed plaintiff filed « g ain st regarding the quality of th eir woods, you In the above entitled suit w ithin- e— «X " ouki . . .ar X ' Sh % S ' G arages and accessory shops In vs- and you a re hereby notified th a t If rtous parts of the sta te th a t have been you fall so to appear and answ er said certificated by the secretary of sta te com plaint as h e re b y , required the . . . h .v . .„ .I , o u ,. . . « • - » bile lam p ad ju sters unoer the new ga,d compIa n t now on f|,e wi,h t h . light law passed by the 1925 legls- cterk of said Court, to-wit: for a do-( lature, and which becomes effective cree forever dissolving the bends of Septem ber 1. Many m otorists «1- m atrim ony existing betw een th is de- k .a fendant and plaintiff and for Judge- •eady have had ad ju stm en ts made. men< a(fa!ngt tfc. gnld defpndlint for T hirty carloads of green Italian th e costs ad dlsburesm ents of the prunes will be shipped from McMinn above entitled suit. „n. .„ h h ,. . . . . . . Denny & Co. of Chicago. Sixty men jud(fe of tfw above entltled Court duIy ind women are employed In packing m ade at cham bers on the 9th day of he prunes, bought at a guaranteed Julv, lt£5. requiring th a t you appear jrlce of 931.50 a ton. with the grow and an sw er said com plaint on of be­ six weeks from the d ate of the ir assured of 90 per cent re tu rn on fore first publication hereof, which said ill receipt» of the com pany above that d ate of first publication la July 9, J925. 'igure. C. N. JOHNSON. T he attorney-general. In a w ritten A ttorney for Pbvntiff. iplnlon prepared for the state board Regldence and Poa’rO fflc e A ddress, if education, upheld the contention of Eugene. Oregon. I. A. Churchill, sta te superintendent | J. 9-16-23-30 A. 6 13-20 )f public Instruction, th a t the state NOTICE OF CONTEST (F or Publication) extbook comm ission la w ithout legal , 012548 |u th o rlty to procved at thia tim e with C 3879 hp 8doption , wo.t hlrds of of the te x t-, ^ _ ^ ¡ “ , . o ontest tT nii.a the school8 Oreg0D ^ , R ^ e ’burg Oregon WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19 THE VANITY DOLLS —in— A cycle of Song, Dance and music featuring Mildred and Alice Ray and the Muriel Sisters W E L C H <& M E A L Y “ In the Land of Laughter’’ B E R G E N <& CO. The voice illusionist Artistic Ventriloquism “ T h e O p e r a tio n * “ H U R I O ” “ AS in the Days of Rome" C A R M E N & ROSE —in— Mirth. Melody and Steps vslopm ent program haa been given tc )n w hlch contracts have expired. j u| y 23 1925. the K lam ath Irrigation d istrict. ; Er(ectlTe S eptem ber 1 local ra te To George E M orrell, of Eugene. Other A large sliver tuna fl.h taken in a harKe8 on , rnnacon t.n«ntal shipm ents 'notified th at Hugh gill net In YB'lu ln ai b“21,biy lestlned to branch lines in Oregon w Robinson, who gives Motor Route I kins createn considerable com m ent reduced from 20 to 25 p er ¡« a ” Box 71. Eugene. Oregon, as h is i —— —- ' among fisherm en and sportsm en. It •ent. the Oregon-W ashington Railroad post office address, did on July 13. ( fc N avigation com pany has advised th e : 19?5, ft e In this office his duly c o r being tho flrBt ev er caught there. . , 1». o v,»* Tobornt 4 application to contest an i Increase In population, new build­ public service com m ission In a n«w pHrp (..|n(.„,Iatlnn of your hom e. ing and n atu ral developm ent of home tariff schedule. The reduction is ap R(pnd en try No 012R48. Serial No and business properly during th e last pllcable to points oa the Bend, Con- 012548 m ade May 14. 1920. for lot 3 of year has added about 315.000,000 to Jon Pilot Rock. H eppner, Shaniko an d j Sec. 7. T ow nshin 17 S. Range 3 W . In sen h b ranches I W illam and ns t|)a grounds th e assessed valuation of Multnomah leaeph branches. h u ette. M ertd'an. hp t Ra(d county property. A lighted clgaret throw n to th e OeorRe E M orre]| „ever established The portion of th e W illam ette Val lu sty road in th e «own of S isters re- big residence on said land; th a t he ley Southern line betw een Yoder and suited In a w arrant being issued for never resided upon, cultivated or Itn- 'M o u n t Angel waa opened up again ’ the a rre st of Fred Schira, charged proved said land in any m a n n e r or after being under an e m b a * o since) with throw ing lighted m aterial on a a ^ ndP“^d „ „ ¡ ^ ^ '( 1 : JhaV’ t’h e ’entry1 Features, Too Money Should Grow—Net Go July 26. due to th e dangerous condl- public highway In D eschutes county. I lion of bridges. The w arran t was Issued under the The public service comm ission has law passed al the last session of the | issued an order g ranting Penlli!,8h,n ! k' R,8' a,U" ' X \ X e d ’ in to th e state highw ay d ep artm en t t o ! tneanor to throw lighted niaterl n , elim inate two grade crossnlgs over the public property. track s of th e Southern Pacific com Eight lum ber and logging ow ners pany n ear Moon. Benton county. and operators of K lam ath Falls have addressed a signed statem en t to the The shipping of th e 1925 crop of prunes h«s s ta rte d in Milton-Free* in te rsta te com m erie lom m fsslon »t w ater d istrict of U m atilla county and I W ashington. D. („ approving °»« pro- -in u n til t h c c r o n Is cleaned l’ORod «»‘«lislons of the Oregon, ta ll- will continue until ih i *rop Is cleaned Kltah,rn ra ,lway Bnd stand- s ............ , r s » - S m an.R a b„ence from the land was not due to em,n|oytinei|t In, ’th e Army. Navy, or M arine Corps of the U nited - a m a n * m arin.’ ’/n n tlo n a i guardsm an: n,Pn,be r of any o th er organisation for 0({ense o r defense authorized by p onirP8i< during any w ar In which th* U nited Slades m ay he engaged, or mav have been engaged You are.t therefore, fu rth e r notified (h(, aa|d allegations will he taken ag confe8lwd, and your said entry'W ill bp cancelled w ithout fu rth er r'g h t to he heard, rlth e r before th'« office or . T old child w ere killed, mid Jess Wll (rom Bend tQ K lam u)h p ails. , jonth specifically resounding to these lard Stnrkey, 10 y ears of age, suffer-j jroiiowing negotiations betw een allegations of contest, together with ed serious Injuries ns tho result of an (ohn (} Helm rtchi president of the due proof th a t you have served a copv autonwbUe accident on the Pacific ... „. „ „ ft Lum ber company, of yonr answ er on th e said contestant h,g„wa>, nine tnUes south of Sa.em . ) “ roriTy o m r i J 7 P o r t i a « ^ ; » <„"h . V y ^ w ^ 'e The county court for Morrow coun-! pagt weeg, erection of a mill w ith ' npnle of the post office to which you ly, taking action on a petition present- 150.000 feet dally capacity In The desire fu tu re notices to he sen t to e