The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 13, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Community News
By Special
C orrespondante
W hat of tho Proposed S h ift of I >4tl a tln g rail llnea with the moat m lnals and shops.
tho Shops and T erm inals ‘ ' '>nom*c tran sp o rtatio n for the reg-
2 —Eugene will con ntue to be tho
Location from Springfield to “ ’n
c0,"‘ Bul 004 Alull«hl’r majr m“ ’n ,ln" ,or aH Or,«on ,rafflt mo'"
.not have Intended Eugene to bog th e tag north amt »outh and east and
! west.
Least coat In time, wear and
A ugust 11, 1926
"T he taxpayer, w»g<- ea rn e r and power, controlled by geographical fao-
I E ditor Kprlngfield News,
home b u ild er'’ would with Ibe sh o re tore, norm ally determ ines tran sp o rts-
Hprlngflrld, Or«.
A ,0,**et
,0 by th * 8outhero and term in als placed to ag g ravate the tion row ings amt not popular clam or.
1 Dear Sir:
I Pacific Officials May Vet Be Thor- ) a |r . ady congested traffic have la m e
3 -The Initial outlay of »1.500.000
ooghly Vicious If G ranted as a
. In lu«t we< k'a |s»ue o ' tho News,
dlately the new burdens of providing In Eugene tor shop and term inal» pur-
Perry Prtr© itiotnrofl down from Mr*
At u m eeting of the board of dlror-
Sep to a Gang Hostile with
Mr Perry, a form er m ayor of fh »
very costly overhead via duets a t t h e , poses would be at the co st of all of
K*nz. « Itrl*>< Tm K'luy to
n dor* or i f t ’aton high school No. 1 livid
"Common U ser” D emands
city, delivered him self of a very un­
north approach to Eugene.
i E ugene's p resent advantages as a
tor. II- ru t IU m writ n u t Infection lu i/ 1 Will Ilio K ’ lnny of |)«X((>r wan
just ir l t l i l m nt the prosoot Im uni-
residence and tourist rer.ter. The city
had r< t In
a« d irecto r in rill the vselmey
ib en ta of Hi» city office^ exp d a lly
The ptopla of Engi ne can n o t g f . n o t "everybody" but only the would become the synonym for a bed-
Paul Hobluy ban purchftfttd uu O v r- • l>> di., résig n atio n of Albia
alo n e tb» Uno of o rd in an ces govern- ford to b e com e a parly to It. Being * »pl»Hcrs or gle.iners of profits oa lam for no'se, fume» and traffic con-
Inttd *lx io ' i I i i i i
Cleon of Ed»nval». H ev-ral Im prove­ )-*
Ing tin- operation of autom obili
, fu«ioa.
unw orthy It would forever be a blot new real e sta te investm ents.
Herb« rt T aylor from
Ku<««nd In m en t’ 'o r tb" b <h school w»ro d »
this city. He spoke of to u r'sts from
The bonds voted will m ean th a t a
4 and 5.—T h e additional shops and
.r n tbc fair nam e of th eir city. Being
bo u <1 in K with Prunk ( ‘¿»rrpboll u n i co«». I. Chief am ong lb»ni w as thn
i aw ay down In south« rn C alifornia, lunw i . a i ibe following analysis cf Bro“ t M ,t “ n«t ■»«’ < belt through Eu- term inala population would virtually
working o i thn tb <*« llllK rui b lie,
building of u ii< v auto sh <1 wllors
ti lling of the rep u tatio n of th L tow n, ih» inguini .ta urged for the approval k- no w II to- blighted because ot the be as much a p art of Eugene with
?.t.ii'K,»r« i I'.iiiijilii ll, who b»i' tiu'cni» cun park thulr care during
and how ull m otorist« were u d v lsei ju f it d iie .i th e dest ny of E ugene ro*r “ nd plu“«* of • » » A l volume of th e ir location hi Springfield,
bet n In Rugi-lte for »t-vtral w-t-ki
ito side step wli-n arriv in g lu thl 1 iw ould be forever blighted.
‘sw itching traffic unnecessarily dl-
s.—W ith m ost expensive viaducts
E II T in k er and d aughter,
lurnm l In in" W v ’needay »ventai
1 vlcln ty. I wfll ark Mr. P erry to cite I Ft Hewing the line of argum ent of
acro ss the city ; and the city to build im m ediately tax rates would
H ubert Gray. who b i t
b»»n fn littiinlt* J atm», went iti N ew port Frl
ono Instance In th e last th ree m onth« 1 the publicity ag en t:
a» a whole with Its din and fum es hardly be lew er.
Kbini.tlh I-all , for th, pagi frw week , luV w h ir» they will spend a w c k
or longer, w here a C alifornia car h m i T. . Interests of a city and the and ugliness will be forever shunned
7 ._ T h e payroll would not be far
»'or fen day».
hu» r n tu rt» « ) b o ta r
In 1 n tagged for any » dense wha * region it serves are on». T he city by the to u rist and the seek er of a enough aw ay to p revent Eugene as
Mr mnl Mr» r , »tik Ofay and Iwu
Th ' stx-lal g,v»n by ib e C hristian
ev er
tic Speak» of
ui f 1 ,v,
ol a»-w.v*«k«vM,:
legislation.* lpMl4 ((j #(je th a t
ra!| roa(j plans pleasant and beautiful home city.
the co m m erçai and financial center
t l i l i i l r e i i f r i n ii K l. ’ i n . i l l i Fall» «peal F u ' Itvor euflety a w«ek ago w i t
and steel roofing to protect from I lor th at region a re such as to Involve' T aking now "Ibe reasons" of the Of the region p ro d ttlrg fully from It.
lu tti w e l t v h l t t a « r e la tiv » » l i t t e
m eteors, etc. Mr, P erry was m ayor lesat tost for th e service of tran sp o r , E ugene citixens' com m ittee of one
8, 9 and 10.— A region th a t la wholly
Mr uml Mr», W right front Wash many w are orculed In thresh in g . The
Ituni H ion lo UHO Th» that officlul tetlo n ; to see th at railw ay stru ctu re« ‘ hundred":
a natural unit ran prosper only and
Ingfon ar<< vloUltig Mr». W right'» par
ntS In the line of city o d in a n te i an d operations avoid all unenecessary ‘ 1- In the most I NST; II ABLE lo- m ost as it Is built up naturally and
n lirn c l't.n of lb» even ng »ntl caused
«ut», Mr, a ltti Mr» A II M athews
under his ad m in istratio n was to save nuisances of nolst. fum es and dangers j ‘'»I'o» w hich the Southern Pacific w as | organically w ith ea-h featu re w here
Mt. I’.ninlilii and Ml»» Bianche llttg' , much fun as well us n ettin g a neat
th.. c ty from a th re a te n e d m eteoric a t gTade cross tags. T he proposed j coerced to agree to It CANNOT con- | t belongs. W ith th is upper W lllam-
gntt frutti Eng n r «peut Huntlay a! i aunt for th e aoclttv,
-liow er by passing ordinance No. 96. term lnil» and shop location could n o 'itln u e perm anently, as com petitor gjra-iette valley constituted as it 1» «hops
('. F. H yde lu o lo ro l to Newport
John Etimi« ton's.
An ordinance to p ro h ib it chicken« tie more d'nholically planned 'h im It terns like the H ill lines w ith m ore nor- a cd term nals located northw est of
Mr a n ti. Mr» Fred Hj »n» r from r
from running at lurgt In th e town of Is for cnUHltig a maximum of all these mat routings will compel the 8. P. Eugene would be not unlike attach-
Hpr'ngrh lJ w ere tulli'd in Tlturs'.nn * tilin g a couple of week» at New-
Springfield, and to provide a penalty ,,|PP, | , h(,,
B c ity.
to resum e It» original plans of direct ln * lhe stom ach to the crow n of tho
Bentley ovet lug
for th e violation th ereo f
j T h „ proJt.ct of establishing thc
t« Uni ami «urf btitlilng u n i rock
Several fam ilies from T h u r-tim
Ine art! suitable location for ter- head.
The danger m ust tmve been con
m t-iflc shops and term inals
s|.»nt H un’.ny plenlcItiiiK at Myer’g
Mr and Mr», M E Hay a re gpend-
ordluancu No. »7 w as ul o d rafted — , ty « to blaiat all the b«‘Ht prosper
Ha y» I Rd mis n retu rn ed Kundny *ng n few w e ek s nt A shland visiting
no ordinance to prohlb t dogs from (or E ugene's future. Its realization
from MrKrtiglt w h .rr sh e spent th e Mr« Have' re lu ’lves
' WOHld violate every principle of city
E arly ap p U » ure b etas h arv ested running at large.
past w eek a» a gu»»l of M ildred i'ricr
A little la te r an o th er
m -:eorlc p a n n in g and building.
Hr. Itetiliun wn» called Monday to »• P leasant Hill ant) soon the b u rtlctt
» to w er th reaten ed and ordinance N o .1 ,, j,, s|]|y to speak of Eugene's b e
SOS P It E dm lslon wh ha« b e en III p e u rs w ill be picked.
1)0 appeared to save the people— a a !n(c side-tracked through th e carrying
(or som» ttm
to pro h ib it SPITTIN G
„( the fully considered plans of
K< tels from have »urcha»««! th e T u n n 's o n ra n c h rdinance
Mr» B ru tta ta a n d M
I ,j,p so u th ern Pacific. Eugene has six
tiprtagfletd wer te lle r s in T hurston a n ! moved on with th eir five cblluion
My gw»h! hut th e poor people had
_____ ______ _________________
Tu< « d a y u fle rn o o n .
I»«’ week
Mr, Munsen save he was to be saved. Again the dogs ha d to j
Wort! « a s received h ere by fr'eitds attra c te d to P leasant
H ill by th •
lie looked a fte r as evidently some
B aturdav gfternooc of the d eath of n rr-e n re of a union high school, nnd
trav eler from C alifornia ha<< to 1«
Miss Alla Joos at the (looI S am aritan th e possibilities Ples»nnt llllt o f l.r i
proter-ted, o r he m ight sidestep the
hospital In Portland
She was aged ta tbc poultry farm ing
town, and ord in an ce No. 113 cam e
IN y ears and was th e only d au g h ter » -o u n l m aking frien d s Tuesday,
Into being a« sn am endm ent to th e
of P J Jon» whom she P a v e s to ting a line on crops, breeds, etc.
m ourn h er loss besides a host of
Andy Olson has recen tly ru-«lin«etl form er DOG o rdinance, and a prt»
vision was added which excused tra n ­
friend < end relativ es She had m ade the ranch of Miss B erth s Manning,
sie n ts' dogs from coming under the
h er hom e with Mrs M argaret Camp-
Miss L ottie B enshadler of Eug no
ordinance. Again som e fool council
bell for the past th ree years until la»« m otor route A, leec h er st th - union
C hristm as when she left for Portland h'gh school, was at Pleasant Hill Frl- had m a le an o rdinance, reg u lating
the num ber of cattle and sheep th at
She had been ill for several w eeks day The date for the opening of th "
m ight be driven through the tow n r.
The funeral aervlcee were held In high school haa^heen act for Septem-
Gone are the days when check-suited sharp­
P ortland Sunday m orning at 10 o'clock her I t
Public 'school opens V p te m one hunch, and ordinance No. 116
cam e Into being to «how th a t th e day
gold bricks—as gold bricks—at bar­
at Mlll»r A T racy u n d ertak in g p a r-, h er 28.
gain prices. Today these sharpers operate along
, Manv resid en ts of P leasan t H ill of FOOL legIslaGon had passed. O r­
newer and more subtle lines.
' have gone to th e bean or hop fields d in an ce No 125. prohibiting th e rid­
• • v
e e e e e e
for a few weeks. Among them «re ing of bicycles on Second stre e t, from
When you are asked to buy stock—make
• Mrs. Em ery and chlloren, Mrs F aust D stre e t north to South C street.
investment or "take a flyer” in some endeavor.
F u rth e r citatio n s are
«ml eon Glen, the M!ss«a W tnfrey But I refrain
If you have bank connections—and will go to
* .Mr. and Mrs R J English and daugh- not necessary. It m 'g h t be of In ter­
your banker, he will quickly tell you whether the
est to Mr P erry to knew th at we took
_ I ter, M argaret.
H. A. P ayne'a grocery store Is
project is worthy or not.
In the AW FUL sum of 821 00 Inst
Ing pn'nted Inside and out.
m onth In fines. T he SH O PL IFT E R S
Buy W illo w s A p a rtm e n ts
Many have learned the art of saving. Few
O rury and son a n p reparing to
and M rs. W . A
W em enw ay acro ss the river, according to the
learned how to protect those savings This
rep air hie store.
have purchased th e W illows apart- m orning paper, to ik In 162.00 Ju»»
bank specializes in service to its patrons which
Profeaaor Mountain la having a
m ent house on ihiuth Second street a fter b reak fast Monday m orning, and
is aimed to safeguard savings at every turn.
m odern u p to -d ete house built.
from Mr. and Mra. I). 8. Jordan, and $16 00 of th at w as for parking w ith­
The s tre e ts of C oburg a re being
We make no charge for such service.
will move th ere from C ottage G rove ( ou t lights W hat a rep they m ust bo
graded end graveled.
Septem ber 1. Mr and Mrs. Jordan g ettin g In California.
live at Raymond. W ashington. Mrs. | All people are a little bit queer hut
Now a rriv als at th e Novelty Store H em enw ay Is principal of the grade m e and thee, and I som etim es th ink
thou a re a little bit queer.
la d le s ' Silk H oa'ery of th e latest schools here.
R. W. S M ITH ,
shades and of quality, The price Is
City Recorder.
Go to B «lknsp—Mr. and Mrs. N. H
Signor and fam ily and W E R o g e rs’
spent Sunday al B elknap springs Mr. I Go on Plcnle— Mr. and Mrs. E. R
M o to r to
B e llfo u n ta in — M r. and
Mrs. M M Male and d au g h ter Orace, R ogers I» v lslt'n g hese from Okia E ndicott and Mr. and Mrs. Arthu-
nnd Mrs. C lara Male and daughters. horna City. Thia visit mark« th e first Hays and fam ilies of Eugene and Mr.
Lois and Lucille, m otored to Bell­ tim e he has seen his sister. Mrs. sm l Mrs. H. E. Maxey ai d son Bruci
fountain Sunday to a tten d a reunion Signor, for forty-five y ears
of Springfield sp en t Sunday at Rtver- [A ,jr6 c* € T ts;'
stde park on a p riv ate picnic. They
of the S ta rr family.
Sport dress o f Pytchley suit-
Goes to low s— Miss Nora Fredrick« repot! a good tim e with the exe-ptlon
ing in Indianist design—as show-n
son will leave Friday for a visit In that som eone "ap p ro p riated " theii
at the American Fabric, F ür and
Fashion show.
N orthwood. Iowa. She expects to bo w aterm elon.
gone two m onths.
i f Isn’t Being Dene!
First National Bank
R eturns to P ortland — Mrs. Flo
Ita nliolt retu ren d to h er hom e in
P ortland S atu rd ay a fte r »pen ting tw o ’
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T a y -1
Home from Visit— Miss Mary Elisa-1
belli W hitney retu rn ed to h er h o n e
today a fte r th ree w eeks spent w ith!
relativ es at S utherlin. Miss W hitney
was ueeoinpnnled by her cousin Miss
Edith N orton, who will spend sev­
eral days here.
Here from Fall C reek—It .W. Calll-
son of Fall Crcelt was n Sprlngtleld
business v isito r W ednesday.
Takea Bank Posltion — Miss V er­
nila M orrlfon ha» ta k e n n posltion In
Ihe Com m ercial S talo batik.
Here frem T hurston — Dun Baugh !
of T hurston was In town W ednesday,!
Injures Hand w ith Ax— Mrs. D. E. ’
lllalr cut the buck of h er loft lian I (
with an nx Wedn, stliiy m ottling while ,
ehoplpng wood n t h er hom e on (I
street betw een Second nnd T h 'r l. The
cu t went ns deep ns the bones, al­
though none of them w ere fractured.
Eliznbeth Ryan of London, Eng-
llsh champion, threatens the na­
tional crown worn by our youth­
fu l Helen Wills. Miss Ryan,
form erly lived In Cnlifornifi. She
defeated Misa W ills in special
play Inst week in straight sets
fi-2, 6-0. Both are now working
up toward the annual tourney.
Here from R ainier— Mr. ami Mrs.
C iahntn W hldden mid tw o children
I stopped Monday nt the home of Mr
! and Mrs. O derklrk for a «hort vini»
, before going on to Coqu'lle. T heir
t borni’ Is at R ainier, W ashington. Mrs.
‘W hldden Is n si tor ot Mr. O derklrk.
It A lw ays Pays
T o T rade at G ray’s
If you are looking for a place to trade where you
can be assured of right prices, quality goods and courteous
treatment, Grays is the place.
You are safe in trading here and you can be assured
of right prices.
Just out ofz the car, Angelina Watermelons, sure
Salmon, ' . lb. cans ...........
Large Bottle C atsup...................
Peter Pan Hand Soap, 6 for...............
25 C
Peaches, large size for (able use......
Apricots, large size for table use.......
You can’t put them up yourself this cheap- buy a case.
Before buiyng!
See us now for
Canning Peaches
We can supply you with every needed canning article
Printing o f the better kind"
if we should say the young man above was
hurrying to get a copy of the last issue of the
Springfield News no one would believe us.
Well—we admit that he isn’t—but we do say
that it is an attractive ar.d interesting illustra­
tion which gives life to this display.
It is picked at random from the Springfield
News’ big advertising service—and shows the
wide selection available to advertisers—no mat"
ter what they want to sell. We furnish pictures,
copy and advertising suggestions which help to
get immediate results. We ask no extra charge.
For use in printing of all kinds too—in the
Sprigfield News, on bills, letter heads, blotters,
booklets, circulars, etc,, etc. etc.
At Our Office— or— We Will Call
TAe Willamette Press