TIIVR HDAY, AUGUST 13. 1925 T H E SPRINGFIELD N ÍW 1 R ts ld .n t Hsrs — A m u H ara from R aaarve— Mr. .mil Mra. Baker (If W ill burry visit, d Hpr lligllda L. H W infrey wot« m town trunduy from llaat rve. F ilday. Uncle Jahn Lowell Baby Born— Mr Mini M r' Oo Up McKsnzIs— Mr. and Mr« «0 Jam es W O'Connor of luiwoll aro tin II T u rn e r spent th e w .e k e n d «1 Me paraula of u baby duugliter born T u c i K v u al. Bridge. day morning. V isiting from L tab urg — W. ('ru fl 1« visiting In Eugene K prlugfldd from l.cuhurg H. anil Many This Week’s Crossword Puzzle TOWN AND VICINITY W in b srry PAGE THREW T akin g Vacation— Ml«« Anno W hile the bathin’ suits this season is creatin' quite a stir, bein’ narrower and thinner— Ilk«, an' shorter than they were; the fashion-maker« tell u i they're runnin’ true to form, tho there’* nothin' much about ’em that would keep a person warm. M y little niece is freckled some— but Lordy she’» a peach, — she's the finest gal I reckon, on our local bathin’ beach! Though she does no expert swimmin’ she’s a powtrful hand to splash,— I ’ve «aw her rush the under-tow an’ bu«t it all to smash. 1 priced a suit the other day, at Blazer’s Backet Store— where they handlts nearly everything— and bathin’ suits galore! But my figger’s short an’ pudgy, though my eu.-ves is fairly cute, I reckon I ’d be blushin’ i f I wore a bathin’ suit! An’ they may be mighty classy as the fashion-folks de­ clare— I never lilted a coverin' that I didn't knew wn ■ there! Bid wt* I 1» Inking h er vacation from her position with thu Kat« 1« drug «loro W la tsrv ill. Man In.— Ilu rry T hlanes Mra. Ivan Malo la Inking b ar place of W ultervllle waa a Hprlngfield bust- during h«r uh«ence. n»aa visitor Friday. W lfa of F orm er Resident III M r* Oo A liar B .rrls a —F ari Olson E (I 1 Lowall Sikaa of Itex ter 1« seriously III I W right p ic k 'd ,n t th e Pacific C hristian hoapltal, Mr | Kulliin and H urry blarkbvrrlna up ih Mi Konala Hun Kiln « was a f> rotor Hprlngfield re»| J day. dont. Cot.p a t to Wed M arriage llsearea have been Issued during the past weak to the following by the county c e rk : A rthur Ingw aid Bosand, B rem erton, and E thel Buh- llnger, E ugene; G rant Yates and Mild­ red Wllklson, both of E lm ira; A lbert Benton Downey, Siletz, and M arie Russell. E ugene; Oeorge W illiam M > Collum and Ellen O race Finley, both of D rain, and W illiam H. R ussell a.»d T heresa A. Jacobs, both of Eugene. Thia t ro«» word puzzle w«» -irrth at you will like It—and we a re «n Form er M inister #111 Speak—Rev Spend Sunday on W illam ette— Mr and Mr» l t d " gli M orris spent Sun­ T, I). Y aroes, form er |a « to r of the ranged by William Dowiile. Ha hopesre you will. We will adm it, though, day Itililng on the W illam ette near Springfield M ethodist church and now th at you ure going to have a little more trouble with this one than at K lam ath Fiala will preu rh the Suu with ho ,no of th e eaa or one» we have been sending you. We are not Kula. • Fay evening o r vice h ere Mr. Y arnei generous when w. give you Just tw enty minute» for thl» one. Union Man Plcnle—Farm er» Cnlon 1« mi In stru cto r at Hie Epworth league! H orizontal Vertical director«. ii’ip liv « and tholr friend« in atllu te at C ottage Urove thia w e a k ., L Legal science. 1. A cone bearing tree. IF Y O U R S H O E S O L E •pant Sunday al b • Jacoby park cn 4. D ark u.,. 2. N icknam e of a 'arnous president, j IS L O O S E In from Camp Creek — L eonard 9. A vegetable, Full crook p tch lri.il g 3. Lotigl gged wading bird. Steven« spent Sunday In SprlngflaV* i-. .Make u»hum> d. 4 A pa »»age for light or air. Takaa Pet ition In Store — Vlio-nt from hl* home In Camp Crack or heel worn down, or any part 13 N' gatlve. «. S p it Q lB Isfle li. » taken a position u" clerk of the upper torn or worn, I can 14 'io a iiu m u la ie and -ate. 7. Conjunction. Frrvn W altervllle— Mr« F ain Pol In tlm Springfield F arm ers t'n lo n fix it up so you cannot tell it Iß. A ( dor. 8. The coast. Icy of W ultervllle wu« In Hprlngfl« »tore. from a new one- I am thor­ 16. Similar. I 9. Analyze. S aturday. oughly skilled in both simple ! 10. B 'forc. R e t u r n » to Cnfa— M l» « l i n t «1 O r r 13. 'lu w cid . and complicated shoe repairing. Oo to S.ilem— Mr. and Mr« W II 19. N ame uf an autom obile. h a « r r i u i i i i i l b a r p o s h Io n a t th o H o n 111. To worship. All work quickly done and at Tun cafe. a fte r a vacation of t vo Adrian drove to Snlrni T u tsd ay even Id. R elating or belonging j to th e ' 17. A father. very moderate prices. Ing. retu rn in g to th eir Jiotne here ¡18. Diplomacy. weeks. elves. Wi dnesday. • ¡21. The back of the neck. 22. H lorebuure, for day. etc. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP From Camp C rt»k Monday— Albert Dr. S. Ralph Dtppcl. D '-ntlst, Vitus | 1 os To butt, as with the head «4. Pitil.oun l- aiul .i i-oa». j».ve. Simmon» and S I Davl« of Camp V l.lta from Oregon City— Hom ’•r I. Main St. Between 3rd & 4th ¡ building, S pringf’fld. Oregon. k>U. T „ m tarepreaeut wllluily th" 31 C o rro -lv ;. Crook wor«. S p rin g h ill b u » ln i»« vial-, Jone« of Or» gon City vl«lt»-d her«» 26 Old barons of Ja [a n . d eral gov- are constantly being pho- convention of the 2nd Oregon volun d istric ts both e a st and west of the ern m en t alone has m ore than 1000 940-346 W IL L A M E T T E ST. E U G E N E , OREGON t graphed upon the brain. leer» held «’ t.au rn lh u rsl pnrk lu ('«»code m ounta'n« last week w ere men on the fire lin e , In northern But the pictures made by ■ HEM BSHm En Portlund Hundny. responsible for h u n d red s of calls for W ashington. Idaho and M ontana, ac­ me« to fight the name» and the««, cording to D. S. Olson, U nited S tates B reaks Leg In Fall— Betty, four- A KODAK coufled with peak d nmand for labor forestry emoloy-uent agent litre, y -n r obl dntigbter of O. F Andereon, from ag ricu ltu ral and co n stru ct on T here Is »cnrrely any experience') will enable you to keep a fractured lier b g Fr Ida y m ornlng sources, e re giving te m ro ra ry Job« wood» help to fill Jobs being offered permanent record of the when «lie fell flotti the porcll of ber to all men seeking work, according daily. The railroad shot»» at H illyard bright scenes in life. home. to the 4-1. em polyinent le tte r Issued a re em ploying Hhout one thousand The; cost of an outfit is R cpsiilng R ock—Itep slr w rk on h ere todav The fits have g rratl» men and III - car rep air d epartm ent small and nothing you can the piles under th e d o ck , at tb s b am p tred legging o perations, th e let 1« w orking on a six-day week for 'b e buy will give greater and We deliver Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Booth KellV mill 1« being done by 11,e tw " n<1 , » 11“ f°r loggers h a v - first tim e In t to year«. Calls .'or more lasting pleasure. Keep Cool— Phone 80 workm en this week. , been few. lh arv est help from th e Colfax d is tric t R eports from the various 4 L office« have fallen off but rep o rts trom the Your vacation w ill not be N urse Has V acation — Miss P a r a w„re „» follows Palouse country Indicate a shortage complete w ithout a W yse. nurse m the office of Dr. W. C j M arshfield—T h ere Is little uneln of thia kind of help. KODAK B ehhan. I* now on h er sum m er va rlo y m en t In the Coos bay d is tr ic t HOLVERSON BROS. ra tio n . Miss Dorothy G irard I* lak- Saw inllsl a re o perating at usual ca- Sends Books to Lib rary 505 Main S treet Phone 80 Prices to Ing her place nt the office. p u rity for th is I'm » of yenr hut log- , Buying Right —and Knowing It. M em ory’s Pictures Fade SANITARY MARKET S2 $50 v isitin g from Los A ngelre — Mr. *1"* *" no‘ ■c,lv e Thc Co°* v ” Mrs. Fred W aters, widow of th e 1st» Our Stock of Photo Sup­ and Mrs J. E Fear and d au g h ter ne<,r <'onlP«’” r “ n ,Kht shift Fred W ater», nn atto rn e y of Salem . plies includes all of the Selm a are visiting this week from * e*k ' F '»'ng « n p lo y m en t to m c e h ss sent two boxes of book» to the latest things Ih e 'r home la Loa Angeles. During U,Bn 100 m,>n wom' n ««Ty lib rary which will be ready for t h 'l r stay here they are guests of Portland— T h ere w ere p lenty of circulation Im mediately. If you wish to take snap­ Mrs. l.lda McGowan and Mrs. H enry 0,1 ,,o r,*n n 'l em ploym ent hoards | Mr. W aters hns made many dona- last week for all men who w anted Ilona to th e locn| library. The co) shots without the worry of Korf. 'w ork. Fire fighting Jobs have been lection Includes novels, h ’sto rles Finishig and Developing— H as V acation— W aller Gossler, ns mnnv and th>re whs not a rush of hooks of w ar nnd adventure, a 'd we'll do the work at reas­ slstnnt postm ast r. Is now having his tak ers for th ese nor for common hooks of educational Interest and ger.- onable rates. annual vacation, lie I, rep airin g bin Inhor Jobs nt saw m ills and on con eral Inform tation house on T hird and A s tre -t, whore »'ru ctio n Jobs Skilled help for a few) die and Mrc G ossler will move In a kinds of saw m ill Jobs Is senree. Due CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. E m en few w eeks. ¡1° th e usual labor turn o v er at cam ps i en pH" •« on -»tat- and o th er wore • ! th ere has been a few calls for loggers Move Her« from Dakota— Mr. nnd dnlly. HOP PICKERS BOOKS PRINTED Mrs. W enzel Somerad and fam ily 1 C en tralia—T h ere whs som e dilfi AND IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE who a rriv e ! here S aturday from Dick- culy here last week In supplying men DELIVERY AT T H E SPRINGFIELD Inson, N orth D akota, hnve rented it to fight the num erous fo rest fires In NEWS OFFICE. house owned by Mrs. Jen n ie Fenwick this district. O ther than those Jobs on N inth and A streets, and will m ake th ere was little dem and for labor, th e ir hom e here. A berdeen.H oquiam —Labor turnove* nt eam ps nn i saw m ills was very low Stop at Hotel H sre— Mrs. W. L. Inst week. Due to fire hazard logging H arrin g to n of P rosser, W ashing! >n. has been som ew hat c u rtailed and L. Il D eringer of Junction City. C, •¡th e re Is n sm all surplus of loggers In W. B radshaw of P ortland und Rsv lA b erd etn and Hoquiam. W allace of Ja sp e r wore guests at the j T acom a—F orest fires In th is dis- Pictures won't let you forget those vacation memories- Hpong hotel Friday. | tried last week caused suspension of Lct your kodak save them for the years to come_ V l.'tln o St O derklrk Homs - M r.! nt *everaI c ,m P" " nd r,'quire,/ A L L S IZ E S K O D A K S AN -D F IL M S and Mrs. W. H. F o rtier and daugh- “ larK*’ numbPr ,,f M ,ra ”" n work • te r V era left Sunday fnf th e ir hotn» on the fire lines. All large sawmill« 'a re busy. In Coquille a fte r a sh o rt visit with I S eattle— Due to serious and con-1 Mr. and Mrs. W M. O derklrk. They rum e here from Pendleton whore tinned fo rest fires tn many Puget ; ; Sound d istricts lus, week, th ere has they spent th eir vacation. been but little dem and for logger«. | 4-L R aising Money — In o rd er to Many calls for fire fighters w ere re- j 7 West 7th raise money to finance the w restling (reived locally, how ever, and w ere Developing and Printing Pictures m atch nt the labor day program a t : P rom Ptly fllbd for the m ost p a rt by W endllng, the local 4-L group la so-j unemployed loggers. Almost no labor Is Our Business— Not a Side Line Belting subscriptions from Its mem- tu rn o v er took place at saw m ill opers- bers. It Ions and th ere a re p ractically no Free Mail D elivery on Septem ber 1st Get your mail b o x now We have all kinds Let “K odak” Sa Day XeJ he Baker-Button 40c, 85c, $1.10, $1.65 and $2.00 Kodak Shop V I W right & Son A V MW»